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Hayajneh, N., Suifan, T., Obeidat, B., Abuhashesh, M., Alshurideh, M & Masa’deh, R. (2021). The relationship between organizational changes and job satisfaction through the mediating role of job stress in the Jordanian telecommunication sector.Management Science Letters , 11(1), 315-326.
Abekah-Nkrumah, G., & AyimbillahAtinga, R. (2013). Exploring the link between organizational justice and job satisfac-tion and performance in Ghanaian hospitals: Do demographic factors play a mediating role? International Journal of Workplace Health Management, 6(3), 189-204.
Abuhashesh, M., Al-Dmour, R., & Masa'deh, R. (2019a). Factors that affect employees job satisfaction and performance to increase customers’ satisfactions. Journal of Human Resources Management Research, 1-23.
Abuhashesh, M., Al-Dmour, R., & Masa'deh, R. (2019b). Factors that impact job satisfaction and performance among em-ployees in the Jordanian industrial sector. Proceedings of the 32nd International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2018-Vision 2020: Sustainable Economic Development and Application of Innovation Management from Regional expansion to Global Growth, 4285-4305.
Abuhashesh, M., Al-Khasawneh, M., Al-Dmour, R., & Masa’deh, R. (2019c). The impact of Facebook on Jordanian con-sumers’ decision process in the hotel selection. IBIMA Business Review, 1-16.
Abuhashesh, M., Mohammad, S.J., & Al Khasawneh, M. (2019d). The attitude of Jordanian customers towards virtual stores. International Journal of Islamic Marketing and Branding, 4(1), 59-75.
Aburayya, A., Alshurideh, M., Albqaeen, A., Alawadhi, D., & Ayadeh, I. (2020). An investigation of factors affecting pa-tients waiting time in primary health care centers: An assessment study in Dubai. Management Science Letters, 10(6), 1265-1276.
Abu Zayyad, H. M., Obeidat, Z. M., Alshurideh, M. T., Abuhashesh, M., Maqableh, M., & Masa’deh, R. E. (2020). Corpo-rate social responsibility and patronage intentions: The mediating effect of brand credibility. Journal of Marketing Communications, 1-24.
Adigwe, I., & Oriola, J. (2015). Towards an understanding of job satisfaction as it correlates with organizational change among personnel in computer-based special libraries in Southwest Nigeria. The Electronic Library, 33(4), 773-794.
Ahmad, K.Z.B., Jasimuddin, S.M., & Kee, W.L. (2018). Organizational climate and job satisfaction: do employees’ per-sonalities matter? Management Decision, 56(2), 421-440.
Akhtar, M.N., & Rong, L.L. (2015). The impact of organizational change on job satisfaction, and intention to quit: a medi-ating role of psychological contract violation. European Scientific Journal, 11(29).
Al-Abdullat, B.M, & Dababneh, A. (2018). The mediating effect of job satisfaction on the relationship between organiza-tional culture and knowledge management in Jordanian banking companies. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 25(2), 517-544.
Al-Bilbiese, M.E., & Al-Nomimi, M. (2017). The impact of internal service quality on organizational innovation examin-ing the mediating role of organizational commitment: An empirical study in the foreign banks in Jordan. International Journal of Business and Management, 12(12)., 135-143.
Al Kurdi, B., Alshurideh, M., & Alnaser, A. (2020a). The impact of employee satisfaction on customer satisfaction: Theo-retical and empirical underpinning. Management Science Letters, 10(15), 3561-3570.
Al Kurdi, B., Alshurideh, M., & Salloum, S. A. (2020b). Investigating a theoretical framework for e-learning technology acceptance. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 10(6), 6484-6496.
Alzoubi, H., Alshurideh, M., Kurdi, B., & Inairat, M. (2020). Do perceived service value, quality, price fairness and ser-vice recovery shape customer satisfaction and delight? A practical study in the service telecommunication context. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 8(3), 579-588.
Aldaas, A., Mohammad, S., & Abuhashesh, M. (2019). Successful implementation of corporate governance mechanisms in banks. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&RJ-JSS), 8(4), 692-710.
Allisey, A.F., Noblet, A.J., Lamontagne, A.D., & Houdmont, J. (2014). Testing a model of officer intentions to quit: the mediating effects of job stress and job satisfaction. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 41(6), 751-771.
Al-Nuaimi, M. (2013). Applied Statistics. Jordan: Dar Wael for Publishing and Distribution.
Alshraideh, A., Al-Lozi, M., & Alshurideh, M. T. (2017). The impact of training strategy on organizational loyalty via the mediating variables of organizational satisfaction and organizational performance: An empirical study on Jordanian agricultural credit corporation staff. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&RJ-JSS), 6(2), 383-394.
Alshurideh, M. (2010). Customer Service Retention–A Behavioural Perspective of the UK Mobile Market (Doctoral dis-sertation, Durham University).
Alshurideh, M. (2014). The factors predicting students' satisfaction with universities' healthcare clinics' services: A case-study from the Jordanian higher education sector. Dirasat: Administrative Sciences, 161(1524), 1-36.
Alshurideh, M. T. (2014). Do we care about what we buy or eat? A practical study of the healthy foods eaten by Jordanian youth. International Journal of Business and Management, 9(4), 65-75.
Alshurideh, D. M. (2019). Do electronic loyalty programs still drive customer choice and repeat purchase behav-iour?. International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management, 12(1), 40-57.
Alshurideh, M., Al Kurdi, B., & Salloum, S. A. (2019). Examining the main mobile learning system drivers’ effects: A mix empirical examination of both the Expectation-Confirmation Model (ECM) and the Technology Acceptance Mod-el (TAM). In International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics (pp. 406-417). Springer, Cham.
Al Shurideh, M., Alsharari, N. M., & Al Kurdi, B. (2019). Supply chain integration and customer relationship manage-ment in the airline logistics. Theoretical Economics Letters, 9(02), 392-414.
Alshurideh, M., Gasaymeh, A., Ahmed, G., Alzoubi, H., & Kurd, B. (2020). Loyalty program effectiveness: Theoretical reviews and practical proofs. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 8(3), 599-612.
Alshurideh, M., Nicholson, M., & Xiao, S. (2012). The effect of previous experience on mobile subscribers’ repeat pur-chase behaviour. European Journal of Social Sciences, 30(3), 366-376.
Alshurideh, M., Salloum, S. A., Al Kurdi, B., & Al-Emran, M. (2019). Factors affecting the social networks acceptance: an empirical study using PLS-SEM approach. In Proceedings of the 2019 8th International Conference on Software and Computer Applications (pp. 414-418).
Al-Weshah, G.A., Al-Manasrah, E., & Al-Qatawneh, M. (2018). Customer relationship management systems and organi-zational performance: Quantitative evidence from the Jordanian telecommunication industry. Journal of Marketing Communications, 1-21.
Amin, M., Aldakhil, A.M., Wu, C., Rezaei, S., & Cobanoglu, C. (2017). The structural relationship between TQM, em-ployee satisfaction, and hotel performance. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(4), 1256-1278.
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Abuhashesh, M., Al-Dmour, R., & Masa'deh, R. (2019a). Factors that affect employees job satisfaction and performance to increase customers’ satisfactions. Journal of Human Resources Management Research, 1-23.
Abuhashesh, M., Al-Dmour, R., & Masa'deh, R. (2019b). Factors that impact job satisfaction and performance among em-ployees in the Jordanian industrial sector. Proceedings of the 32nd International Business Information Management Association Conference, IBIMA 2018-Vision 2020: Sustainable Economic Development and Application of Innovation Management from Regional expansion to Global Growth, 4285-4305.
Abuhashesh, M., Al-Khasawneh, M., Al-Dmour, R., & Masa’deh, R. (2019c). The impact of Facebook on Jordanian con-sumers’ decision process in the hotel selection. IBIMA Business Review, 1-16.
Abuhashesh, M., Mohammad, S.J., & Al Khasawneh, M. (2019d). The attitude of Jordanian customers towards virtual stores. International Journal of Islamic Marketing and Branding, 4(1), 59-75.
Aburayya, A., Alshurideh, M., Albqaeen, A., Alawadhi, D., & Ayadeh, I. (2020). An investigation of factors affecting pa-tients waiting time in primary health care centers: An assessment study in Dubai. Management Science Letters, 10(6), 1265-1276.
Abu Zayyad, H. M., Obeidat, Z. M., Alshurideh, M. T., Abuhashesh, M., Maqableh, M., & Masa’deh, R. E. (2020). Corpo-rate social responsibility and patronage intentions: The mediating effect of brand credibility. Journal of Marketing Communications, 1-24.
Adigwe, I., & Oriola, J. (2015). Towards an understanding of job satisfaction as it correlates with organizational change among personnel in computer-based special libraries in Southwest Nigeria. The Electronic Library, 33(4), 773-794.
Ahmad, K.Z.B., Jasimuddin, S.M., & Kee, W.L. (2018). Organizational climate and job satisfaction: do employees’ per-sonalities matter? Management Decision, 56(2), 421-440.
Akhtar, M.N., & Rong, L.L. (2015). The impact of organizational change on job satisfaction, and intention to quit: a medi-ating role of psychological contract violation. European Scientific Journal, 11(29).
Al-Abdullat, B.M, & Dababneh, A. (2018). The mediating effect of job satisfaction on the relationship between organiza-tional culture and knowledge management in Jordanian banking companies. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 25(2), 517-544.
Al-Bilbiese, M.E., & Al-Nomimi, M. (2017). The impact of internal service quality on organizational innovation examin-ing the mediating role of organizational commitment: An empirical study in the foreign banks in Jordan. International Journal of Business and Management, 12(12)., 135-143.
Al Kurdi, B., Alshurideh, M., & Alnaser, A. (2020a). The impact of employee satisfaction on customer satisfaction: Theo-retical and empirical underpinning. Management Science Letters, 10(15), 3561-3570.
Al Kurdi, B., Alshurideh, M., & Salloum, S. A. (2020b). Investigating a theoretical framework for e-learning technology acceptance. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), 10(6), 6484-6496.
Alzoubi, H., Alshurideh, M., Kurdi, B., & Inairat, M. (2020). Do perceived service value, quality, price fairness and ser-vice recovery shape customer satisfaction and delight? A practical study in the service telecommunication context. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 8(3), 579-588.
Aldaas, A., Mohammad, S., & Abuhashesh, M. (2019). Successful implementation of corporate governance mechanisms in banks. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&RJ-JSS), 8(4), 692-710.
Allisey, A.F., Noblet, A.J., Lamontagne, A.D., & Houdmont, J. (2014). Testing a model of officer intentions to quit: the mediating effects of job stress and job satisfaction. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 41(6), 751-771.
Al-Nuaimi, M. (2013). Applied Statistics. Jordan: Dar Wael for Publishing and Distribution.
Alshraideh, A., Al-Lozi, M., & Alshurideh, M. T. (2017). The impact of training strategy on organizational loyalty via the mediating variables of organizational satisfaction and organizational performance: An empirical study on Jordanian agricultural credit corporation staff. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&RJ-JSS), 6(2), 383-394.
Alshurideh, M. (2010). Customer Service Retention–A Behavioural Perspective of the UK Mobile Market (Doctoral dis-sertation, Durham University).
Alshurideh, M. (2014). The factors predicting students' satisfaction with universities' healthcare clinics' services: A case-study from the Jordanian higher education sector. Dirasat: Administrative Sciences, 161(1524), 1-36.
Alshurideh, M. T. (2014). Do we care about what we buy or eat? A practical study of the healthy foods eaten by Jordanian youth. International Journal of Business and Management, 9(4), 65-75.
Alshurideh, D. M. (2019). Do electronic loyalty programs still drive customer choice and repeat purchase behav-iour?. International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management, 12(1), 40-57.
Alshurideh, M., Al Kurdi, B., & Salloum, S. A. (2019). Examining the main mobile learning system drivers’ effects: A mix empirical examination of both the Expectation-Confirmation Model (ECM) and the Technology Acceptance Mod-el (TAM). In International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Systems and Informatics (pp. 406-417). Springer, Cham.
Al Shurideh, M., Alsharari, N. M., & Al Kurdi, B. (2019). Supply chain integration and customer relationship manage-ment in the airline logistics. Theoretical Economics Letters, 9(02), 392-414.
Alshurideh, M., Gasaymeh, A., Ahmed, G., Alzoubi, H., & Kurd, B. (2020). Loyalty program effectiveness: Theoretical reviews and practical proofs. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 8(3), 599-612.
Alshurideh, M., Nicholson, M., & Xiao, S. (2012). The effect of previous experience on mobile subscribers’ repeat pur-chase behaviour. European Journal of Social Sciences, 30(3), 366-376.
Alshurideh, M., Salloum, S. A., Al Kurdi, B., & Al-Emran, M. (2019). Factors affecting the social networks acceptance: an empirical study using PLS-SEM approach. In Proceedings of the 2019 8th International Conference on Software and Computer Applications (pp. 414-418).
Al-Weshah, G.A., Al-Manasrah, E., & Al-Qatawneh, M. (2018). Customer relationship management systems and organi-zational performance: Quantitative evidence from the Jordanian telecommunication industry. Journal of Marketing Communications, 1-21.
Amin, M., Aldakhil, A.M., Wu, C., Rezaei, S., & Cobanoglu, C. (2017). The structural relationship between TQM, em-ployee satisfaction, and hotel performance. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(4), 1256-1278.
Baron, R.M., & Kenny, D.A. (1986). The moderator–mediator variable distinction in social psychological research: Con-ceptual, strategic, and statistical considerations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 51(6), 1173.
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