Authors: Ali Abdollahi, Alireza Moshkforoush, Bahareh Ghodoosi, Mohammadesmaeil Mohammadesmaeil
Keywords: Services value chain, Mobile services, Capital market, SWOT method, Environmental opportunities
Journal: MSL | Year: 2017 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 12 | Views: 1441 | Reviews: 0
Authors: Ashish Sharma, Ashish Sharma, A. S. Jalal
Keywords: Facility location problem, Fuzzy demand, Region search, Distance based FLP
Journal: MSL | Year: 2017 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 12 | Views: 2177 | Reviews: 0
Authors: Haftu Hailu, Abdelkadir Kedir, Getachew Bassa, Kassu Jilcha
Keywords: Kaizen, Critical Success Factor, Success Indicator, Factor analysis, Peacock
Journal: MSL | Year: 2017 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 12 | Views: 4391 | Reviews: 0
Authors: Heru Darmawan, Humiras Hardi Purba, Rahmad Rezeki, Nurwahid Hidayat, Aghib Ritaldi Siregar, Fitri Retna, Aisyah Aisyah
Keywords: Customer satisfaction, Quality function deployment, Automotive, Battery
Journal: MSL | Year: 2017 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 12 | Views: 5103 | Reviews: 0
Authors: Samar Samar, Mazuri Abd. Ghani, Feras Alnaser
Keywords: Internet banking, Perceived usefulness, Perceived ease of use, Attitude, Intention, Technology acceptance model (TAM)
Journal: MSL | Year: 2017 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 11 | Views: 7132 | Reviews: 0
Authors: Vivek Sharma, Sandeep Grover, S. K. Sharma
Journal: MSL | Year: 2017 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 11 | Views: 1617 | Reviews: 0
Authors: Hayford Amegbe, Henry Boateng, Farouq Sessah Mensah
Keywords: Brand community (BC), Customer satisfaction, Social media network sites (SNSs)
Journal: MSL | Year: 2017 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 11 | Views: 2520 | Reviews: 0
Authors: Mohammad Hadi Madadi, Morteza Mahmoudzadeh
Keywords: Statistical process control, Fuzzy logic, Membership function, Simulation, Multinomial distribution
Journal: MSL | Year: 2017 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 11 | Views: 1911 | Reviews: 0
Authors: Rahul S. Mor, Sarbjit Singh, Arvind Bhardwaj, Mohammad Osama
Keywords: Biomedical waste (BMW), descriptive statistics analysis, Healthcare facilities, Pollution, Disposal of waste, Hospital management
Journal: MSL | Year: 2017 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 10 | Views: 2065 | Reviews: 0
Authors: Aakash Kamble, Aatish Zagade, Nayna Abhang
Keywords: Dual mediation hypothesis, Celebrity endorsements, Ad effectiveness, Brand affections, Consumer behavior
Journal: MSL | Year: 2017 | Volume: 7 | Issue: 10 | Views: 3191 | Reviews: 0
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