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Konrath, T., Nunes, F., Nodari, C & Miranda, A. (2025). Proposing a level of maturity in strategic sourcing: A case study and survey in Brazil.Management Science Letters , 15(4), 247-260.
Åkesson, J., Jonsson, P., & Edanius‐Hällås, R. (2007). An assessment of sourcing strategies in the Swedish apparel indus-try. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 37(9), 740-762.
Ayres, A. D. P. S. (2009). Gestão de logística e operações. IESDE BRASIL SA.
Belvedere, V., Grando, A., & Legenvre, H. (2018). Testing the EFQM model as a framework to measure a company’s pro-curement performance. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 29(5-6), 633-651.
Boehmke, B., Hazen, B., Boone, C. A., & Robinson, J. L. (2020). A data science and open source software approach to an-alytics for strategic sourcing. International Journal of Information Management, 54, 102167.
Chiang, C. Y., Kocabasoglu‐Hillmer, C., & Suresh, N. (2012). An empirical investigation of the impact of strategic sourc-ing and flexibility on firm's supply chain agility. International Journal of Operations & Production Manage-ment, 32(1), 49-78.
Chin, W. W. (1998). The partial least squares approach to structural equation modeling. Modern methods for business re-search, 295(2), 295-336.
Dias, M. A. P. (1996). Administração de materiais: uma abordagem logística. In Administraçao de materiais: uma abordagem logística (pp. 399-399).
Ellram, L., & Tate, W. L. (2015). Redefining supply management׳ s contribution in services sourcing. Journal of Purchas-ing and Supply Management, 21(1), 64-78.
Eltantawy, R. A., & Giunipero, L. (2013). An empirical examination of strategic sourcing dominant logic: Strategic sourc-ing centricity. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 19(4), 215-226.
Formentini, M., Ellram, L. M., Boem, M., & Da Re, G. (2019). Finding true north: Design and implementation of a strate-gic sourcing framework. Industrial Marketing Management, 77, 182-197.
Fornell, C., Larcker, D. SEM with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error: Algebra and Statistics. [S. l.: s. n.]
Freitas, H., Oliveira, M., Saccol, A. Z., & Moscarola, J. (2000). O método de pesquisa survey. Revista de Adminis-tra&ccdeil; ão da Universidade de São Paulo, 35(3).
Hair Jr, J. F., Sarstedt, M., Hopkins, L., & Kuppelwieser, V. G. (2014). Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM): An emerging tool in business research. European business review, 26(2), 106-121.
Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., Anderson, R. E., & Tatham, R. L. (2009). Análise multivariada de dados. Bookman editora.
Hair, J. F., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2011). PLS-SEM: Indeed a silver bullet. Journal of Marketing theory and Prac-tice, 19(2), 139-152.
Huang, Y. Y., & Handfield, R. B. (2015). Measuring the benefits of ERP on supply management maturity model: a “big data” method. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 35(1), 2-25.
Hulland, J. (1999). Use of partial least squares (PLS) in strategic management research: A review of four recent stud-ies. Strategic management journal, 20(2), 195-204.;2-7
Huma, S., Ahmed, W., & Najmi, A. (2020). Understanding the impact of supply-side decisions and practices on supply risk management. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 27(5), 1769-1792.
Jensen, P. A. (2017). Strategic sourcing and procurement of facilities management services. Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing, 10(2), 138-158.
Khan, K. A., & Pillania, R. K. (2008). Strategic sourcing for supply chain agility and firms' performance: A study of Indi-an manufacturing sector. Management Decision, 46(10), 1508-1530.
Kim, M., Suresh, N. C., & Kocabasoglu-Hillmer, C. (2015). A contextual analysis of the impact of strategic sourcing and E-procurement on performance. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 30(1), 1-16.
Knight, A. K., Blessner, P., Olson, B. A., & Blackburn, T. D. (2017). Strategic sourcing and corporate social responsibil-ity: Aligning a healthcare organization's strategic objectives. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 23(2), 94-104.
Kocabasoglu, C., & Suresh, N. C. (2006). Strategic sourcing: an empirical investigation of the concept and its practices in US manufacturing firms. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 42(2), 4-16.
Kräljic, P. (1983). Purchasing Must Become Supply Management. Harvard Business Review, [S. l.], n. September-October, p. 109–117.
Kumar Sharma, S., Singh, R., & Matai, R. (2018). Force field analysis of Indian automotive strategic sourcing risk man-agement enablers and barriers. Measuring Business Excellence, 22(3), 258-275.
Landale, K. A., Apte, A., Rendon, R. G., & Salmerón, J. (2018). Using analytics to inform category management and stra-tegic sourcing. Journal of Defense Analytics and Logistics, 1(2), 151-171.
Mandal, S. (2021). Impact of supplier innovativeness, top management support and strategic sourcing on supply chain re-silience. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 70(7), 1561-1581.
Marconi, M. D. A., & Lakatos, E. M. (2004). Metodologia científica (Vol. 4). São Paulo: Atlas.
Medina Serrano, R., González-Ramírez, R., Gascó, J. L., & Llopis, J. (2020). Strategic sourcing: Developing a progressive framework for make-or-buy decisions.
Oliveira, T. D. (2001). Amostragem não probabilística: adequação de situações para uso e limitações de amostras por con-veniência, julgamento e quotas. Administração on line, 2(3), 1-7.
Opawole, A., & Jagboro, G. O. (2017). Factors affecting the performance of private party in concession-based PPP pro-jects in Nigeria. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 15(1), 44-57.
Özturan, M., Mutlutürk, M., Çeken, B., & Sarı, B. (2019). Evaluating the information systems integration maturity level of travel agencies. Information Technology & Tourism, 21(2), 237-257.
Palvia, P. C., King, R. C., Xia, W., & Palvia, S. C. J. (2010). Capability, quality, and performance of offshore IS vendors: A theoretical framework and empirical investigation. Decision sciences, 41(2), 231-270.
Prates, R. O., & Barbosa, S. D. J. (2003, July). Avaliação de interfaces de usuário–conceitos e métodos. In Jornada de Atualização em Informática do Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, Capítulo (Vol. 6, p. 28). sn.
Ringle, C. M., Da Silva, D., & de Souza Bido, D. (2014). Modelagem de equações estruturais com utilização do SmartPLS. REMark-Revista Brasileira de Marketing, 13(2), 56-73.
Schiele, H. (2007). Supply-management maturity, cost savings and purchasing absorptive capacity: Testing the procure-ment–performance link. Journal of purchasing and supply management, 13(4), 274-293.
Schweiger, J. (2014). A theory-based perspective on Maturity Models in Purchasing and Supply Management. In Innovative Methods in Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Current Issues and Emerging Practices. Proceed-ings of the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL), Vol. 18 (pp. 531-554). Berlin: epubli GmbH.
Silva, J. S. F. D. (2006). Modelagem de Equações Estruturais: Apresentação de uma metodologia. Dissertação de Mestra-do UFGRS. [S. l.], p. 1–105.
Sislian, E., & Satir, A. (2000). Strategic sourcing: a framework and a case study. Journal of Supply Chain Manage-ment, 36(2), 4-11.
Talluri, S., DeCampos, H. A., & Hult, G. T. M. (2013). Supplier rationalization: A sourcing decision model. Decision Sci-ences, 44(1), 57-86.
Thomas, H. R., Sanvido, V. E., & Sanders, S. R. (1989). Impact of material management on productivity—A case study. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 115(3), 370-384.
Tontini, G., de Carvalho, L. C., Schlindwein, N. F. D. C., & Tomarevski, V. (2016). Maturity model of procurement and supply management in small and medium-size enterprises: A benchmarking of hospitals and metal-mechanic compa-nies. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 8(3), 315-333.
Wibowo, A., & Taufik, J. (2017). Developing a self-assessment model of risk management maturity for client organiza-tions of public construction projects: Indonesian context. Procedia engineering, 171, 274-281.
Wong, K. K. K. (2013). Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) techniques using SmartPLS. Marketing bulletin, 24(1), 1-32. n_Wong10/publication/268449353_Partial_Least_Squares_Structural_Equation_Modeling_(P LS-SEM)_Techniques_Using_SmartPLS/links/54773b1b0cf293e2da25e3f3.pdf
Xu, L., & Li, P. (2019). Evaluation for quality regulatory capability maturity in government procurement of public ser-vice based on probabilistic linguistic term sets. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 37(1), 1371-1384.
Yildiz Çankaya, S. (2020). The effects of strategic sourcing on supply chain strategies. Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing, 13(2), 129-148.
Ayres, A. D. P. S. (2009). Gestão de logística e operações. IESDE BRASIL SA.
Belvedere, V., Grando, A., & Legenvre, H. (2018). Testing the EFQM model as a framework to measure a company’s pro-curement performance. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 29(5-6), 633-651.
Boehmke, B., Hazen, B., Boone, C. A., & Robinson, J. L. (2020). A data science and open source software approach to an-alytics for strategic sourcing. International Journal of Information Management, 54, 102167.
Chiang, C. Y., Kocabasoglu‐Hillmer, C., & Suresh, N. (2012). An empirical investigation of the impact of strategic sourc-ing and flexibility on firm's supply chain agility. International Journal of Operations & Production Manage-ment, 32(1), 49-78.
Chin, W. W. (1998). The partial least squares approach to structural equation modeling. Modern methods for business re-search, 295(2), 295-336.
Dias, M. A. P. (1996). Administração de materiais: uma abordagem logística. In Administraçao de materiais: uma abordagem logística (pp. 399-399).
Ellram, L., & Tate, W. L. (2015). Redefining supply management׳ s contribution in services sourcing. Journal of Purchas-ing and Supply Management, 21(1), 64-78.
Eltantawy, R. A., & Giunipero, L. (2013). An empirical examination of strategic sourcing dominant logic: Strategic sourc-ing centricity. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 19(4), 215-226.
Formentini, M., Ellram, L. M., Boem, M., & Da Re, G. (2019). Finding true north: Design and implementation of a strate-gic sourcing framework. Industrial Marketing Management, 77, 182-197.
Fornell, C., Larcker, D. SEM with Unobservable Variables and Measurement Error: Algebra and Statistics. [S. l.: s. n.]
Freitas, H., Oliveira, M., Saccol, A. Z., & Moscarola, J. (2000). O método de pesquisa survey. Revista de Adminis-tra&ccdeil; ão da Universidade de São Paulo, 35(3).
Hair Jr, J. F., Sarstedt, M., Hopkins, L., & Kuppelwieser, V. G. (2014). Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM): An emerging tool in business research. European business review, 26(2), 106-121.
Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., Anderson, R. E., & Tatham, R. L. (2009). Análise multivariada de dados. Bookman editora.
Hair, J. F., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2011). PLS-SEM: Indeed a silver bullet. Journal of Marketing theory and Prac-tice, 19(2), 139-152.
Huang, Y. Y., & Handfield, R. B. (2015). Measuring the benefits of ERP on supply management maturity model: a “big data” method. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 35(1), 2-25.
Hulland, J. (1999). Use of partial least squares (PLS) in strategic management research: A review of four recent stud-ies. Strategic management journal, 20(2), 195-204.;2-7
Huma, S., Ahmed, W., & Najmi, A. (2020). Understanding the impact of supply-side decisions and practices on supply risk management. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 27(5), 1769-1792.
Jensen, P. A. (2017). Strategic sourcing and procurement of facilities management services. Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing, 10(2), 138-158.
Khan, K. A., & Pillania, R. K. (2008). Strategic sourcing for supply chain agility and firms' performance: A study of Indi-an manufacturing sector. Management Decision, 46(10), 1508-1530.
Kim, M., Suresh, N. C., & Kocabasoglu-Hillmer, C. (2015). A contextual analysis of the impact of strategic sourcing and E-procurement on performance. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 30(1), 1-16.
Knight, A. K., Blessner, P., Olson, B. A., & Blackburn, T. D. (2017). Strategic sourcing and corporate social responsibil-ity: Aligning a healthcare organization's strategic objectives. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 23(2), 94-104.
Kocabasoglu, C., & Suresh, N. C. (2006). Strategic sourcing: an empirical investigation of the concept and its practices in US manufacturing firms. Journal of Supply Chain Management, 42(2), 4-16.
Kräljic, P. (1983). Purchasing Must Become Supply Management. Harvard Business Review, [S. l.], n. September-October, p. 109–117.
Kumar Sharma, S., Singh, R., & Matai, R. (2018). Force field analysis of Indian automotive strategic sourcing risk man-agement enablers and barriers. Measuring Business Excellence, 22(3), 258-275.
Landale, K. A., Apte, A., Rendon, R. G., & Salmerón, J. (2018). Using analytics to inform category management and stra-tegic sourcing. Journal of Defense Analytics and Logistics, 1(2), 151-171.
Mandal, S. (2021). Impact of supplier innovativeness, top management support and strategic sourcing on supply chain re-silience. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 70(7), 1561-1581.
Marconi, M. D. A., & Lakatos, E. M. (2004). Metodologia científica (Vol. 4). São Paulo: Atlas.
Medina Serrano, R., González-Ramírez, R., Gascó, J. L., & Llopis, J. (2020). Strategic sourcing: Developing a progressive framework for make-or-buy decisions.
Oliveira, T. D. (2001). Amostragem não probabilística: adequação de situações para uso e limitações de amostras por con-veniência, julgamento e quotas. Administração on line, 2(3), 1-7.
Opawole, A., & Jagboro, G. O. (2017). Factors affecting the performance of private party in concession-based PPP pro-jects in Nigeria. Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, 15(1), 44-57.
Özturan, M., Mutlutürk, M., Çeken, B., & Sarı, B. (2019). Evaluating the information systems integration maturity level of travel agencies. Information Technology & Tourism, 21(2), 237-257.
Palvia, P. C., King, R. C., Xia, W., & Palvia, S. C. J. (2010). Capability, quality, and performance of offshore IS vendors: A theoretical framework and empirical investigation. Decision sciences, 41(2), 231-270.
Prates, R. O., & Barbosa, S. D. J. (2003, July). Avaliação de interfaces de usuário–conceitos e métodos. In Jornada de Atualização em Informática do Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, Capítulo (Vol. 6, p. 28). sn.
Ringle, C. M., Da Silva, D., & de Souza Bido, D. (2014). Modelagem de equações estruturais com utilização do SmartPLS. REMark-Revista Brasileira de Marketing, 13(2), 56-73.
Schiele, H. (2007). Supply-management maturity, cost savings and purchasing absorptive capacity: Testing the procure-ment–performance link. Journal of purchasing and supply management, 13(4), 274-293.
Schweiger, J. (2014). A theory-based perspective on Maturity Models in Purchasing and Supply Management. In Innovative Methods in Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Current Issues and Emerging Practices. Proceed-ings of the Hamburg International Conference of Logistics (HICL), Vol. 18 (pp. 531-554). Berlin: epubli GmbH.
Silva, J. S. F. D. (2006). Modelagem de Equações Estruturais: Apresentação de uma metodologia. Dissertação de Mestra-do UFGRS. [S. l.], p. 1–105.
Sislian, E., & Satir, A. (2000). Strategic sourcing: a framework and a case study. Journal of Supply Chain Manage-ment, 36(2), 4-11.
Talluri, S., DeCampos, H. A., & Hult, G. T. M. (2013). Supplier rationalization: A sourcing decision model. Decision Sci-ences, 44(1), 57-86.
Thomas, H. R., Sanvido, V. E., & Sanders, S. R. (1989). Impact of material management on productivity—A case study. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 115(3), 370-384.
Tontini, G., de Carvalho, L. C., Schlindwein, N. F. D. C., & Tomarevski, V. (2016). Maturity model of procurement and supply management in small and medium-size enterprises: A benchmarking of hospitals and metal-mechanic compa-nies. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 8(3), 315-333.
Wibowo, A., & Taufik, J. (2017). Developing a self-assessment model of risk management maturity for client organiza-tions of public construction projects: Indonesian context. Procedia engineering, 171, 274-281.
Wong, K. K. K. (2013). Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) techniques using SmartPLS. Marketing bulletin, 24(1), 1-32. n_Wong10/publication/268449353_Partial_Least_Squares_Structural_Equation_Modeling_(P LS-SEM)_Techniques_Using_SmartPLS/links/54773b1b0cf293e2da25e3f3.pdf
Xu, L., & Li, P. (2019). Evaluation for quality regulatory capability maturity in government procurement of public ser-vice based on probabilistic linguistic term sets. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 37(1), 1371-1384.
Yildiz Çankaya, S. (2020). The effects of strategic sourcing on supply chain strategies. Journal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing, 13(2), 129-148.