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Anning-Dorson, T., Kastner, A & Mahmoud, M. (2013). Investigation into Mall Visitation Motivation and Demographic Idiosyncrasies in Ghana.Management Science Letters , 3(2), 367-384.
Ahmed, Z. U., Ghingold, M. and Dahari, Z. (2007). Malaysian shopping mall behaviour: an exploratory study. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics,19(4), 331-348.
Arnold, M.J., & Reynolds, K.E. (2003). Hedonic shopping motivations. Journal of Retailing, 79, 77-95.
Bellenger, D.N., Robertson, D.H., & Greenberg, B.A. (1977). Shopping center patronage motives. Journal of Retailing, 52(2) 29-38.
Beynon, M.J. (2010). Gender differences in supermarket choice - An expositional analysis in the presence of ignorance using CaRBS. European Journal of Marketing, 44(1/2) 267-290
Bloch, P.H., Ridgway, N.M., & Dawson, S.A. (1994). The shopping mall as consumer habitat. Journal of Retailing, 70(1) 23-42.
Chetthamrongchai, P., & Davies, G. (2000). Segmenting the market for food shoppers using attitudes to shopping and to time. British Food Journal, 102(2) 81-101.
Churchill, G.A. (1995). Marketing Research: Methodological Foundations. 6th ed. Fort Worth: Dryden Press.
Dennis, C., Newman, A., & Marsland, D. (2005). Objects of Desire: Consumer Behaviour in Shopping Centre Choices. Palgrave, London.
Dholakia, R.R. (1999). Going shopping: key determinants of shopping behaviours and motivations. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 27(4) 154-65.
Dholakia, R.R. (1999). Going shopping: key determinants of shopping behaviours and motivations. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 27(4) 154-65.
Dogu, U. and Erkip, F. (2000). Spatial factors affecting wayfinding and orientation: a case study in a shopping mall. Environment and Behaviour, 32(6) 731-55.
El-Adly, M.I. (2007). Shopping malls’ attractiveness: a segmentation approach. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 35(11) 936-50.
Hair, J. F., Jr., Babin, B., Money, A. H., & Samouel, P. (2003). Essentials of business research methods. New York: Wiley.
Haytko, D.L. and Baker, J. (2004). It’s all at the mall: exploring adolescent girls’ experiences”, Journal of Retailing, 81(1) 67-83.
Holme, I. M., & Solvang, B. K. (1997). Forskningsmetodik: om kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder, Lund: Studentlitteratur
Howard, E. (2007). New shopping centres: is leisure the answer? International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 35(8), 661-72.
Humphrey, J. (2007). The Supermarket Revolution in Developing Countries: Tidal Wave or Tough Competitive Struggle? Journal of Economic Geography, 7 433-450.
Hunter, G. L. (2006). The role of anticipated emotion, desire, and intention in the relationship between image and shopping center visits. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 34(10), 709-721
Jin, B., & Kim, J.-O. (2003). A typology of Korean discount shoppers: shopping motives, store attributes, and outcomes. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 14(3/4) 396-419.
Kaufman, C.F. (1996). A new look at one-stop shopping: a TIMES model approach to matching store hours and shopper schedules. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 13(1) 4-52.
Kim, Y.-K. (2002). Consumer value: an application to mall and internet shopping. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 30(12), 595-602.
Kotler, P., & Keller, P. (2006). Marketing Management. Prentic Hall, New Jersey
Kowinski,W.S. (1985). The Malling of America.William Morrow & Co., New York, NY.
Kumar, R. (1996). Research Methodology- A Step by Step Guide for Beginners. Sydney: Addison Wesley.
LeHew, M.L.A., & Fairhurst, A.E. (2000). US shopping mall attributes: an exploratory investigation of their relationship to retail productivity. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 28 (6), 261-79.
Loudon, D.L., & Bitta, A.J.D. (1993). Consumer Behaviour: Concepts and Applications, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.
Lui K. F. (1997). Shopping behaviour in Kuala Lumpur shopping malls. Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Mai, L.-W., & Zhao, H. (2004). The characteristics of supermarket shoppers in Beijing. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 32 (1), 56-62.
McGoldrick, P. (2002). Retail Marketing. 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, Maidenhead.
Michon, R., Chebat, J.C. & Turley, L.W. (2005). Mall atmospherics: the interaction effects of the mall environment on shopping behaviour. Journal of Business Research, 58 (5), 576-83.
Millan, E. S., & Howard, E. (2007). Shopping for pleasure? Shopping experiences of Hungarian consumers. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 35 (6), 474-487
Mitchell, V.-W., & Walsh, G. (2004). Gender differences in German consumer decision-making styles. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 3(4), 331-46.
Newberry, R.C., Klemz, B.R., & Boshoff, C. (2003). Managerial implications of predicting purchase behaviour from purchase intentions: a retail patronage case study. Journal of Services Marketing,17(6), 609-20.
Ng, C.F. (2003). Satisfying shoppers’ psychological needs: from public market to cyber-mall. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 23(4), 439-55.
Nicholls, J.A.F., Li, F., Kranendonk, C.J., & Roslow, S. (2002). The seven year itch? Mall shoppers across time. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 19 (2), 149-65.
Nunnally, J.C. (1978). Psychometric Theory. 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, NY.
Ooi, J. T. L., & Sim, L.-L. (2007). The magnetism of suburban shopping centers: do size and Cineplex matter. Journal of Property Investment & Finance, 25(2), 111-136
Othman, M.N., & Lim, S.H. (1997). Consumer behavior in shopping malls: a study of urban Malaysian consumers. Malaysian Journal of Consumer & Family Economics, 79-90.
Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V. A., & Berry, L. L. (1988). SERVQUAL: A Multiple-Item Scale for Measuring Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality. Journal of Retailing, 64(1), 12-40.
Perner, L.E. (1998). Optimal stimulation level as a moderator of ‘high-low’ and EDLP pricing effectiveness. unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA.
Peter, J.P., & Olson, J.C. (1994). Understanding Consumer Behaviour, Irwin Inc, Homewood, IL.
Rajamma, R. K., Paswan, A. K. and Hossain, M. M. (2009). Why do shoppers abandon shopping cart? Perceived waiting time, risk, and transaction inconvenience. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 18(3).188–197
Raju, P.S. (1980). Optimum stimulation level: its relationship to personality, demographics, and exploratory behaviour. Journal of Consumer Research, 7, 272-82.
Reardon, T, Henson, S, & Berdegue, J. (2007). Proactive fast-tracking diffusion of supermarkets in developing countries: implications for market institutions and trade. Journal of Economic Geography, 7(4) 399-431.
Reardon, T., & Berdegue, J.A. (2006). The Retail-led Transformation of Agrifood Systems and its Implications for Development Policies, Rimisp-Latin American Center for Rural Development.
Rintamaki, T.K.A., Kuusela, H., & Spence, M.T. (2006). Decomposing the value of department store shopping into utilitarian, hedonic and social dimensions: evidence from Finland”, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 34(1), 6-24.
Robson, C (2002). Real world research. 2nd ed, Oxford, Blackwell
Saunders, M., Lewis, P., & Thornhill, A. (2003). Research methods for business students, 3th ed. Prentice Hall, UK
Sit, J., Merrilees, B., & Birch, D. (2003). Entertainment-seeking shopping centre patrons: the missing segments. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 31(31), 80-94.
Soars, B. (2009). Driving sales through shoppers’ sense of sound, sight, smell and touch, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 37(3), 286-298
Solomon, M.R. (1994). Consumer Behaviour, 2nd ed., Allyn Bacon
Tauber, E.M. (1972). ‘Why do people shop? Journal of Marketing Management, Fall, 58-70.
Taylor, S. L. and Cosenza, R. M., (2002). Profiling later aged female teens: mall shopping behaviour and clothing choice. Journal of Consumer Marketing 10(5), 393-408
Torkildsen, G. (1992). Leisure and Recreation Management. E & FN Spon, London.
Tull, D.S & Hawkins, D.I. (1990). Marketing Research. 5th Ed. New York: Macmillian Publishing Company.
Underhill, P. (1999). Why We Buy? The Science of Shopping, Simon Schuster, New York, NY.
Underhill, P. (2005). Call of the Mall. Simon Schuster, New York, NY.
Wakefield, K., & Baker, J. (1998). Excitement at the mall: determinants and effects on shopping response. Journal of Retailing, 74(4), 515-539.
Wilhelm, W.B., & Mottner, S. (2005). Teens and shopping mall preferences: a conjoint analysis approach to understanding the generational shift toward an experience economy. Journal of Shopping Center Research, 12(1), 23-52.
Wong, G.K.M., Lu, Y., & Yuan, L.L. (2001). SCATTR: an instrument for measuring shopping center attractiveness. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 29(2), 76-86.
Wood, M. (1998). Socio-economic status, delay of gratification, and impulse buying. Journal of Economic Psychology,19, 295-320.
Woodruffe-Burton, H., Eccles, S., & Elliott, R. (2002). Towards a theory of shopping: a holistic framework. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 1(3), 256-66.
Yavas, U. and Babakus, E. (2009). Modeling patronage behaviour: a tri-partite conceptualization, Journal of Consumer Marketing 26(7), 516–526
Arnold, M.J., & Reynolds, K.E. (2003). Hedonic shopping motivations. Journal of Retailing, 79, 77-95.
Bellenger, D.N., Robertson, D.H., & Greenberg, B.A. (1977). Shopping center patronage motives. Journal of Retailing, 52(2) 29-38.
Beynon, M.J. (2010). Gender differences in supermarket choice - An expositional analysis in the presence of ignorance using CaRBS. European Journal of Marketing, 44(1/2) 267-290
Bloch, P.H., Ridgway, N.M., & Dawson, S.A. (1994). The shopping mall as consumer habitat. Journal of Retailing, 70(1) 23-42.
Chetthamrongchai, P., & Davies, G. (2000). Segmenting the market for food shoppers using attitudes to shopping and to time. British Food Journal, 102(2) 81-101.
Churchill, G.A. (1995). Marketing Research: Methodological Foundations. 6th ed. Fort Worth: Dryden Press.
Dennis, C., Newman, A., & Marsland, D. (2005). Objects of Desire: Consumer Behaviour in Shopping Centre Choices. Palgrave, London.
Dholakia, R.R. (1999). Going shopping: key determinants of shopping behaviours and motivations. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 27(4) 154-65.
Dholakia, R.R. (1999). Going shopping: key determinants of shopping behaviours and motivations. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 27(4) 154-65.
Dogu, U. and Erkip, F. (2000). Spatial factors affecting wayfinding and orientation: a case study in a shopping mall. Environment and Behaviour, 32(6) 731-55.
El-Adly, M.I. (2007). Shopping malls’ attractiveness: a segmentation approach. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 35(11) 936-50.
Hair, J. F., Jr., Babin, B., Money, A. H., & Samouel, P. (2003). Essentials of business research methods. New York: Wiley.
Haytko, D.L. and Baker, J. (2004). It’s all at the mall: exploring adolescent girls’ experiences”, Journal of Retailing, 81(1) 67-83.
Holme, I. M., & Solvang, B. K. (1997). Forskningsmetodik: om kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder, Lund: Studentlitteratur
Howard, E. (2007). New shopping centres: is leisure the answer? International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 35(8), 661-72.
Humphrey, J. (2007). The Supermarket Revolution in Developing Countries: Tidal Wave or Tough Competitive Struggle? Journal of Economic Geography, 7 433-450.
Hunter, G. L. (2006). The role of anticipated emotion, desire, and intention in the relationship between image and shopping center visits. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 34(10), 709-721
Jin, B., & Kim, J.-O. (2003). A typology of Korean discount shoppers: shopping motives, store attributes, and outcomes. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 14(3/4) 396-419.
Kaufman, C.F. (1996). A new look at one-stop shopping: a TIMES model approach to matching store hours and shopper schedules. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 13(1) 4-52.
Kim, Y.-K. (2002). Consumer value: an application to mall and internet shopping. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 30(12), 595-602.
Kotler, P., & Keller, P. (2006). Marketing Management. Prentic Hall, New Jersey
Kowinski,W.S. (1985). The Malling of America.William Morrow & Co., New York, NY.
Kumar, R. (1996). Research Methodology- A Step by Step Guide for Beginners. Sydney: Addison Wesley.
LeHew, M.L.A., & Fairhurst, A.E. (2000). US shopping mall attributes: an exploratory investigation of their relationship to retail productivity. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 28 (6), 261-79.
Loudon, D.L., & Bitta, A.J.D. (1993). Consumer Behaviour: Concepts and Applications, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.
Lui K. F. (1997). Shopping behaviour in Kuala Lumpur shopping malls. Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Mai, L.-W., & Zhao, H. (2004). The characteristics of supermarket shoppers in Beijing. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 32 (1), 56-62.
McGoldrick, P. (2002). Retail Marketing. 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, Maidenhead.
Michon, R., Chebat, J.C. & Turley, L.W. (2005). Mall atmospherics: the interaction effects of the mall environment on shopping behaviour. Journal of Business Research, 58 (5), 576-83.
Millan, E. S., & Howard, E. (2007). Shopping for pleasure? Shopping experiences of Hungarian consumers. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 35 (6), 474-487
Mitchell, V.-W., & Walsh, G. (2004). Gender differences in German consumer decision-making styles. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 3(4), 331-46.
Newberry, R.C., Klemz, B.R., & Boshoff, C. (2003). Managerial implications of predicting purchase behaviour from purchase intentions: a retail patronage case study. Journal of Services Marketing,17(6), 609-20.
Ng, C.F. (2003). Satisfying shoppers’ psychological needs: from public market to cyber-mall. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 23(4), 439-55.
Nicholls, J.A.F., Li, F., Kranendonk, C.J., & Roslow, S. (2002). The seven year itch? Mall shoppers across time. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 19 (2), 149-65.
Nunnally, J.C. (1978). Psychometric Theory. 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, NY.
Ooi, J. T. L., & Sim, L.-L. (2007). The magnetism of suburban shopping centers: do size and Cineplex matter. Journal of Property Investment & Finance, 25(2), 111-136
Othman, M.N., & Lim, S.H. (1997). Consumer behavior in shopping malls: a study of urban Malaysian consumers. Malaysian Journal of Consumer & Family Economics, 79-90.
Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V. A., & Berry, L. L. (1988). SERVQUAL: A Multiple-Item Scale for Measuring Consumer Perceptions of Service Quality. Journal of Retailing, 64(1), 12-40.
Perner, L.E. (1998). Optimal stimulation level as a moderator of ‘high-low’ and EDLP pricing effectiveness. unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA.
Peter, J.P., & Olson, J.C. (1994). Understanding Consumer Behaviour, Irwin Inc, Homewood, IL.
Rajamma, R. K., Paswan, A. K. and Hossain, M. M. (2009). Why do shoppers abandon shopping cart? Perceived waiting time, risk, and transaction inconvenience. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 18(3).188–197
Raju, P.S. (1980). Optimum stimulation level: its relationship to personality, demographics, and exploratory behaviour. Journal of Consumer Research, 7, 272-82.
Reardon, T, Henson, S, & Berdegue, J. (2007). Proactive fast-tracking diffusion of supermarkets in developing countries: implications for market institutions and trade. Journal of Economic Geography, 7(4) 399-431.
Reardon, T., & Berdegue, J.A. (2006). The Retail-led Transformation of Agrifood Systems and its Implications for Development Policies, Rimisp-Latin American Center for Rural Development.
Rintamaki, T.K.A., Kuusela, H., & Spence, M.T. (2006). Decomposing the value of department store shopping into utilitarian, hedonic and social dimensions: evidence from Finland”, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 34(1), 6-24.
Robson, C (2002). Real world research. 2nd ed, Oxford, Blackwell
Saunders, M., Lewis, P., & Thornhill, A. (2003). Research methods for business students, 3th ed. Prentice Hall, UK
Sit, J., Merrilees, B., & Birch, D. (2003). Entertainment-seeking shopping centre patrons: the missing segments. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 31(31), 80-94.
Soars, B. (2009). Driving sales through shoppers’ sense of sound, sight, smell and touch, International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 37(3), 286-298
Solomon, M.R. (1994). Consumer Behaviour, 2nd ed., Allyn Bacon
Tauber, E.M. (1972). ‘Why do people shop? Journal of Marketing Management, Fall, 58-70.
Taylor, S. L. and Cosenza, R. M., (2002). Profiling later aged female teens: mall shopping behaviour and clothing choice. Journal of Consumer Marketing 10(5), 393-408
Torkildsen, G. (1992). Leisure and Recreation Management. E & FN Spon, London.
Tull, D.S & Hawkins, D.I. (1990). Marketing Research. 5th Ed. New York: Macmillian Publishing Company.
Underhill, P. (1999). Why We Buy? The Science of Shopping, Simon Schuster, New York, NY.
Underhill, P. (2005). Call of the Mall. Simon Schuster, New York, NY.
Wakefield, K., & Baker, J. (1998). Excitement at the mall: determinants and effects on shopping response. Journal of Retailing, 74(4), 515-539.
Wilhelm, W.B., & Mottner, S. (2005). Teens and shopping mall preferences: a conjoint analysis approach to understanding the generational shift toward an experience economy. Journal of Shopping Center Research, 12(1), 23-52.
Wong, G.K.M., Lu, Y., & Yuan, L.L. (2001). SCATTR: an instrument for measuring shopping center attractiveness. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 29(2), 76-86.
Wood, M. (1998). Socio-economic status, delay of gratification, and impulse buying. Journal of Economic Psychology,19, 295-320.
Woodruffe-Burton, H., Eccles, S., & Elliott, R. (2002). Towards a theory of shopping: a holistic framework. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 1(3), 256-66.
Yavas, U. and Babakus, E. (2009). Modeling patronage behaviour: a tri-partite conceptualization, Journal of Consumer Marketing 26(7), 516–526