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Dalain, A. (2020). Employee performance in Jeddah national hospital in light of visual management.Management Science Letters , 10(9), 1953-1960.
Ahmad, A. E., Al-Qarni, A. A., Alsharqi, O. Z., Qalai, D. A., & Kadi, N. (2013). The impact of marketing mix strategy on hospitals performance measured by patient satisfaction: an empirical investigation on Jeddah private sector hospital senior managers’ perspective. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 5(6), 210-227.
Ahmad, A. M., Alghamdi, M. A., Alghamdi, S. A., Alsharqi, A. Z., & Al-Borie, H. M. (2016). Factors influencing patient satisfaction with pharmacy services: An empirical investigation at King Fahd Armed Forces Hospital, Saudi Ara-bia. International Journal of Business Management, 11, 272-280.
Akili, O. (2015). Contemporary human resource management - Strategic dimension. Amman: Dar Wael for publishing, Printing and Distribution.
Al-Ahmadi, H. A. (2002). Job satisfaction of nurses in Ministry of Health Hospitals in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Saudi Medi-cal Journal, 23(6), 645-650.
Alaraki, M. S. (2014). The impact of critical total quality management practices on hospital performance in the Ministry of Health Hospitals in Saudi Arabia. Quality Management in Healthcare, 23(1), 59-63.
Algahtani, H., Aldarmahi, A., Manlangit Jr, J., & Shirah, B. (2017). Perception of hospital accreditation among health pro-fessionals in Saudi Arabia. Annals of Saudi medicine, 37(4), 326.
Al-Hudhali, W. (2015). The possibility of applying the (VM) in the educational offices in Makkah's region and its rela-tionship with motivation of workers. A Master thesis, Umm Al-Qura University, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Al-Maabadi, A., Salem, O., & Baddar, F. (2018). The relationship between job design and nurses’ satisfaction. SOJ Nur Health, Care 4(2), 1-9.
Al-Omar, B. A. (2003). Sources of work-stress among hospital-staff at the Saudi MOH. Economics and Administra-tion, 17(1), 3-16.
Alshmemri, M., Shahwan-Akl, L., & Maude, P. (2016). Job satisfaction of Saudi nurses working in Makkah region public hospitals, Saudi Arabia. Life Science Journal, 13(12), 22-33.
Azeem, S. M., & Altalhi, H. (2015). Role of perceived work-life balance and job satisfaction in developing organizational commitment among hospital employees in Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 5(12), 185-197.
Bany Hamdan, A., Alshammary, S., & Javison, S. (2019). Burnout among healthcare providers in a comprehensive cancer center in Saudi Arabia. Cureus 11(1), 1-14
Barhamin, A. (2013). The performance level of the Saudi universities under visual management and Kaizen concepts as perceived by their directors and deputy directors. A doctorate dissertation, Umm Al-Qura University, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Beynon-Davies, P., & Lederman, R. (2017). Making sense of visual management through affordance theory. Production Planning & Control, 28(2), 142-157.
Bland, J. M., & Altman, D. G. (1997). Statistics notes: Cronbach's alpha. BMJ, 314(7080), 572.
Brady, D., Tzortzopoulos, P., Rooke, J., Formoso, C., & Tezel, A. (2018). Improving transparency in construction man-agement: A visual planning and control model. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 25(10), 1277-1297.
De Koning, H., Verver, J. P., van den Heuvel, J., Bisgaard, S., & Does, R. J. (2006). Lean six sigma in healthcare. Journal for Healthcare Quality, 28(2), 4-11.
Hammam, A. (2012). Using Six-Sigma to improve service quality: A field study on healthcare sector in Al-Taif City. Commerce and Finance Journal, 4, 191-232.
Hassanain, M., Zamakhshary, M., Farhat, G., & Al‐Badr, A. (2017). Use of lean methodology to improve operating room efficiency in hospitals across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The International Journal of Health Planning and Man-agement, 32(2), 133-146.
Ibrahim, Y. (2014). Impact of open management systems in capacity support competitiveness of Egyptian University hos-pitals, Cairo University Hospitals Model. Journal of Arab Research and Studies - Egypt, 61, 275-328.
Kattman, B., Corbin, T. P., Moore, L. E., & Walsh, L. (2012). Visual workplace practices positively impact business pro-cesses. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 19(3), 412-430.
Kurpjuweit, S., Reinerth, D., Schmidt, C., & Wagner, S. (2018). Implementing visual management for continuous im-provement: Barriers, success factors and best practices. International Journal of Production Research, 1-15.
Milutinovic, D., Golubovic, B., Brkic, N., & Prokes, B. (2012). Professional Stress and Health among Critical Care Nurses in Serbia, Arh Hig Rada Toksikol, 63, 171-180.
Murata, K., & Katayama, H. (2010). Development of Kaizen case-base for effective technology transfer: A case of visual management technology. International Journal of Production Research, 48(16), 4901-4917.
Nafei, W. A. (2013). The impact of cultural intelligence on employee job performance: an empirical study on King Abdel-Aziz Hospital in Al-Taif Governorate, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Business and Manage-ment, 8(1), 26.
Nafei, W. A. (2014). Assessing employee attitudes towards organizational commitment and change: The case of King Fai-sal Hospital in Al-Taif Governorate, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Journal of Management and Sustainability, 4(1), 204-219.
Pahos, N., & Galanaki, E. (2019). Staffing practices and employee performance: the role of age. In Evidence-based HRM: a Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship (Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 93-112). Emerald Publishing Limited.
Parry, G. C., & Turner, C. E. (2006). Application of lean visual process management tools. Production Planning & Con-trol, 17(1), 77-86.
Radnor, Z. J., Holweg, M., & Waring, J. (2012). Lean in healthcare: the unfilled promise. Social Science & Medi-cine, 74(3), 364-371.
Sabbah, K. O. A., & Al-Shehri, A. A. (2014). Practice and perception of self-management among diabetics in Taif, KSA: impact of demographic factors. International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health, 3(3), 277-285.
Shen, H.-C., Cheng, Y., Tsai, P.-J., Lee, S.S., & Guo, Y.L. (2005). Occupational stress in nurses in psychiatric institutions in Taiwan. Journal of Occupational Health, 47, 218–225
Slimane, N. S. (2017). Motivation and job satisfaction of pharmacists in four hospitals in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Health Management, 19(1), 39-72.
Steenkamp, L. P., Hagedorn-Hansen, D., & Oosthuizen, G. (2017). Visual management system to manage manufacturing resources. Procedia Manufacturing, 8, 455-462.
Suski, C. A. (2019). The importance of visual management as a motivator of human capital and optimization of the results of the productive system. Asian Basic and Applied Research Journal, 1(1), 1-8.
Sweis, R. J., Al-Mansour, A., Tarawneh, M., & Al-Dweik, G. (2013). The impact of total quality management practices on employee empowerment in the healthcare sector in Saudi Arabia: A study of King Khalid Hospital. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 12(3), 271-286.
Tabak, N., & Koprak, O. (2007) Relationship between how nurses resolve their conflicts with doctors, their stress and job satisfaction. Journal of Nursing Management, 11, 321–331
Tezel, A., Koskela, L., & Tzortzopoulos, P. (2016). Visual management in production management: A literature synthe-sis. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 27(6), 766-799.
Tezel, B., Koskela, L., & Tzortzopoulos, P. (2009). The functions of visual management. Paper presented at the 6th Inter-national Research Symposium, Salford, UK, January 27-28.
Tezel, B., Koskela, L., & Tzortzopoulos, P. (2010). Visual management in construction: Study report on Brazilian cases. Salford, UK: University of Salford.
Ulhassan, W., Westerlund, H., Thor, J. Sandahl, C., & Schwarz, U. (2014). Does Lean implementation interact with group functioning? Journal of Health Organization and Management, 28(2), 196-213.
Verbano, C., Crema, M., & Nicosia, F. (2017). Visual management system to improve care planning and controlling: the case of intensive care unit. Production Planning & Control, 28(15), 1212-1222.
Walston, S. L., Al-Omar, B. A., & Al-Mutari, F. A. (2010). Factors affecting the climate of hospital patient safety: A study of hospitals in Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 23(1), 35-50.
Ahmad, A. M., Alghamdi, M. A., Alghamdi, S. A., Alsharqi, A. Z., & Al-Borie, H. M. (2016). Factors influencing patient satisfaction with pharmacy services: An empirical investigation at King Fahd Armed Forces Hospital, Saudi Ara-bia. International Journal of Business Management, 11, 272-280.
Akili, O. (2015). Contemporary human resource management - Strategic dimension. Amman: Dar Wael for publishing, Printing and Distribution.
Al-Ahmadi, H. A. (2002). Job satisfaction of nurses in Ministry of Health Hospitals in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Saudi Medi-cal Journal, 23(6), 645-650.
Alaraki, M. S. (2014). The impact of critical total quality management practices on hospital performance in the Ministry of Health Hospitals in Saudi Arabia. Quality Management in Healthcare, 23(1), 59-63.
Algahtani, H., Aldarmahi, A., Manlangit Jr, J., & Shirah, B. (2017). Perception of hospital accreditation among health pro-fessionals in Saudi Arabia. Annals of Saudi medicine, 37(4), 326.
Al-Hudhali, W. (2015). The possibility of applying the (VM) in the educational offices in Makkah's region and its rela-tionship with motivation of workers. A Master thesis, Umm Al-Qura University, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Al-Maabadi, A., Salem, O., & Baddar, F. (2018). The relationship between job design and nurses’ satisfaction. SOJ Nur Health, Care 4(2), 1-9.
Al-Omar, B. A. (2003). Sources of work-stress among hospital-staff at the Saudi MOH. Economics and Administra-tion, 17(1), 3-16.
Alshmemri, M., Shahwan-Akl, L., & Maude, P. (2016). Job satisfaction of Saudi nurses working in Makkah region public hospitals, Saudi Arabia. Life Science Journal, 13(12), 22-33.
Azeem, S. M., & Altalhi, H. (2015). Role of perceived work-life balance and job satisfaction in developing organizational commitment among hospital employees in Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 5(12), 185-197.
Bany Hamdan, A., Alshammary, S., & Javison, S. (2019). Burnout among healthcare providers in a comprehensive cancer center in Saudi Arabia. Cureus 11(1), 1-14
Barhamin, A. (2013). The performance level of the Saudi universities under visual management and Kaizen concepts as perceived by their directors and deputy directors. A doctorate dissertation, Umm Al-Qura University, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Beynon-Davies, P., & Lederman, R. (2017). Making sense of visual management through affordance theory. Production Planning & Control, 28(2), 142-157.
Bland, J. M., & Altman, D. G. (1997). Statistics notes: Cronbach's alpha. BMJ, 314(7080), 572.
Brady, D., Tzortzopoulos, P., Rooke, J., Formoso, C., & Tezel, A. (2018). Improving transparency in construction man-agement: A visual planning and control model. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 25(10), 1277-1297.
De Koning, H., Verver, J. P., van den Heuvel, J., Bisgaard, S., & Does, R. J. (2006). Lean six sigma in healthcare. Journal for Healthcare Quality, 28(2), 4-11.
Hammam, A. (2012). Using Six-Sigma to improve service quality: A field study on healthcare sector in Al-Taif City. Commerce and Finance Journal, 4, 191-232.
Hassanain, M., Zamakhshary, M., Farhat, G., & Al‐Badr, A. (2017). Use of lean methodology to improve operating room efficiency in hospitals across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The International Journal of Health Planning and Man-agement, 32(2), 133-146.
Ibrahim, Y. (2014). Impact of open management systems in capacity support competitiveness of Egyptian University hos-pitals, Cairo University Hospitals Model. Journal of Arab Research and Studies - Egypt, 61, 275-328.
Kattman, B., Corbin, T. P., Moore, L. E., & Walsh, L. (2012). Visual workplace practices positively impact business pro-cesses. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 19(3), 412-430.
Kurpjuweit, S., Reinerth, D., Schmidt, C., & Wagner, S. (2018). Implementing visual management for continuous im-provement: Barriers, success factors and best practices. International Journal of Production Research, 1-15.
Milutinovic, D., Golubovic, B., Brkic, N., & Prokes, B. (2012). Professional Stress and Health among Critical Care Nurses in Serbia, Arh Hig Rada Toksikol, 63, 171-180.
Murata, K., & Katayama, H. (2010). Development of Kaizen case-base for effective technology transfer: A case of visual management technology. International Journal of Production Research, 48(16), 4901-4917.
Nafei, W. A. (2013). The impact of cultural intelligence on employee job performance: an empirical study on King Abdel-Aziz Hospital in Al-Taif Governorate, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Business and Manage-ment, 8(1), 26.
Nafei, W. A. (2014). Assessing employee attitudes towards organizational commitment and change: The case of King Fai-sal Hospital in Al-Taif Governorate, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Journal of Management and Sustainability, 4(1), 204-219.
Pahos, N., & Galanaki, E. (2019). Staffing practices and employee performance: the role of age. In Evidence-based HRM: a Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship (Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 93-112). Emerald Publishing Limited.
Parry, G. C., & Turner, C. E. (2006). Application of lean visual process management tools. Production Planning & Con-trol, 17(1), 77-86.
Radnor, Z. J., Holweg, M., & Waring, J. (2012). Lean in healthcare: the unfilled promise. Social Science & Medi-cine, 74(3), 364-371.
Sabbah, K. O. A., & Al-Shehri, A. A. (2014). Practice and perception of self-management among diabetics in Taif, KSA: impact of demographic factors. International Journal of Medical Science and Public Health, 3(3), 277-285.
Shen, H.-C., Cheng, Y., Tsai, P.-J., Lee, S.S., & Guo, Y.L. (2005). Occupational stress in nurses in psychiatric institutions in Taiwan. Journal of Occupational Health, 47, 218–225
Slimane, N. S. (2017). Motivation and job satisfaction of pharmacists in four hospitals in Saudi Arabia. Journal of Health Management, 19(1), 39-72.
Steenkamp, L. P., Hagedorn-Hansen, D., & Oosthuizen, G. (2017). Visual management system to manage manufacturing resources. Procedia Manufacturing, 8, 455-462.
Suski, C. A. (2019). The importance of visual management as a motivator of human capital and optimization of the results of the productive system. Asian Basic and Applied Research Journal, 1(1), 1-8.
Sweis, R. J., Al-Mansour, A., Tarawneh, M., & Al-Dweik, G. (2013). The impact of total quality management practices on employee empowerment in the healthcare sector in Saudi Arabia: A study of King Khalid Hospital. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 12(3), 271-286.
Tabak, N., & Koprak, O. (2007) Relationship between how nurses resolve their conflicts with doctors, their stress and job satisfaction. Journal of Nursing Management, 11, 321–331
Tezel, A., Koskela, L., & Tzortzopoulos, P. (2016). Visual management in production management: A literature synthe-sis. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 27(6), 766-799.
Tezel, B., Koskela, L., & Tzortzopoulos, P. (2009). The functions of visual management. Paper presented at the 6th Inter-national Research Symposium, Salford, UK, January 27-28.
Tezel, B., Koskela, L., & Tzortzopoulos, P. (2010). Visual management in construction: Study report on Brazilian cases. Salford, UK: University of Salford.
Ulhassan, W., Westerlund, H., Thor, J. Sandahl, C., & Schwarz, U. (2014). Does Lean implementation interact with group functioning? Journal of Health Organization and Management, 28(2), 196-213.
Verbano, C., Crema, M., & Nicosia, F. (2017). Visual management system to improve care planning and controlling: the case of intensive care unit. Production Planning & Control, 28(15), 1212-1222.
Walston, S. L., Al-Omar, B. A., & Al-Mutari, F. A. (2010). Factors affecting the climate of hospital patient safety: A study of hospitals in Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 23(1), 35-50.