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Alam, M., Ahmad, T & Parveen, S. (2025). Assessing social media and influential marketing on brand perception and selection of higher educational institute in India.International Journal of Data and Network Science, 9(1), 27-36.
Abrahim, S., Mir, B. A., Suhara, H., Mohamed, F. A., & Sato, M. (2019). Structural equation modeling and confirmatory factor analysis of social media use and education. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 16(1), 1-25.
Alam, M. (2023). An investigation on the use of digital marketing towards the customer satisfaction and brand loyalty of restaurants in Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 7(4), 1493–1504.
Alam, M. Z. (2017). Exploring shopper insights into social media use in Saudi Arabia. International Review of Management and Marketing, 7(2), 326–333.
Alam, M. Z., & Abunar, S. (2023). Appraising the Buyers Approach Towards Sustainable Development with Special Reference to Buying Habits and Knowledge Source of Green Packaging: A Cross-Sectional Study. WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development, 19, 400-411.
Alam, M., Ahmad, T., Abunar, S., & Naseem, M. (2024). Analyzing the use and benefits of green communication in higher educational institutes. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 8(3), 1863-1872.
Al-Maatouk, Q., Othman, M. S., Aldraiweesh, A., Alturki, U., Al-Rahmi, W. M., & Aljeraiwi, A. A. (2020). Task-technology fit and technology acceptance model application to structure and evaluate the adoption of social media in academia. Ieee Access, 8, 78427-78440.
Al-Rahmi, W. M., Alias, N., Othman, M. S., Marin, V. I., & Tur, G. (2018). A model of factors affecting learning performance through the use of social media in Malaysian higher education. Computers & Education, 121, 59-72.
Al-Rahmi, W. M., Yahaya, N., Alturki, U., Alrobai, A., Aldraiweesh, A. A., Omar Alsayed, A., & Kamin, Y. B. (2022). Social media–based collaborative learning: The effect on learning success with the moderating role of cyberstalking and cyberbullying. Interactive Learning Environments, 30(8), 1434-1447.
Alshabeb, A., & Almaqrn, R. (2018). A study of EFL Saudi students' use of mobile S.M. applications for learning. Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Special Issue on CALL, (4). Retrieved from
Alt, D. (2018). Students’ wellbeing, fear of missing out, and social media engagement for leisure in higher education learning environments. Current Psychology (New Brunswick, N.J.), 37(1), 128–138. doi:10.1007/s12144-016-9496-1
Barreda, A. A. (2020). The impact of S.M. activities on brand image and emotional attachment: A case in the travel context. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 11(1), 109–135.
Chen, Y., Liu, X., Chiu, D. T., Li, Y., Mi, B., Zhang, Y., ... & Yan, H. (2022). Problematic social media use and depressive outcomes among college students in China: observational and experimental findings. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(9), 4937.
Cheung, M. L., Pires, G. D., Rosenberger III, P. J., Leung, W. K., & Ting, H. (2021). Investigating the role of social media marketing on value co-creation and engagement: An empirical study in China and Hong Kong. Australasian Marketing Journal, 29(2), 118-131.
Chung, C. H., Chiu, D. K., Ho, K. K., & Au, C. H. (2020). Applying S.M. to environmental education: is it more impactful than traditional media? Information Discovery and Delivery, 48, pp. 255–266.
David, J. L., Powless, M. D., Hyman, J. E., Purnell, D. M., Steinfeldt, J. A., & Fisher, S. (2018). College student athletes and social media: The psychological impacts of Twitter use. International Journal of Sport Communication, 11(2), 163-186.
Farzin, M. (2021). Effect of S.M. Marketing and eWOM on Willingness to Pay in the Etailing: Mediating Role of Brand Equity and Brand Identity. Business Perspectives and Research.
Khan, S. I., & Aas, H. A. R. (2019). Academic Performance, S.M. Effects, and Leaning of College Students: Evidence of Positive Influence in Erbil City. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera, 50(4).
Kumar, V., & Nanda, P. (2019). S.M. in higher education: A framework for continuous engagement. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (IJICTE), 15(1), 97–108. doi:10.4018/IJICTE.2019010107
Langaro, D., Rita, P., & Fátima Salgueiro, M. (2018). Do social networking sites contribute to building brands? Evaluating the impact of users' participation on brand awareness and brand attitude. Journal of Marketing Communications, 24(2), 146–168. doi:10.1080/13527266.2015.1036100
Leyrer-Jackson, J. M., & Wilson, A. K. (2018). The associations between social-media use and academic performance among undergraduate students in biology. Journal of Biological Education, 52(2), 21–230. Retrieved From
Lipp, S., & Brien, N. (2022). Bereaved college students: Social support, coping style, continuing bonds, and S.M. use as predictors of complicated grief and posttraumatic growth. OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying, 85(1), 178–203.
Malarvizhi, C. A., Al Mamun, A., Jayashree, S., Naznen, F., & Abir, T. (2022). Modelling the significance of social media marketing activities, brand equity and loyalty to predict consumers’ willingness to pay premium price for portable tech gadgets. Heliyon, 8(8).
Manca, S. (2020). Snapping, pinning, liking or texting: Investigating social media in higher education beyond Facebook. The Internet and Higher Education, 44(100707), 100707. doi:10.1016/j.iheduc.2019.100707
Masa’deh, R. E., et el., (2021). The impact of social media activities on brand equity. Information, 12(11), 477.
Mason, A. N. (2021). Pandemic effects on S.M. marketing behaviors in India. Cogent Business and Management. Cogent, 8(1).
Moghavvemi, S., Sulaiman, A., Jaafar, N. I., & Kasem, N. (2018). Social media as a complementary learning tool for teaching and learning: The case of youtube. The International journal of management education, 16(1), 37-42.
Palla, I. A., & Sheikh, A. (2021). Impact of S.M. on the academic performance of college students in Kashmir. Information Discovery and Delivery, 49(4), (pp. 298–307).
Perrault, E. K., Hildenbrand, G. M., McCullock, S. P., Schmitz, K. J., & Dolick, K. N. (2019). Hashtag health: College health on social media and students’ motivations to follow, interact, and share their social media content. Health promotion practice, 20(5), 721-729.
Rana, S., Verma, S., Haque, M. M., & Ahmed, G. (2022). Conceptualizing international positioning strategies for Indian higher education institutions. Review of International Business and Strategy, 32(4), 503-519.
Roy, G., Datta, B., Mukherjee, S., & Basu, R. (2021). Effect of eWOM stimuli and eWOM response on perceived service quality and online recommendation. Tourism Recreation Research, 46(4), 457–472. doi:10.1080/02508281.2020.1809822
Saima, & Khan, M. A. (2021). Effect of social media influencer marketing on consumers’ purchase intention and the mediating role of credibility. Journal of Promotion Management, 27(4), 503–523. doi:10.1080/10496491.2020.1851847
Salinas, C., & Lozano, A. (2019). Mapping and recontextualizing the evolution of Latinx: An environmental scanning in higher education. In Critical readings on Latinos and education (pp. 216-235). Routledge.
Sengupta, S., & Vaish, A. (2023). A study on social media and higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic. Universal Access in the Information Society. 1–23. Retrieved from
Seo, E. J., & Park, J. W. (2017). A study on the effects of S.M. marketing activities on brand equity and customer response in the airline industry. Journal of Air Transport Management, 66, 36–41.
Siddiqui, M. S., Siddiqui, U. A., Khan, M. A., Alkandi, I. G., Saxena, A. K., & Siddiqui, J. H. (2021). Creating electronic word of mouth credibility through social networking sites and determining its impact on brand image and online purchase intentions in India. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 16(4), 1008-1024.
Sijabat, L., Rantung, D. I., & Mandagi, D. W. (2022). The role of social media influencers in shaping customer brand engagement and perception. Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis, 9(2), 280-288.
Sivakumar, A., Jayasingh, S., & Shaik, S. (2023). Social Media Influence on Students’ Knowledge Sharing and Learning: An Empirical Study. Education Sciences, 13(7). Retrieved from
Sleeman, J., Lang, C., & Dakich, E. (2020). S.M., learning and connections for international students: The disconnect between what students use and the tools learning management systems offer. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 36(4), 44–56.
Sobaih, A. E. E., Hasanein, A. M., & Abu Elnasr, A. E. (2020). Responses to COVID-19 in higher education: Social media usage for sustaining formal academic communication in developing countries. Sustainability, 12(16), 6520.
Yusuf, N., Al-madah, R., & Alam, M. Z. (2016). Social media as a tool in learning and social behavior in Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Higher Education Management, 3(1).
Alam, M. (2023). An investigation on the use of digital marketing towards the customer satisfaction and brand loyalty of restaurants in Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 7(4), 1493–1504.
Alam, M. Z. (2017). Exploring shopper insights into social media use in Saudi Arabia. International Review of Management and Marketing, 7(2), 326–333.
Alam, M. Z., & Abunar, S. (2023). Appraising the Buyers Approach Towards Sustainable Development with Special Reference to Buying Habits and Knowledge Source of Green Packaging: A Cross-Sectional Study. WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development, 19, 400-411.
Alam, M., Ahmad, T., Abunar, S., & Naseem, M. (2024). Analyzing the use and benefits of green communication in higher educational institutes. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 8(3), 1863-1872.
Al-Maatouk, Q., Othman, M. S., Aldraiweesh, A., Alturki, U., Al-Rahmi, W. M., & Aljeraiwi, A. A. (2020). Task-technology fit and technology acceptance model application to structure and evaluate the adoption of social media in academia. Ieee Access, 8, 78427-78440.
Al-Rahmi, W. M., Alias, N., Othman, M. S., Marin, V. I., & Tur, G. (2018). A model of factors affecting learning performance through the use of social media in Malaysian higher education. Computers & Education, 121, 59-72.
Al-Rahmi, W. M., Yahaya, N., Alturki, U., Alrobai, A., Aldraiweesh, A. A., Omar Alsayed, A., & Kamin, Y. B. (2022). Social media–based collaborative learning: The effect on learning success with the moderating role of cyberstalking and cyberbullying. Interactive Learning Environments, 30(8), 1434-1447.
Alshabeb, A., & Almaqrn, R. (2018). A study of EFL Saudi students' use of mobile S.M. applications for learning. Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Special Issue on CALL, (4). Retrieved from
Alt, D. (2018). Students’ wellbeing, fear of missing out, and social media engagement for leisure in higher education learning environments. Current Psychology (New Brunswick, N.J.), 37(1), 128–138. doi:10.1007/s12144-016-9496-1
Barreda, A. A. (2020). The impact of S.M. activities on brand image and emotional attachment: A case in the travel context. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 11(1), 109–135.
Chen, Y., Liu, X., Chiu, D. T., Li, Y., Mi, B., Zhang, Y., ... & Yan, H. (2022). Problematic social media use and depressive outcomes among college students in China: observational and experimental findings. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(9), 4937.
Cheung, M. L., Pires, G. D., Rosenberger III, P. J., Leung, W. K., & Ting, H. (2021). Investigating the role of social media marketing on value co-creation and engagement: An empirical study in China and Hong Kong. Australasian Marketing Journal, 29(2), 118-131.
Chung, C. H., Chiu, D. K., Ho, K. K., & Au, C. H. (2020). Applying S.M. to environmental education: is it more impactful than traditional media? Information Discovery and Delivery, 48, pp. 255–266.
David, J. L., Powless, M. D., Hyman, J. E., Purnell, D. M., Steinfeldt, J. A., & Fisher, S. (2018). College student athletes and social media: The psychological impacts of Twitter use. International Journal of Sport Communication, 11(2), 163-186.
Farzin, M. (2021). Effect of S.M. Marketing and eWOM on Willingness to Pay in the Etailing: Mediating Role of Brand Equity and Brand Identity. Business Perspectives and Research.
Khan, S. I., & Aas, H. A. R. (2019). Academic Performance, S.M. Effects, and Leaning of College Students: Evidence of Positive Influence in Erbil City. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera, 50(4).
Kumar, V., & Nanda, P. (2019). S.M. in higher education: A framework for continuous engagement. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (IJICTE), 15(1), 97–108. doi:10.4018/IJICTE.2019010107
Langaro, D., Rita, P., & Fátima Salgueiro, M. (2018). Do social networking sites contribute to building brands? Evaluating the impact of users' participation on brand awareness and brand attitude. Journal of Marketing Communications, 24(2), 146–168. doi:10.1080/13527266.2015.1036100
Leyrer-Jackson, J. M., & Wilson, A. K. (2018). The associations between social-media use and academic performance among undergraduate students in biology. Journal of Biological Education, 52(2), 21–230. Retrieved From
Lipp, S., & Brien, N. (2022). Bereaved college students: Social support, coping style, continuing bonds, and S.M. use as predictors of complicated grief and posttraumatic growth. OMEGA-Journal of Death and Dying, 85(1), 178–203.
Malarvizhi, C. A., Al Mamun, A., Jayashree, S., Naznen, F., & Abir, T. (2022). Modelling the significance of social media marketing activities, brand equity and loyalty to predict consumers’ willingness to pay premium price for portable tech gadgets. Heliyon, 8(8).
Manca, S. (2020). Snapping, pinning, liking or texting: Investigating social media in higher education beyond Facebook. The Internet and Higher Education, 44(100707), 100707. doi:10.1016/j.iheduc.2019.100707
Masa’deh, R. E., et el., (2021). The impact of social media activities on brand equity. Information, 12(11), 477.
Mason, A. N. (2021). Pandemic effects on S.M. marketing behaviors in India. Cogent Business and Management. Cogent, 8(1).
Moghavvemi, S., Sulaiman, A., Jaafar, N. I., & Kasem, N. (2018). Social media as a complementary learning tool for teaching and learning: The case of youtube. The International journal of management education, 16(1), 37-42.
Palla, I. A., & Sheikh, A. (2021). Impact of S.M. on the academic performance of college students in Kashmir. Information Discovery and Delivery, 49(4), (pp. 298–307).
Perrault, E. K., Hildenbrand, G. M., McCullock, S. P., Schmitz, K. J., & Dolick, K. N. (2019). Hashtag health: College health on social media and students’ motivations to follow, interact, and share their social media content. Health promotion practice, 20(5), 721-729.
Rana, S., Verma, S., Haque, M. M., & Ahmed, G. (2022). Conceptualizing international positioning strategies for Indian higher education institutions. Review of International Business and Strategy, 32(4), 503-519.
Roy, G., Datta, B., Mukherjee, S., & Basu, R. (2021). Effect of eWOM stimuli and eWOM response on perceived service quality and online recommendation. Tourism Recreation Research, 46(4), 457–472. doi:10.1080/02508281.2020.1809822
Saima, & Khan, M. A. (2021). Effect of social media influencer marketing on consumers’ purchase intention and the mediating role of credibility. Journal of Promotion Management, 27(4), 503–523. doi:10.1080/10496491.2020.1851847
Salinas, C., & Lozano, A. (2019). Mapping and recontextualizing the evolution of Latinx: An environmental scanning in higher education. In Critical readings on Latinos and education (pp. 216-235). Routledge.
Sengupta, S., & Vaish, A. (2023). A study on social media and higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic. Universal Access in the Information Society. 1–23. Retrieved from
Seo, E. J., & Park, J. W. (2017). A study on the effects of S.M. marketing activities on brand equity and customer response in the airline industry. Journal of Air Transport Management, 66, 36–41.
Siddiqui, M. S., Siddiqui, U. A., Khan, M. A., Alkandi, I. G., Saxena, A. K., & Siddiqui, J. H. (2021). Creating electronic word of mouth credibility through social networking sites and determining its impact on brand image and online purchase intentions in India. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 16(4), 1008-1024.
Sijabat, L., Rantung, D. I., & Mandagi, D. W. (2022). The role of social media influencers in shaping customer brand engagement and perception. Jurnal Manajemen Bisnis, 9(2), 280-288.
Sivakumar, A., Jayasingh, S., & Shaik, S. (2023). Social Media Influence on Students’ Knowledge Sharing and Learning: An Empirical Study. Education Sciences, 13(7). Retrieved from
Sleeman, J., Lang, C., & Dakich, E. (2020). S.M., learning and connections for international students: The disconnect between what students use and the tools learning management systems offer. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 36(4), 44–56.
Sobaih, A. E. E., Hasanein, A. M., & Abu Elnasr, A. E. (2020). Responses to COVID-19 in higher education: Social media usage for sustaining formal academic communication in developing countries. Sustainability, 12(16), 6520.
Yusuf, N., Al-madah, R., & Alam, M. Z. (2016). Social media as a tool in learning and social behavior in Saudi Arabia. International Journal of Higher Education Management, 3(1).