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Soriano, K., Inga-Avila, M & Churampi-Cangalaya, R. (2025). Impact of intelligent tutoring on emotion and academic performance of systems engineering students at the national university of central Peru.International Journal of Data and Network Science, 9(2), 289-296.
Aziz, S., Khalid, A., Ercan, T., Ariza, P., Coll, A., Espitia, G.,Ortega, R. (2022). A software-based cost estimation technique in scrum using a developer's expertise. Advances in Engineering Software, 171.
Bhangale, P., Bhatt, B., Nandu, M., & Chavda, P. (2021). MeetUp: An Appointment Booking System using Flutter and Django Framework: MeetUp: Meetings Made Easy. IEEE.
Castro-Schez, J., Glez-Morcillo, C., Albusac, J., & Vallejo, D. (2021). An intelligent tutoring system for supporting active learning: A case study on predictive parsing learning. Information Sciences, 544, 446-468.
Chevalère, J., Yun, H. S., Henke, A., Pinkwart, N., Hafner, V. V., & Lazarides, R. (2023). A sequence of learning processes in an intelligent tutoring system from topic-related appraisals to learning gains. Learning and Instruction, 87, 101799.
Clancey, W. J., & Hoffman, R. R. (2021). Methods and standards for research on explainable artificial intelligence: Lessons from intelligent tutoring systems. Applied AI Letters, 2(4), e53.
De Barros, V. A. M., Paiva, H. M., & Hayashi, V. T. (2023). Using pbl and agile to teach artificial intelligence to undergraduate computing students. IEEE Access., 77737 - 77749.
Guan, C., Mou, J., & Jiang, Z. (2020). Artificial intelligence innovation in education: A twenty-year data-driven historical analysis. International Journal of Innovation Studies, 4(4), 134-147.
Guenther, P., Guenther, M., Ringle, C., Zaefarian, G., & Cartwright, S. (2023). Improving PLS-SEM use for business marketing research. Industrial Marketing Management, 111, 127-142.
Hardt, D., Nagler, M., & Rincke, J. (2023). Tutoring in (online) higher education: Experimental evidence. Economics of Education Review, 92.
Huybrechts, I., Declercq, A., Verté, E., Boeckxstaens, P., Raeymaeckers, P., & Anthierens, S. (2023). Will the implementation process for goal-oriented primary care succeed? A qualitative study investigating five perceived attributes of goal-oriented care. Social Science & Medicine, 331.
Jianfeng, X., Yuanjian, Z., & Duoqian, M. (2020). Three-way confusion matrix for classification: A measure driven view. Information Sciences, 507, 772-794.
Katz, S., Albacete, P., Angelica, I., Jordan, P., McLaren, B., & Zapata, D. (2021). Linking Dialogue with Student Modelling to Create an Adaptive Tutoring System for Conceptual Physics. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 31, 397–445.
Kim, W. H., & Kim, J. H. (2020). Individualized AI tutor based on developmental learning networks. IEEE Access, 8, 27927-27937.
Kochmar, E., Vu, D. D., Belfer, R., Gupta, V., Serban, I. V., & Pineau, J. (2022). Automated data-driven generation of personalized pedagogical interventions in intelligent tutoring systems. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 32(2), 323-349.
Lawson, A. P., Mayer, R. E., Adamo-Villani, N., Benes, B., Lei, X., & Cheng, J. (2021). Do learners recognize and relate to the emotions displayed by virtual instructors?. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 31, 134-153.
Matsuda, N., Weng, W., & Wall, N. (2020). The effect of metacognitive scaffolding for learning by teaching a teachable agent. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 30(1), 1-37. 10.1007/s40593-019-00190-2
Mayer, R. E. (2020). Searching for the role of emotions in e-learning. Learning and Instruction, 70, 101213.
Rodríguez, A., Quispe, D., & Wong, L. (2022, November). Model for the Monitoring of Competences of the PISA Test in Peru under a B-Learning Approach. In 2022 32nd Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT) (pp. 246-254). IEEE.
Rodríguez, R. S., Gracia, E. P., Puño-Quispe, L., & Hurtado-Mazeyra, A. (2023). Quality and equity in the Peruvian education system: Do they progress similarly?. International Journal of Educational Research, 119, 102183.
Schmitt, M. (2023). Automated machine learning: AI-driven decision making in business analytics. Intelligent Systems with Applications, 18, 200188.
Sychev, O. (2024). Educational models for cognition: Methodology of modeling intellectual skills for intelligent tutoring systems. Cognitive Systems Research, 87, 101261.
Taub, M., Azevedo, R., Rajendran, R., Cloude, E. B., Biswas, G., & Price, M. J. (2021). How are students’ emotions related to the accuracy of cognitive and metacognitive processes during learning with an intelligent tutoring system?. Learning and Instruction, 72, 101200.
Torshizi, M. D., & Bahraman, M. (2019). I explain, therefore I learn: Improving students’ assessment literacy and deep learning by teaching. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 61, 66-73.
Tsai, S. C., Chen, C. H., Shiao, Y. T., Ciou, J. S., & Wu, T. N. (2020). Precision education with statistical learning and deep learning: a case study in Taiwan. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 17, 1-13.
Veeramanickam, M. R. M., Dabade, M. S., Borhade, R. R., Barekar, S. S., Navarro, C., Roman-Concha, U., & Rodriguez, C. (2023). Smart education system to improve the learning system with CBR based recommendation system using IoT. Heliyon, 9(7).
Zhang, K., & Begum, A. (2021). AI technologies for education: Recent research & future directions. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 2(100025).
전형배, 정훈, 강병옥, & 이윤경. (2021). AI 기반 교육 현황과 기술 동향. ETRI, 36(1). 10.22648/ETRI.2021.J.360108
俊之, 武. (2019). 教育システムと「倫理的に配慮されたデザイン」. JSiSE, 33(7), 17-20.
Bhangale, P., Bhatt, B., Nandu, M., & Chavda, P. (2021). MeetUp: An Appointment Booking System using Flutter and Django Framework: MeetUp: Meetings Made Easy. IEEE.
Castro-Schez, J., Glez-Morcillo, C., Albusac, J., & Vallejo, D. (2021). An intelligent tutoring system for supporting active learning: A case study on predictive parsing learning. Information Sciences, 544, 446-468.
Chevalère, J., Yun, H. S., Henke, A., Pinkwart, N., Hafner, V. V., & Lazarides, R. (2023). A sequence of learning processes in an intelligent tutoring system from topic-related appraisals to learning gains. Learning and Instruction, 87, 101799.
Clancey, W. J., & Hoffman, R. R. (2021). Methods and standards for research on explainable artificial intelligence: Lessons from intelligent tutoring systems. Applied AI Letters, 2(4), e53.
De Barros, V. A. M., Paiva, H. M., & Hayashi, V. T. (2023). Using pbl and agile to teach artificial intelligence to undergraduate computing students. IEEE Access., 77737 - 77749.
Guan, C., Mou, J., & Jiang, Z. (2020). Artificial intelligence innovation in education: A twenty-year data-driven historical analysis. International Journal of Innovation Studies, 4(4), 134-147.
Guenther, P., Guenther, M., Ringle, C., Zaefarian, G., & Cartwright, S. (2023). Improving PLS-SEM use for business marketing research. Industrial Marketing Management, 111, 127-142.
Hardt, D., Nagler, M., & Rincke, J. (2023). Tutoring in (online) higher education: Experimental evidence. Economics of Education Review, 92.
Huybrechts, I., Declercq, A., Verté, E., Boeckxstaens, P., Raeymaeckers, P., & Anthierens, S. (2023). Will the implementation process for goal-oriented primary care succeed? A qualitative study investigating five perceived attributes of goal-oriented care. Social Science & Medicine, 331.
Jianfeng, X., Yuanjian, Z., & Duoqian, M. (2020). Three-way confusion matrix for classification: A measure driven view. Information Sciences, 507, 772-794.
Katz, S., Albacete, P., Angelica, I., Jordan, P., McLaren, B., & Zapata, D. (2021). Linking Dialogue with Student Modelling to Create an Adaptive Tutoring System for Conceptual Physics. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 31, 397–445.
Kim, W. H., & Kim, J. H. (2020). Individualized AI tutor based on developmental learning networks. IEEE Access, 8, 27927-27937.
Kochmar, E., Vu, D. D., Belfer, R., Gupta, V., Serban, I. V., & Pineau, J. (2022). Automated data-driven generation of personalized pedagogical interventions in intelligent tutoring systems. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 32(2), 323-349.
Lawson, A. P., Mayer, R. E., Adamo-Villani, N., Benes, B., Lei, X., & Cheng, J. (2021). Do learners recognize and relate to the emotions displayed by virtual instructors?. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 31, 134-153.
Matsuda, N., Weng, W., & Wall, N. (2020). The effect of metacognitive scaffolding for learning by teaching a teachable agent. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 30(1), 1-37. 10.1007/s40593-019-00190-2
Mayer, R. E. (2020). Searching for the role of emotions in e-learning. Learning and Instruction, 70, 101213.
Rodríguez, A., Quispe, D., & Wong, L. (2022, November). Model for the Monitoring of Competences of the PISA Test in Peru under a B-Learning Approach. In 2022 32nd Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT) (pp. 246-254). IEEE.
Rodríguez, R. S., Gracia, E. P., Puño-Quispe, L., & Hurtado-Mazeyra, A. (2023). Quality and equity in the Peruvian education system: Do they progress similarly?. International Journal of Educational Research, 119, 102183.
Schmitt, M. (2023). Automated machine learning: AI-driven decision making in business analytics. Intelligent Systems with Applications, 18, 200188.
Sychev, O. (2024). Educational models for cognition: Methodology of modeling intellectual skills for intelligent tutoring systems. Cognitive Systems Research, 87, 101261.
Taub, M., Azevedo, R., Rajendran, R., Cloude, E. B., Biswas, G., & Price, M. J. (2021). How are students’ emotions related to the accuracy of cognitive and metacognitive processes during learning with an intelligent tutoring system?. Learning and Instruction, 72, 101200.
Torshizi, M. D., & Bahraman, M. (2019). I explain, therefore I learn: Improving students’ assessment literacy and deep learning by teaching. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 61, 66-73.
Tsai, S. C., Chen, C. H., Shiao, Y. T., Ciou, J. S., & Wu, T. N. (2020). Precision education with statistical learning and deep learning: a case study in Taiwan. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 17, 1-13.
Veeramanickam, M. R. M., Dabade, M. S., Borhade, R. R., Barekar, S. S., Navarro, C., Roman-Concha, U., & Rodriguez, C. (2023). Smart education system to improve the learning system with CBR based recommendation system using IoT. Heliyon, 9(7).
Zhang, K., & Begum, A. (2021). AI technologies for education: Recent research & future directions. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 2(100025).
전형배, 정훈, 강병옥, & 이윤경. (2021). AI 기반 교육 현황과 기술 동향. ETRI, 36(1). 10.22648/ETRI.2021.J.360108
俊之, 武. (2019). 教育システムと「倫理的に配慮されたデザイン」. JSiSE, 33(7), 17-20.