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Alfandi, A., Alshihabat, K., Alrfai, M., Siam, I., Bani-Hani, T., Alibraheem, M & Al-qaied, B. (2023). The entrepreneurial shift in education: The critical success factors of mobile learning in higher education institutions.International Journal of Data and Network Science, 7(4), 2001-2012.
Akbulut, O., Dönmez, O., & Dursun, O. (2017). Cyberloafing and social desirability bias among students and employees. Computers in Human Behavior, 72, 87–95.
Akıllı, G., & Gezgin, D. (2016). Üniversite öğrencilerinin nomofobi düzeyleri ile farklı davranış örüntülerinin arasındaki ilişkilerin incelenmesi. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 1(40), 51-69.
Alzoubi, A., & Azloubi, S. (2020). Determinants of E-Learning Based on Cloud Computing adoption: Evidence from a Students’ Perspective in Jordan. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(4), 1361-1370. Re-trieved from
Alzoubi, S., & Alzoubi, A. (2019). An Investigation of Factors affecting E-Marketing Customers’ Behavioral intention to use Telecommunication industry in Jordan. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 11(3).
Ataş, A., & Çelik, B. (2019). Smartphone use of university students: Patterns, purposes, and situations. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology, 7(2), 54-70.
Bartwal, J., & Nath, B. (2020). Evaluation of nomophobia among medical students using smartphone in north India. Medi-cal Journal Armed Forces India, 76(4), 451-455.
Blau, G., Yang, Y., & Ward-Cook, K. (2006). Testing a measure of cyberloafing. Journal of Allied Health, 35(1), 9–17.
Chen, C., Zhang, K., Zhao, S., & Lee, M. (2016). The impact of mere exposure effect on smartphone addiction. In 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) (pp. 1507– 1514). IEEE.
Chen, Y., Chen, H., Andrasik, F., & Gu, C. (2021). Perceived stress and cyberloafing among college students: The mediat-ing roles of fatigue and negative coping styles. Sustainability, 13(8), 4468.
Christensen, R., & Knezek, G. (2017). Readiness for integrating mobile learning in the classroom: Challenges, preferences and possibilities. Computers in Human Behavior, 76, 112-121.
Coskun, B., & Akar, I. (2020). Exploring the relationship between creativity and cyberloafing of prospective teachers. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 38, 100724.
Demir, O., & Seferoğlu, S. (2016). The Investigation of the Relationship of Cyber Bullying with Cyber Loafing, Internet Addiction, Information Literacy and Various Other Variables. Online Journal of Technology Addiction and Cyberbul-lying, 3(1), 1-26.
Elhai, W., Tiamiyu, M., Weeks, J., Levine, J., Picard, K., & Hall, B. (2018). Depression and emotion regulation predict objective smartphone use measured over one week. Personality and Individual Differences, 133, 21–28.
Erdem, H., Türen, U., & Kalkin, G. (2017). Mobil telefon yoksunluğu korkusu (Nomofobi) yayılımı:Türkiye'den üniver-site öğrencileri ve kamu çalışanları örneklemi. Bilişim Teknolojileri Dergisi, 10(1), 1-12.
Farooqui, I., Pore, P., & Gothankar, J. (2018). Nomophobia: an emerging issue in medical institutions?. Journal of Mental Health, 27(5), 438-441.
Fezile, O., & Erinc, E. (2021). Cyberloafing Among University Students. TEM Journal, 10(1), 421‐426, DOI: 10.18421/TEM101-53.
Firat, M., & Bozkurt, A. (2020). Variables affecting online learning readiness in an open and distance learning university. Educational Media International, 57(2), 112–127. 2020.1786772.
Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable and measurement error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), 39-50.
Gökçearslan, S., Durak, H., & Esiyok, E. (2023). Emotion regulation, e-learning readiness, technology usage status, in-class smartphone cyberloafing, and smartphone addiction in the time of COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 25(5), 3-16.
Gözüm, A., Erkul, R., & Aksoy, N. (2020). Use of smartphones in class: Examining the relationship between m-learning readiness, cyberloafing, nomophobia and addiction variables. International Journal of Progressive Education, 16(6), 94–120. doi:10.2.
Hair Jr, J. F., Hult, G. T. M., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2021). A primer on partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). Sage publications.
Hamrat, N., Hidayat, D., & Sumantri, S. (2019). Dampak stres akademik dan cyberloafing terhadap kecanduan smartphone [the impact of academic stress and cyberloafing on smartphone addiction]. Jurnal EDUCATIO: Jurnal Pendidikan In-donesia, 5(1), 13–19.
Hung, M., Chou, C., Chen, C., & Own, Z. (2010). Learner readiness for online learning: Scale development and student perceptions. Computers & Education, 55(3), 1080–1090.
Karabatak, S., & Alanoglu, A. (2021). Perceived social support as a predictor of teacher candidates' smartphone cyberloaf-ing. International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies, 8(4), 195–209.
Keser, H., Kavuk, M., & Numanoglu, G. (2016). The Relationship between Cyber-Loafing and Internet Addiction. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 11(1), 37-42.
Khalifeh, A. (2020). Advances in business management: The incorporation of sustainability in software engineering pro-jects and the potential impact on project success in the context of Jordanian public Universities (Doctoral dissertation, University of Bolton).
Khalifeh, A., Farrell, P., & Al-edenat, M. (2020a). The impact of project sustainability management (PSM) on project success: A systematic literature review. Journal of Management Development. 39(4), 453-474.
Khalifeh, A., Farrell, P., Alrousan, M., Alwardat, S., & Faisal, M. (2020b). Incorporating sustainability into software pro-jects: a conceptual framework. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 13(6), 1339-1361.
Koay, K., & Poon, W. (2022). Students' cyberslacking behaviour in elearning environments: The role of the Big Five per-sonality traits and situational factors. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education.
Kwon, M., Kim, D., Cho, H., & Yang, S. (2013). The smartphone addiction scale: Development and validation of a short version for adolescents. PLoS One, 8(12), e83558.
McCoy, B. (2020). Digital distractions in the classroom: Student classroom use of digital devices for non-class related purposes. Journal of Media Education, 11(2), 5–23.
Minaz, A., & Çetinkaya, O. (2017). Investigation of university students smartphone addiction levels and usage purposes in terms of different variables. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 9(21), 268-286.
Mohamad, A., Saleem, A., & Ahmad, A. (2019). Factor that Influence to Acceptance M-Learning among Jordanian Stu-dents. Computer and Information Science, 12(1); 2019; ISSN 1913-8989 E-ISSN 1913-8997; Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education.
Ozdamli, F., & Ercag, E. (2021). Cyberloafing among university students. TEM Journal, 10(1), 421–426.
Ozdemir, C., Yıldız, A., & Şahan, S. (2021). Cyberloafing behaviors of health professional students during distance educa-tion in the COVID-19 pandemic period. Journal of Health Education, 6(1), 1–6. 10.15294/jhe.v6i1.45307.
Polat, M. (2018). Derslerde akıllı telefon siber aylaklığı ölçeği (DATSAÖ): Üniversite öğrencileri aylaklığı ölçeği (DATSAÖ): Üniversite öğrencileri için bir ölçek uyarlama çalışması. Social Sciences Studies Journal (SSSJournal), 4(21), 3114-3127.
Ravizza, S., Uitvlugt, M., & Fenn, K. (2017). The negative effects of laptop internet use during class. Neuroscience Let-ters, 79, 381–382.
Rohayani, A. (2015). A literature review: Readiness factors to measuring e-learning readiness in higher education. Proce-dia Computer Science, 59, 230–234.
Rozgonjuk, D., & Elhai, J. (2019). Emotion regulation in relation to smartphone use: Process smartphone use mediates the association between expressive suppression and problematic smartphone use. Current Psychology, 3246–3255.
Saleem, A., & Ahmad, A. (2019). E-learning Benchmarking Adoption: A Case Study of Sur University College. Interna-tional Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 10(11), 2019. doi:DOI:10.14569/IJACSA.2019.0101164
Saritepeci, M. (2020). Predictors of cyberloafing among high school students: Unauthorized access to school network, metacognitive awareness and smartphone addiction. Education and Information Technologies, 25, 2201–2219.
Sevinç, M., & Dogusoy, B. (2022). Exploring the relationship between secondary school students' smartphone addiction, cognitive absorption, and cyber loafing activities. Participatory Educational Research, 9(5), 414–429.
Siam, I., Abumandil, M., Jafri, A. R., & Alshuaibi, M. (2022). A Systemic Review on Human Capital Investment: The Context of Jordan. ECS Transactions, 107(1), 11029.
Spitzer, M. (2015). M-Learning? When it comes to learning, smartphones are aliability, not an asset. Trends in Neurosci-ence & Education, 4, 87–89.
Şumuer, E., Gezgin, D., & Yıldırım, S. (2018). Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Ders Sırasında Öğretim Amacı Dışında Mobil Telefon Kullanımına Etki Eden Faktörlerin İncelenmesi. Sakarya University Journal of Education, 8(4), 7-19.
Syrek, C., Kühnel, J., & Vahle-Hinz, T. (2018). Share, like, twitter, and connect: Ecological momentary assessment to ex-amine the relationship between non-work social media use at work and work engagement. Work & Stress, 32(3), 209-227.
Tang, Y., Chen, P., Law, K., Wu, C., Lau, Y., Guan, J., . . . Ho, G. (2021). Comparative analysis of student's live online learning readiness during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in the higher education sector. Computers & Eduction 168, 104211.
Vitak, J., Crouse, J., & LaRose, R. (2011). Personal internet use at work: Understanding cyberslacking. Computers in Hu-man Behavior, 27(5), 1751–1759.
Vogel, C., Hochberg, J., Hackstein, S., Bockshecker, A., Bastiaens, T. J., & Baumöl, U. (2018, June). Dropout in Distance Education and how to Prevent it. In EdMedia+ Innovate Learning (pp. 1788-1799). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Widodo, S., Wibowo, Y., & Wagiran, W. (2020). Online learning readiness during the Covid-19 pandemic. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1700(1), 012033. 1/012033.
Wu, J., Mei, W., Liu, L., & Ugrin, J. (2020). The bright and dark sides of social cyberloafing: Effects on employee mental health in China. Journal of Business Research, 112, 56-64.
Yigit, I., & Yigit, M. (2019). Psychometric properties of Turkish version of difficulties in emotion regulation scale-brief form (DERS-16). Current Psychology, 38(6), 1503–1511. 017-9712-7.
Yildiz, H. (2018). What would you do without your smartphone? Adolescents' social media usage, locus of control, and loneliness as a predictor of nomophobia. Addicta: The Turkish Journal on Addictions, 5(2), 151–163.
Yukselturk, E., Ozekes, S., & Turel, Y. (2014). Predicting dropout student: An application of data mining methods in an online education program. European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning, 17(1), 118–133.
Yurdugül, H., & Demir, O. (2017). An investigation of pre-service teachers' readiness for e-learning at undergraduate lev-el teacher training programs: The case of Hacettepe University]. Hacettepe Üniversitesi E_gitim Fakültesi Dergisi [H. U. Journal of Education], 32(4), 896.
Zhang, Y., Tian, Y., Yao, L., Duan, C., & Sun, X. (2020). Teaching presence predicts cyberloafing during online learning: From the perspective of the community of inquiry framework and social learning theory. British Journal of Educa-tional Psychology, 92(4), 1651–1666.
Akıllı, G., & Gezgin, D. (2016). Üniversite öğrencilerinin nomofobi düzeyleri ile farklı davranış örüntülerinin arasındaki ilişkilerin incelenmesi. Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 1(40), 51-69.
Alzoubi, A., & Azloubi, S. (2020). Determinants of E-Learning Based on Cloud Computing adoption: Evidence from a Students’ Perspective in Jordan. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(4), 1361-1370. Re-trieved from
Alzoubi, S., & Alzoubi, A. (2019). An Investigation of Factors affecting E-Marketing Customers’ Behavioral intention to use Telecommunication industry in Jordan. International Journal of Marketing Studies, 11(3).
Ataş, A., & Çelik, B. (2019). Smartphone use of university students: Patterns, purposes, and situations. Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Technology, 7(2), 54-70.
Bartwal, J., & Nath, B. (2020). Evaluation of nomophobia among medical students using smartphone in north India. Medi-cal Journal Armed Forces India, 76(4), 451-455.
Blau, G., Yang, Y., & Ward-Cook, K. (2006). Testing a measure of cyberloafing. Journal of Allied Health, 35(1), 9–17.
Chen, C., Zhang, K., Zhao, S., & Lee, M. (2016). The impact of mere exposure effect on smartphone addiction. In 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) (pp. 1507– 1514). IEEE.
Chen, Y., Chen, H., Andrasik, F., & Gu, C. (2021). Perceived stress and cyberloafing among college students: The mediat-ing roles of fatigue and negative coping styles. Sustainability, 13(8), 4468.
Christensen, R., & Knezek, G. (2017). Readiness for integrating mobile learning in the classroom: Challenges, preferences and possibilities. Computers in Human Behavior, 76, 112-121.
Coskun, B., & Akar, I. (2020). Exploring the relationship between creativity and cyberloafing of prospective teachers. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 38, 100724.
Demir, O., & Seferoğlu, S. (2016). The Investigation of the Relationship of Cyber Bullying with Cyber Loafing, Internet Addiction, Information Literacy and Various Other Variables. Online Journal of Technology Addiction and Cyberbul-lying, 3(1), 1-26.
Elhai, W., Tiamiyu, M., Weeks, J., Levine, J., Picard, K., & Hall, B. (2018). Depression and emotion regulation predict objective smartphone use measured over one week. Personality and Individual Differences, 133, 21–28.
Erdem, H., Türen, U., & Kalkin, G. (2017). Mobil telefon yoksunluğu korkusu (Nomofobi) yayılımı:Türkiye'den üniver-site öğrencileri ve kamu çalışanları örneklemi. Bilişim Teknolojileri Dergisi, 10(1), 1-12.
Farooqui, I., Pore, P., & Gothankar, J. (2018). Nomophobia: an emerging issue in medical institutions?. Journal of Mental Health, 27(5), 438-441.
Fezile, O., & Erinc, E. (2021). Cyberloafing Among University Students. TEM Journal, 10(1), 421‐426, DOI: 10.18421/TEM101-53.
Firat, M., & Bozkurt, A. (2020). Variables affecting online learning readiness in an open and distance learning university. Educational Media International, 57(2), 112–127. 2020.1786772.
Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. F. (1981). Evaluating structural equation models with unobservable and measurement error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1), 39-50.
Gökçearslan, S., Durak, H., & Esiyok, E. (2023). Emotion regulation, e-learning readiness, technology usage status, in-class smartphone cyberloafing, and smartphone addiction in the time of COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 25(5), 3-16.
Gözüm, A., Erkul, R., & Aksoy, N. (2020). Use of smartphones in class: Examining the relationship between m-learning readiness, cyberloafing, nomophobia and addiction variables. International Journal of Progressive Education, 16(6), 94–120. doi:10.2.
Hair Jr, J. F., Hult, G. T. M., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2021). A primer on partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). Sage publications.
Hamrat, N., Hidayat, D., & Sumantri, S. (2019). Dampak stres akademik dan cyberloafing terhadap kecanduan smartphone [the impact of academic stress and cyberloafing on smartphone addiction]. Jurnal EDUCATIO: Jurnal Pendidikan In-donesia, 5(1), 13–19.
Hung, M., Chou, C., Chen, C., & Own, Z. (2010). Learner readiness for online learning: Scale development and student perceptions. Computers & Education, 55(3), 1080–1090.
Karabatak, S., & Alanoglu, A. (2021). Perceived social support as a predictor of teacher candidates' smartphone cyberloaf-ing. International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies, 8(4), 195–209.
Keser, H., Kavuk, M., & Numanoglu, G. (2016). The Relationship between Cyber-Loafing and Internet Addiction. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 11(1), 37-42.
Khalifeh, A. (2020). Advances in business management: The incorporation of sustainability in software engineering pro-jects and the potential impact on project success in the context of Jordanian public Universities (Doctoral dissertation, University of Bolton).
Khalifeh, A., Farrell, P., & Al-edenat, M. (2020a). The impact of project sustainability management (PSM) on project success: A systematic literature review. Journal of Management Development. 39(4), 453-474.
Khalifeh, A., Farrell, P., Alrousan, M., Alwardat, S., & Faisal, M. (2020b). Incorporating sustainability into software pro-jects: a conceptual framework. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 13(6), 1339-1361.
Koay, K., & Poon, W. (2022). Students' cyberslacking behaviour in elearning environments: The role of the Big Five per-sonality traits and situational factors. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education.
Kwon, M., Kim, D., Cho, H., & Yang, S. (2013). The smartphone addiction scale: Development and validation of a short version for adolescents. PLoS One, 8(12), e83558.
McCoy, B. (2020). Digital distractions in the classroom: Student classroom use of digital devices for non-class related purposes. Journal of Media Education, 11(2), 5–23.
Minaz, A., & Çetinkaya, O. (2017). Investigation of university students smartphone addiction levels and usage purposes in terms of different variables. Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 9(21), 268-286.
Mohamad, A., Saleem, A., & Ahmad, A. (2019). Factor that Influence to Acceptance M-Learning among Jordanian Stu-dents. Computer and Information Science, 12(1); 2019; ISSN 1913-8989 E-ISSN 1913-8997; Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education.
Ozdamli, F., & Ercag, E. (2021). Cyberloafing among university students. TEM Journal, 10(1), 421–426.
Ozdemir, C., Yıldız, A., & Şahan, S. (2021). Cyberloafing behaviors of health professional students during distance educa-tion in the COVID-19 pandemic period. Journal of Health Education, 6(1), 1–6. 10.15294/jhe.v6i1.45307.
Polat, M. (2018). Derslerde akıllı telefon siber aylaklığı ölçeği (DATSAÖ): Üniversite öğrencileri aylaklığı ölçeği (DATSAÖ): Üniversite öğrencileri için bir ölçek uyarlama çalışması. Social Sciences Studies Journal (SSSJournal), 4(21), 3114-3127.
Ravizza, S., Uitvlugt, M., & Fenn, K. (2017). The negative effects of laptop internet use during class. Neuroscience Let-ters, 79, 381–382.
Rohayani, A. (2015). A literature review: Readiness factors to measuring e-learning readiness in higher education. Proce-dia Computer Science, 59, 230–234.
Rozgonjuk, D., & Elhai, J. (2019). Emotion regulation in relation to smartphone use: Process smartphone use mediates the association between expressive suppression and problematic smartphone use. Current Psychology, 3246–3255.
Saleem, A., & Ahmad, A. (2019). E-learning Benchmarking Adoption: A Case Study of Sur University College. Interna-tional Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, 10(11), 2019. doi:DOI:10.14569/IJACSA.2019.0101164
Saritepeci, M. (2020). Predictors of cyberloafing among high school students: Unauthorized access to school network, metacognitive awareness and smartphone addiction. Education and Information Technologies, 25, 2201–2219.
Sevinç, M., & Dogusoy, B. (2022). Exploring the relationship between secondary school students' smartphone addiction, cognitive absorption, and cyber loafing activities. Participatory Educational Research, 9(5), 414–429.
Siam, I., Abumandil, M., Jafri, A. R., & Alshuaibi, M. (2022). A Systemic Review on Human Capital Investment: The Context of Jordan. ECS Transactions, 107(1), 11029.
Spitzer, M. (2015). M-Learning? When it comes to learning, smartphones are aliability, not an asset. Trends in Neurosci-ence & Education, 4, 87–89.
Şumuer, E., Gezgin, D., & Yıldırım, S. (2018). Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Ders Sırasında Öğretim Amacı Dışında Mobil Telefon Kullanımına Etki Eden Faktörlerin İncelenmesi. Sakarya University Journal of Education, 8(4), 7-19.
Syrek, C., Kühnel, J., & Vahle-Hinz, T. (2018). Share, like, twitter, and connect: Ecological momentary assessment to ex-amine the relationship between non-work social media use at work and work engagement. Work & Stress, 32(3), 209-227.
Tang, Y., Chen, P., Law, K., Wu, C., Lau, Y., Guan, J., . . . Ho, G. (2021). Comparative analysis of student's live online learning readiness during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in the higher education sector. Computers & Eduction 168, 104211.
Vitak, J., Crouse, J., & LaRose, R. (2011). Personal internet use at work: Understanding cyberslacking. Computers in Hu-man Behavior, 27(5), 1751–1759.
Vogel, C., Hochberg, J., Hackstein, S., Bockshecker, A., Bastiaens, T. J., & Baumöl, U. (2018, June). Dropout in Distance Education and how to Prevent it. In EdMedia+ Innovate Learning (pp. 1788-1799). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Widodo, S., Wibowo, Y., & Wagiran, W. (2020). Online learning readiness during the Covid-19 pandemic. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1700(1), 012033. 1/012033.
Wu, J., Mei, W., Liu, L., & Ugrin, J. (2020). The bright and dark sides of social cyberloafing: Effects on employee mental health in China. Journal of Business Research, 112, 56-64.
Yigit, I., & Yigit, M. (2019). Psychometric properties of Turkish version of difficulties in emotion regulation scale-brief form (DERS-16). Current Psychology, 38(6), 1503–1511. 017-9712-7.
Yildiz, H. (2018). What would you do without your smartphone? Adolescents' social media usage, locus of control, and loneliness as a predictor of nomophobia. Addicta: The Turkish Journal on Addictions, 5(2), 151–163.
Yukselturk, E., Ozekes, S., & Turel, Y. (2014). Predicting dropout student: An application of data mining methods in an online education program. European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning, 17(1), 118–133.
Yurdugül, H., & Demir, O. (2017). An investigation of pre-service teachers' readiness for e-learning at undergraduate lev-el teacher training programs: The case of Hacettepe University]. Hacettepe Üniversitesi E_gitim Fakültesi Dergisi [H. U. Journal of Education], 32(4), 896.
Zhang, Y., Tian, Y., Yao, L., Duan, C., & Sun, X. (2020). Teaching presence predicts cyberloafing during online learning: From the perspective of the community of inquiry framework and social learning theory. British Journal of Educa-tional Psychology, 92(4), 1651–1666.