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Sulistyo, B., Lubis, A., Musnadi, S & Utami, S. (2025). The role of social communication in shaping territorial responsiveness and loyalty and its impact on sustainable territorial performance.Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 13(4), 575-584.
Adam, M., Ibrahim, M., Putra, T. R. I., & Yunus, M. (2023). The effect of e-WOM model mediation of marketing mix and destination image on tourist revisit intention. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 7(1), 265–274.
Amir, M. T. (2020). Manajemen Komunikasi dalam Organisasi Publik. Jakarta: Rajawali Press.
Bartel, C. A., & Dutton, J. E. (2001). Ambiguous organizational memberships: Constructing organizational identities in interactions with others. Social Psychology Quarterly, 64(3), 283-295.
Brown, G., Lawrence, T. B., & Robinson, S. L. (2005). Territoriality in organizations. Academy of Management Review, 30(3), 577–594.
Brown, J., & Turner, K. (2020). Communication Barriers and Territorial Loyalty in Public Service Delivery. Public Administration Review, 80(5), 710-725.
Bryson, J. M. (2018). Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations. Wiley.
Cacioppo, J. T., Reis, H. T., & Zautra, A. J. (2011). Social resilience: The value of social fitness with an application to the military. American Psychologist, 66(1), 43–51.
Campbell, S. (1996). Green cities, growing cities, just cities? Urban planning and the contradictions of sustainable development. Journal of the American Planning Association, 62(3), 296–312.
Charters, S., & Spielmann, N. (2014). Characteristics of strong territorial brands: The case of champagne. Journal of Business Research, 67(7), 1461-1467.
Chen, L., Ma, Y., & Xu, W. (2021). Bridging the Communication Gap: Enhancing Organizational Performance Through Territorial Responsiveness. Public Management Review, 23(7), 1043-1060.
Christel, A., Chemidlin Prevost-Bouré, N., Dequiedt, S., Saby, N., Mercier, F., Tripied, J., Comment, G., Villerd, J., Djemiel, C., Hermant, A., Blondon, M., Bargeot, L., Matagne, E., Horrigue, W., Maron, P. A., & Ranjard, L. (2024). Differential responses of soil microbial biomass, diversity and interactions to land use intensity at a territorial scale. Science of The Total Environment, 906, Article 167454.
Dao, H., Plagnat Cantoreggi, P., & Rousseaux, V. (2017). Operationalizing a contested concept: indicators of territorial cohesion. European Planning Studies, 25(4), 638–660.
Dardonville, M., Catarino, R., & Therond, O. (2023). Sustainability and resilience against climate change provided by a territorial crop-livestock system. Journal of Cleaner Production, 432, 139646.
Decoville, A., & Durand, F. (2016). Building a cross-border territorial strategy between four countries: wishful thinking? European Planning Studies, 24(10), 1825–1843.
Freeman, R. E. (2010). Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach. Cambridge University Press.
Friedmann, J. (2010). Planning in the Public Domain: From Knowledge to Action. Princeton University Press.
Huo, Y. J., Smith, H. J., Tyler, T. R., & Lind, E. A. (1996). Superordinate identification, subgroup identification, and justice concerns: Is separatism the problem; is assimilation the answer? Psychological Science, 7(1), 40-45.
Ibrahim, M., Karollah, B., & Mahdani, R. (2023). The effect of supply chain innovation and e-procurement implementation on supply chain performance of manufacturing organization. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 11, 697–706.
Ibrahim, M., Putra, T. R. I., & Suryani, I. (2024). Does social support and work-life conflict moderate the influence of job stress on job performance? (A study at Syiah Kuala University). Problems and Perspectives in Management, 22(4), 463-476.
Ibrahim, M., Yusra Y., & Shah, N.U. (2022). Impact of social media addiction on work engagement and job performance. Polish Journal of Management Studies, 25(1), 179-192.
Katz, D., & Kahn, R. L. (1978). The Social Psychology of Organizations. New York: Wiley.
Laña, B., Crespo-Eguilaz, N., & Sánchez, R. (2024). The profile of social communication in Dravet syndrome. Epilepsy & Behavior, 159, Article 109331.
Li, S., & Liu, X. (2020). The Role of Communication in Enhancing Public Sector Territorial Loyalty. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 33(4), 567-584.
Liliweri, A. (2011). Komunikasi Antarbudaya [Intercultural Communication], Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
Malah, A., Bahi, H., Bounoua, L., Tahiri, M., Chaabane, M. S., & Sabri, A. (2023). Territorial sustainability performance assessment in African context: Case study of the Moroccan provinces. Journal of Cleaner Production, 433, 139781.
Medeiros, E. (2016). European Union Cohesion Policy and Spain: a territorial impact assessment. Regional Studies, 51(8), 1259–1269.
Porter, M. E., & Kramer, M. R. (2011). Creating shared value. Harvard Business Review, 89(1/2), 62-77.
Reid, D. (1995). Sustainable development: An introductory guide. Routledge.
Rimal, R. N., Ganjoo, R., Jamison, A., Parida, M., & Tharmarajah, S. (2024). Social norms, vaccine confidence, and interpersonal communication as predictors of vaccination intentions: Findings from slum areas in Varanasi, India. Vaccine, 42(22), 126038.
Robinson, S. L., & Morrison, E. W. (2000). The development of psychological contract breach and violation: A longitudinal study. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 21(5), 525–546.;2-T
Rogers, E. M., & Kincaid, D. L. (1981). Communication Networks: Toward a New Paradigm for Research. New York: Free Press.
Royuela, V., & Belloni, C. M. (2024). Socioeconomic and territorial dynamics of bullfighting in contemporary Spain. Regional Science Policy & Practice, 16(7), Article 100077.
Scaramuzzi, S., Scarpellini, P., Gabellini, S., Ranaboldo, C., & Belletti, G. (2023). Enhancing territorial development based on biocultural identity: A capacity building approach. Journal of Rural Studies, 104, 103161.
Sewall, K. B., Beck, M. L., Lane, S. J., & Davies, S. (2023). Urban and rural male song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) differ in territorial aggression and activation of vasotocin neurons in response to song challenge. Hormones and Behavior, 156, Article 105438.
Torre, A. (2023). Contribution to the theory of territorial development: a territorial innovations approach. Regional Studies, 1–16.
Uhl-Bien, M., Marion, R., & McKelvey, B. (2007). Complexity leadership theory: Shifting leadership from the industrial age to the knowledge era. The Leadership Quarterly, 18(4), 298-318.
Van Dyne, L., & Pierce, J. L. (2004). Psychological ownership and feelings of possession: Three field studies predicting employee attitudes and organizational citizenship behavior. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 25(4), 439–459.
Yunus, M., Ibrahim, M., & Kesuma, T. M. (2024). Exploring the role of amenities, accessibility, and attractions on tourists' inclination to revisit a destination area. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 12(4), 2539–2546.
Zhu, G., Zhao, P., Zhang, L., Li, X., Ding, W., Yu, H., Zhang, N., Yang, S., Zhang, C., & Xie, Z. (2024). Territorial spatial suitability assessment and optimization of coastal port reclamation in China. Ocean & Coastal Management, 254, 107189.
Amir, M. T. (2020). Manajemen Komunikasi dalam Organisasi Publik. Jakarta: Rajawali Press.
Bartel, C. A., & Dutton, J. E. (2001). Ambiguous organizational memberships: Constructing organizational identities in interactions with others. Social Psychology Quarterly, 64(3), 283-295.
Brown, G., Lawrence, T. B., & Robinson, S. L. (2005). Territoriality in organizations. Academy of Management Review, 30(3), 577–594.
Brown, J., & Turner, K. (2020). Communication Barriers and Territorial Loyalty in Public Service Delivery. Public Administration Review, 80(5), 710-725.
Bryson, J. M. (2018). Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations. Wiley.
Cacioppo, J. T., Reis, H. T., & Zautra, A. J. (2011). Social resilience: The value of social fitness with an application to the military. American Psychologist, 66(1), 43–51.
Campbell, S. (1996). Green cities, growing cities, just cities? Urban planning and the contradictions of sustainable development. Journal of the American Planning Association, 62(3), 296–312.
Charters, S., & Spielmann, N. (2014). Characteristics of strong territorial brands: The case of champagne. Journal of Business Research, 67(7), 1461-1467.
Chen, L., Ma, Y., & Xu, W. (2021). Bridging the Communication Gap: Enhancing Organizational Performance Through Territorial Responsiveness. Public Management Review, 23(7), 1043-1060.
Christel, A., Chemidlin Prevost-Bouré, N., Dequiedt, S., Saby, N., Mercier, F., Tripied, J., Comment, G., Villerd, J., Djemiel, C., Hermant, A., Blondon, M., Bargeot, L., Matagne, E., Horrigue, W., Maron, P. A., & Ranjard, L. (2024). Differential responses of soil microbial biomass, diversity and interactions to land use intensity at a territorial scale. Science of The Total Environment, 906, Article 167454.
Dao, H., Plagnat Cantoreggi, P., & Rousseaux, V. (2017). Operationalizing a contested concept: indicators of territorial cohesion. European Planning Studies, 25(4), 638–660.
Dardonville, M., Catarino, R., & Therond, O. (2023). Sustainability and resilience against climate change provided by a territorial crop-livestock system. Journal of Cleaner Production, 432, 139646.
Decoville, A., & Durand, F. (2016). Building a cross-border territorial strategy between four countries: wishful thinking? European Planning Studies, 24(10), 1825–1843.
Freeman, R. E. (2010). Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach. Cambridge University Press.
Friedmann, J. (2010). Planning in the Public Domain: From Knowledge to Action. Princeton University Press.
Huo, Y. J., Smith, H. J., Tyler, T. R., & Lind, E. A. (1996). Superordinate identification, subgroup identification, and justice concerns: Is separatism the problem; is assimilation the answer? Psychological Science, 7(1), 40-45.
Ibrahim, M., Karollah, B., & Mahdani, R. (2023). The effect of supply chain innovation and e-procurement implementation on supply chain performance of manufacturing organization. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 11, 697–706.
Ibrahim, M., Putra, T. R. I., & Suryani, I. (2024). Does social support and work-life conflict moderate the influence of job stress on job performance? (A study at Syiah Kuala University). Problems and Perspectives in Management, 22(4), 463-476.
Ibrahim, M., Yusra Y., & Shah, N.U. (2022). Impact of social media addiction on work engagement and job performance. Polish Journal of Management Studies, 25(1), 179-192.
Katz, D., & Kahn, R. L. (1978). The Social Psychology of Organizations. New York: Wiley.
Laña, B., Crespo-Eguilaz, N., & Sánchez, R. (2024). The profile of social communication in Dravet syndrome. Epilepsy & Behavior, 159, Article 109331.
Li, S., & Liu, X. (2020). The Role of Communication in Enhancing Public Sector Territorial Loyalty. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 33(4), 567-584.
Liliweri, A. (2011). Komunikasi Antarbudaya [Intercultural Communication], Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
Malah, A., Bahi, H., Bounoua, L., Tahiri, M., Chaabane, M. S., & Sabri, A. (2023). Territorial sustainability performance assessment in African context: Case study of the Moroccan provinces. Journal of Cleaner Production, 433, 139781.
Medeiros, E. (2016). European Union Cohesion Policy and Spain: a territorial impact assessment. Regional Studies, 51(8), 1259–1269.
Porter, M. E., & Kramer, M. R. (2011). Creating shared value. Harvard Business Review, 89(1/2), 62-77.
Reid, D. (1995). Sustainable development: An introductory guide. Routledge.
Rimal, R. N., Ganjoo, R., Jamison, A., Parida, M., & Tharmarajah, S. (2024). Social norms, vaccine confidence, and interpersonal communication as predictors of vaccination intentions: Findings from slum areas in Varanasi, India. Vaccine, 42(22), 126038.
Robinson, S. L., & Morrison, E. W. (2000). The development of psychological contract breach and violation: A longitudinal study. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 21(5), 525–546.;2-T
Rogers, E. M., & Kincaid, D. L. (1981). Communication Networks: Toward a New Paradigm for Research. New York: Free Press.
Royuela, V., & Belloni, C. M. (2024). Socioeconomic and territorial dynamics of bullfighting in contemporary Spain. Regional Science Policy & Practice, 16(7), Article 100077.
Scaramuzzi, S., Scarpellini, P., Gabellini, S., Ranaboldo, C., & Belletti, G. (2023). Enhancing territorial development based on biocultural identity: A capacity building approach. Journal of Rural Studies, 104, 103161.
Sewall, K. B., Beck, M. L., Lane, S. J., & Davies, S. (2023). Urban and rural male song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) differ in territorial aggression and activation of vasotocin neurons in response to song challenge. Hormones and Behavior, 156, Article 105438.
Torre, A. (2023). Contribution to the theory of territorial development: a territorial innovations approach. Regional Studies, 1–16.
Uhl-Bien, M., Marion, R., & McKelvey, B. (2007). Complexity leadership theory: Shifting leadership from the industrial age to the knowledge era. The Leadership Quarterly, 18(4), 298-318.
Van Dyne, L., & Pierce, J. L. (2004). Psychological ownership and feelings of possession: Three field studies predicting employee attitudes and organizational citizenship behavior. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 25(4), 439–459.
Yunus, M., Ibrahim, M., & Kesuma, T. M. (2024). Exploring the role of amenities, accessibility, and attractions on tourists' inclination to revisit a destination area. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 12(4), 2539–2546.
Zhu, G., Zhao, P., Zhang, L., Li, X., Ding, W., Yu, H., Zhang, N., Yang, S., Zhang, C., & Xie, Z. (2024). Territorial spatial suitability assessment and optimization of coastal port reclamation in China. Ocean & Coastal Management, 254, 107189.