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Purnama, C., Rahmah, M., Fatmah, D., Rahmah, Y., Rahmah, Z & Hasani, S. (2026). Impact of knowledge sharing, IT support, and innovation on supply chain sustainability with uncertainty moderation.Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 14(1), 27-40.
Ahmad, F., & Karim, M. (2019). Impacts of knowledge sharing: a review and directions for future research. Journal of Workplace Learning, 31(3), 207–230.
Ahmad, I., Thurasamy, R., Shahzad, A., Ullah, M. I., Hussain, A., & Ansari, H. W. A. (2023). COVID-19 impact on dairy sector: The mediating role of knowledge sharing and trust on innovation capability. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, 26(1), 1–11.
Akter, M., Kummer, T. F., & Yigitbasioglu, O. (2024). Looking beyond the hype: The challenges of blockchain adoption in accounting. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 53(March), 100681.
Al Dhaheri, M. H., Ahmad, S. Z., & Papastathopoulos, A. (2024). Do environmental turbulence, dynamic capabilities, and artificial intelligence force SMEs to be innovative? Journal of Innovation and Knowledge, 9(3), 100528.
Al, M., Allam, M., Tobji, M. A. B., Jallouli, R., Nijholt, A., & Koubaa, Y. (2019). Digital Economy Emerging Technologies and Business Innovation//////Does Digital Financial Inclusion Affect Economic Growth? New Insights from MENA Region. In Springer International Publishing (Vol. 325, Issue 290).
Alharbi, G. L., & Aloud, M. E. (2024). The effects of knowledge management processes on service sector performance: evidence from Saudi Arabia. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11(1).
Alma Çallı, B., Özşahin, M., Coşkun, E., & Rıfat Arık, A. (2022). Do Generative Leadership and Digital Literacy of Executive Management Help Flourishing Micro and Small Business Digital Maturity? International Journal of Organizational Leadership, 11(3), 307–332.
Anwar, J., & Abadi, F. (2023). Transformational Leadership, Knowledge Sharing, And Innovation Capability: Improving The Performance Of Msme Organizations In East Nusa Tenggara Province. Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Sharia Economics (IIJSE), 6(3), 1894–1920.
Arsawan, I. W. E., Koval, V., Rajiani, I., Rustiarini, N. W., Supartha, W. G., & Suryantini, N. P. S. (2022). Leveraging knowledge sharing and innovation culture into SMEs sustainable competitive advantage. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 71(2), 405–428.
Barcia, K. F., Garcia-Castro, L., & Abad-Moran, J. (2022). Lean Six Sigma Impact Analysis on Sustainability Using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM): A Literature Review. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14(5).
Bartik, A., Cullen, Z., Bertrand, M., Glaeser, E. L., Luca, M., & Stanton, C. (2020). How Are Small Businesses Adjusting to COVID-19? Early Evidence From a Survey. SSRN Electronic Journal.
Berkovich, I., & Hassan, T. (2024). Principals’ digital instructional leadership during the pandemic: Impact on teachers’ intrinsic motivation and students’ learning. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 52(4), 934–954.
Bourletidis, K., & Triantafyllopoulos, Y. (2014). SMEs Survival in Time of Crisis: Strategies, Tactics and Commercial Success Stories. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 148, 639–644.
Canh, N. T., Liem, N. T., Thu, P. A., & Khuong, N. V. (2019). The impact of innovation on the firm performance and corporate social responsibility of Vietnamese manufacturing firms. Sustainability (Switzerland), 11(13).
Capatina, A., Juarez-Varon, D., Micu, A., & Micu, A. E. (2024). Leveling up in corporate training: Unveiling the power of gamification to enhance knowledge retention, knowledge sharing, and job performance. Journal of Innovation and Knowledge, 9(3), 100530.
Chen, Y., Yang, X., Yuan, C., & Zhu, B. (2022). Product market competition and the disclosure of supply chain information. China Journal of Accounting Research, 15(1), 100223.
Costantini, V., Crespi, F., Marin, G., & Paglialunga, E. (2017). Eco-innovation, sustainable supply chains and environmental performance in European industries. Journal of Cleaner Production, 155, 141–154.
Cousins, P. D., Lawson, B., Petersen, K. J., & Fugate, B. (2019). Investigating green supply chain management practices and performance: The moderating roles of supply chain ecocentricity and traceability. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 39(5), 767–786.
Cousins, P. D., Lawson, B., & Squire, B. (2008). Performance measurement in strategic buyer-supplier relationships: The mediating role of socialization mechanisms. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 28(3), 238–258.
Fosu, E., Fosu, F., Akyina, N., & Asiedu, D. (2024). Do environmental CSR practices promote corporate social performance? The mediating role of green innovation and corporate image. Cleaner and Responsible Consumption, 12(January 2023), 100155.
Gazi, M. A. I., Mamun, A. Al, Masud, A. Al, Senathirajah, A. R. bin S., & Rahman, T. (2024). The relationship between CRM, knowledge management, organization commitment, customer profitability and customer loyalty in telecommunication industry: The mediating role of customer satisfaction and the moderating role of brand image. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 10(1), 100227.
Gomm, R. (2008). Social Research Methodology. Social Research Methodology.
Hair, J. F., Babin, B. J., Black, W. C., & Anderson, R. E. (2019). Multivariate Data Analysis. Cengage.
Hair, J. F., & Hair, J. F. (2010). Multivariate Data Analysis. Prentice Hall.
Hair, J. F., Howard, M. C., & Nitzl, C. (2020). Assessing measurement model quality in PLS-SEM using confirmatory composite analysis. Journal of Business Research, 109(August 2019), 101–110.
Hair, J. F., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2013). Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling: Rigorous Applications, Better Results and Higher Acceptance. Long Range Planning, 46(1–2), 1–12.
Harrison, R. L., Reilly, T. M., & Creswell, J. W. (2020). Methodological Rigor in Mixed Methods: An Application in Management Studies. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 14(4), 473–495.
Henseler, J., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2015). A new criterion for assessing discriminant validity in variance-based structural equation modeling. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 43(1), 115–135.
Hidayati, J. R., Apdillah, D., Idris, F., Anugrah, S., Hamza, S., Sihite, D., Syafitri, M., Febrianto, T., & Syakti, A. D. (2023). Size and Types Distribution of Marine Debris in the Mangrove Ecosystem of Bintan Island - Indonesia (Vol. 3). Atlantis Press International BV.
Istanto, Y., Sugandini, D., Effendi, M. I., & Arundati, R. (2022). The antecedent and consequences of resistance to social media adoption in SMEs. Jurnal Konseling Dan Pendidikan, 10(1), 53.
Kaewsaeng-on, R. (2023). Journal of Digitovation and Information System Organizational Readiness , Digital Technology , and Sustainable Performance : The Moderating Role of Knowledge Acquisition. 04(01), 98–111.
Karmaker, C. L., Aziz, R. Al, Palit, T., & Bari, A. B. M. M. (2023). Analyzing supply chain risk factors in the small and medium enterprises under fuzzy environment: Implications towards sustainability for emerging economies. Sustainable Technology and Entrepreneurship, 2(1), 100032.
Kuckertz, A., Brändle, L., Gaudig, A., Hinderer, S., Morales Reyes, C. A., Prochotta, A., Steinbrink, K. M., & Berger, E. S. C. (2020). Startups in times of crisis – A rapid response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 13(April).
Latan, H., Lopes de Sousa Jabbour, A. B., Sarkis, J., Chiappetta Jabbour, C. J., & Ali, M. (2024). The nexus of supply chain performance and blockchain technology in the digitalization era: Insights from a fast-growing economy. Journal of Business Research, 172.
Lin, C. Y., Chau, K. Y., & Moslehpour, M. (2024). Bridging the gap: The nexus of sustainability innovation, knowledge sharing, and green volunteerism for manufacturing entrepreneurial triumph. Journal of Innovation and Knowledge, 9(4).
Lin, Q., Jian, Y., Zhang, D., Li, J., & Mao, S. (2025). Exploring the “Double-Edged Sword” effect of the digital economy on sustainable agricultural development: Evidence from China. Sustainable Horizons, 13(June 2024), 100122.
Miklian, J., & Hoelscher, K. (2020). Entrepreneurial strategies to address rural-urban climate-induced vulnerabilities: Assessing adaptation and innovation measures in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(21), 1–19.
Miklian, J., & Hoelscher, K. (2022). SMEs and exogenous shocks: A conceptual literature review and forward research agenda. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 40(2), 178–204.
Nonaka, I., Toyama, R., & Konno, N. (2002). SECI, Ba, and Leadership. Managing Industrial Knowledge - Creation, Transfer and Utilization, 33, 13–43.
Olanrewaju, A. S. T., Hossain, M. A., Whiteside, N., & Mercieca, P. (2020). Social media and entrepreneurship research: A literature review. International Journal of Information Management, 50(May 2019), 90–110.
Oliveira, B. S. S. P., Santos, R. G., & Santos, B. A. (2024). Improving the knowledge management of marine megafauna strandings. Journal of Environmental Management, 351(November 2023).
Qu, K., & Liu, Z. (2022). Green innovations, supply chain integration and green information system: A model of moderation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 339(October 2021).
Ramdani, B., Chevers, D., & Williams, D. A. (2013). SMEs’ adoption of enterprise applications: A technology-organisation-environment model. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 20(4), 735–753.
Roscoe, S., Cousins, P. D., & Lamming, R. C. (2016). Developing eco-innovations: A three-stage typology of supply networks. Journal of Cleaner Production, 112, 1948–1959.
Sari, O. H., Rukmana, A. Y., Munizu, M., Novel, N. J. A., Salam, M. F., Hakim, R. M. A., Sukmadewi, R., & Purbasari, R. (2023). DIGITAL MARKETING: Optimalisasi Strategi Pemasaran Digital. PT. Sonpedia Publishing Indonesia.
Susitha, E., Jayarathna, A., & Herath, H. M. R. P. (2024). Supply chain competitiveness through agility and digital technology: A bibliometric analysis. Supply Chain Analytics, 7(June), 100073.
Tang, H., Zhu, J., Li, N., & Wu, W. (2024). Impact of Enterprise Supply Chain Digitalization on Cost of Debt: A Four-Flows Perspective Analysis Using Explainable Machine Learning Methodology. Sustainability (Switzerland), 16(19).
Ten, Y. P. (2022). Creative Approach To Shaping the Symbolic System of Global Culture. Creativity Studies, 15(1), 102–115.
Tiwari, S., Sharma, P., & Jha, A. K. (2024). Digitalization & Covid-19: An institutional-contingency theoretic analysis of supply chain digitalization. International Journal of Production Economics, 267(August 2023), 109063.
Toufighi, S. P., Ghasemian Sahebi, I., Govindan, K., Lin, M. Z. N., Vang, J., & Brambini, A. (2024). Participative leadership, cultural factors, and speaking-up behaviour: An examination of intra-organisational knowledge sharing. Journal of Innovation and Knowledge, 9(3).
Vázquez Meléndez, E. I., Smith, B., & Bergey, P. (2025). Food provenance assurance and willingness to pay for blockchain data security: A case of Australian consumers. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 82(March 2024).
Wuryaningrum, R., Bektiarso, S., & Suyitno, I. (2020). The effects of knowledge-transforming text on elementary students’ declarative, procedural knowledge, and motivation in environmental learning. International Journal of Instruction, 13(1), 567–586.
Zhao, Y., Hao, S., Chen, Z., Zhou, X., Zhang, L., & Guo, Z. (2023). Critical factors influencing the internet of things technology adoption behavior of construction companies: evidence from China. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, August.
Ahmad, I., Thurasamy, R., Shahzad, A., Ullah, M. I., Hussain, A., & Ansari, H. W. A. (2023). COVID-19 impact on dairy sector: The mediating role of knowledge sharing and trust on innovation capability. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, 26(1), 1–11.
Akter, M., Kummer, T. F., & Yigitbasioglu, O. (2024). Looking beyond the hype: The challenges of blockchain adoption in accounting. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 53(March), 100681.
Al Dhaheri, M. H., Ahmad, S. Z., & Papastathopoulos, A. (2024). Do environmental turbulence, dynamic capabilities, and artificial intelligence force SMEs to be innovative? Journal of Innovation and Knowledge, 9(3), 100528.
Al, M., Allam, M., Tobji, M. A. B., Jallouli, R., Nijholt, A., & Koubaa, Y. (2019). Digital Economy Emerging Technologies and Business Innovation//////Does Digital Financial Inclusion Affect Economic Growth? New Insights from MENA Region. In Springer International Publishing (Vol. 325, Issue 290).
Alharbi, G. L., & Aloud, M. E. (2024). The effects of knowledge management processes on service sector performance: evidence from Saudi Arabia. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11(1).
Alma Çallı, B., Özşahin, M., Coşkun, E., & Rıfat Arık, A. (2022). Do Generative Leadership and Digital Literacy of Executive Management Help Flourishing Micro and Small Business Digital Maturity? International Journal of Organizational Leadership, 11(3), 307–332.
Anwar, J., & Abadi, F. (2023). Transformational Leadership, Knowledge Sharing, And Innovation Capability: Improving The Performance Of Msme Organizations In East Nusa Tenggara Province. Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Sharia Economics (IIJSE), 6(3), 1894–1920.
Arsawan, I. W. E., Koval, V., Rajiani, I., Rustiarini, N. W., Supartha, W. G., & Suryantini, N. P. S. (2022). Leveraging knowledge sharing and innovation culture into SMEs sustainable competitive advantage. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 71(2), 405–428.
Barcia, K. F., Garcia-Castro, L., & Abad-Moran, J. (2022). Lean Six Sigma Impact Analysis on Sustainability Using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM): A Literature Review. Sustainability (Switzerland), 14(5).
Bartik, A., Cullen, Z., Bertrand, M., Glaeser, E. L., Luca, M., & Stanton, C. (2020). How Are Small Businesses Adjusting to COVID-19? Early Evidence From a Survey. SSRN Electronic Journal.
Berkovich, I., & Hassan, T. (2024). Principals’ digital instructional leadership during the pandemic: Impact on teachers’ intrinsic motivation and students’ learning. Educational Management Administration and Leadership, 52(4), 934–954.
Bourletidis, K., & Triantafyllopoulos, Y. (2014). SMEs Survival in Time of Crisis: Strategies, Tactics and Commercial Success Stories. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 148, 639–644.
Canh, N. T., Liem, N. T., Thu, P. A., & Khuong, N. V. (2019). The impact of innovation on the firm performance and corporate social responsibility of Vietnamese manufacturing firms. Sustainability (Switzerland), 11(13).
Capatina, A., Juarez-Varon, D., Micu, A., & Micu, A. E. (2024). Leveling up in corporate training: Unveiling the power of gamification to enhance knowledge retention, knowledge sharing, and job performance. Journal of Innovation and Knowledge, 9(3), 100530.
Chen, Y., Yang, X., Yuan, C., & Zhu, B. (2022). Product market competition and the disclosure of supply chain information. China Journal of Accounting Research, 15(1), 100223.
Costantini, V., Crespi, F., Marin, G., & Paglialunga, E. (2017). Eco-innovation, sustainable supply chains and environmental performance in European industries. Journal of Cleaner Production, 155, 141–154.
Cousins, P. D., Lawson, B., Petersen, K. J., & Fugate, B. (2019). Investigating green supply chain management practices and performance: The moderating roles of supply chain ecocentricity and traceability. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 39(5), 767–786.
Cousins, P. D., Lawson, B., & Squire, B. (2008). Performance measurement in strategic buyer-supplier relationships: The mediating role of socialization mechanisms. International Journal of Operations and Production Management, 28(3), 238–258.
Fosu, E., Fosu, F., Akyina, N., & Asiedu, D. (2024). Do environmental CSR practices promote corporate social performance? The mediating role of green innovation and corporate image. Cleaner and Responsible Consumption, 12(January 2023), 100155.
Gazi, M. A. I., Mamun, A. Al, Masud, A. Al, Senathirajah, A. R. bin S., & Rahman, T. (2024). The relationship between CRM, knowledge management, organization commitment, customer profitability and customer loyalty in telecommunication industry: The mediating role of customer satisfaction and the moderating role of brand image. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 10(1), 100227.
Gomm, R. (2008). Social Research Methodology. Social Research Methodology.
Hair, J. F., Babin, B. J., Black, W. C., & Anderson, R. E. (2019). Multivariate Data Analysis. Cengage.
Hair, J. F., & Hair, J. F. (2010). Multivariate Data Analysis. Prentice Hall.
Hair, J. F., Howard, M. C., & Nitzl, C. (2020). Assessing measurement model quality in PLS-SEM using confirmatory composite analysis. Journal of Business Research, 109(August 2019), 101–110.
Hair, J. F., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2013). Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling: Rigorous Applications, Better Results and Higher Acceptance. Long Range Planning, 46(1–2), 1–12.
Harrison, R. L., Reilly, T. M., & Creswell, J. W. (2020). Methodological Rigor in Mixed Methods: An Application in Management Studies. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 14(4), 473–495.
Henseler, J., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2015). A new criterion for assessing discriminant validity in variance-based structural equation modeling. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 43(1), 115–135.
Hidayati, J. R., Apdillah, D., Idris, F., Anugrah, S., Hamza, S., Sihite, D., Syafitri, M., Febrianto, T., & Syakti, A. D. (2023). Size and Types Distribution of Marine Debris in the Mangrove Ecosystem of Bintan Island - Indonesia (Vol. 3). Atlantis Press International BV.
Istanto, Y., Sugandini, D., Effendi, M. I., & Arundati, R. (2022). The antecedent and consequences of resistance to social media adoption in SMEs. Jurnal Konseling Dan Pendidikan, 10(1), 53.
Kaewsaeng-on, R. (2023). Journal of Digitovation and Information System Organizational Readiness , Digital Technology , and Sustainable Performance : The Moderating Role of Knowledge Acquisition. 04(01), 98–111.
Karmaker, C. L., Aziz, R. Al, Palit, T., & Bari, A. B. M. M. (2023). Analyzing supply chain risk factors in the small and medium enterprises under fuzzy environment: Implications towards sustainability for emerging economies. Sustainable Technology and Entrepreneurship, 2(1), 100032.
Kuckertz, A., Brändle, L., Gaudig, A., Hinderer, S., Morales Reyes, C. A., Prochotta, A., Steinbrink, K. M., & Berger, E. S. C. (2020). Startups in times of crisis – A rapid response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 13(April).
Latan, H., Lopes de Sousa Jabbour, A. B., Sarkis, J., Chiappetta Jabbour, C. J., & Ali, M. (2024). The nexus of supply chain performance and blockchain technology in the digitalization era: Insights from a fast-growing economy. Journal of Business Research, 172.
Lin, C. Y., Chau, K. Y., & Moslehpour, M. (2024). Bridging the gap: The nexus of sustainability innovation, knowledge sharing, and green volunteerism for manufacturing entrepreneurial triumph. Journal of Innovation and Knowledge, 9(4).
Lin, Q., Jian, Y., Zhang, D., Li, J., & Mao, S. (2025). Exploring the “Double-Edged Sword” effect of the digital economy on sustainable agricultural development: Evidence from China. Sustainable Horizons, 13(June 2024), 100122.
Miklian, J., & Hoelscher, K. (2020). Entrepreneurial strategies to address rural-urban climate-induced vulnerabilities: Assessing adaptation and innovation measures in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(21), 1–19.
Miklian, J., & Hoelscher, K. (2022). SMEs and exogenous shocks: A conceptual literature review and forward research agenda. International Small Business Journal: Researching Entrepreneurship, 40(2), 178–204.
Nonaka, I., Toyama, R., & Konno, N. (2002). SECI, Ba, and Leadership. Managing Industrial Knowledge - Creation, Transfer and Utilization, 33, 13–43.
Olanrewaju, A. S. T., Hossain, M. A., Whiteside, N., & Mercieca, P. (2020). Social media and entrepreneurship research: A literature review. International Journal of Information Management, 50(May 2019), 90–110.
Oliveira, B. S. S. P., Santos, R. G., & Santos, B. A. (2024). Improving the knowledge management of marine megafauna strandings. Journal of Environmental Management, 351(November 2023).
Qu, K., & Liu, Z. (2022). Green innovations, supply chain integration and green information system: A model of moderation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 339(October 2021).
Ramdani, B., Chevers, D., & Williams, D. A. (2013). SMEs’ adoption of enterprise applications: A technology-organisation-environment model. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 20(4), 735–753.
Roscoe, S., Cousins, P. D., & Lamming, R. C. (2016). Developing eco-innovations: A three-stage typology of supply networks. Journal of Cleaner Production, 112, 1948–1959.
Sari, O. H., Rukmana, A. Y., Munizu, M., Novel, N. J. A., Salam, M. F., Hakim, R. M. A., Sukmadewi, R., & Purbasari, R. (2023). DIGITAL MARKETING: Optimalisasi Strategi Pemasaran Digital. PT. Sonpedia Publishing Indonesia.
Susitha, E., Jayarathna, A., & Herath, H. M. R. P. (2024). Supply chain competitiveness through agility and digital technology: A bibliometric analysis. Supply Chain Analytics, 7(June), 100073.
Tang, H., Zhu, J., Li, N., & Wu, W. (2024). Impact of Enterprise Supply Chain Digitalization on Cost of Debt: A Four-Flows Perspective Analysis Using Explainable Machine Learning Methodology. Sustainability (Switzerland), 16(19).
Ten, Y. P. (2022). Creative Approach To Shaping the Symbolic System of Global Culture. Creativity Studies, 15(1), 102–115.
Tiwari, S., Sharma, P., & Jha, A. K. (2024). Digitalization & Covid-19: An institutional-contingency theoretic analysis of supply chain digitalization. International Journal of Production Economics, 267(August 2023), 109063.
Toufighi, S. P., Ghasemian Sahebi, I., Govindan, K., Lin, M. Z. N., Vang, J., & Brambini, A. (2024). Participative leadership, cultural factors, and speaking-up behaviour: An examination of intra-organisational knowledge sharing. Journal of Innovation and Knowledge, 9(3).
Vázquez Meléndez, E. I., Smith, B., & Bergey, P. (2025). Food provenance assurance and willingness to pay for blockchain data security: A case of Australian consumers. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 82(March 2024).
Wuryaningrum, R., Bektiarso, S., & Suyitno, I. (2020). The effects of knowledge-transforming text on elementary students’ declarative, procedural knowledge, and motivation in environmental learning. International Journal of Instruction, 13(1), 567–586.
Zhao, Y., Hao, S., Chen, Z., Zhou, X., Zhang, L., & Guo, Z. (2023). Critical factors influencing the internet of things technology adoption behavior of construction companies: evidence from China. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, August.