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Shwawreh, S & Awamleh, F. (2025). Marketing intelligence in digital age: How business intelligence tools drive e-marketing strategies.Journal of Project Management, 10(2), 375-382.
Al-Majali, R. T., Ahmad, N. H., Aburub, F. A. F., Alajarmeh, N. S., Shatnawi, T. M., Alzyoud, M., Alzoubi, A., Al-Momani, A. a., & Al-Hawary, S. I. S. (2024). Competitive Advantage Through Analytical Capabilities: An Examination of the Relationship Between Business Analytics Capabilities and Competitiveness of Jordanian SMEs. In Artificial Intelligence and Economic Sustainability in the Era of Industrial Revolution 5.0 (pp. 1165-1178). Springer.
Aljabari, M., Althuwaini, S., Bouguerra, A., Sharabati, A. A. A., Allahham, M., & Allan, M. (2024). The impact of digital marketing strategies on innovation: The mediating role of AI: A critical study of SMEs in the KSA market. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 8(4), 2029-2036.
Alghizzawi, M., Ahmed, E., Ezmigna, I., Ezmigna, A. A. R., & Omeish, F. (2024). The Relationship Between Artificial Intelligence and Digital Marketing in Business Companies. In The AI Revolution: Driving Business Innovation and Research: Volume 2 (pp. 885-895). Springer.
Alghizzawi, M., Ezmigna, I., Ezmigna, A. A. R., Alhawamdeh, Z. M., Hammouri, M. A., Alawneh, E., & Al-Gasawneh, J. A. (2024). The Big Data Analysis and Digital Marketing. In Opportunities and Risks in AI for Business Development: Volume 2 (pp. 1-10). Springer.
Alqudah, O. M. A. A. (2023). The influence of e-marketing mix strategy on organizational performance: An empirical analysis of Jordanian Smes. International Journal of Professional Business Review: Int. J. Prof. Bus. Rev., 8(6), 19.
Aripin, Z., Suganda, U. K., & Kusumah, A. Z. (2022). Marketing intelligence: Innovation ability to anticipate global competition. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147-4478), 11(1), 328-339.
Awamleh, F., Alarabiat, Y., & Bustami, A. (2024). Enhancing sustainable development through international performance indicators: The role of business intelligence techniques. Chall. Sustain, 12(3), 203-218.
Awamleh, F. T., Bustami, A. N., Alarabiat, Y. A., & Sultan, A. (2024). Data-driven decision-making under uncertainty: Investigating OLAP's mediating role to leverage business intelligence analytics for entrepreneurship. Journal of System and Management Sciences, 14(8), 350-365.
Barbosa, B. (2024). Marketing innovation strategies and consumer behavior. IGI Global.
Cheah, J.-H., Magno, F., & Cassia, F. (2024). Reviewing the SmartPLS 4 software: the latest features and enhancements. In: Springer.
Donthu, N., Kumar, S., & Pandey, N. (2021). A retrospective evaluation of Marketing Intelligence and Planning: 1983–2019. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 39(1), 48-73.
Dutta, S., Arivazhagan, R., Padmini Ema, U., & Balasundaram, R. (2024). Revolutionizing Electronics E-Commerce: Harnessing The Power Of Artificial Intelligence In E-Marketing Strategies. Migration Letters, 21(S6), 207-220.
Dwiwijaya, K. A. (2024). E-Business and Digital Marketing: Integrating Management Information Systems for Competitive Advantage. Global International Journal of Innovative Research, 2(6), 1056-1067.
El Koufi, N., Missah, Y. M., & Belangour, A. (2024). A Hybrid CNN-LSTM Based Natural Language Processing Model for Sentiment Analysis of Customer Product Reviews: A Case Study from Ghana. Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences, 51(8).
Falahat, M., Ramayah, T., Soto-Acosta, P., & Lee, Y.-Y. (2020). SMEs internationalization: The role of product innovation, market intelligence, pricing and marketing communication capabilities as drivers of SMEs’ international performance. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 152, 119908.
Fathor, A., & Fatmariyah, F. (2023). Exploration of Salt Farmers’ E-Marketing Strategy: A Lesson from Madura Island, Indonesia. International Review of Management and Marketing, 13(3), 25-32.
Hidayati, A., Susanti, E., Jamalong, A., Ginting, D., Suwanto, W., & Arifin, A. (2024). Marketing analytics in the era of digital-based marketing strategy. Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Terapan Universitas Jambi, 8(1), 61-75.
Hussein, L. A.-H. (2024). The Impact of E-Marketing Adoption on Business Success: A Field Study in Beauty Centers in Amman Middle East University].
Hutsaliuk, O., Tsaturian, R., Kalinin, O., Gedz, M., Buhaieva, M., Kramskyi, S., & Navolokina, A. (2024). Technological synergy of engineering integrating in digitalization economy, nanotechnology and intelligent digital marketing for corporate enterprises in provisions of their economic security. Nanotechnology Perceptions, 348–366-348–366.
Ismaeel, B., Alkhawaldeh, B. Y., & Alafi, K. K. (2023). The role of marketing intelligence in improving the efficiency of the organization: An empirical study on jordanian hypermarkets. Journal of intelligence studies in business, 13(2), 32-42.
Jamil, A. H. A., Jusoh, M. S., & Ghani, M. R. A. (2020). The impact of e-marketing on business performance in Northern Malaysia. International Journal of Business and Management, 4(5), 55-61.
Kabir, M. R., Hossain, R., Rahman, M. M., Sawon, M. M. H., & Mani, L. (2024). Impact of E-Marketing on Book Purchase Tendencies: An Empirical Study on University Undergraduate Students. Journal of Ecohumanism, 3(3), 612-631.
Lasi, M. B. A. (2021). The relationship between E-marketing mix strategy and integrated marketing communication: a conceptual framework. International Journal of Economics and Management Systems, 6.
Lies, J. (2019). Marketing intelligence and big data: Digital marketing techniques on their way to becoming social engineering techniques in marketing.
Maaitah, T. (2023). The Role of Business Intelligence Tools in the Decision Making Process and Performance. Journal of intelligence studies in business, 13(1).
Malkawi, A., Alhawamdeh, Z. M., Banihani, T., Ali, O. A. M., Alzyoud, M. F., & Alghizzawi, M. (2024). The Impact of Digital Entrepreneurship on Competitive Advantage through Business Intelligence in Jordanian Commercial Banks. Migration Letters, 21(4), 254-269.
Mavutha, W. (2024). Identifying obstacles to evaluating business intelligence in Micro-Small Apparel Enterprises: a case study in Durban, South Africa. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science, 13(5), 121-132.
Mehralian, M. M., & Khazaee, P. (2022). Investigating the Interrelationships between Digital Marketing and Marketing Intelligence and Their Effect on Business Strategy. 16th International Conference on Management and Marketing Intelligence, Economics and Finance (2022),
Nogués, A., & Valladares, J. (2017). Business intelligence tools for small companies. Business Intelligence Tools for Small Companies.
Omondi, S. (2024). Influence of e-marketing on purchase intention among customers in the information technology industry in Nairobi County, Kenya Strathmore University].
Paul, T., & Rakshit, S. (2021). Big data analytics for marketing intelligence. In Big Data Analytics (pp. 215-230). Auerbach Publications.
Potwora, M., Vdovichena, O., Semchuk, D., Lipych, L., & Saienko, V. (2024). The use of artificial intelligence in marketing strategies: Automation, personalization and forecasting. Journal of Management World, 2024(2), 41-49.
Purwanto, A. (2021). Education research quantitative analysis for little respondents: comparing of Lisrel, Tetrad, GSCA, Amos, SmartPLS, WarpPLS, and SPSS. Jurnal Studi Guru Dan Pembelajaran, 4(2).
Ringle, C., Da Silva, D., & Bido, D. (2015). Structural equation modeling with the SmartPLS. Bido, D., da Silva, D., & Ringle, C.(2014). Structural Equation Modeling with the Smartpls. Brazilian Journal Of Marketing, 13(2).
Sulistyaningsih, E., Murti, W., & Ratnasih, C. (2024). Analysis of E-Marketing Strategy and Business Innovation in Optimizing Improvement of Service Quality and Its Effect on MSME Income. ADI Journal on Recent Innovation, 5(2), 155-167.
Vdovichena, O., Potwora, M., Semchuk, D., Lipych, L., & Saienko, V. (2024). The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Marketing Strategies: Automation, Personalization and Forecasting.
Ward, A. F., Marmol, M., Lopez-Lopez, D., Carracedo, P., & Juan, A. A. (2023). Data analytics and artificial intelligence in e-marketing: techniques, best practices and trends. International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies, 15(3), 147-178.
Yan, Y. P., Ghani, M. R. A., Yusuf, D. H. M., & Jusoh, M. S. (2020). Effectiveness of E-Marketing Strategies on Consumers’ Purchase Intention. International Journal of Undergraduate Research, 2(2), 46-52.
Aljabari, M., Althuwaini, S., Bouguerra, A., Sharabati, A. A. A., Allahham, M., & Allan, M. (2024). The impact of digital marketing strategies on innovation: The mediating role of AI: A critical study of SMEs in the KSA market. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 8(4), 2029-2036.
Alghizzawi, M., Ahmed, E., Ezmigna, I., Ezmigna, A. A. R., & Omeish, F. (2024). The Relationship Between Artificial Intelligence and Digital Marketing in Business Companies. In The AI Revolution: Driving Business Innovation and Research: Volume 2 (pp. 885-895). Springer.
Alghizzawi, M., Ezmigna, I., Ezmigna, A. A. R., Alhawamdeh, Z. M., Hammouri, M. A., Alawneh, E., & Al-Gasawneh, J. A. (2024). The Big Data Analysis and Digital Marketing. In Opportunities and Risks in AI for Business Development: Volume 2 (pp. 1-10). Springer.
Alqudah, O. M. A. A. (2023). The influence of e-marketing mix strategy on organizational performance: An empirical analysis of Jordanian Smes. International Journal of Professional Business Review: Int. J. Prof. Bus. Rev., 8(6), 19.
Aripin, Z., Suganda, U. K., & Kusumah, A. Z. (2022). Marketing intelligence: Innovation ability to anticipate global competition. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science (2147-4478), 11(1), 328-339.
Awamleh, F., Alarabiat, Y., & Bustami, A. (2024). Enhancing sustainable development through international performance indicators: The role of business intelligence techniques. Chall. Sustain, 12(3), 203-218.
Awamleh, F. T., Bustami, A. N., Alarabiat, Y. A., & Sultan, A. (2024). Data-driven decision-making under uncertainty: Investigating OLAP's mediating role to leverage business intelligence analytics for entrepreneurship. Journal of System and Management Sciences, 14(8), 350-365.
Barbosa, B. (2024). Marketing innovation strategies and consumer behavior. IGI Global.
Cheah, J.-H., Magno, F., & Cassia, F. (2024). Reviewing the SmartPLS 4 software: the latest features and enhancements. In: Springer.
Donthu, N., Kumar, S., & Pandey, N. (2021). A retrospective evaluation of Marketing Intelligence and Planning: 1983–2019. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 39(1), 48-73.
Dutta, S., Arivazhagan, R., Padmini Ema, U., & Balasundaram, R. (2024). Revolutionizing Electronics E-Commerce: Harnessing The Power Of Artificial Intelligence In E-Marketing Strategies. Migration Letters, 21(S6), 207-220.
Dwiwijaya, K. A. (2024). E-Business and Digital Marketing: Integrating Management Information Systems for Competitive Advantage. Global International Journal of Innovative Research, 2(6), 1056-1067.
El Koufi, N., Missah, Y. M., & Belangour, A. (2024). A Hybrid CNN-LSTM Based Natural Language Processing Model for Sentiment Analysis of Customer Product Reviews: A Case Study from Ghana. Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences, 51(8).
Falahat, M., Ramayah, T., Soto-Acosta, P., & Lee, Y.-Y. (2020). SMEs internationalization: The role of product innovation, market intelligence, pricing and marketing communication capabilities as drivers of SMEs’ international performance. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 152, 119908.
Fathor, A., & Fatmariyah, F. (2023). Exploration of Salt Farmers’ E-Marketing Strategy: A Lesson from Madura Island, Indonesia. International Review of Management and Marketing, 13(3), 25-32.
Hidayati, A., Susanti, E., Jamalong, A., Ginting, D., Suwanto, W., & Arifin, A. (2024). Marketing analytics in the era of digital-based marketing strategy. Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Terapan Universitas Jambi, 8(1), 61-75.
Hussein, L. A.-H. (2024). The Impact of E-Marketing Adoption on Business Success: A Field Study in Beauty Centers in Amman Middle East University].
Hutsaliuk, O., Tsaturian, R., Kalinin, O., Gedz, M., Buhaieva, M., Kramskyi, S., & Navolokina, A. (2024). Technological synergy of engineering integrating in digitalization economy, nanotechnology and intelligent digital marketing for corporate enterprises in provisions of their economic security. Nanotechnology Perceptions, 348–366-348–366.
Ismaeel, B., Alkhawaldeh, B. Y., & Alafi, K. K. (2023). The role of marketing intelligence in improving the efficiency of the organization: An empirical study on jordanian hypermarkets. Journal of intelligence studies in business, 13(2), 32-42.
Jamil, A. H. A., Jusoh, M. S., & Ghani, M. R. A. (2020). The impact of e-marketing on business performance in Northern Malaysia. International Journal of Business and Management, 4(5), 55-61.
Kabir, M. R., Hossain, R., Rahman, M. M., Sawon, M. M. H., & Mani, L. (2024). Impact of E-Marketing on Book Purchase Tendencies: An Empirical Study on University Undergraduate Students. Journal of Ecohumanism, 3(3), 612-631.
Lasi, M. B. A. (2021). The relationship between E-marketing mix strategy and integrated marketing communication: a conceptual framework. International Journal of Economics and Management Systems, 6.
Lies, J. (2019). Marketing intelligence and big data: Digital marketing techniques on their way to becoming social engineering techniques in marketing.
Maaitah, T. (2023). The Role of Business Intelligence Tools in the Decision Making Process and Performance. Journal of intelligence studies in business, 13(1).
Malkawi, A., Alhawamdeh, Z. M., Banihani, T., Ali, O. A. M., Alzyoud, M. F., & Alghizzawi, M. (2024). The Impact of Digital Entrepreneurship on Competitive Advantage through Business Intelligence in Jordanian Commercial Banks. Migration Letters, 21(4), 254-269.
Mavutha, W. (2024). Identifying obstacles to evaluating business intelligence in Micro-Small Apparel Enterprises: a case study in Durban, South Africa. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Science, 13(5), 121-132.
Mehralian, M. M., & Khazaee, P. (2022). Investigating the Interrelationships between Digital Marketing and Marketing Intelligence and Their Effect on Business Strategy. 16th International Conference on Management and Marketing Intelligence, Economics and Finance (2022),
Nogués, A., & Valladares, J. (2017). Business intelligence tools for small companies. Business Intelligence Tools for Small Companies.
Omondi, S. (2024). Influence of e-marketing on purchase intention among customers in the information technology industry in Nairobi County, Kenya Strathmore University].
Paul, T., & Rakshit, S. (2021). Big data analytics for marketing intelligence. In Big Data Analytics (pp. 215-230). Auerbach Publications.
Potwora, M., Vdovichena, O., Semchuk, D., Lipych, L., & Saienko, V. (2024). The use of artificial intelligence in marketing strategies: Automation, personalization and forecasting. Journal of Management World, 2024(2), 41-49.
Purwanto, A. (2021). Education research quantitative analysis for little respondents: comparing of Lisrel, Tetrad, GSCA, Amos, SmartPLS, WarpPLS, and SPSS. Jurnal Studi Guru Dan Pembelajaran, 4(2).
Ringle, C., Da Silva, D., & Bido, D. (2015). Structural equation modeling with the SmartPLS. Bido, D., da Silva, D., & Ringle, C.(2014). Structural Equation Modeling with the Smartpls. Brazilian Journal Of Marketing, 13(2).
Sulistyaningsih, E., Murti, W., & Ratnasih, C. (2024). Analysis of E-Marketing Strategy and Business Innovation in Optimizing Improvement of Service Quality and Its Effect on MSME Income. ADI Journal on Recent Innovation, 5(2), 155-167.
Vdovichena, O., Potwora, M., Semchuk, D., Lipych, L., & Saienko, V. (2024). The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Marketing Strategies: Automation, Personalization and Forecasting.
Ward, A. F., Marmol, M., Lopez-Lopez, D., Carracedo, P., & Juan, A. A. (2023). Data analytics and artificial intelligence in e-marketing: techniques, best practices and trends. International Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies, 15(3), 147-178.
Yan, Y. P., Ghani, M. R. A., Yusuf, D. H. M., & Jusoh, M. S. (2020). Effectiveness of E-Marketing Strategies on Consumers’ Purchase Intention. International Journal of Undergraduate Research, 2(2), 46-52.