How to cite this paper
Siagian, H., Palumian, Y., Basana, S., Tarigan, Z & Doro, R. (2025). The human-machine interface enables collaborative decision-making and supply chain flexibility to boost operational performance.Decision Science Letters , 14(2), 493-506.
Ali, B.M., Majeed, M.A., Latif, N., & Aldrickzler, R. (2024). Sustainable supply chain management practices for environmental and social integrity. Journal of Ecohumanism, 3(5), 1000–1016,
Alsubaie, F., & Aldoukhi, M. (2024). Using machine learning algorithms with improved accuracy to analyze and predict employee attrition. Decision Science Letters, 13(1), 1-18, DOI: 10.5267/j.dsl.2023.12.006
Ansari, F., Erol, S. & Sihn, W. (2018). Rethinking human machine learning in Industry 4.0: how dos the paradigm shift treat the role of human learning? Procedia Manufacturing, 23, 117-122,
Arikat, Z.M.A. (2024). The Role of business intelligence in enhancing the performance of supply chains in Jordan. Journal of Ecohumanism, 3(8), 2040-2053, DOI:
Basana, S.R., Malelak, M.I., Suprapto, W., Tarigan, Z.J.H., Tarigan, Z.V.B., & Doron, R.O. (2025). The influence of information technology integration on firm performance through supply chain quality and supply chain resilience. Decision Science Letters, 14(1), 225-238, DOI: 10.5267/j.dsl.2024.9.004
Beltramini, E. (2018). Human vulnerability and robo-advisory: An application of Coeckelbergh’s vulnerability to the machine-human interface. Baltic Journal of Management, 13(2), 250-263. https://doi-org/10.1108/BJM-10-2017-0315
Bouyam, C., & Punsawad, Y. (2022). Human–machine interface-based wheelchair control using piezoelectric sensors based on face and tongue movements. Heliyon, 8 (11), e11679,
Cao, S., Bryceson, K., & Hine, D. (2021). Collaborative risk management in decentralized multi-tier global food supply chains: an exploratory study. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 32(3), 1050–1067.
Cao, S., Powell, W., Foth, M., Natanelov, V., Miller, T., & Dulleck, U. (2021). Strengthening consumer trust in beef supply chain traceability with a blockchain-based human-machine reconcile mechanism. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 180, 105886,
Chaudhuri, A., Boer, H. & Taran, Y. (2018). Supply chain integration, risk management and manufacturing flexibility. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 38(3), 690-712.
Daghar, A., Alinaghian, L., & Turner, N. (2021). The role of collaborative interorganizational relationships in supply chain risks: a systematic review using a social capital perspective. Supply Chain Management, 26(2), 279-296.
Dubey, R., Gunasekaran, A. & Childe, S.J. (2019). Big data analytics capability in supply chain agility: The moderating effect of organizational flexibility. Management Decision, 57(8), 2092-2112.
Falandays, J.B., Spevack, S., Pärnamets, P. & Spivey, M. (2021). Decision-making in the human-machine interface. Frontier Psychology, 12, 624111. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.624111
Haesevoets, T., De Cremer, D., Dierckx, K., & Van Hiel, A. (2021). Human-machine collaboration in managerial decision making. Computers in Human Behavior, 119, 106730,
Hao, X., Demir, E., & Eyers, D. (2024). Exploring collaborative decision-making: A quasi-experimental study of human and Generative AI interaction. Technology in Society, 78, 102662,
Harianto, K.J., Tarigan, Z.J.H., Siagian, H., Basana, S.R. & Jie, F. (2024). The effect of digital ERP implementation, supply chain integration and supply chain flexibility on business performance. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 8(4), 2399-2414, DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2024.5.017
Jain, R., Garg, N., & Khera, S.N. (2023). Effective human–AI work design for collaborative decision-making. Kybernetes, 52(11), 5017-5040.
Jain, N., Gupta, V., Temperini, V., Meissner, D., & D’angelo, E. (2024). Human machine interactions: from past to future- a systematic literature review. Journal of Management History, 30(2), 263–302.
Jeng, S.-L., Chieng, W.-H., & Chen, Y. (2021). Web-based human-machine interfaces of industrial controllers in single-page applications. Mobile Information Systems, 2021, 6668843.
Kosicki, T. & Thomessen, T. (2013). Cognitive human-machine interface applied in remote support for industrial robot systems. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. 10(10). doi:10.5772/56296
Kumar, G., Subramanian, N., & Arputham, R.M. (2018). Missing link between sustainability collaborative strategy and supply chain performance: Role of dynamic capability. International Journal of Production Economics, 203, 96-109,
Lai, P.-L., Su, D.-T., Tai, H.-H., & Yang, C.-C. (2020). The impact of collaborative decision-making on logistics service performance for container shipping services. Maritime Business Review, 5(2), 175-191.
Levalle, R.R., & Nof, S.Y. (2015). A resilience by teaming framework for collaborative supply networks. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 90, 67-85,
Li, J.-M., Wu, T.-J., Wu, Y.J., & Goh, M. (2023). Systematic literature review of human-machine collaboration in organizations using bibliometric analysis. Management Decision, 61(10), 2920-2944, https://doi-org/10.1108/MD-09-2022-1183
Jiang, H. F. (2020). A collaborative decision-making system for production operation. American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 10, 804–814. doi: 10.4236/ajibm.2020.104054.
Liu, T., You, H., Gkiotsalitis, K. & Cats, O. (2024). Human-Machine collaborative decision-making approach to scheduling customized buses with flexible departure times. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 187, 104184,
Long (2016). A flow-based three-dimensional collaborative decision-making model for supply-chain networks. Knowledge-Based Systems, 97, 101-110,
Morgan, J., Halton, M., Qiao, Y., & Breslin, J.G. (2021). Industry 4.0 smart reconfigurable manufacturing machines. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 59, 481–506.
Mourtzis, D., Angelopoulos, J., & Panopoulos, N. (2023). The Future of the Human–Machine Interface (HMI) in Society 5.0. Future Internet, 15(5), 162.
Mustafa, F.E., Ahmed, I., Basit, A., Alvi, U., Malik, S.H., Mahmood, A. and Ali, P.R. (2023). A review on effective alarm management systems for industrial process control: Barriers and opportunities. International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, 41, 100599,
Nagarajan, V., Savitskie, K., Ranganathan, S., Sen, S., & Alexandrov, A. (2013). The effect of environmental uncertainty, information quality, and collaborative logistics on supply chain flexibility of small manufacturing firms in India. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 25(5), 784–802.
Nematollahi, M., Hosseini-Motlagh, S.-M., & Heydari, J. (2017). Coordination of social responsibility and order quantity in a two-echelon supply chain: A collaborative decision-making perspective. International Journal of Production Economics, 184, 107–121,
Rojo, A., Stevenson, M., Lloréns Montes, F.J. & Perez-Arostegui, M.N. (2018). Supply chain flexibility in dynamic environments: The enabling role of operational absorptive capacity and organizational learning. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 38(3), 636-666.
Sarkar, M. & Seo, Y.W. (2021). Renewable energy supply chain management with flexibility and automation in a production system. Journal of Cleaner Production, 324, 129149,
Shahab, M.A., Srinivasan, B., & Srinivasan, R. (2023). Enhancing human-machine interface design using cognitive metrics of process operators. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 52, 3513-3518,
Shukor, A.A.A., Newaz, M.S., Rahman, M.K. & Taha, A.Z. (2021). Supply chain integration and its impact on supply chain agility and organizational flexibility in manufacturing firms. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 16(8), 1721-1744.
Siagian, H., Tarigan, Z.J.H., & Jie, F. (2021). Supply chain integration enables resilience, flexibility, and innovation to improve business performance in the COVID-19 era. Sustainability, 13, 4669.
Singh, H.P., & Kumar, P. (2021). Developments in the human-machine interface technologies and their applications: A review. Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, 45(7), 552-573,
Sitompul, T.A. (2022). Human-machine interface for remote crane operation: a review. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction. 6(6),45.
Soesetyo, Z.E., Tarigan, Z.J.H., Siagian, H., Basana, S.R. & Jie, F. (2024). The role of top management commitment to improve operational performance through IT adoption, supply chain integration, and green supply chain management. Decision Science Letters, 13(3), 647-662, DOI: 10.5267/j.dsl.2024.4.007
Somon, B., Campagne, A., Delorme, A., & Berberian, B. (2019). Human or not human? Performance monitoring ERPs during human agent and machine supervision. Neurolmage, 186, 266-277,
Tarigan, Z.J.H. (2018). The impact of organization commitment to process and product innovation in improving operational performance. International Journal of Business and Society, 19(2), 335-346
Tarigan, R.S., Tarigan, Z.V.B., Maer, M.N.D., Tarigan, Z.J.H., & Ferry Jie, F. (2024). The influence of information technology on supply chain resilience through purchasing strategy, production flexibility, and supply chain responsiveness. Decision Science Letters, 13(4), 791-806, DOI: 10.5267/j.dsl.2024.9.001
Tarigan, Z.J.H., & Siagian, H. (2021). The effects of strategic planning, purchasing strategy and strategic partnership on operational performance. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 9(2), 363-372, DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2021.2.006
Truong, H.Q., Sameiro, M., Fernandes, A.C., Sampaio, P., Duong, B.A.T., Duong, H.H., & Vilhenac, E. (2017). Supply chain management practices and firms' operational performance. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 34 (2), 176-193,
Wang, B-J, Lin C-H, Lee W-C, & Hsiao C-C. (2023a). Development of a bamboo toothbrush handle machine with a human-machine interactive interface for optimizing process conditions. Sustainability, 15(14):11459.
Wang, H., Long, Z., Chen, J., Guo, Y., & Wang, A. (2023b). Collaborative decision-making in supply chain management: A review and bibliometric analysis. Cogent Engineering, 10(1).
Willis, G., Genchev, S.E., & Chen, H. (2016). Supply chain learning, integration, and flexibility performance: an empirical study in India. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 27(3), 755-769.
Wu, I.-L., Chuang, C.-H., & Hsu, C.-H. 2014. Information sharing and collaborative behaviors in enabling supply chain performance: A social exchange perspective. International Journal Production Economics, 148,122-132.
Wu, T.-J., Li, J.-M., & Wu, Y.J. (2022). Employees' job insecurity perception and unsafe behaviours in human–machine collaboration. Management Decision, 60(9), 2409-2432.
Xiong, Y., Tang, Y., Kim, S., & Rosen, D.W. (2023). Human-machine collaborative additive manufacturing. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 66, 82-91.
Yu, K., Luo, B.N., Feng, X., & Liu, J. (2018). Supply chain information integration, flexibility, and operational performance: An archival search and content analysis. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 29(1), 340-364.
Zhang, Y., Hu, Z., Hang, P., Lou, S., & Chen Lv. (2024). Human–machine cooperative decision-making and planning for automated vehicles using spatial projection of hand gestures. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 62, Part C, 102864,
Alsubaie, F., & Aldoukhi, M. (2024). Using machine learning algorithms with improved accuracy to analyze and predict employee attrition. Decision Science Letters, 13(1), 1-18, DOI: 10.5267/j.dsl.2023.12.006
Ansari, F., Erol, S. & Sihn, W. (2018). Rethinking human machine learning in Industry 4.0: how dos the paradigm shift treat the role of human learning? Procedia Manufacturing, 23, 117-122,
Arikat, Z.M.A. (2024). The Role of business intelligence in enhancing the performance of supply chains in Jordan. Journal of Ecohumanism, 3(8), 2040-2053, DOI:
Basana, S.R., Malelak, M.I., Suprapto, W., Tarigan, Z.J.H., Tarigan, Z.V.B., & Doron, R.O. (2025). The influence of information technology integration on firm performance through supply chain quality and supply chain resilience. Decision Science Letters, 14(1), 225-238, DOI: 10.5267/j.dsl.2024.9.004
Beltramini, E. (2018). Human vulnerability and robo-advisory: An application of Coeckelbergh’s vulnerability to the machine-human interface. Baltic Journal of Management, 13(2), 250-263. https://doi-org/10.1108/BJM-10-2017-0315
Bouyam, C., & Punsawad, Y. (2022). Human–machine interface-based wheelchair control using piezoelectric sensors based on face and tongue movements. Heliyon, 8 (11), e11679,
Cao, S., Bryceson, K., & Hine, D. (2021). Collaborative risk management in decentralized multi-tier global food supply chains: an exploratory study. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 32(3), 1050–1067.
Cao, S., Powell, W., Foth, M., Natanelov, V., Miller, T., & Dulleck, U. (2021). Strengthening consumer trust in beef supply chain traceability with a blockchain-based human-machine reconcile mechanism. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 180, 105886,
Chaudhuri, A., Boer, H. & Taran, Y. (2018). Supply chain integration, risk management and manufacturing flexibility. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 38(3), 690-712.
Daghar, A., Alinaghian, L., & Turner, N. (2021). The role of collaborative interorganizational relationships in supply chain risks: a systematic review using a social capital perspective. Supply Chain Management, 26(2), 279-296.
Dubey, R., Gunasekaran, A. & Childe, S.J. (2019). Big data analytics capability in supply chain agility: The moderating effect of organizational flexibility. Management Decision, 57(8), 2092-2112.
Falandays, J.B., Spevack, S., Pärnamets, P. & Spivey, M. (2021). Decision-making in the human-machine interface. Frontier Psychology, 12, 624111. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.624111
Haesevoets, T., De Cremer, D., Dierckx, K., & Van Hiel, A. (2021). Human-machine collaboration in managerial decision making. Computers in Human Behavior, 119, 106730,
Hao, X., Demir, E., & Eyers, D. (2024). Exploring collaborative decision-making: A quasi-experimental study of human and Generative AI interaction. Technology in Society, 78, 102662,
Harianto, K.J., Tarigan, Z.J.H., Siagian, H., Basana, S.R. & Jie, F. (2024). The effect of digital ERP implementation, supply chain integration and supply chain flexibility on business performance. International Journal of Data and Network Science, 8(4), 2399-2414, DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2024.5.017
Jain, R., Garg, N., & Khera, S.N. (2023). Effective human–AI work design for collaborative decision-making. Kybernetes, 52(11), 5017-5040.
Jain, N., Gupta, V., Temperini, V., Meissner, D., & D’angelo, E. (2024). Human machine interactions: from past to future- a systematic literature review. Journal of Management History, 30(2), 263–302.
Jeng, S.-L., Chieng, W.-H., & Chen, Y. (2021). Web-based human-machine interfaces of industrial controllers in single-page applications. Mobile Information Systems, 2021, 6668843.
Kosicki, T. & Thomessen, T. (2013). Cognitive human-machine interface applied in remote support for industrial robot systems. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. 10(10). doi:10.5772/56296
Kumar, G., Subramanian, N., & Arputham, R.M. (2018). Missing link between sustainability collaborative strategy and supply chain performance: Role of dynamic capability. International Journal of Production Economics, 203, 96-109,
Lai, P.-L., Su, D.-T., Tai, H.-H., & Yang, C.-C. (2020). The impact of collaborative decision-making on logistics service performance for container shipping services. Maritime Business Review, 5(2), 175-191.
Levalle, R.R., & Nof, S.Y. (2015). A resilience by teaming framework for collaborative supply networks. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 90, 67-85,
Li, J.-M., Wu, T.-J., Wu, Y.J., & Goh, M. (2023). Systematic literature review of human-machine collaboration in organizations using bibliometric analysis. Management Decision, 61(10), 2920-2944, https://doi-org/10.1108/MD-09-2022-1183
Jiang, H. F. (2020). A collaborative decision-making system for production operation. American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 10, 804–814. doi: 10.4236/ajibm.2020.104054.
Liu, T., You, H., Gkiotsalitis, K. & Cats, O. (2024). Human-Machine collaborative decision-making approach to scheduling customized buses with flexible departure times. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 187, 104184,
Long (2016). A flow-based three-dimensional collaborative decision-making model for supply-chain networks. Knowledge-Based Systems, 97, 101-110,
Morgan, J., Halton, M., Qiao, Y., & Breslin, J.G. (2021). Industry 4.0 smart reconfigurable manufacturing machines. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 59, 481–506.
Mourtzis, D., Angelopoulos, J., & Panopoulos, N. (2023). The Future of the Human–Machine Interface (HMI) in Society 5.0. Future Internet, 15(5), 162.
Mustafa, F.E., Ahmed, I., Basit, A., Alvi, U., Malik, S.H., Mahmood, A. and Ali, P.R. (2023). A review on effective alarm management systems for industrial process control: Barriers and opportunities. International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection, 41, 100599,
Nagarajan, V., Savitskie, K., Ranganathan, S., Sen, S., & Alexandrov, A. (2013). The effect of environmental uncertainty, information quality, and collaborative logistics on supply chain flexibility of small manufacturing firms in India. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 25(5), 784–802.
Nematollahi, M., Hosseini-Motlagh, S.-M., & Heydari, J. (2017). Coordination of social responsibility and order quantity in a two-echelon supply chain: A collaborative decision-making perspective. International Journal of Production Economics, 184, 107–121,
Rojo, A., Stevenson, M., Lloréns Montes, F.J. & Perez-Arostegui, M.N. (2018). Supply chain flexibility in dynamic environments: The enabling role of operational absorptive capacity and organizational learning. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 38(3), 636-666.
Sarkar, M. & Seo, Y.W. (2021). Renewable energy supply chain management with flexibility and automation in a production system. Journal of Cleaner Production, 324, 129149,
Shahab, M.A., Srinivasan, B., & Srinivasan, R. (2023). Enhancing human-machine interface design using cognitive metrics of process operators. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 52, 3513-3518,
Shukor, A.A.A., Newaz, M.S., Rahman, M.K. & Taha, A.Z. (2021). Supply chain integration and its impact on supply chain agility and organizational flexibility in manufacturing firms. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 16(8), 1721-1744.
Siagian, H., Tarigan, Z.J.H., & Jie, F. (2021). Supply chain integration enables resilience, flexibility, and innovation to improve business performance in the COVID-19 era. Sustainability, 13, 4669.
Singh, H.P., & Kumar, P. (2021). Developments in the human-machine interface technologies and their applications: A review. Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, 45(7), 552-573,
Sitompul, T.A. (2022). Human-machine interface for remote crane operation: a review. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction. 6(6),45.
Soesetyo, Z.E., Tarigan, Z.J.H., Siagian, H., Basana, S.R. & Jie, F. (2024). The role of top management commitment to improve operational performance through IT adoption, supply chain integration, and green supply chain management. Decision Science Letters, 13(3), 647-662, DOI: 10.5267/j.dsl.2024.4.007
Somon, B., Campagne, A., Delorme, A., & Berberian, B. (2019). Human or not human? Performance monitoring ERPs during human agent and machine supervision. Neurolmage, 186, 266-277,
Tarigan, Z.J.H. (2018). The impact of organization commitment to process and product innovation in improving operational performance. International Journal of Business and Society, 19(2), 335-346
Tarigan, R.S., Tarigan, Z.V.B., Maer, M.N.D., Tarigan, Z.J.H., & Ferry Jie, F. (2024). The influence of information technology on supply chain resilience through purchasing strategy, production flexibility, and supply chain responsiveness. Decision Science Letters, 13(4), 791-806, DOI: 10.5267/j.dsl.2024.9.001
Tarigan, Z.J.H., & Siagian, H. (2021). The effects of strategic planning, purchasing strategy and strategic partnership on operational performance. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 9(2), 363-372, DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2021.2.006
Truong, H.Q., Sameiro, M., Fernandes, A.C., Sampaio, P., Duong, B.A.T., Duong, H.H., & Vilhenac, E. (2017). Supply chain management practices and firms' operational performance. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 34 (2), 176-193,
Wang, B-J, Lin C-H, Lee W-C, & Hsiao C-C. (2023a). Development of a bamboo toothbrush handle machine with a human-machine interactive interface for optimizing process conditions. Sustainability, 15(14):11459.
Wang, H., Long, Z., Chen, J., Guo, Y., & Wang, A. (2023b). Collaborative decision-making in supply chain management: A review and bibliometric analysis. Cogent Engineering, 10(1).
Willis, G., Genchev, S.E., & Chen, H. (2016). Supply chain learning, integration, and flexibility performance: an empirical study in India. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 27(3), 755-769.
Wu, I.-L., Chuang, C.-H., & Hsu, C.-H. 2014. Information sharing and collaborative behaviors in enabling supply chain performance: A social exchange perspective. International Journal Production Economics, 148,122-132.
Wu, T.-J., Li, J.-M., & Wu, Y.J. (2022). Employees' job insecurity perception and unsafe behaviours in human–machine collaboration. Management Decision, 60(9), 2409-2432.
Xiong, Y., Tang, Y., Kim, S., & Rosen, D.W. (2023). Human-machine collaborative additive manufacturing. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 66, 82-91.
Yu, K., Luo, B.N., Feng, X., & Liu, J. (2018). Supply chain information integration, flexibility, and operational performance: An archival search and content analysis. The International Journal of Logistics Management, 29(1), 340-364.
Zhang, Y., Hu, Z., Hang, P., Lou, S., & Chen Lv. (2024). Human–machine cooperative decision-making and planning for automated vehicles using spatial projection of hand gestures. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 62, Part C, 102864,