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Moreno-Velásquez, L., Díaz-Serna, F & Morillo-Torres, D. (2025). Dynamic multicriteria optimization for the nurse scheduling problem.Decision Science Letters , 14(2), 457-472.
Adhikari, R. S., Aste, N., & Manfren, M. (2012). Multi-commodity network flow models for dynamic energy management – Smart Grid applications. Energy Procedia, 14, 1374–1379.
Akbari, M., Zandieh, M., & Dorri, B. (2013). Scheduling part-time and mixed-skilled workers to maximize employee satisfaction. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 64(5–8), 1017–1027.
Amindoust, A., Asadpour, M., & Shirmohammadi, S. (2021). A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Nurse Scheduling Problem considering the Fatigue Factor. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2021, 1–11.
Bilgin, B., Demeester, P., Misir, M., Vancroonenburg, W., & Vanden Berghe, G. (2012). One hyper-heuristic approach to two timetabling problems in health care. Journal of Heuristics, 18(3), 401–434.
Boland, N., Kalinowski, T., & Rigterink, F. (2016). New multi-commodity flow formulations for the pooling problem. Journal of Global Optimization, 66(4), 669–710.
Burke, E. K., & Curtois, T. (2014). New approaches to nurse rostering benchmark instances. European Journal of Operational Research, 237(1), 71–81.
Burke, E. K., Li, J., & Qu, R. (2010). A hybrid model of integer programming and variable neighbourhood search for highly-constrained nurse rostering problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 203(2), 484–493.
Ceschia, S., Di Gaspero, L., Mazzaracchio, V., Policante, G., & Schaerf, A. (2023). Solving a real-world nurse rostering problem by Simulated Annealing. Operations Research for Health Care, 36, 100379.
Chen, Z., De Causmaecker, P., & Dou, Y. (2023). A combined mixed integer programming and deep neural network-assisted heuristics algorithm for the nurse rostering problem. Applied Soft Computing, 136, 109919.
Constantino, A. A., Landa-Silva, D., de Melo, E. L., de Mendonça, C. F. X., Rizzato, D. B., & Romão, W. (2013). A heuristic algorithm based on multi-assignment procedures for nurse scheduling. Annals of Operations Research.
Di Martinelly, C., & Meskens, N. (2017). A bi-objective integrated approach to building surgical teams and nurse schedule rosters to maximise surgical team affinities and minimise nurses’ idle time. International Journal of Production Economics, 191, 323–334.
El Adoly, A. A., Gheith, M., & Nashat Fors, M. (2018). A new formulation and solution for the nurse scheduling problem: A case study in Egypt. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 57(4), 2289–2298.
EL-Rifai, O., Garaix, T., Augusto, V., & Xie, X. (2015). A stochastic optimization model for shift scheduling in emergency departments. Health Care Management Science, 18(3), 289–302.
Hamid, M., Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R., Golpaygani, F., & Vahedi-Nouri, B. (2020). A multi-objective model for a nurse scheduling problem by emphasizing human factors. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 234(2), 179–199.
Jafari, H., Bateni, S., Daneshvar, P., Bateni, S., & Mahdioun, H. (2016). Fuzzy Mathematical Modeling Approach for the Nurse Scheduling Problem: A Case Study. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 18(2), 320–332.
Jafari, H., & Salmasi, N. (2015). Maximizing the nurses’ preferences in nurse scheduling problem: mathematical modeling and a meta-heuristic algorithm. Journal of Industrial Engineering International, 11(3), 439–458.
Jiang, Y., Zhang, X., Rong, Y., & Zhang, Z. (2014). A Multimodal Location and Routing Model for Hazardous Materials Transportation based on Multi-commodity Flow Model. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 138, 791–799.
Legrain, A., Bouarab, H., & Lahrichi, N. (2015). The Nurse Scheduling Problem in Real-Life. Journal of Medical Systems, 39(1), 160.
Letchford, A. N., & Salazar-González, J.-J. (2016). Stronger multi-commodity flow formulations of the (capacitated) sequential ordering problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 251(1), 74–84.
Liang, B., & Turkcan, A. (2016). Acuity-based nurse assignment and patient scheduling in oncology clinics. Health Care Management Science, 19(3), 207–226.
Lin, C.-C., Kang, J.-R., Liu, W.-Y., & Deng, D.-J. (2014). Modelling a Nurse Shift Schedule with Multiple Preference Ranks for Shifts and Days-Off. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014, 1–10.
Maharjan, B., & Matis, T. I. (2012). Multi-commodity flow network model of the flight gate assignment problem. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 63(4), 1135–1144.
Mesquita, M., Moz, M., Paias, A., & Pato, M. (2015). A decompose-and-fix heuristic based on multi-commodity flow models for driver rostering with days-off pattern. European Journal of Operational Research, 245(2), 423–437.
M’Hallah, R., & Alkhabbaz, A. (2013). Scheduling of nurses: A case study of a Kuwaiti health care unit. Operations Research for Health Care, 2(1–2), 1–19.
Ohki, M., Uneme, S., & Kawano, H. (2010). Effective Mutation Operator and Parallel Processing for Nurse Scheduling. In Intelligent Systems: From Theory to Practice (pp. 229–242).
Rahimian, E., Akartunalı, K., & Levine, J. (2017). A hybrid Integer Programming and Variable Neighbourhood Search algorithm to solve Nurse Rostering Problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 258(2), 411–423.
Rudi, A., Fröhling, M., Zimmer, K., & Schultmann, F. (2016). Freight transportation planning considering carbon emissions and in-transit holding costs: a capacitated multi-commodity network flow model. EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 5(2), 123–160.
Stimpfel, A. W., Sloane, D. M., & Aiken, L. H. (2012). The Longer The Shifts For Hospital Nurses, The Higher The Levels Of Burnout And Patient Dissatisfaction. Health Affairs, 31(11), 2501–2509.
Svirsko, A. C., Norman, B. A., Rausch, D., & Woodring, J. (2019). Using Mathematical Modeling to Improve the Emergency Department Nurse-Scheduling Process. Journal of Emergency Nursing, 45(4), 425–432.
Tassopoulos, I. X., Solos, I. P., & Beligiannis, G. N. (2015). Α two-phase adaptive variable neighborhood approach for nurse rostering. Computers & Operations Research, 60, 150–169.
Yahia, Z., Eltawil, A. B., & Harraz, N. A. (2016). The operating room case-mix problem under uncertainty and nurses capacity constraints. Health Care Management Science, 19(4), 383–394.
Yilmaz, E. (2012). A Mathematical Programming Model for Scheduling of Nurses’ Labor Shifts. Journal of Medical Systems, 36(2), 491–496.
Zhang, X., Yang, Y., Zhu, Q., Lin, Q., Chen, W., Li, J., & Coello, C. A. C. (2024). Multi-agent deep Q-network-based metaheuristic algorithm for Nurse Rostering Problem. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 87, 101547.
Zhang, Z., Hao, Z., & Huang, H. (2011). Hybrid Swarm-Based Optimization Algorithm of GA & VNS for Nurse Scheduling Problem. In Information Computing and Applications (pp. 375–382).
Zolfagharinia, H., Najafi, M., Rizvi, S., & Haghighi, A. (2024). Unleashing the Power of Tweets and News in Stock-Price Prediction Using Machine-Learning Techniques. Algorithms, 17(6), 234.
Akbari, M., Zandieh, M., & Dorri, B. (2013). Scheduling part-time and mixed-skilled workers to maximize employee satisfaction. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 64(5–8), 1017–1027.
Amindoust, A., Asadpour, M., & Shirmohammadi, S. (2021). A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Nurse Scheduling Problem considering the Fatigue Factor. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2021, 1–11.
Bilgin, B., Demeester, P., Misir, M., Vancroonenburg, W., & Vanden Berghe, G. (2012). One hyper-heuristic approach to two timetabling problems in health care. Journal of Heuristics, 18(3), 401–434.
Boland, N., Kalinowski, T., & Rigterink, F. (2016). New multi-commodity flow formulations for the pooling problem. Journal of Global Optimization, 66(4), 669–710.
Burke, E. K., & Curtois, T. (2014). New approaches to nurse rostering benchmark instances. European Journal of Operational Research, 237(1), 71–81.
Burke, E. K., Li, J., & Qu, R. (2010). A hybrid model of integer programming and variable neighbourhood search for highly-constrained nurse rostering problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 203(2), 484–493.
Ceschia, S., Di Gaspero, L., Mazzaracchio, V., Policante, G., & Schaerf, A. (2023). Solving a real-world nurse rostering problem by Simulated Annealing. Operations Research for Health Care, 36, 100379.
Chen, Z., De Causmaecker, P., & Dou, Y. (2023). A combined mixed integer programming and deep neural network-assisted heuristics algorithm for the nurse rostering problem. Applied Soft Computing, 136, 109919.
Constantino, A. A., Landa-Silva, D., de Melo, E. L., de Mendonça, C. F. X., Rizzato, D. B., & Romão, W. (2013). A heuristic algorithm based on multi-assignment procedures for nurse scheduling. Annals of Operations Research.
Di Martinelly, C., & Meskens, N. (2017). A bi-objective integrated approach to building surgical teams and nurse schedule rosters to maximise surgical team affinities and minimise nurses’ idle time. International Journal of Production Economics, 191, 323–334.
El Adoly, A. A., Gheith, M., & Nashat Fors, M. (2018). A new formulation and solution for the nurse scheduling problem: A case study in Egypt. Alexandria Engineering Journal, 57(4), 2289–2298.
EL-Rifai, O., Garaix, T., Augusto, V., & Xie, X. (2015). A stochastic optimization model for shift scheduling in emergency departments. Health Care Management Science, 18(3), 289–302.
Hamid, M., Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, R., Golpaygani, F., & Vahedi-Nouri, B. (2020). A multi-objective model for a nurse scheduling problem by emphasizing human factors. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 234(2), 179–199.
Jafari, H., Bateni, S., Daneshvar, P., Bateni, S., & Mahdioun, H. (2016). Fuzzy Mathematical Modeling Approach for the Nurse Scheduling Problem: A Case Study. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 18(2), 320–332.
Jafari, H., & Salmasi, N. (2015). Maximizing the nurses’ preferences in nurse scheduling problem: mathematical modeling and a meta-heuristic algorithm. Journal of Industrial Engineering International, 11(3), 439–458.
Jiang, Y., Zhang, X., Rong, Y., & Zhang, Z. (2014). A Multimodal Location and Routing Model for Hazardous Materials Transportation based on Multi-commodity Flow Model. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 138, 791–799.
Legrain, A., Bouarab, H., & Lahrichi, N. (2015). The Nurse Scheduling Problem in Real-Life. Journal of Medical Systems, 39(1), 160.
Letchford, A. N., & Salazar-González, J.-J. (2016). Stronger multi-commodity flow formulations of the (capacitated) sequential ordering problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 251(1), 74–84.
Liang, B., & Turkcan, A. (2016). Acuity-based nurse assignment and patient scheduling in oncology clinics. Health Care Management Science, 19(3), 207–226.
Lin, C.-C., Kang, J.-R., Liu, W.-Y., & Deng, D.-J. (2014). Modelling a Nurse Shift Schedule with Multiple Preference Ranks for Shifts and Days-Off. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014, 1–10.
Maharjan, B., & Matis, T. I. (2012). Multi-commodity flow network model of the flight gate assignment problem. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 63(4), 1135–1144.
Mesquita, M., Moz, M., Paias, A., & Pato, M. (2015). A decompose-and-fix heuristic based on multi-commodity flow models for driver rostering with days-off pattern. European Journal of Operational Research, 245(2), 423–437.
M’Hallah, R., & Alkhabbaz, A. (2013). Scheduling of nurses: A case study of a Kuwaiti health care unit. Operations Research for Health Care, 2(1–2), 1–19.
Ohki, M., Uneme, S., & Kawano, H. (2010). Effective Mutation Operator and Parallel Processing for Nurse Scheduling. In Intelligent Systems: From Theory to Practice (pp. 229–242).
Rahimian, E., Akartunalı, K., & Levine, J. (2017). A hybrid Integer Programming and Variable Neighbourhood Search algorithm to solve Nurse Rostering Problems. European Journal of Operational Research, 258(2), 411–423.
Rudi, A., Fröhling, M., Zimmer, K., & Schultmann, F. (2016). Freight transportation planning considering carbon emissions and in-transit holding costs: a capacitated multi-commodity network flow model. EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, 5(2), 123–160.
Stimpfel, A. W., Sloane, D. M., & Aiken, L. H. (2012). The Longer The Shifts For Hospital Nurses, The Higher The Levels Of Burnout And Patient Dissatisfaction. Health Affairs, 31(11), 2501–2509.
Svirsko, A. C., Norman, B. A., Rausch, D., & Woodring, J. (2019). Using Mathematical Modeling to Improve the Emergency Department Nurse-Scheduling Process. Journal of Emergency Nursing, 45(4), 425–432.
Tassopoulos, I. X., Solos, I. P., & Beligiannis, G. N. (2015). Α two-phase adaptive variable neighborhood approach for nurse rostering. Computers & Operations Research, 60, 150–169.
Yahia, Z., Eltawil, A. B., & Harraz, N. A. (2016). The operating room case-mix problem under uncertainty and nurses capacity constraints. Health Care Management Science, 19(4), 383–394.
Yilmaz, E. (2012). A Mathematical Programming Model for Scheduling of Nurses’ Labor Shifts. Journal of Medical Systems, 36(2), 491–496.
Zhang, X., Yang, Y., Zhu, Q., Lin, Q., Chen, W., Li, J., & Coello, C. A. C. (2024). Multi-agent deep Q-network-based metaheuristic algorithm for Nurse Rostering Problem. Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 87, 101547.
Zhang, Z., Hao, Z., & Huang, H. (2011). Hybrid Swarm-Based Optimization Algorithm of GA & VNS for Nurse Scheduling Problem. In Information Computing and Applications (pp. 375–382).
Zolfagharinia, H., Najafi, M., Rizvi, S., & Haghighi, A. (2024). Unleashing the Power of Tweets and News in Stock-Price Prediction Using Machine-Learning Techniques. Algorithms, 17(6), 234.