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Wang, K., Zhang, Y & Li, Z. (2025). Research on workload balance problem of mixed model assembly line under parallel task strategy.International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations , 16(2), 391-404.
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Chen, Y.(2019) Optimization and Simulation Research on Balancing and Sequencing of Mixed-flow Assembly Line. Wuhan University of Technology.
Çil, Z. A., Li, Z., Mete, S., & Özceylan, E. (2020). Mathematical model and bee algorithms for mixed-model assembly line balancing problem with physical human–robot collaboration. Applied soft computing, 93, 106394.
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Gutjahr, A. L., & Nemhauser, G. L. (1964). An algorithm for the line balancing problem. Management science, 11(2), 308-315.
Hazır, Ö., & Dolgui, A. (2013). Assembly line balancing under uncertainty: Robust optimization models and exact solution method. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 65(2), 261-267.
Hou, L., Wu, Y. M., Lai, R. S., & Tsai, C. T. (2014). Product family assembly line balancing based on an improved genetic algorithm. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 70, 1775-1786.
Li, A. P., Zhao, Y. X., & Zhang, J. H. (2019). Multi-objective Assembly Line Balancing Optimization Method Considering Complexity of Assembly Relationship. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 25(07), 1665-1675.
Li, J. L. (2018) Design Mixd Model Assembly Lines with Adjustable Production Capacity. Xi'an Jiaotong University.
Li, Z. P., Shi, Y., & Wu, L. Y. (2022) Research on Mixed Flow Line Balancing and Scheduling Optimization with Multiple Constraints. Journal of System Simulation, 1-14.
Li, Z., Janardhanan, M. N., & Ponnambalam, S. G. (2021). Cost-oriented robotic assembly line balancing problem with setup times: multi-objective algorithms. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 32, 989-1007.
Mei, Z. H. A. N. G., Yanxia, F. U., Jinhui, Z. H. U., & Shuaihang, D. E. N. G. (2024). Complex multi-manned assembly line balancing using improved water wave algorithm. Computer Integrated Manufacturing System, 30(1), 129.
Mosadegh, H., Ghomi, S. F., & Zandieh, M. (2012). Simultaneous solving of balancing and sequencing problems in mixed-model assembly line systems. International Journal of Production Research, 50(18), 4994-5016.
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Otto, A., Otto, C., & Scholl, A. (2013). Systematic data generation and test design for solution algorithms on the example of SALBPGen for assembly line balancing. European Journal of Operational Research, 228(1), 33-45.
Pearce, B. W., Antani, K., Mears, L., Funk, K., Mayorga, M. E., & Kurz, M. E. (2019). An effective integer program for a general assembly line balancing problem with parallel workers and additional assignment restrictions. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 50, 180-192.
Salehi, M., Maleki, H. R., & Niroomand, S. (2020). Solving a new cost-oriented assembly line balancing problem by classical and hybrid meta-heuristic algorithms. Neural Computing and Applications, 32, 8217-8243.
Tang, Q. h., Rao, D., & Li, Z. X. (2018). Improved Iterated Local Search Algorithm for Type I Mixed-Model Two-Sided Assembly Line Balancing Problem[J]. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 24(02): 390-399.
Wang, C. J., & Liu, J. M. (2020). Research on Balance Problem of Mixed-Flow Assembly Line with Operator’s Workload. Journal of Chongqing University of Technology (Natural Science), 34(07), 100-107.
Yi, Z. F. (2017). Modelling and Algorithm Research for Mixed Model Assembly Line Balancing and Sequencing Optimization. Dalian Maritime University.
Cakir, B., Altiparmak, F., & Dengiz, B. (2011). Multi-objective optimization of a stochastic assembly line balancing: A hybrid simulated annealing algorithm. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 60(3), 376-384.
Chen, Y. Y., Cheng, C. Y., & Li, J. Y.(2018) Resource-constrained Assembly Line Balancing Problems with Multi-Manned Workstations. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 48, 107-119.
Chen, Y.(2019) Optimization and Simulation Research on Balancing and Sequencing of Mixed-flow Assembly Line. Wuhan University of Technology.
Çil, Z. A., Li, Z., Mete, S., & Özceylan, E. (2020). Mathematical model and bee algorithms for mixed-model assembly line balancing problem with physical human–robot collaboration. Applied soft computing, 93, 106394.
Decker, M. (1993). Capacity smoothing and sequencing for mixed-model lines. International Journal of Production Economics, 30, 31-42.
Guo, Z. X., Wong, W. K., Leung, S. Y. S., Fan, J. T., & Chan, S. F. (2008). A genetic-algorithm-based optimization model for solving the flexible assembly line balancing problem with work sharing and workstation revisiting. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and Reviews), 38(2), 218-228.
Gutjahr, A. L., & Nemhauser, G. L. (1964). An algorithm for the line balancing problem. Management science, 11(2), 308-315.
Hazır, Ö., & Dolgui, A. (2013). Assembly line balancing under uncertainty: Robust optimization models and exact solution method. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 65(2), 261-267.
Hou, L., Wu, Y. M., Lai, R. S., & Tsai, C. T. (2014). Product family assembly line balancing based on an improved genetic algorithm. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 70, 1775-1786.
Li, A. P., Zhao, Y. X., & Zhang, J. H. (2019). Multi-objective Assembly Line Balancing Optimization Method Considering Complexity of Assembly Relationship. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 25(07), 1665-1675.
Li, J. L. (2018) Design Mixd Model Assembly Lines with Adjustable Production Capacity. Xi'an Jiaotong University.
Li, Z. P., Shi, Y., & Wu, L. Y. (2022) Research on Mixed Flow Line Balancing and Scheduling Optimization with Multiple Constraints. Journal of System Simulation, 1-14.
Li, Z., Janardhanan, M. N., & Ponnambalam, S. G. (2021). Cost-oriented robotic assembly line balancing problem with setup times: multi-objective algorithms. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 32, 989-1007.
Mei, Z. H. A. N. G., Yanxia, F. U., Jinhui, Z. H. U., & Shuaihang, D. E. N. G. (2024). Complex multi-manned assembly line balancing using improved water wave algorithm. Computer Integrated Manufacturing System, 30(1), 129.
Mosadegh, H., Ghomi, S. F., & Zandieh, M. (2012). Simultaneous solving of balancing and sequencing problems in mixed-model assembly line systems. International Journal of Production Research, 50(18), 4994-5016.
Niroomand, S. (2021). Hybrid artificial electric field algorithm for assembly line balancing problem with equipment model selection possibility. Knowledge-Based Systems, 219, 106905.
Otto, A., Otto, C., & Scholl, A. (2013). Systematic data generation and test design for solution algorithms on the example of SALBPGen for assembly line balancing. European Journal of Operational Research, 228(1), 33-45.
Pearce, B. W., Antani, K., Mears, L., Funk, K., Mayorga, M. E., & Kurz, M. E. (2019). An effective integer program for a general assembly line balancing problem with parallel workers and additional assignment restrictions. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 50, 180-192.
Salehi, M., Maleki, H. R., & Niroomand, S. (2020). Solving a new cost-oriented assembly line balancing problem by classical and hybrid meta-heuristic algorithms. Neural Computing and Applications, 32, 8217-8243.
Tang, Q. h., Rao, D., & Li, Z. X. (2018). Improved Iterated Local Search Algorithm for Type I Mixed-Model Two-Sided Assembly Line Balancing Problem[J]. Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems, 24(02): 390-399.
Wang, C. J., & Liu, J. M. (2020). Research on Balance Problem of Mixed-Flow Assembly Line with Operator’s Workload. Journal of Chongqing University of Technology (Natural Science), 34(07), 100-107.
Yi, Z. F. (2017). Modelling and Algorithm Research for Mixed Model Assembly Line Balancing and Sequencing Optimization. Dalian Maritime University.