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Galvan-Jimenez, L., Jimenez-Cerron, J., Flores-Vilcapoma, B & Romero-Menese, J. (2025). Logistic management and neural network maps: Keys to cost optimization in cardboard packaging manufacturing.Decision Science Letters , 14(2), 449-456.
Ahmad, A. N. A., Ahmad, M. F., Hamid, N. A., Chuan, L. T., Rahim, M. K. I. A., Nawanir, G., ... & Rahim, M. A. (2023, September). Improving the warehouse operation by implementing lean warehousing. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2827, No. 1). AIP Publishing.
Adeniran, I. A., Efunniyi, C. P., Osundare, O. S., & Abhulimen, A. O. (2024). Optimizing logistics and supply chain management through advanced analytics: Insights from industries. Engineering Science & Technology Journal, 5(8).
Baleanu, D., Karaca, Y., Vázquez, L., & Macías-Díaz, J. E. (2023). Advanced fractional calculus, differential equations and neural networks: Analysis, modeling and numerical computations. Physica Scripta, 98(11), 110201.
Batani, A. (2018). Providing a decision-making model for continuous monitoring of patient's hypertension using artificial neural network and quality control charts. Razi Journal of Medical Sciences, 25(166), 46-57.
Chen, Z., & Bidanda, B. (2019). Sustainable manufacturing production-inventory decision of multiple factories with JIT logistics, component recovery and emission control. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 128, 356-383. doi:10.1016/j.tre.2019.06.013
Coşkun, S. S., Kumru, M., & Kan, N. M. (2022). An integrated framework for sustainable supplier development through supplier evaluation based on sustainability indicators. Journal of Cleaner Production, 335, 130287.
Eroglu, C., & Hofer, C. (2011). Inventory types and firm performance: Vector autoregressive and vector error correction models. Journal of Business Logistics, 32(3), 227-239.
Esrar, H., Zolfaghariania, H., & Yu, H. (2023). Inventory management practices at a big-box retailer: a case study. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 30(7), 2458-2485.
Flores Vilcapoma, L. R. (2024). Logística de aprovisionamiento y su influencia en los costos de producción de la empresa Productos Tissue del Perú SAC.
Flores Vilcapoma, L. R., Baldeon Ascona, S. A., & Bendezu Limache, F. (2021). Influence of procurement management on the production costs of cardboard packaging using recycled material.
Flores-Vilcapoma, L., Sanchez-Solis, Y., & Vicente-Ramos, W. (2021). The effect of production costs on the provisioning management of materials: Evidence from paper industry in Peru. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 9(1), 99-106. doi: 10.5267/j.uscm.2020.11.005
Framinan, J. M., Guerrero, F., Perez-Gonzalez, P., & Toscano, S. (2024). Matching inventory and demand in a Fast Moving Consumer Goods company: A Decision Support System. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 194, 110377.
Gancedo, P.P., & Vega, R.S. (2017). Aprovisionamiento y restauración. Ediciones Paraninfo, S.A.
Geissdoerfer, M., Savaget, P., Bocken, N. M., & Hultink, E. J. (2017). The Circular Economy–A new sustainability paradigm?. Journal of cleaner production, 143, 757-768. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.12.048
Goel, A., Goel, A. K., & Kumar, A. (2023). The role of artificial neural network and machine learning in utilizing spatial information. Spatial Information Research, 31(3), 275-285.
Vértice. (2010). Aprovisionamiento y almacenaje en la venta. Editorial Vértice.
Hur, M., Keskin, B. B., & Schmidt, C. P. (2018). End-of-life inventory control of aircraft spare parts under performance based logistics. International Journal of Production Economics, 204, 186-203. doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2018.07.028
Jaramillo, L. N. A., Rojas, L. X. L., Moreno, S. X. T., & González, Y. C. O. (2024). Diseño de Estrategias para la Innovación de Procesos en la Cadena de Suministro de la Plaza de Mercado de Facatativá. Ciencia Latina: Revista Multidisciplinar, 8(1), 7405-7431.
Jarašūnienė, A., Čižiūnienė, K. y Čereška, A. (2023). Investigación sobre el impacto de la IoT en la gestión de almacenes. Sensors , 23 (4), 2213.
Ji, M., Fang, J., Zhang, W., Liao, L., Cheng, T. C. E., & Tan, Y. (2018). Logistics scheduling to minimize the sum of total weighted inventory cost and transport cost. Computers & industrial engineering, 120, 206-215. doi:10.1016/j.cie.2018.04.041
Krauss, P. (2024). Inteligencia artificial e investigación cerebral: redes neuronales, aprendizaje profundo y el futuro de la cognición . Springer Nature.
Lysons, K., & Farrington, B. (2020). Procurement and supply chain management. Pearson UK.
Molino-Minero-Re, E., Cardoso-Mohedano, J. G., Ruiz-Fernández, A. C., & Sanchez-Cabeza, J. A. (2014). Comparación de redes neuronales artificiales y análisis armónico para el pronóstico del nivel del mar (estero de Urías, Mazatlán, México). Ciencias marinas, 40(4), 251-261.
Mora Garcia, L. A. (2024). Gestión y control moderno de inventarios. Ediciones de la U.
Nwaiku, M. S., & Ejechi, J. O. (2022). Inventory management practices and organizational productivity in Nigerian manufacturing firms. South Asian Journal of Marketing & Management Research, 12(6and7), 1-13. Doi: 10.5958/2249-877X.2022.00018.2
O'brien, J. (2024). Category management in purchasing: a strategic approach to maximize business profitability. Kogan Page Publishers.
Oguchi, S., & Yuen, S. (2024). Constant propagation in CRIL by bidirectional data flow analysis. Journal of Information Processing, 32, 552-564.
Perkumienė, D., Ratautaitė, K., & Pranskūnienė, R. (2022). Innovative solutions and challenges for the improvement of storage processes. Sustainability, 14(17), 10616.
Picone, T. (2024). Effectively Discharging Solid Materials from Storage Bins and Silos. Chemical Engineering, 131(4).
Rao, Y. S. (2023). Production and operations management. Academic Guru Publishing House.
Shifino, G. (2008). Compras. Revista de Logística. Recuperado deística.
Tang, C. S. (2018). Socially responsible supply chains in emerging markets: Some research opportunities. Journal of Operations Management, 57, 1–10. doi: 10.1016/j.jom.2018.01.002
Vásquez, P. C. F. (2008). Aproximación teórica al concepto integral de logística. Revista gestión y región, (6), 65-90.
Więcek, P. (2016). Intelligent approach to inventory control in logistics under uncertainty conditions. Transportation research procedia, 18, 164-171. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2016.12.023
Yashchenko, V. (2023). Artificial brain. Biological and artificial neural networks, advantages, disadvantages, and prospects for development. Mathematical Machines and Systems, 2, 3-17.
Adeniran, I. A., Efunniyi, C. P., Osundare, O. S., & Abhulimen, A. O. (2024). Optimizing logistics and supply chain management through advanced analytics: Insights from industries. Engineering Science & Technology Journal, 5(8).
Baleanu, D., Karaca, Y., Vázquez, L., & Macías-Díaz, J. E. (2023). Advanced fractional calculus, differential equations and neural networks: Analysis, modeling and numerical computations. Physica Scripta, 98(11), 110201.
Batani, A. (2018). Providing a decision-making model for continuous monitoring of patient's hypertension using artificial neural network and quality control charts. Razi Journal of Medical Sciences, 25(166), 46-57.
Chen, Z., & Bidanda, B. (2019). Sustainable manufacturing production-inventory decision of multiple factories with JIT logistics, component recovery and emission control. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 128, 356-383. doi:10.1016/j.tre.2019.06.013
Coşkun, S. S., Kumru, M., & Kan, N. M. (2022). An integrated framework for sustainable supplier development through supplier evaluation based on sustainability indicators. Journal of Cleaner Production, 335, 130287.
Eroglu, C., & Hofer, C. (2011). Inventory types and firm performance: Vector autoregressive and vector error correction models. Journal of Business Logistics, 32(3), 227-239.
Esrar, H., Zolfaghariania, H., & Yu, H. (2023). Inventory management practices at a big-box retailer: a case study. Benchmarking: An International Journal, 30(7), 2458-2485.
Flores Vilcapoma, L. R. (2024). Logística de aprovisionamiento y su influencia en los costos de producción de la empresa Productos Tissue del Perú SAC.
Flores Vilcapoma, L. R., Baldeon Ascona, S. A., & Bendezu Limache, F. (2021). Influence of procurement management on the production costs of cardboard packaging using recycled material.
Flores-Vilcapoma, L., Sanchez-Solis, Y., & Vicente-Ramos, W. (2021). The effect of production costs on the provisioning management of materials: Evidence from paper industry in Peru. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 9(1), 99-106. doi: 10.5267/j.uscm.2020.11.005
Framinan, J. M., Guerrero, F., Perez-Gonzalez, P., & Toscano, S. (2024). Matching inventory and demand in a Fast Moving Consumer Goods company: A Decision Support System. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 194, 110377.
Gancedo, P.P., & Vega, R.S. (2017). Aprovisionamiento y restauración. Ediciones Paraninfo, S.A.
Geissdoerfer, M., Savaget, P., Bocken, N. M., & Hultink, E. J. (2017). The Circular Economy–A new sustainability paradigm?. Journal of cleaner production, 143, 757-768. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.12.048
Goel, A., Goel, A. K., & Kumar, A. (2023). The role of artificial neural network and machine learning in utilizing spatial information. Spatial Information Research, 31(3), 275-285.
Vértice. (2010). Aprovisionamiento y almacenaje en la venta. Editorial Vértice.
Hur, M., Keskin, B. B., & Schmidt, C. P. (2018). End-of-life inventory control of aircraft spare parts under performance based logistics. International Journal of Production Economics, 204, 186-203. doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2018.07.028
Jaramillo, L. N. A., Rojas, L. X. L., Moreno, S. X. T., & González, Y. C. O. (2024). Diseño de Estrategias para la Innovación de Procesos en la Cadena de Suministro de la Plaza de Mercado de Facatativá. Ciencia Latina: Revista Multidisciplinar, 8(1), 7405-7431.
Jarašūnienė, A., Čižiūnienė, K. y Čereška, A. (2023). Investigación sobre el impacto de la IoT en la gestión de almacenes. Sensors , 23 (4), 2213.
Ji, M., Fang, J., Zhang, W., Liao, L., Cheng, T. C. E., & Tan, Y. (2018). Logistics scheduling to minimize the sum of total weighted inventory cost and transport cost. Computers & industrial engineering, 120, 206-215. doi:10.1016/j.cie.2018.04.041
Krauss, P. (2024). Inteligencia artificial e investigación cerebral: redes neuronales, aprendizaje profundo y el futuro de la cognición . Springer Nature.
Lysons, K., & Farrington, B. (2020). Procurement and supply chain management. Pearson UK.
Molino-Minero-Re, E., Cardoso-Mohedano, J. G., Ruiz-Fernández, A. C., & Sanchez-Cabeza, J. A. (2014). Comparación de redes neuronales artificiales y análisis armónico para el pronóstico del nivel del mar (estero de Urías, Mazatlán, México). Ciencias marinas, 40(4), 251-261.
Mora Garcia, L. A. (2024). Gestión y control moderno de inventarios. Ediciones de la U.
Nwaiku, M. S., & Ejechi, J. O. (2022). Inventory management practices and organizational productivity in Nigerian manufacturing firms. South Asian Journal of Marketing & Management Research, 12(6and7), 1-13. Doi: 10.5958/2249-877X.2022.00018.2
O'brien, J. (2024). Category management in purchasing: a strategic approach to maximize business profitability. Kogan Page Publishers.
Oguchi, S., & Yuen, S. (2024). Constant propagation in CRIL by bidirectional data flow analysis. Journal of Information Processing, 32, 552-564.
Perkumienė, D., Ratautaitė, K., & Pranskūnienė, R. (2022). Innovative solutions and challenges for the improvement of storage processes. Sustainability, 14(17), 10616.
Picone, T. (2024). Effectively Discharging Solid Materials from Storage Bins and Silos. Chemical Engineering, 131(4).
Rao, Y. S. (2023). Production and operations management. Academic Guru Publishing House.
Shifino, G. (2008). Compras. Revista de Logística. Recuperado deística.
Tang, C. S. (2018). Socially responsible supply chains in emerging markets: Some research opportunities. Journal of Operations Management, 57, 1–10. doi: 10.1016/j.jom.2018.01.002
Vásquez, P. C. F. (2008). Aproximación teórica al concepto integral de logística. Revista gestión y región, (6), 65-90.
Więcek, P. (2016). Intelligent approach to inventory control in logistics under uncertainty conditions. Transportation research procedia, 18, 164-171. doi:10.1016/j.trpro.2016.12.023
Yashchenko, V. (2023). Artificial brain. Biological and artificial neural networks, advantages, disadvantages, and prospects for development. Mathematical Machines and Systems, 2, 3-17.