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Mayangsari, A., Juansih, J., Susilo, A & Pujiant, W. (2025). Assessment of trust level based on 3d models of social relationships factors in public institutions.Decision Science Letters , 14(2), 417-434.
Abdui-Rahman, A., & Hailes, S. (1998). Distributed Trust Model. Acm, 48–60.
Abdul-Rahman, A., & Hailes, S. (1997). Using Recommendations for Managing Trust in Distributed Systems. IEEE Malaysia International Conference on Communication, 97.
Adams, B. D., Flear, C., Taylor, T. E., Hall, C. D., & Karthaus, C. (2010). Review of interorganizational trust models. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW), 22(4–6), 88.
Ahrnberg, H., Appelqvist-Schmidlechner, K., Mustonen, P., Fröjd, S., & Aktan-Collan, K. (2021). Determinants of positive mental health in adolescents–a cross-sectional study on relationships between positive mental health, self-esteem, character strengths and social inclusion. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 23(3), 361–374.
Akrout, H., & La Rocca, A. (2019). Interpersonal and inter-organizational trust in high-involvement customer supplier relationships: Antecedents, consequences, and moderators. Advances in Business Marketing and Purchasing, 26, 87–102.
Akter, S., Debnath, B., & Bari, A. B. M. M. (2022). A grey decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory approach for evaluating the disruption risk factors in the Emergency Life-Saving Drugs supply chains. Healthcare Analytics, 2(October), 100120.
Al-Jawhar, H. D., & Rezouki, S. E. (2012). Identification of Procurement System Selection Criteria in the Construction Industry in Iraq by Using Delphi Method. International Proceedings of Economics and Development Research 2012, 142–147.
Amirshenava, S., & Osanloo, M. (2018). Mine closure risk management: An integration of 3D risk model and MCDM techniques. Journal of Cleaner Production, 184, 389–401.
An, S., & Jang, Y. (2018). The role of social capital in the relationship between physical constraint and mental distress in older adults: a latent interaction model. Aging and Mental Health, 22(2), 245–249.
Anyan, F., & Hjemdal, O. (2022). Loneliness in social relationships: Mapping the nomological network of loneliness with key conceptual domains and theoretical constructs. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 39(2), 132–154.
Ayalew, S., & Andualem, T. (2023). The relationships of social capital, institutional support, and emotional and behavioral adjustment of vulnerable children in Addis Ababa. Cogent Psychology, 10(1).
Bastos, L. A. V. M., Bichara, J. L. P. L. P., Nascimento, G. S. S., Villela, P. B. B., & de Oliveira, G. M. M. M. M. (2022). Mortality from diseases of the circulatory system in Brazil and its relationship with social determinants focusing on vulnerability: an ecological study. BMC Public Health, 22(1).
Bedué, P., & Fritzsche, A. (2022). Can we trust AI? An empirical investigation of trust requirements and guide to successful AI adoption. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 35(2), 530–549.
Biancini, A. (2016). 3PL provider selection by AHP and TOPSIS methodology. Benchmarking: An International Journal.
Bilal, M., Hussain, S., Rafiq, M., Ahmad, N., Quddus, A., & Pha, T. P. (2021). Does quality of corporate governance moderate the relationship between corporate social responsibility and stock price crash exposure. Estudios de Economia Aplicada, 39(12).
Boutkhoum, O., Hanine, M., Agouti, T., & Tikniouine, A. (2017). A decision-making approach based on fuzzy AHP-TOPSIS methodology for selecting the appropriate cloud solution to manage big data projects. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, 8(s2), 1237–1253.
Burchi, F., Loewe, M., Malerba, D., & Leininger, J. (2022). Disentangling the Relationship Between Social Protection and Social Cohesion: Introduction to the Special Issue. European Journal of Development Research, 34(3), 1195–1215.
Clark, W. R., Scholder Ellen, P., & Boles, J. S. (2010). An examination of trust dimensions across high and low dependence situations. Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 17(3), 215–248.
Crotty, J., & Daniel, E. (2022). Cyber threat: its origins and consequence and the use of qualitative and quantitative methods in cyber risk assessment. Applied Computing and Informatics.
Dale Stoel, M., & Muhanna, W. A. (2012). The dimensions and directionality of trust and their roles in the development of shared business-IS understanding. Information and Management, 49(5), 248–256.
Dowell, D., Heffernan, T., & Morrison, M. (2013). Trust formation at the growth stage of a business-to-business relationship: A qualitative investigation. Qualitative Market Research, 16(4), 436–451.
Farivar, S., Wang, F., & Yuan, Y. (2021). Opinion leadership vs. para-social relationship: Key factors in influencer marketing. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 59(November 2020), 102371.
Firmansyah, M. R., Amelia, R., Jamil, R. A., Faturochman, F., & Minza, W. M. (2019). Benevolence, Competency, and Integrity: Which Is More Influential on Trust in Friendships? Jurnal Psikologi, 18(1), 91.
Gille, F., Smith, S., & Mays, N. (2017). Towards a broader conceptualisation of “public trust” in the health care system. Social Theory and Health, 15(1), 25–43.
Gnanasekaran, S., & Venkatachalam, N. (2019). A review on applications of multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) for solar panel selection. International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development, 9(2), 11–20.
Green-Thompson, L. P. P., McInerney, P., & Woollard, B. (2017). The social accountability of doctors: A relationship based framework for understanding emergent community concepts of caring. BMC Health Services Research, 17(1).
Grossard, C., Bettencourt, C., Kellems, R., Chetouani, M., & Cohen, D. (2023). Building the design ICT inventory (DICTI): A Delphi study. Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 9(October 2021), 100261.
Han, W., Huang, Y., Hughes, M., & Zhang, M. (2021). The trade-off between trust and distrust in supply chain collaboration. Industrial Marketing Management, 98(June), 93–104.
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Irwin, A. (2006). The politics of talk: Coming to terms with the “new” scientific governance. Social Studies of Science, 36(2), 299–320.
Jones, A., Nnadi, I., Centeno, K., Molina, G., Nasir, R., Granger, G. G. G., Mercado, N. R. R., Ault-Brutus, A. A. A., Hackett, M., & Karaye, I. M. M. (2023). Investigating the Spatial Relationship between Social Vulnerability and Healthcare Facility Distribution in Nassau County, New York. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(5).
Karakikes, I., & Nathanail, E. (2020). Using the Delphi Method to Evaluate the Appropriateness of Urban Freight Transport Solutions. Smart Cities, 3(4), 1428–1447.
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Lehtonen, M., Prades, A., Espluga, J., & Arapostathis, S. (2022). Introduction to the special issue “Trust, mistrust, distrust, and trust-building in the nuclear sector: historical and comparative experience from Europe.” Journal of Risk Research, 25(5), 547–561.
Lewicka, D., & Krot, K. (2012). The importance of trust in leadership. Research Management Review, 10(3), 224–233.
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Ahrnberg, H., Appelqvist-Schmidlechner, K., Mustonen, P., Fröjd, S., & Aktan-Collan, K. (2021). Determinants of positive mental health in adolescents–a cross-sectional study on relationships between positive mental health, self-esteem, character strengths and social inclusion. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion, 23(3), 361–374.
Akrout, H., & La Rocca, A. (2019). Interpersonal and inter-organizational trust in high-involvement customer supplier relationships: Antecedents, consequences, and moderators. Advances in Business Marketing and Purchasing, 26, 87–102.
Akter, S., Debnath, B., & Bari, A. B. M. M. (2022). A grey decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory approach for evaluating the disruption risk factors in the Emergency Life-Saving Drugs supply chains. Healthcare Analytics, 2(October), 100120.
Al-Jawhar, H. D., & Rezouki, S. E. (2012). Identification of Procurement System Selection Criteria in the Construction Industry in Iraq by Using Delphi Method. International Proceedings of Economics and Development Research 2012, 142–147.
Amirshenava, S., & Osanloo, M. (2018). Mine closure risk management: An integration of 3D risk model and MCDM techniques. Journal of Cleaner Production, 184, 389–401.
An, S., & Jang, Y. (2018). The role of social capital in the relationship between physical constraint and mental distress in older adults: a latent interaction model. Aging and Mental Health, 22(2), 245–249.
Anyan, F., & Hjemdal, O. (2022). Loneliness in social relationships: Mapping the nomological network of loneliness with key conceptual domains and theoretical constructs. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 39(2), 132–154.
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Bastos, L. A. V. M., Bichara, J. L. P. L. P., Nascimento, G. S. S., Villela, P. B. B., & de Oliveira, G. M. M. M. M. (2022). Mortality from diseases of the circulatory system in Brazil and its relationship with social determinants focusing on vulnerability: an ecological study. BMC Public Health, 22(1).
Bedué, P., & Fritzsche, A. (2022). Can we trust AI? An empirical investigation of trust requirements and guide to successful AI adoption. Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 35(2), 530–549.
Biancini, A. (2016). 3PL provider selection by AHP and TOPSIS methodology. Benchmarking: An International Journal.
Bilal, M., Hussain, S., Rafiq, M., Ahmad, N., Quddus, A., & Pha, T. P. (2021). Does quality of corporate governance moderate the relationship between corporate social responsibility and stock price crash exposure. Estudios de Economia Aplicada, 39(12).
Boutkhoum, O., Hanine, M., Agouti, T., & Tikniouine, A. (2017). A decision-making approach based on fuzzy AHP-TOPSIS methodology for selecting the appropriate cloud solution to manage big data projects. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, 8(s2), 1237–1253.
Burchi, F., Loewe, M., Malerba, D., & Leininger, J. (2022). Disentangling the Relationship Between Social Protection and Social Cohesion: Introduction to the Special Issue. European Journal of Development Research, 34(3), 1195–1215.
Clark, W. R., Scholder Ellen, P., & Boles, J. S. (2010). An examination of trust dimensions across high and low dependence situations. Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing, 17(3), 215–248.
Crotty, J., & Daniel, E. (2022). Cyber threat: its origins and consequence and the use of qualitative and quantitative methods in cyber risk assessment. Applied Computing and Informatics.
Dale Stoel, M., & Muhanna, W. A. (2012). The dimensions and directionality of trust and their roles in the development of shared business-IS understanding. Information and Management, 49(5), 248–256.
Dowell, D., Heffernan, T., & Morrison, M. (2013). Trust formation at the growth stage of a business-to-business relationship: A qualitative investigation. Qualitative Market Research, 16(4), 436–451.
Farivar, S., Wang, F., & Yuan, Y. (2021). Opinion leadership vs. para-social relationship: Key factors in influencer marketing. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 59(November 2020), 102371.
Firmansyah, M. R., Amelia, R., Jamil, R. A., Faturochman, F., & Minza, W. M. (2019). Benevolence, Competency, and Integrity: Which Is More Influential on Trust in Friendships? Jurnal Psikologi, 18(1), 91.
Gille, F., Smith, S., & Mays, N. (2017). Towards a broader conceptualisation of “public trust” in the health care system. Social Theory and Health, 15(1), 25–43.
Gnanasekaran, S., & Venkatachalam, N. (2019). A review on applications of multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) for solar panel selection. International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development, 9(2), 11–20.
Green-Thompson, L. P. P., McInerney, P., & Woollard, B. (2017). The social accountability of doctors: A relationship based framework for understanding emergent community concepts of caring. BMC Health Services Research, 17(1).
Grossard, C., Bettencourt, C., Kellems, R., Chetouani, M., & Cohen, D. (2023). Building the design ICT inventory (DICTI): A Delphi study. Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 9(October 2021), 100261.
Han, W., Huang, Y., Hughes, M., & Zhang, M. (2021). The trade-off between trust and distrust in supply chain collaboration. Industrial Marketing Management, 98(June), 93–104.
Harris, M. A., & Orth, U. (2020). The link between self-esteem and social relationships: A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 119(6), 1459–1477.
Hayward, M., Hunt, R., & Miller, D. (2022). How vulnerability enriches family firm relationships: A social exchange perspective. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 13(1), 100450.
Henderson, M., & Furnham, A. (1985). The rules of social relationships. British Journal of Social Psychology, 24(2), 125–139.
Hendry, J. (2001). Economic contracts versus social relationships as a foundation for normative stakeholder theory. Business Ethics: A European Review, 10(3), 223–232.
Holt-Lunstad, J. (2018). Why Social Relationships Are Important for Physical Health: A Systems Approach to Understanding and Modifying Risk and Protection. Annual Review of Psychology, 69, 437–458.
Hou, X., Wang, B., & Gao, Y. (2020). Stakeholder protection, public trust, and corporate social responsibility: Evidence from listed SMEs in China. Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(15).
Hwang, C.-L., & Yoon, K. (1981). Multiple Attribute Decision Making: Method and Application.
Iltaf, N., Ghafoor, A., & Hussain, M. (2012). Modeling interaction using trust and recommendation in ubiquitous computing environment. Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2012(December).
Irwin, A. (2006). The politics of talk: Coming to terms with the “new” scientific governance. Social Studies of Science, 36(2), 299–320.
Jones, A., Nnadi, I., Centeno, K., Molina, G., Nasir, R., Granger, G. G. G., Mercado, N. R. R., Ault-Brutus, A. A. A., Hackett, M., & Karaye, I. M. M. (2023). Investigating the Spatial Relationship between Social Vulnerability and Healthcare Facility Distribution in Nassau County, New York. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(5).
Karakikes, I., & Nathanail, E. (2020). Using the Delphi Method to Evaluate the Appropriateness of Urban Freight Transport Solutions. Smart Cities, 3(4), 1428–1447.
Kim, S. E. (2005). The role of trust in the modern administrative state an integrative model. Administration and Society, 37(5), 611–635.
Lai, Y. J., Liu, T. Y., & Hwang, C. L. (1994). TOPSIS for MODM. European Journal of Operational Research, 76(3), 486–500.
Law, S. F., & Le, A. T. (2023). A systematic review of empirical studies on trust between universities and society. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 45(4), 393–408.
Lehtonen, M., Prades, A., Espluga, J., & Arapostathis, S. (2022). Introduction to the special issue “Trust, mistrust, distrust, and trust-building in the nuclear sector: historical and comparative experience from Europe.” Journal of Risk Research, 25(5), 547–561.
Lewicka, D., & Krot, K. (2012). The importance of trust in leadership. Research Management Review, 10(3), 224–233.
Lewicka, D., & Zakrzewska-Bielawska, A. F. (2022). Trust and distrust in interorganisational relations-Scale development. PLoS ONE, 17(12 December), 1–28.
Lim, D. H., Oh, J. M., & Kwon, G. H. (2016). Mediating effects of public trust in government on national competitiveness: Evidence from Asian countries. International Review of Public Administration, 21(2), 125–146.
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