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Alhebri, A. (2025). The moderating effect of the effectiveness of the internal audit function on the relationship between CAATS and corporate governance and the quality of financial reports in commercial banks: Evidence from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Decision Science Letters , 14(1), 213-224.
Abbott, L. J., Daugherty, B., Parker, S., & Peters, G. F. (2016). Internal audit quality and financial reporting quality: The joint importance of independence and competence. Journal of Accounting Research, 54(1), 3-40.
Abdul Rahman, R., & Haneem Mohamed Ali, F. (2006). Board, audit committee, culture and earnings management: Malaysian evidence. Managerial auditing journal, 21(7), 783-804.
Abdullah, R. B. (2014). Redefining internal audit performance: Impact on corporate governance.
Ahmi, A., Saidin, S. Z., & Abdullah, A. (2014). IT adoption by internal auditors in public sector: A conceptual study. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 164, 591-599.
Al-Hakimi, M. A., Saleh, M. H., & Borade, D. B. (2021). Entrepreneurial orientation and supply chain resilience of manufacturing SMEs in Yemen: the mediating effects of absorptive capacity and innovation. Heliyon, 7(10). 1-12.
Alhazaimeh, A., Palaniappan, R., & Almsafir, M. (2014). The impact of corporate governance and ownership structure on voluntary disclosure in annual reports among listed Jordanian companies. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 129, 341-348.
Al-Janadi, Y., Abdul Rahman, R., & Alazzani, A. (2016). Does government ownership affect corporate governance and corporate disclosure? Evidence from Saudi Arabia. Managerial Auditing Journal, 31(8/9), 871-890.
Al-Kahtani, S., & Al-Mekhlafi, A. (2024). The mediating role of competitive advantage in the relationship between total quality management, entrepreneurial orientation, organizational innovation, and organizational performance. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 12(4), 2183-2196.
Al-Kahtani, S. M., Senan, N. A. M., & Alanazi, I. D. (2024). Environmental responsibility, strategy, and competitive advantage: mediating effect of environmental innovation. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 14(3), 316-331.
Allegrini, M., & Greco, G. (2013). Corporate boards, audit committees and voluntary disclosure: Evidence from Italian listed companies. Journal of Management & Governance, 17, 187-216.
Alnabsha, A., Abdou, H. A., Ntim, C. G., & Elamer, A. A. (2018). Corporate boards, ownership structures and corporate disclosures: Evidence from a developing country. Journal of Applied Accounting Research, 19(1), 20-41.
Alrawad, M., Lutfi, A., Alyatama, S., Elshaer, I. A., & Almaiah, M. A. (2022). Perception of occupational and environmental risks and hazards among mineworkers: A psychometric paradigm approach. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(6), 3371.
Alshira’h, A. F. (2019). The effect of peer influence on sales tax compliance among Jordanian SMEs. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 9(3), 710-721.
Alshirah, M. H., Alshira’h, A. F., & Lutfi, A. (2022). Political connection, family ownership and corporate risk disclosure: Empirical evidence from Jordan. Meditari Accountancy Research, 30(5), 1241-1264.
Alshirah, M., Alshirah, A., & Lutfi, A. (2021). Audit committee’s attributes, overlapping memberships on the audit committee and corporate risk disclosure: Evidence from Jordan. Accounting, 7(2), 423-440.
Al‐Swidi, A. K., Hair, J. F., & Al‐Hakimi, M. A. (2023). Sustainable development‐oriented regulatory and competitive pressures to shift toward a circular economy: The role of environmental orientation and Industry 4.0 technologies. Business Strategy and the Environment, 32(7), 4782-4797.
Al-Swidi, A. K., Al-Hakimi, M. A., Al Halbusi, H., Al Harbi, J. A., & Al-Hattami, H. M. (2024). Does blockchain technology matter for supply chain resilience in dynamic environments? The role of supply chain integration. Plos one, 19(1), 1-22.
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Goaill, M. M., Al-Hakimi, M. A., Mohammed Al-Hattami, H., Ali Murshid, M., Al-Mogahed, A., & Obad, S. (2023). The Impact of Promotional Activities on the Purchase and Repurchase Intention of Energy Drinks in Yemen Under Different Levels of Awareness of the Potential Adverse Effects. SAGE Open, 13(4), 1-17.
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