The objective of this study is to analyze and review the influence of government regulations and information technology on the operational performance of local television stations in East Java with se... ervice supply chain management practices as the mediator variable and capital owner’s intervention as the moderator variable. The data of exploratory research was collected through questionnaires distributed to twenty-nine local televisions stations, selected through saturated sampling method from a population of local television stations in East Java, and was analyzed using structural equation modeling. The finding of this study reveals that government regulations and information technology significantly influence the operational performance of local television stations with service supply chain management (SCM) practices as the mediator variable, which means that better government regulations and better information technology are analogous with the importance for the improvement of local television stations operational performance. Capital owner intervention weakens service SCM practices on operating performance and has a direct and immediate effect on reducing the operational performance of local television stations. The practical implications of this study signify the understanding that service SCM practices is an important concept in enhancing the operational performance. Capital owner’s intervention weakens service SCM practices on operating performance of local television stations more