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Barbarón, H., Ildefonso, D & Jimene, D. (2024). The relationship between forest cover loss and annual rainfall in the departments of Peru, 2013-2022.Decision Science Letters , 13(4), 881-886.
Anjali, K., & Roshni, T. (2022). Linking satellite-based forest cover change with rainfall and land surface temperature in Kerala, India. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 24(9), 11282-11300.
World Bank [WB]. (2016). Why forests are critical to climate, water, health, and livelihoods. World Bank website.
Baudena, M., Tuinenburg, O. A., Ferdinand, P. A., & Staal, A. (2021). Effects of land-use change in the Amazon on precipitation are likely underestimated. Global Change Biology, 27(21), 5580-5587.
ComexPerú. (2021). DEFORESTATION: A LATENT PROBLEM IN OUR COUNTRY. COMEXPERU - Foreign Trade Society of Peru.
Costa, M. H., & Foley, J. A. (2000). Combined Effects of Deforestation and Doubled Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations on the Climate of Amazonia. Journal of Climate, 13(1), 18-34.; 2
Duku, C., & Hein, L. (2021). The impact of deforestation on rainfall in Africa: A data-driven assessment. Environmental Research Letters, 16(6), 064044.
Duku, C., & Hein, L. (2023). Assessing the impacts of past and ongoing deforestation on rainfall patterns in South America. Global Change Biology, 29(18), 5292-5303.
Ellison, D., Morris, C. E., Locatelli, B., Sheil, D., Cohen, J., Murdiyarso, D., Gutierrez, V., Noordwijk, M. van, Creed, I. F., Pokorny, J., Gaveau, D., Spracklen, D. V., Tobella, A. B., Ilstedt, U., Teuling, A. J., Gebrehiwot, S. G., Sands, D. C., Muys, B., Verbist, B., … Sullivan, C. A. (2017). Trees, forests and water: Cool insights for a hot world. Global Environmental Change, 43, 51-61.
Gedney, N., & Valdes, P. J. (2000). The effect of Amazonian deforestation on the northern hemisphere circulation and climate. Geophysical Research Letters, 27(19), 3053-3056.
Gujarati, D. N., & Porter, D. C. (2009). Econometría (Quinta edición). McGraw-Hill.
Hall, J., Scholl, M., Gorokhovich, Y., & Uriarte, M. (2022). Forest cover lessens the impact of drought on streamflow in Puerto Rico. Hydrological Processes, 36(5), e14551.
Hernández-Sampieri, R., & Mendoza, C. (2018). Research methodology. The quantitative, qualitative and mixed routes. Mc Graw Hill education.
Lawrence, D., & Vandecar, K. (2015). Effects of tropical deforestation on climate and agriculture. Nature Climate Change, 5(1), 27-36.
Leblois, A. (2021). Mitigating the impact of bad rainy seasons in poor agricultural regions to tackle deforestation. Environmental Research Letters, 16(5), 054003.
Liang, C. X., Ogtrop, F. F. van, & Vervoort, R. W. (2019). Detecting the impact of land cover change on observed rainfall. PeerJ, 7, e7523.
Milici, V. R., Dalui, D., Mickley, J. G., & Bagchi, R. (2020). Responses of plant–pathogen interactions to precipitation: Implications for tropical tree richness in a changing world. Journal of Ecology, 108(5), 1800-1809.
Ñaupas, H., Valdivia, R., Palacios, J., & Romero, H. (2018). Quantitative-Qualitative Research Methodology and Thesis Writing (Fifth Edition). Editions of the U.
Pielke, R., Prins, G., Rayner, S., & Sarewitz, D. (2007). Climate change 2007: Lifting the taboo on adaptation. Nature, 445(7128), 597-598.
Sampaio, G., Shimizu, M. H., Guimarães-Júnior, C. A., Alexandre, F., Guatura, M., Cardoso, M., Domingues, T. F., Rammig, A., von Randow, C., Rezende, L. F. C., & Lapola, D. M. (2021). CO2 physiological effect can cause rainfall decrease as strong as large-scale deforestation in the Amazon. Biogeosciences, 18(8), 2511-2525.
Seneviratne, S. I., Lüthi, D., Litschi, M., & Schär, C. (2006). Land–atmosphere coupling and climate change in Europe. Nature, 443(7108), 205-209.
Shukla, J., Nobre, C., & Sellers, P. (1990). Amazon Deforestation and Climate Change. Science, 247(4948), 1322-1325.
Smith, C., Baker, J. C. A., & Spracklen, D. V. (2023). Tropical deforestation causes large reductions in observed precipitation. Nature, 615(7951), 270-275.
Spracklen, D. V., Arnold, S. R., & Taylor, C. M. (2012). Observations of increased tropical rainfall preceded by air passage over forests. Nature, 489(7415), 282-285.
Zemp, D. C., Schleussner, C.-F., Barbosa, H. M. J., & Rammig, A. (2017). Deforestation effects on Amazon forest resilience. Geophysical Research Letters, 44(12), 6182-6190.
World Bank [WB]. (2016). Why forests are critical to climate, water, health, and livelihoods. World Bank website.
Baudena, M., Tuinenburg, O. A., Ferdinand, P. A., & Staal, A. (2021). Effects of land-use change in the Amazon on precipitation are likely underestimated. Global Change Biology, 27(21), 5580-5587.
ComexPerú. (2021). DEFORESTATION: A LATENT PROBLEM IN OUR COUNTRY. COMEXPERU - Foreign Trade Society of Peru.
Costa, M. H., & Foley, J. A. (2000). Combined Effects of Deforestation and Doubled Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations on the Climate of Amazonia. Journal of Climate, 13(1), 18-34.; 2
Duku, C., & Hein, L. (2021). The impact of deforestation on rainfall in Africa: A data-driven assessment. Environmental Research Letters, 16(6), 064044.
Duku, C., & Hein, L. (2023). Assessing the impacts of past and ongoing deforestation on rainfall patterns in South America. Global Change Biology, 29(18), 5292-5303.
Ellison, D., Morris, C. E., Locatelli, B., Sheil, D., Cohen, J., Murdiyarso, D., Gutierrez, V., Noordwijk, M. van, Creed, I. F., Pokorny, J., Gaveau, D., Spracklen, D. V., Tobella, A. B., Ilstedt, U., Teuling, A. J., Gebrehiwot, S. G., Sands, D. C., Muys, B., Verbist, B., … Sullivan, C. A. (2017). Trees, forests and water: Cool insights for a hot world. Global Environmental Change, 43, 51-61.
Gedney, N., & Valdes, P. J. (2000). The effect of Amazonian deforestation on the northern hemisphere circulation and climate. Geophysical Research Letters, 27(19), 3053-3056.
Gujarati, D. N., & Porter, D. C. (2009). Econometría (Quinta edición). McGraw-Hill.
Hall, J., Scholl, M., Gorokhovich, Y., & Uriarte, M. (2022). Forest cover lessens the impact of drought on streamflow in Puerto Rico. Hydrological Processes, 36(5), e14551.
Hernández-Sampieri, R., & Mendoza, C. (2018). Research methodology. The quantitative, qualitative and mixed routes. Mc Graw Hill education.
Lawrence, D., & Vandecar, K. (2015). Effects of tropical deforestation on climate and agriculture. Nature Climate Change, 5(1), 27-36.
Leblois, A. (2021). Mitigating the impact of bad rainy seasons in poor agricultural regions to tackle deforestation. Environmental Research Letters, 16(5), 054003.
Liang, C. X., Ogtrop, F. F. van, & Vervoort, R. W. (2019). Detecting the impact of land cover change on observed rainfall. PeerJ, 7, e7523.
Milici, V. R., Dalui, D., Mickley, J. G., & Bagchi, R. (2020). Responses of plant–pathogen interactions to precipitation: Implications for tropical tree richness in a changing world. Journal of Ecology, 108(5), 1800-1809.
Ñaupas, H., Valdivia, R., Palacios, J., & Romero, H. (2018). Quantitative-Qualitative Research Methodology and Thesis Writing (Fifth Edition). Editions of the U.
Pielke, R., Prins, G., Rayner, S., & Sarewitz, D. (2007). Climate change 2007: Lifting the taboo on adaptation. Nature, 445(7128), 597-598.
Sampaio, G., Shimizu, M. H., Guimarães-Júnior, C. A., Alexandre, F., Guatura, M., Cardoso, M., Domingues, T. F., Rammig, A., von Randow, C., Rezende, L. F. C., & Lapola, D. M. (2021). CO2 physiological effect can cause rainfall decrease as strong as large-scale deforestation in the Amazon. Biogeosciences, 18(8), 2511-2525.
Seneviratne, S. I., Lüthi, D., Litschi, M., & Schär, C. (2006). Land–atmosphere coupling and climate change in Europe. Nature, 443(7108), 205-209.
Shukla, J., Nobre, C., & Sellers, P. (1990). Amazon Deforestation and Climate Change. Science, 247(4948), 1322-1325.
Smith, C., Baker, J. C. A., & Spracklen, D. V. (2023). Tropical deforestation causes large reductions in observed precipitation. Nature, 615(7951), 270-275.
Spracklen, D. V., Arnold, S. R., & Taylor, C. M. (2012). Observations of increased tropical rainfall preceded by air passage over forests. Nature, 489(7415), 282-285.
Zemp, D. C., Schleussner, C.-F., Barbosa, H. M. J., & Rammig, A. (2017). Deforestation effects on Amazon forest resilience. Geophysical Research Letters, 44(12), 6182-6190.