Betawi Ora is an indigenous tribe that lives in Bekasi which is a region of West Java. In terms of cultural distribution, Betawi itself is a tribe originating from Jakarta, but geographically it sprea... ads to the West Java region. The existence of Eco-culinary products cannot be separated from the supply chain management system and environmental sustainability because Eco-culinary is a food that represents the existence of raw materials provided by the environment where the community exists. Based on the background and urgency of this research, the purpose of this research is to find out the relationship between Supply Chain Management, Eco-culinary Product and Environmental Sustainability both directly and indirectly where Eco-culinaru Product mediates the relationship between Supply Chain variables Management and Environmental Sustainability variables. The respondents in this study were 210 managers of Betawi Ora restaurants in Bekasi West Java, Indonesia and employees who maintain supply chain management in that restaurant. Data collection and processing were carried out using the Generalized Structured Component Analysis (GSCA) method. The analytical approach uses the least squares method in the parameter estimation process. The research method is a quantitative survey, analysis of research data is performed using structural equation modeling partial least squares (SEM-PLS) with statistical data processing tools, namely Smart PLS 4.0 software. Results of this research show that supply chain management had a significant effect on environmental sustainability which is mediated by eco-culinary products. Thus, it can be concluded that good quality of supply chain management will be able to produce quality products, and it must be an important consideration that the goal of everything is to create and maintain Environmental Sustainability more