This study focuses on the relationship between perceived corporate reputation and employee’s positive word of mouth intentions with the mediating role of trust in the manager. In addition, the study e... examines the moderating effect of value congruence between perceived corporate reputation and positive word of mouth behavior. The descriptive approach is applied and to test the research model; a quantitative questionnaire-based survey is used. The survey data are collected from 562 employees across multiple private small and mediumsized enterprises and sectors operating in North Cyprus by using convenience sampling method. In order to test the conceptual framework partial least square (PLS), is used. Some empirical indicators are conducted by using PLS-SEM to examine the reliability and the validity of the study. On analyzing the result, it is observed that the trust in man-agers partially mediates the relationship between perceived corporate reputation and positive word of mouth behavior. The results proved that perceived positive corporate reputation encourages positive word of mouth intentions. The current study fills the gap by analyzing the combined impact of corporate reputation and trust in a manager from the employees' perspective. The results lead to the-oretical and managerial implications related to strategic management more