The purpose of this research work is to evaluate the use of statistical tools, specifically Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and with the help of these tools to be able to independently and effectively predict the costs. of production in the context of supply logistics in the Peruvian paper industry. Both models that turn out to be different in their analysis, however, turn out to be complementary for a more exact and precise result, highlighting the ANNs for their superior performance in the precision of the evaluated metrics, where they managed to achieve an RMSE of 0.0171 and a MAE of 0.0122 compared to the OLS statistical model that achieved an RMSE of 0.0181 and a MAE of 0.2070. Likewise, the analysis between the dimensions studied, purchasing management stands out with a negative coefficient of -0.4978, which shows that its optimization will generate a positive impact on production costs, contrary to the case with the other two dimensions, which are: storage management and inventory management, which resulted in positive coefficients (0.7457 and 0.4667), which shows that their optimization does not necessarily generate a positive impact on production costs, but quite the opposite, that their inadequate management On the contrary, it can harm production costs. These results highlight the inherent need that Peruvian paper companies must have in being able to implement updated logistics systems, capable of integrating advanced statistical tools such as the use of ANN and MCO, which can scientifically help better decision making, allowing thereby improving your supply processes and thus being able to reduce your production costs.