The purpose of the study is to improve the performance characteristics of powder pseudo-alloy materials using surface heat treatment. Such materials have unique properties, for example, self-lubricati... ion under dry friction conditions, high thermal conductivity coefficient, and high electroerosion resistance. The disadvantage of powder pseudo-alloys is their relatively low strength. The paper considers the method of surface hardening by high-energy treatment - laser radiation. The paper describes the method of experimental research, describes the method of obtaining powder material, its chemical composition, shows the equipment used. The results of studies of the microstructure and microhardness of the surface layer of steel-copper powder pseudo-alloy after laser heat treatment (LHT) of a continuous-wave fiber laser with a maximum power of 1 kW are given, LHT modes are indicated, the influence of LHT parameters on the characteristics of the hardened layer is evaluated. It is revealed that the partial melting region in which melting occurs in the volumes of the fusible component (copper) in the initial structure and contacting segments of steel matrix is formed in the material in addition to the total melting zone. Then the quenching zone from the solid state follows, in which the maximal hardness up to 1000 HV is attained for best samples in the volume of martensite, which is formed in perlite colonies of the initial steel–copper material.