Bank tries to provide ease of service by utilizing information technology for safe and appropriate services in the transaction. The Bank also provides ease of service in the aspect of flexibility, efficiency, and simplicity. Customers do not need to come to the bank and wait for the long queue with e-banking. E-banking products have a wide range of derivative products, including one of the latest products in the form of mobile banking that is known as M-banking. Mobile banking is one part of the e-banking which is a banking information service via the new wireless offered by the bank using mobile technology to support smooth and ease of banking activities. Based on the above presentation, researchers are interested in researching the measurement of technology of e-banking by customer at State Bank using UTAUT to achieve competitive advantage. Respondents in this research were 834 and data analysis techniques were performed using SEM-PLS. The results show that expectancy performance enhancement, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, Condition and Security Facilitating will cause Enhancement Behavior Intention Behavior Use directly and indirectly, which means that if we want to upgrade Behavior Intention and Use Behavior, we need to increase this variable. This study gives important implications for the promotion of Use Behavior Intention Behavior through the acceptance of the technology of e-banking customers of the governmental banks in Jakarta.