The agricultural Jahad organization of Khorasan and Razavi province is one of Iran’s biggest agricultural firms, which is responsible in agricultural sector of the province. During the past few years,... , there has been a growth in organization’s responsibilities and the number of employees has increased. This paper presents an empirical investigation to determine different methods for increasing employees’ efficiency. The study designs a questionnaire in Likert scale consists of 20 questions, distributes it among 127 randomly selected employees who worked for this organization. Cronbach alphas for all components of the survey were calculated well above 0.70, which validate the overall questionnaire and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test has indicated that the data were normally distributed. Using t-student test, the study has confirmed three approaches for increasing efficiency including methods to improve employee management and organizational structures, methods to improve financial and moral encouragement system and methods for improvement of staff performance efficiency assessment more