Just in time (JIT) philosophy has grown to a new high level since its evolution and has successfully been implemented in manufacturing. As it is universally accepted that manufacturing and maintenance cannot be managed as a separate function, the aim of the present study is to evaluate various elements of JIT to implement in maintenance sector which have high degree of importance in Global context. It is because now maintenance also plays an important role in optimization of business processes. Maintenance operations are much like manufacturing operations where both employ processes that add value to the basic input used to create the end products. JIT focuses on the processes, not the product. It can, therefore, be applied to any process in manufacturing or maintenance operations. For this, literature related to JIT usage and performance is reviewed. Thirty-eight elements are analyzed from sixty-five research papers of global context. With aid of theoretical analysis and brain storming with maintenance specialists of JIT elements who have implemented it for manufacturing industries, eighteen elements are selected to check the implementation of JIT philosophy in maintenance sector. Relative importance of such elements are also highlighted in the article.