Important Notice: Please note that Growing Science Publishing firm has a zero tolerance approach to any kind of plagiarism. We reject any papers with similarity index of over 12%. We reserve the right to retract any published paper after we receive a negative feedback. We strongly recommend authors to make sure about their work prior to submission. The authors may use of the available software packages to make sure that their work is original and has not published elsewhere. The following links maybe helpful.

1.PlagScan, 2.Plagiarism-checker, 3.Duplicate Checker 4.Plagiarisma 5.Dustball

1. Register: Corresponding author must register details of the authors’ names, affiliations, title, abstract of the paper and other necessary information. Note that we need you to introduce at least three reviewers with their university email addresses and affiliations in the final box named comments. The authors must be from different nationalities.

2. Edit information: After this stage is completed, an email is sent to corresponding author. Using the ID information and your email address, corresponding author may edit the information.

3. Upload file: Using the ID information and your email address, you may upload the paper file in WORD or ZIP format.

Important Notice: Please note once a paper is uploaded, author(s) will not be able to add/remove names. Any request for adding a new author may only be allowed once the author(s) is requested for extensive improvement and a new person is proven to have contribution during the revision. Note that you will not receive any email message in this stage and you need to verify your submission using the following options,

Once you upload the paper, the status remains Pending until you receive a feedback. You may always view your paper, check the status of your paper or withdraw your paper.

Note that the paper must be only submitted to this journal presently and it has to be prepared according to journal’s instruction. In case you have any problem, please contact with editor