Railroad maintenance engineering plays an important role on availability of roads and reducing the cost of railroad incidents. Rail is of the most important parts of railroad industry, which needs regular maintenance since it covers a significant part of total maintenance cost. Any attempt on optimizing total cost of maintenance could substantially reduce the cost of railroad system and it can reduce total cost of the industry. The paper presents a new method to estimate the cost of rail failure using different cost components such as cost of inspection and cost of risk associated with possible accidents. The proposed model of this paper is used for a real-world case study of railroad transportation of Tehran region and the results have been analyzed.
DOI: j.msl.2011.09.021 Keywords: Maintenance engineering ,Weibull distribution ,Rail maintenance ,Railroad industry , How to cite this paper: Bakhshi, A & Yazdi, M. (2012). Analysis and modeling of rail maintenance costs.Management Science Letters, 2(1), 87-92.
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