Service quality plays an important role in health care systems since hospitals are responsible for people's lives. This study presents an effective approach for evaluating and comparing service qualities of four hospitals. Service quality consists of different attributes and many of them are intangible and difficult to measure. Therefore, we propose a fuzzy method to resolve the ambiguity of the concepts, which are associated with human judgments. SERVQUAL model is used to evaluate the respondents' judgments of service quality and multi attribute decision making approach is implemented for the comparison among hospitals. The paper use analytical hierarchy process (AHP) for obtaining criteria weight and TOPSIS for ranking the cases.
DOI: j.msl.2011.08.009 Keywords: Fuzzy decision making ,TOPSIS ,SERVQUL ,AHP How to cite this paper: Afkham, L., Abdi, F & Komijan, A. (2012). Evaluation of service quality by using fuzzy MCDM: A case study in Iranian health-care centers.Management Science Letters, 2(1), 291-300.
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