A study on barriers of using information technology on learning and teaching in elementary schools

Sara Tountab Haghighi and ari

In this paper, we present an empirical study to determine the effects of different barriers on using information technology for learning and teaching in elementary school students. We plan to find the most important factors preventing elementary school children on implementing different information technology facilities for their educational programs. The study selects a population of 720 women teachers who work for elementary schools and chooses a sample of 220 people for this study. A questionnaire consists of various important factors are distributed among these people and the results are analyzed using some statistical tests. The study indicates that education program itself is to blame as the most important barrier for using information technology.

DOI: j.msl.2011.07.001

Keywords: Training program ,Information technology ,Learning studies ,Educational programs ,Structural barriers

How to cite this paper:

Haghighi, S & ari, a. (2012). A study on barriers of using information technology on learning and teaching in elementary schools.Management Science Letters, 2(1), 417-424.


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* Correspondent author. Tel. + 989121082897

E-mail addresses: sara_th52@yahoo.com (S. Tountab Haghighi)

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doi: 10.5267/j.msl.2011.07.001