A hybrid Kano-fuzzy AHP method for measuring customer satisfaction: A case study of transportation system

Mohammad Hemati and Fozieh Ghorbanian

An increase competition on today's economy has created motivation for many organizations to look for different alternatives on better serving the customers. There are always some budget limitations on any customer relationship method, which leads us to prioritize different alternatives. In this paper, we present an empirical method based on an integrated Kano and fuzzy analytical hierarchy procedure to rank suitable alternatives. The proposed model of this paper uses a questionnaire survey to gather customer's opinions and implements the method for a real-world case study of transportation planning. The questionnaire includes 37 questions distributed among 976 passengers for two trips in Iran. The results indicate that driver's physical and mental health, buss equipments with GPS functionality and familiarity of drivers with road and road's conditions play important role on choosing a transportation company.

DOI: j.msl.2011.04.003

Keywords: Services quality ,Customers satisfactory ,Kano Model ,Fuzzy analytical hierarchy process

How to cite this paper:

Hemati, M & Ghorbanian, F. (2011). A hybrid Kano-fuzzy AHP method for measuring customer satisfaction: A case study of transportation system.Management Science Letters, 1(3), 263-270.


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