Applying Pareto multi-criteria decision making in concurrent engineering: A case study of polyethylene industry

Akbar A. Tabriz, Ahmad Ahmadi, Mohammad Hassan Maleki, Mohammad Ali Afshari and Javad S. Moradi

Concurrent engineering (CE) is one of the widest known techniques for simultaneous planning of product and process design. In concurrent engineering, design processes are often complicated with multiple conflicting criteria and discrete sets of feasible alternatives. Thus multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) techniques are integrated into CE to perform concurrent design. This paper proposes a design framework governed by MCDM technique, which are in conflict in the sense of competing for common resources to achieve variously different performance objectives such as financial, functional, environmental, etc. The Pareto MCDM model is applied to polyethylene pipe concurrent design governed by four criteria to determine the best alternative design to Pareto-compromise design.

DOI: j.msl.2011.03.006

Keywords: concurrent engineering ,Pareto MCDM ,Pareto data ,Pareto-compromise design ,Pareto-competitive equilibrium

How to cite this paper:

Tabriz, A., Ahmadi, A., Maleki, M., Afshari, M & Moradi, J. (2011). Applying Pareto multi-criteria decision making in concurrent engineering: A case study of polyethylene industry.Management Science Letters, 1(3), 289-294.


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