Strategic orientations and technology policy: An empirical test of relationship in developing countries

Abiodun Abolaji Joachim, Osibanjo Adewale Omotayo and Oyeniyi Joseph Omotayo

There is a growing awareness of the pivotal role of technology in securing and maximizing competitive positions. This study based on primary data from two banks in Nigeria examines the relationship between technology policy and strategy dimensions. Differentiation and futurity strategy dimensions were found to be marginally dominant in the managerial practices of these firms. In addition, the study found new evidence of relationship between the strategy dimensions; and the pattern of relationship between technology policy and strategic orientations indicate the use technology to foster defensive behaviours rather than securing competitive edge. Futurity orientation was also found not to be significantly related with most of the technology policy dimensions investigated. These results are expected to provide management and management theorists with valuable practical insight into the relationship between pattern of strategic orientation and technology policy.

DOI: j.msl.2011.03.003

Keywords: Strategy ,Strategy dimensions ,Strategic Orientation ,Technology Policy ,Competition

How to cite this paper:

Joachim, A., Omotayo, O & Nigeria, O. (2011). Strategic orientations and technology policy: An empirical test of relationship in developing countries.Management Science Letters, 1(3), 315-322.


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