How physical and non-physical working environment affects creativity: An empirical study

Abbas Sheykhan and Abbas Saghaee

Creativity is one of the most important factors to increase the productivity of any organization. There are literally different factors influencing creativity such as physical and non-physical components of a system. There are different studies to confirm that both physical and non-physical issues could impact the efficiency, significantly. The study of this paper considers eleven physical and ten non-physical activities in working environment of six organizations with various business activities of educational, manufacturing and service business. The study summarizes the most and the least important physical and non-physical factors based on some statistical tests.


Keywords: Creativity ,Human resources ,Productivity ,Physical and non-physical activities

How to cite this paper:

Sheykhan, A & Iran, A. (2011). How physical and non-physical working environment affects creativity: An empirical study.Management Science Letters, 1(3), 335-340.


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