A robust DEA model for measuring the relative efficiency of Iranian high schools

Mohsen Gharakhani, Ir and Hosseinali Alizadeh Haji

One of the most important issues on educational systems is to measure the relative efficiency of similar units based on non-financial factors. Data envelopment analysis (DEA) has become popular among many who wish to rank educational systems using different factors such as the rate of educational success or the number of employees, etc. However, one of the main concerns on implementing DEA methods is the uncertainty involved in input/output parameters. In this paper, a robust data envelopment analysis (RDEA) is developed to measure the efficiency of high schools considering uncertainty on output parameters. We present an empirical study on a set of high schools located in Tehran, which is the capital city of Iran. The study uses uncertain data for input/output information and the results are compared with an existing parametric stochastic frontier analysis (SFA). The preliminary results indicate that the robust DEA approach is relatively a reliable method for efficiency estimating.

DOI: j.msl.2011.01.002

Keywords: Data envelopment analysis ,Robust optimization ,Stochastic frontier analysis ,High schools efficiency ducational economics ,

How to cite this paper:

Gharakhani, M., Ir, I & Haji, H. (2011). A robust DEA model for measuring the relative efficiency of Iranian high schools.Management Science Letters, 1(3), 389-404.


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