Social network analysis aided product development project management: IC Substrates case study

Yee Min Chen and Mi-Yuan Chen

This paper proposes the social network analysis (SNA), to study interaction among various activities in a product development process (PDP). The implementation of SNA helps to measure the properties of information flow and identifies PDP activities and limitations. The findings of an exploratory research project which explores the potential of SNA, as an improve tool for visually mapping and analyzing the stakeholders relationships found across the IC substrates design/manufacturing’s PDP of the Unimicron Technology Corp. From the findings, the authors prescribe the necessary SNA recommendations to improve the social conditions within the PDP.

DOI: j.msl.2010.03.008

Keywords: Social network analysis Stakeholder analysis ,Product evelopment process ,SNA ,PDP ,

How to cite this paper:

Chen, Y & Chen, M. (2011). Social network analysis aided product development project management: IC Substrates case study.Management Science Letters, 1(2), 107-114.


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