A bi-objective model for emergency services location-allocation problem with maximum distance constraint

Mansoureh Haj Mohammad Hosseini and Mohammad Saeed Jabal Ameli

In this paper, a bi-objective mathematical model for emergency services location-allocation problem on a tree network considering maximum distance constraint is presented. The first objective function called centdian is a weighted mean of a minisum and a minimax criterion and the second one is a maximal covering criterion. For the solution of the bi-objective optimization problem, the problem is split in two sub problems: the selection of the best set of locations, and a demand assignment problem to evaluate each selection of locations. We propose a heuristic algorithm to characterize the efficient location point set on the network. Finally, some numerical examples are presented to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

DOI: j.msl.2010.03.006

Keywords: Centdian ,Maximal covering ,Capacity constraint ,Maximum distance constraint

How to cite this paper:

Hosseini, M & Ameli, M. (2011). A bi-objective model for emergency services location-allocation problem with maximum distance constraint.Management Science Letters, 1(2), 115-126.


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