A methodology to identify and prioritize organizational factors affecting implementation of value engineering

Fereshteh Amina, Hamed Babaei and Ali Ramezani

The new millennium must be called the century to compete for survival. The increase interaction among international organizations has changed the world into a global village and firms have no choice but to develop a variety of instruments and equipments to compete with each other. Value engineering (VE) is one of the new techniques of management science emerged in using the power of organizational creativity and entrepreneurship programs. VE modifies the organizational activities, removes the non value-added activities and increases the current values of organizations. VE has been successfully implemented in many areas of management such as quality, productivity, project management, etc. The success of a VE program depends on many organizational factors such as the availability of resources, the strategy and the organization structure, the senior management support, the organizational culture and the communication and information systems. In this study, we identify and prioritize organization factors affecting the implementation of VE using ELECTRE III method.

DOI: j.msl.2010.03.001

Keywords: ELECTRE III ,Value engineering ,Multiple criteria ,Organizational factors ,Strategic planning

How to cite this paper:

Amina, F., Babaei, H & Ramezani, A. (2011). A methodology to identify and prioritize organizational factors affecting implementation of value engineering.Management Science Letters, 1(2), 187-194.


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