An empirical study to determine the critical success factors of export industry

Masoud Babakhani and Hosein Ali Alizadeh Haji

Exporting goods and services play an important role on economy of developing countries. There are many countries in the world whose economy is solely based on exporting raw materials such as oil and gas. Many believe that countries cannot develop their economy as long as they rely on exporting one single group of raw materials. Therefore, there is a need to help other sectors of industries build good infrastructure for exporting diversified products. In this paper, we perform an empirical analysis to determine the critical success factors on exporting different goods. The results are analyzed using some statistical non-parametric methods and some useful guidelines are also suggested.

DOI: j.msl.2010.01.008

Keywords: Export ,Non-parametric ,Empirical survey ,Growth domestic product ,Productivity ,

How to cite this paper:

Babakhani, M & Haji, H. (2011). An empirical study to determine the critical success factors of export industry.Management Science Letters, 1(1), 23-28.


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