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Structural framework of digital transformation enablers towards enhancing the social media marketing
, Pages: 327-338 Sania Khan PDF (288 K) |
Most of the organizations today look forward to streamlining their business with the rapid needs of the society. However, they do not consider the holistic view of various digital driving factors. The paper aimed to develop a structural framework using the enablers of Digital Transformation (DT) by applying qualitative and rational approaches to develop a conceptual model of DT adoption for various industries. The assimilated approach of Delphi and Interpretive Structural Modelling demonstrated the qualitative data-driven theoretical structure by identifying fourteen enablers of DT and developed a logical model in nine levels. The driving and dependency powers of each enabler were portrayed in MIC MAC analysis. The government regulation and market pressure found as key drivers with strong driving and low dependency powers occupying the lowest level which influences customer demand, behavior and expectations and process, performance improvement of the business. The model demonstrates a deep understanding of global firms to leverage various dimensions while taking transformation decisions in their business process and gain a competitive edge. Further, any organization that looks for adopting digital transformation can consider these factors or models in deciding the implementation process. It recommends researchers to validate the model or may prioritize the factors and sub-factors for multi-criterion based decision making process for unique findings.
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Investigating the technical and scale efficiency of cement companies in Saudi Arabia
, Pages: 339-346 Mohammad Naushad PDF (288 K) |
Cement & material sector is instrumental in infrastructural development of any economy. The same holds about Saudi cement sector which has contributed substantially to the economic and construction boom in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The cement sector of KSA holds the highest place among other GCC countries. Though, during the last couple of years, the sector seems to be grappled with capacity and weighted down due to certain reasons. Nevertheless, almost all of the cement companies in KSA are underplaying their actual capacities. Still, plenty of untapped growth opportunities for cement sector are available in KSA and other GCC countries. Henceforth, considering the growth potential and taking cue from the current scenario of KSA cement sector, the current study endeavors to measure the efficiency of listed cement companies in KSA. The study endeavors to be engrossed in identifying a set of companies which plays on efficiency frontier. Therefore, the technical efficiency performance of fourteen listed cement companies in KSA was measured using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) methodology. Two basic models of DEA methodology (i.e. CRS & VRS) were used to estimate the pure and technical efficiency of identified DMUs over a period of four years from 2016 to 2019. The study reveals that over a period of four years and on an average efficiency scale, only 23% of the firms were purely technically efficient on a CRS scale, while 46% of the firms were technically efficient. Only 23% of the firms were scale and technically efficient. Though, companies in the sector have a vast potential to outperform on efficiency front. Yet, the overall efficiency level among Saudi cement companies are remained depressing. Moreover, the study has noticed that the companies which are inefficient did not have a considerable distance from the efficiency frontier. The study also provided significant insights on the input factors causing inefficiency and suggestion to achieve the total technical efficiency. Furthermore, the efficiency analysis also provided benchmarking firms, which are efficient under several criteria for others to imitate their best practices for becoming a significant player on efficiency frontier.
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The role of quality of work life in Jordanian hotel industry
, Pages: 347-356 Bandar Ersan Alown, Fu’ad Abdallah Al-fakeh and Asad Aburumman PDF (288 K) |
Success key elements are crucial for the improvement and preservation of competitiveness in the hotel sector. Hotels thus need efficient employees with best possible quality of work life to remain competitive. This paper investigated the impact of organisational structure (OS) and leadership style (LS) on quality of work life (QWL) among five-star hotels employees in Jor-dan with job satisfaction (JS) as mediator. Questionnaires were distributed among 430 five-star hotel employees to obtain the study data. The levels of relationships among the con-structs (OS, LS, JS, and QWL) were analysed using partial least squares structural equation modelling (PL-SEM). The results showed a positive relationship of JS and OS with QWL, while JS showed a partial mediating role on the relationship among LS, OS and QWL. Similar studies should be carried out on other sectors in Jordan and in other settings using different perspectives.
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The effect of uniqueness and student's experience in improving university image: Empirical study at private universities in Indonesia
, Pages: 357-364 Asep Muhamad Ramdan, Agus Rahayu, Lili Adi Wibowo and Puspo Dewi Dirgantari PDF (288 K) |
The purpose of this research is to develop a conceptual model to explain the relationship between the uniqueness of higher education, student experience and university image. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is an analytical technique used to test the model. Data collection is conducted on 268 active students from 49 private universities in Java West. Research findings report the uniqueness of tertiary institutions influences student experience; uniqueness of tertiary institutions influences the image of the University. Moreover, experience of students influences the image of the University.
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Analysis of decision support system on situational leadership styles on work motivation and employee performance
, Pages: 365-372 Eni Wuryani, Achmad Fathoni Rodli, Sri Sutarsi, Nuning Nurna Dewi and Donny Arif PDF (288 K) |
This study aims to obtain the results of employee performance appraisal through a decision support system (DSS) on situational leadership with work motivation as a connecting variable to employee performance. The use of this type of quantitative research with the number of respondents with a saturated sample technique will make this research more relevant and objective in showing the results. Data analysis using smart PLS 3.0 which resulted in the finding that the decision support system (DSS) in situational leadership had not been able to contribute to improve employee performance. It can be concluded that the role of technology in semi structured decision making must be based on sufficient data to help improve employee motivation and performance. In fact, leadership is still used to make unstructured decisions without paying attention to the data stored in the performance system. Performance indicators are not well-paid attention so that the value generated from this study shows negative results.
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Cultural and individual characteristics in adopting computer-supported collaborative learning during covid-19 outbreak: Willingness or obligatory to accept technology?
, Pages: 373-378 Fatimah, Sarbaini Ismi Rajiani and Ersis Warmansyah Abbas PDF (288 K) |
With the prevalence of Covid 19, collaborative learning (CL) with the guide of advanced digital learning innovation has become progressively dominant in an assortment of instructional settings making the role of the lecturer more demanding in managing the classroom. In any case, notwithstanding a solid hypothetical and exploration premise, CL has been scrutinized for being excessively applied to all learning circumstances and student types but largely ignored management aspects that lecturers lack guidance and support in dealing with learner behavior. This study investigates the impacts of extroversion/ introversion character qualities and collectivism/individualism convictions on students’ collaborative learning preferences. The empirical data consisting of 170 valid datasets were collected from undergraduate students after attending computer-supported collaborative learning of Edmodo and Google Meet. The relationship among construct was assessed with Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The assessment of information demonstrated that student perceptions of computer-supported collaborative learning have a positive association with students' personality and cultural beliefs. This finding brings the implication that although collaborative learning through a digital platform is compulsory during the pandemic, extroversion/introversion on students' attitudes and students' cultural beliefs should be considered to ensure the effectiveness of instructions.
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Multidimensional factors that influence the intention to practice segregation-at-source of solid waste: An empirical study
, Pages: 379-390 Kai Wah Cheng, Syuhaily Osman, Zuroni Md Jusoh and Jasmine Leby Lau PDF (288 K) |
Solid waste generation in Malaysia is one of the challenging environmental issues which are often neglected by local households. The main purpose of this research is to ascertain the mediating effect of environmental concerns (i.e., egoistic, altruistic, and biospheric concerns) be-tween households’ descriptive norm and injunctive norm to practice the segregation-at-source of solid waste. A total of 400 residents living in townships in nine districts in the state of Selangor were selected via a multistage sampling method. A self-administrated bilingual questionnaire was used to collect the research data. As for the mediation test, the present research found that egoistic concern and altruistic concern mediated the significant relationship between injunctive norm and intention to practice the segregation-at-source of solid waste among the households in Selangor. The present research concludes with research implications and provides several avenues for future research in order to create a comprehensive under-standing of the segregation-at-source of solid waste policy among Malaysian citizens.
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Efficiency evaluation of a socially responsible enterprise
, Pages: 391-400 Dymytrii Grytsyshen, Olga Rudenko, Valerii Nonik, Larysa Sergiienko and Olena Baryshnikova PDF (288 K) |
The article aims to develop a model for efficiency evaluation of a socially responsible enterprise. It is established that social responsibility is now effectively implemented at enterprises to increase their competitiveness level, ensure the efficiency of business processes and improve the quality of products or services. A model for efficiency evaluation of a socially responsible enterprise is proposed. An expert evaluation was conducted, which consisted of importance evaluation of the stakeholders’ inquiries and efficiency evaluation of socially responsible activities is conducted by the business entity. It is proposed to calculate the stakeholders’ interests’ priority level by using the document “The stakeholders' interests’ priority level evaluation”, which allows obtaining full compliance with GRI and ISO 26000 standards. It is established that it is obligatory to adjust the weight part of the enterprise calculated efficiency indicator, given by experts, to their priority level. It was also found that the activity of the enterprise was inefficient.
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The cyclic model of use diffusion-adoption on the decision to select mobile network operator
, Pages: 401-410 Widya Granita, Ngadino Surip, Yuli Harwani and Rina Astini PDF (288 K) |
During the last few years, the growth of mobile data service users has increased, followed by stagnant usage and even tends to decline. The challenge that mobile telecommunications operators face is increasing revenue in a situation of intense competition in the mature telecommunications industry market. It takes customers systematically, through ordering, behavior based on the suitability of technology that functions to meet user’s needs. Thus, Mobile Network Operator (MNO) provides user satisfaction scores, thereby increasing use and loyalty to the MNO it has chosen. This study aims to cyclically analyze the decision to choose an operator in shaping evaluation use behavior to create loyalty and continued use. In this study, quantitative data was carried out through a survey of 250 respondents and data analysis using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The findings in this study are: (1) The decision to choose MNO affects usage behavior and vice versa (2) The decision to choose MNO influences user evaluation and vice versa; (3) Usage behavior influences user evaluation. The results of this study can enrich the literature with theoretical contributions related to the concept of behavior in organizations, especially the telecommunications industry. Besides, it can assist mobile operators in designing usage behavior.
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The effect of strategic planning on competitive advantages of small and medium enterprises
, Pages: 411-416 Mulyaningsih, R. Deni Muhammad Danial, Kokom Komariah, R.Taqwaty Firdausijah and Yuyun Yuniarti PDF (288 K) |
This research starts from a phenomenon that indicates that the competitive advantage of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in increasingly fierce business competition has not yet achieved in Sukabumi, Indonesia. This is indicated by the inefficiency of production costs felt by SMEs which are not capable of creating competitive prices and the difficulty of making unique products. The purpose of this study is to determine the magnitude of the influence of dimensional strategic planning on the competitive advantage of SMEs. The results of the analysis and discussion are expected to find a concept regarding SME strategic planning. This study uses a quantitative approach, with an explanatory survey design that explains and describes the level of influence of strategic planning on the competitive advantage of SMEs in Sukabumi Regency, Indonesia. By using data analysis of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), the results of the study indicate that there is a significant influence of strategic plan-ning on the competitive advantage of SMEs in Sukabumi, Indonesia. Strategic planning which consists of three dimensions, namely: the desires of external stakeholder, the company's internal encouragement, and the company's database, significantly influences the competitive advantage of SMEs. Of the three dimensions of strategic planning, the dimensions of external stakeholder have the highest influence, while the company's database have the lowest effect. These results practically imply for SMEs to increase the consideration of company database in preparing the SME strategic planning.
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Accounting students' perceptions of online learning in the age of industry 4.0
, Pages: 417-424 Tran Van Tung, Ngo Ngọc Nguyen Thao and Tran Phương Hai PDF (288 K) |
This study focused on the factors affecting the quality / outcome of online learning, which would eventually affect accounting students' perceptions of online learning in universities in Ho Chi Minh City in the age of Industry 4.0. The study used convenience-sampling method with sample size of 992 to collect information from accounting students who were taking online classes at Universities in Ho Chi Minh City on an irregular basis; then, the information was tested using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The findings confirmed the appropriateness of the research model. All the information collected, analytical methods, and the results showed the direct relationship between service quality, information quality, system quality, IT skills, students' perceptions and students' awareness of Industry 4.0 with quality of online learning system. Based on the findings, accounting students' perceptions of online learning at universities in Ho Chi Minh City can be improved. Universities in Ho Chi Minh City can use this result and other management methods to implement effective online learning programs that are appropriate and effective for students in the Age of Industry 4.0.
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Contribution of work ability and work motivation with performance and its impact on work productivity
, Pages: 425-434 Sri Hastari, Eva Mufidah, Paring Wahyudi and Dwita Laksmita PDF (288 K) |
One of the important tasks is to improve work ability, work motivation, performance and work productivity in business. The research objective is to examine the contribution and influence of work ability, work motivation, performance, and their impacts on work productivity. The research was conducted among all 105 cooperatives in the city of Pasuruan, East Java. The research method used survey methods and data analysis techniques using path analysis. The results showed that work ability and work motivation had significant effects on the performance (β=0.226, Sig. = 0.000). Work ability, work motivation, and performance had significant effects on work productivity (β=0.481, α = 0.000). The ability to work had a significant direct effect on the performance (β=0.393, Sig. = 0.000). Work ability had a significant direct effect on productivity (β=0.578, Sig. = 0.043). Performance had a significant direct effect on work productivity (β=0.542, α = 0.000). Furthermore, work ability had a significant effect on work productivity through performance (t-value=2.083>1.983). Finally, work motivation had a significant indirect effect on productivity through performance (t-value=2.921>1.983).
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The impact of transformational leadership on innovative capability: Mediating role of employee optimism
, Pages: 435-440 Siti Nur Azizah, Siti Nurhayati, Ade Irma Anggraeni and Irfan Helmy PDF (288 K) |
This study aims to examine the mediating effect of employee optimism on the relationship between transformational leadership and innovative capability in the context of batik small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia. This study applied the convenience sampling method to survey 186 employees at batik SMEs in Central Java Indonesia through a self-administrated questionnaire. Data were analyzed using smart PLS v.3 to test the hypotheses. The result show that optimism partially mediated the idealized influence of transformational leader behavior on innovative capability. In addition, optimism fully mediated the individualized consideration of transformational leader behavior on innovative capability. This present study provides both empirical and theoretical contribution focusing on leader behavior, employee optimism and innovative capability.
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From the adaptation capacity to pioneering behavior in companies in the main cultural tourist destinations: Divergent effects of the dynamism of the environment
, Pages: 441-450 Elbia Myreyle Chávez Zirena, Patricia P. Zirena, Bernardo R. De la Gala and Américo Hurtado-Palomino PDF (288 K) |
The present investigation analyzes how the dynamism of the environment affect the relationship between the capacity of adaptation and the pioneering behavior in the companies of the tourism sector in Peru. The empirical study was carried out in 238 tourist companies located in the cities of Lima, Arequipa and Cuzco considered as a cultural heritage of Perú. Regarding to the results achieved in the study, the proposed model allows detecting a direct, significant effect between the ability to adapt and pioneering behavior, whose relationship is accentuated through market dynamism and technological dynamism, and is weakened by competitive intensity. This work contributes to the existing theory and demonstrates through practical application the linkage of the dimensions of the dynamism of the environment as drivers of adaptive capacity in companies in the cultural tourism sector that are necessary to obtain advantages for a behavior Pioneer in an existing competitive market.
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The impact of greenwash practices over green purchase intention: The mediating effects of green confusion, Green perceived risk, and green trust
, Pages: 451-464 Saeed M.Z. A. Tarabieh PDF (288 K) |
The study discusses the influence of greenwash on green purchase intention and explores the mediation roles of green confusion, green perceived risk and green trust. The research object of this study focuses in Jordanian food and beverage corporations. This research utilizes structural equation modeling to undertake an empirical study. The results indicate that greenwash positively effects green confusion and green perceived risk. Besides, this study demonstrates that green confusion and green perceived risk mediate the negative relationship between greenwash and green purchase intention. It means that greenwash does not only have a directly negative effect on green purchase intention, but also have an indirectly negative effect on it via green confusion and green perceived risk. Finally, green trust does not influence green purchase intention and does not mediate the greenwash and green purchase intention relationship. Thus, this study suggests that companies should decrease their greenwash behaviors and should not only claim their "greenness" but also show the proof of their green products. These policies would reduce customer confusion and risk. It will raise the likelihood of green practices and claims by businesses, and contribute to improved green food and beverage purchasing intention.
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Women leadership styles in the public sector in Kuwait: The perspective of their subordinates
, Pages: 465-472 Basil Alzougool, Jarrah AlMansour, and Mohammad AlAjmi PDF (288 K) |
Little research has been devoted to focus on women’s leadership styles in particular especially in Kuwait. The aim of this study is therefore twofold: (i) to identify the different leadership styles of women in the public sector in Kuwait, and (ii) to examine if the identified leadership styles of women vary in terms of the demographic characteristics of their subordinates. A quantitative study (questionnaire with 263 employees) is conducted in order to achieve the study objectives. The results of the study show that women in public sector in Kuwait frequently displayed various leadership styles as perceived by their followers such as inspirational motivation, idealized influence (attribute) styles. Some other styles were displayed fairly often such as management by exception (active), idealized influence (behavior). Moreover, the dom-inated leadership styles that displayed frequently by women was the transformational style. The study found that the transformational leadership style of women varied in terms of the educational level and job title of their followers. Several recommendations were suggested based on these findings that may improve the effectiveness of women leadership in the public sector.
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The role of mediation of product innovation in improving enterprises orientation of marketing performance of tofu industry
, Pages: 473-480 Hendri Soekotjo, Krido Eko Cahyono, Novianto Eko Nugroho, Rismawati and I Gede Putu Kawiana PDF (288 K) |
This study aims to analyze the influence of entrepreneurial orientation on marketing performance mediated by product innovation for making tofu and milk in Jombang district. Data were randomly obtained from 70 respondents from small businesses using research instru-ments in the form of questionnaires and technically analyzed using Partial Least Square (PLS). The results showed that entrepreneurial orientation positively and significantly influenced product innovation and marketing performance in making tofu milk in Jombang, East Java, Indonesia. Furthermore, this encourages small businesses to always develop variants products, minimize risks, expand the marketing area, increase performance, and compete in the food industry's production.
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The role of corporate social responsibility initiatives, error management culture and corporate image in enhancing hotel performance
, Pages: 481-492 Jehad Aldehayyat PDF (288 K) |
Tourism has been represented among the most important economic sectors that influence the development of the majority of world societies. However, in the face of this more dynamic environment, hotels have to find the best ways to improve their performance. To that end, data for the study were collected from 300 representatives of three, four and five start hotels’ top management. The results reveal that, corporate social responsibility, hotel image, and error management culture can improve hotel performance. These results can help managers direct their attention toward understanding the importance of practicing corporate social responsibility for sustainable hotel performance and improving image of hotel.
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Direct and indirect effects of TQM on the patients’ satisfaction and loyalty in the Jordanian health care sector
, Pages: 493-502 Ayman Abu-Rumman, Anas Mhasnah and Tariq Al-Zyout PDF (288 K) |
The aim of this research is to investigate the gap or SERVQUAL scale amongst the findings of the previous studies for missing investigations and the impression to apply for overall standard quality management of three variables such as independent variable (Service quality), mediator variable (Patients’ Satisfaction) and dependent variable (Patients’ Loyalty) in Jordanian health care sector. Moreover, the current study aims to clarify the effects of the Total Quality Management (TQM) represented collectively by a specific strategy, leadership management, human resource focus information, client focus, method management, and analysis method management on customer loyalty. In order to test the objectives, a random sample size consisting of 800 national and international patient’s expectations from the private and public hospitals in the central region of Jordan was collected. The quantitative analysis was designed to conduct the survey, questionnaires, and gather the primary information to determine the category of data and techniques of data collection. The response data were analyzed using the IBM SPSS 19.00 version and Amos 20.00 version to assess the response value, descriptive statistic, screenings of the data composed of linearity and homoscedasticity, correlations, reliability, and validity. Multiple reliability results indicated that the dimensions of each experimental variables were considered reliable and satisfactory. Based on the outcome, this study verified that customer satisfaction carries a weak mediating effect. Moreover, the results exhibited that TQM had had a significant impact on both customer loyalty and customer satisfaction.
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The effects of TQM practices on performance of organizations: A case of selected manufacturing industries in Saudi Arabia
, Pages: 503-510 Harith Yas, Alanoud Bandar Alsaud, Hajar Ahmed Almaghrabi, Amani Ahmed Almaghrabi and Bestoon Othman PDF (288 K) |
Most global studies have, to a greater extent, underscored the importance of Total Quality Manage-ment (TQM) practices and some marketing aspects concerning the organizational performance. Most studies have focused on establishing the level to which TQM practices influence customer satisfaction and not the whole organization. There is also little evidence on how marketing practices influence organizational performance. This study therefore seeks to assess the impact of TQM practices and marketing on organizational performance. Data was collected from a sample size of 289 respondents who were employees of the different manufacturing industries in Saudi Arabia. Data was analyzed using SPSS and Pearson’s rank correlation coefficient was used to establish the relationship between study variables. The study findings confirmed the presence of a relationship between TQM practices and organizational performance. Similarly, there was a positive relationship between marketing practices and organizational performance. The study concluded that the TQM practices and marketing are great influencers of quality hence should always be applied in organizations.
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External alternatives, job stress on job satisfaction and employee turnover intention
, Pages: 511-518 Ramlawati, Eva Trisnawati, Nurfatwa Andriani Yasin and Kurniawaty PDF (288 K) |
The purpose of this study was to determine the alternative external influence and job stress on employee satisfaction and to determine the effects of the alternative external influence, job satisfaction job stress on Turnover Intention on employees of PT Bank Mandiri Regional X South Sulawesi. Respondents in this study were 100 people. The analysis model used to determine the effect between variables was a structural model with the Partial Least Square (PLS) approach. The results show that external alternatives had a significant effect on job satisfaction, stress had no significant effect on job satisfaction, external alternatives had a significant effect on turnover intention, stress had no significant effect on turnover intention, and finally, job satisfaction had a significant effect on turnover intention. To reduce turnover intention, it is better to reduce employee access to information on outside market opportunities. Job market conditions outside the company had a stronger effect on turnover intention than the job satisfaction felt by Bank Mandiri employees and to increase employee job satisfaction efforts are needed to reduce stress in the form of reducing work overload, reducing conflict, giving proper responsibilities and improving development policies.
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Measurement of natural environment strategy to create an innovation and competitive advantage
, Pages: 519-526 Meyzi Heriyanto, Achmad Fajri Febrian, Tito Handoko and Syofian PDF (288 K) |
In the last decade, the natural environment has become increasingly concerned. The issue of natural damage is an obstacle for oil palm industry, although knowledge of the natural environment is possessed by the palm oil industry, which is currently unknown what motivates the palm oil industry to care about the natural environment. This paper aims to measure the model of the natural environ-ment strategy to create innovation and competitive advantage in the palm oil industry using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) methods. The model adopts a Resource-Based View (RBV) approach to identify competitive strengths. The RBV theory represents that organizations with the right resources coupled with the right management skills and abilities will develop competitive strength and organizational performance. The results produced by AMOS graphics version 23, SEM statistical software, confirm the adequacy of the model for companies engaged in the palm oil industry. The questionnaire was distributed to palm oil industries in Riau Province, Indonesia with a sample size of 115 respondents. Natural environment strategy was found to be a better predictor of innovation and competitive advantage than any external resources. The results of the study show that there was a gap where previous research tends to get a competitive advantage from increasing innovation. However, the findings of this paper have two explanations, first is the core of the resource-based view is that companies that are aware of the natural environment will get a sustainable competitive advantage. Second, innovation cannot be an important resource for creating a competitive advantage. Innovation will be created in the palm oil industry in Riau Province if the company wants to improve business processes and implement good corporate governance through investment in information and communication technology. The most potential benefit from the findings of this study is the strategic planning of the palm oil industry, to generate innovation and competitive advantage from awareness of the natural environment.
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Impact of customer exit drivers on social word-of-mouth: Results extracted from restaurants’ followers
, Pages: 527-534 Bader Almohaimmeed PDF (288 K) |
The present study aimed at identifying the reasons for the customer's exit and determining their effects on social word-of-mouth through the means of social media applications. Four customer exit drivers were selected after a review of the literature: service failure, service recovery failure, price problems, and customer dissatisfaction as independent variables. The social word-of-mouth was also chosen as a dependent variable. The study sample consisted of 468 users of the social media. The criterion of entry into the sample was the experience of at least one restaurant and the publication of a comment via social media. The number of electronic questionnaires filled by users were 355 questionnaires. The questionnaire consisted of 20 items measuring the study variables, which were extracted after reference to the previous study related to the subject of the study. After confirming the suitability of the study model, the hypotheses were tested. The results show acceptance of all hypotheses, which means that the four customer's exit drivers lead to negative messages through social media, i.e., negative social word-of-mouth. The study recommended that firms should take care of the drivers of customer exit first and then participate in the means of social media to justify their position and contribute to the formulation of a positive opinion. The contribution of this study to literature is that it distinguishes between two types of customer exit drivers that have been studied, which are called controllable drivers by the firm, compared to another type of exit drivers.
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Social and economic integration of Ukraine into the EU: Empirical assessments of divergence and strategic guidelines for cohesion policy
, Pages: 535-546 Iryna Biletska PDF (288 K) |
The study identifies the growth of social and economic divergence between Ukraine and the EU. The purpose of this paper is to fill a gap in the literature on the scale and dynamics of an upward divergence between Ukraine and the EU by comparing integral indices of social and economic development of both areas. Reaching this goal is important for elaborating new guidelines for cohesion policy of the EU and recommendations on Ukraine’s integration strategy. This research differs from the previously published ones by a new approach to measure social and economic integral indices used for estimating the rate of divergence between Ukraine and the EU. A distinctive feature of the author’s methodology of the integral estimation of social and economic development of Ukraine and the EU-28 is the use of the innovative composition of indicators and the multiplicative form of the integral index, the simultaneous normalization and integral assessment indicators and justification of weights based on the principal component analysis (PCA). Priority areas of social and economic development of Ukraine as a prerequisite for the policy of rapprochement and integration with the EU are diversification of foreign economic relations, ensuring the stability and independence of the financial system, improving the parameters of the social security system, involving drivers of economic development, increasing the level of energy efficiency and energy saving.
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Green value and sustainable transportation engagement: The mediating role of attitude
, Pages: 547-554 Nurliyana Nasuha Razali, Marhana Mohamed Anuar and Abdul Hafaz Ngah PDF (288 K) |
This study aims to investigate the effect of green value on attitude and sustainable transportation engagement and the mediating role of attitude on the relationship between green value and sustainable transportation engagement. A survey was carried out on students in a public university. A sam-ple of 107 students was obtained for this study. The data was analyzed using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM). The findings show that green value and attitude had a significant influence on sustainable transportation engagement. In addition, attitude played a mediating role in the relationship between green value and sustainable transportation engagement. The study provides valuable contributions for both theory and practice in the area of eco-campus. Theoretically, the study extends the value-attitude-behavior model in the context of sustainable transportation and adds to the body of literature of eco-campus. This is among the first studies conducted in Malaysia that investigates factors that contribute towards sustainable transportation engagement among students. In terms of managerial significance, the results provide guidance to policy-makers to help them plan for strategies to enhance students’ engagement in sustainable transportation in the future.
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The effect of environmental awareness on consumers’ attitudes and consumers’ intention to purchase environmentally friendly products: Evidence from United Arab Emirates
, Pages: 555-560 Majdi Khaleeli and Adnan Jawabri PDF (288 K) |
This paper aims to measure consumer awareness of environmentally friendly products in the context of United Arab Emirates. The study also intends to measure the effect of consumer awareness on the customer intention to purchase environmentally friendly products and whether or not consumer attitudes mediate this relationship. A self-administered survey was delivered using google form tool to reach as many respondents as possible, where a link to survey has been shared by emails, the respondent randomly selected from United Arab Emirates. A total of 174 responses has been received of which 7 responses dropped for being not complete, resulting in 167 useful responses. Content validity has been done to ensure the items are clearly understood, which is accomplished by consulting two academicians who are familiar with this field of study. SPSS statistical package version 22 has been used to test the hypotheses of this research. Based on data analysis, it has been found that Environmental Awareness positively and significantly affects Consumers’ Attitudes toward environmentally friendly products and Green products Purchase Intention, respectively. Furthermore, a positive and significant relationship between Consumers’ Attitudes towards environmentally friendly products and Purchase Intention is detected. However, the proposed mediating role of Attitudes in the relationship between Environmental Awareness and Purchase Intention was not supported.
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SST-Servqual and customer outcomes in service industry: Mediating the rule of corporate reputation
, Pages: 561-576 Ridho Bramulya Ikhsan and Juliater Simarmata PDF (288 K) |
Recently, the importance of service quality in various industries has gained much attention. Along with the development of technology, firms offer self-service technology to serve customers and create customer satisfaction. This aims to achieve positive behavioral intention, which could poten-tially become behavioral loyalty. This study aims to analyze how SST-Servqual affects customer satisfaction, behavioral intention, and behavioral loyalty mediated by corporate reputation in the Indonesian public service sector. We collected data from 400 self-service technology users through an online survey. To answer all hypotheses, we use Structural Equation Modeling with Lisrel 8.71. The results prove that SST-Servqual affected satisfaction, behavioral intention, and behavioral loy-alty, both directly and indirectly, through company reputation. This research provides knowledge for the Indonesian service industry to build new technologies for increasing satisfaction, positive behavioral intentions, and behavioral loyalty.
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Psychological dimensions and practical strategies: MSME and mobile payment adoption
, Pages: 577-586 Gede Adi Yuniarta and I Gusti Ayu Purnamawati PDF (288 K) |
E-commerce security threats can undermine public confidence in electronic payments. In addition, most users are relatively unfamiliar with the technical details of electronic payment security. This study aims to determine the effect of price value, hedonic motivation, promotion and technology security on the interests of small and medium businesses using mobile payment applications. The questionnaire was used to collect data from 157 small and medium scale entrepreneurs in Bali Province with an even distribution of the sample and tested using multiple linear regression analysis. The results show that the value of price, hedonic motivation, promotion and technology security had positive and significant effects on the interest of entrepreneurs with small and medium-scale businesses using mobile payment applications. This study uses hedonic motivation variables used in researching financial technology by linking the latest theory, namely UTAUT2, which can effectively explain and analyze the behavior of acceptance of new product information technology.
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Export entrepreneurship and green product uniqueness orientation on export performance of Indonesian small and medium enterprises
, Pages: 587-594 I Ketut Santra, Kardison Lumban Batu and Ferdinandus Sampe PDF (288 K) |
This paper attempts to explore the drivers of green export performance by considering case studies in Indonesian small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Conceptually, the uniqueness of green products and export entrepreneurship is proposed as an antecedent of green export performance. The ability to exploit the capacity of green products is used as an antecedent for the uniqueness of green products, while competitive capacity and market explorative capacity are considered as an anteced-ent of export entrepreneurship. 383 exporters in Indonesia are involved in this research. Using Structural Equation Modeling with AMOS statistical software, findings show that the capacity of exploitative green products and the capacity of green product exploitation had a significant impact on the uniqueness of green products. The competitive capacity and explorative capacity of market distance have positive significant effects on export entrepreneurship. Moreover, the uniqueness of green products has a significant positive effect on export entrepreneurship and on green export performance. This finding indicates the importance of exploiting green products to improve export performance by SMEs in Indonesia.
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Policy models for improving ecotourism performance to build quality tourism experience and sustainable tourism
, Pages: 595-608 I Made Wardana, I Putu Gde Sukaatmadja, Ni Wayan Ekawati, Ni Nyoman Kerti Yasa, I Putu Astawa and Made Setini PDF (288 K) |
Several administrative areas in Bali are not ready for an effective spatial regulation for the tourism industry resulting in large-scale land conversion, including changes in productive agricultural land for tourism and other industrial needs. These changes allow environmental damage that threatens the performance and sustainability of tourism in Bali. The purpose of this study was to investigate the seven factors of ecotourism success, and their impacts on quality tourism experiences and sustainable tourism. The research was conducted in Bali by taking 200 samples from four village samples. The analysis used was Structure Equation Modeling (SEM) assisted by the Partial List Square (PLS) application. The results show that the research model yielded feasible Goodness of Fit. The results also show that ecotourism as a source of income was unable to support economic and infrastructure development. Community involvement had no significant impact on conservation efforts. Conservation had no impact on ecotourism performance. Services did not have any an impact on tourism performance. Thus, ecotourism as a source of income, community involvement, conservation and services as successful factors in improving ecotourism performance are strategic management priorities to build quality tourism experiences and sustainable tourism.
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Social isolation and psychological wellbeing: lessons from Covid-19
, Pages: 609-618 Hussein-Elhakim Al Issa and Eman Mahir Jaleel PDF (288 K) |
This study explores the effect of social isolation (SI) on the psychological wellbeing (PWB) of employees due to the imposed distance education during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown. Drawing on individual psychological resources to improve wellbeing, researchers examine emotional intelligence (EI) as a possible mediator that reduces the effect of social isolation. In this quantitative study, questionnaires were administered to measure SI, EI, and PWB among academic and non-academic staff in Iraqi public universities during the height of the Covid-19 outbreak. The results suggest that EI and SI were strong predictors of PWB. While SI was negatively and significantly related to EI, the presence of emotional intelligence as a mediator reduced the negative effect of isolation on wellbeing. Gender was not found to moderate the mediating effect of EI on the SI-PWB association. These findings support the validity of incorporating EI interventions during pandemic outbreaks that produce distinct effects on the isolation and thus potentially result in improving the wellbeing of employees. Although employees high on EI are viewed less socially isolated and high on wellbeing within literature there is a relative dearth of supporting research that has not examined these interrelationships during a genuinely imposed lockdown such as the one during the Covid-19 pandemic which provided standardization as to the social isolation context understudied. Another theoretical gap included the psychometric revision of the social isolation scale.
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Analyzing the effect of knowledge management and teaching creativity on innovative work behavior: The organizational empowerment perspective
, Pages: 619-626 Robertus M. B. Gunawan and W. Widodo PDF (288 K) |
This study analyzes the effect of organizational empowerment on innovative work behavior (IWB) mediated by knowledge management and teaching creativities. A questionnaire collected the re-search data. The sample of this research includes 386 teachers selected by accidental sampling. Da-ta analysis uses path analysis supported by descriptive statistics and correlational. The results show that organizational empowerment had a positive and significant effect on IWB, directly and indi-rectly, mediating by knowledge management and teaching creativity. Thus, the teacher’s IWB can be improved through organizational empowerment, knowledge management, and teaching creativi-ty. A fit research model about the effect of organizational empowerment on IWB mediating by knowledge management and teaching creativity was found. This model can adopt as a reference by researchers and practitioners in developing IWB models in the future and multiple organizations context.
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Managing quality in university framework: Students’ perspective
, Pages: 627-636 Mohammad Rumzi Tausif and Mohammad Imdadul Haque PDF (288 K) |
Saudi Arabia is attempting to structurally transform itself to move away from its dependence on oil. Towards this, its education sector plays an important role. It provides the economy with the needed graduates. It is highly desirable that the education sector of the country attains and maintains quality standards. This study identifies the three dimensions of teaching staff, administrative staff and systems towards the Total Quality Management in a University setting. The study finds a significant difference between the sample respondents over the satisfaction with the faculty, staff, and systems. Further, the study uses the method of logistic regression to analyze the responses of University students’ perspectives of quality. The results indicate that the odds of being satisfied with the University are the highest if the students are satisfied with the systems. It followed by faculty and then the non-teaching staff. Improving the quality of faculty, staff, and systems in education services is needed to achieve the structural transformation desired by the country.
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Application of regression methods to investigate the factors influence on student’s Grade Point Average
, Pages: 637-644 Ahmed Saied Rahama Abdallah and Mohammed Omar Musa Mohammed PDF (288 K) |
This paper aimed to examine the determinants affecting students’ Grade Point Average (GPA) at the colleges of science in Prince Sattam Bin Abdul-Aziz University (PSAU). The study applied two ap-proaches of Ordinary Least Square Method (OLS) and Quantile Regression (QR) to investigate the relationship between GPA and different factors; including secondary school rate, achievement test, gender, and department. The data were collected from the Deanship of Admissions and Registration for the academic year (2018) at PSAU. The sample size included (175) students selected from four departments. The data were analyzed using SAS and SPSS programs. The important results are: sec-ondary school rate, achievement test, and gender were revealed to be variables that significantly impact GPA at all quantile levels. At 0.95 quantile the variable department has a significant effect on GPA. The OLS method revealed the significant effect of all four variables secondary school rate, achievement test, department, and gender on GPA. The study recommended that policy makers in higher education should think to add a new criterion for admission according to the privacy of eve-ry college or university.
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Competitiveness of SMEs: The support of value creation and market orientation
, Pages: 645-656 Pande Putu Buda Prasada, Erie Febrian, Rita Komaladewi and Wa Ode Zusnita PDF (288 K) |
Firms’ competitiveness plays an important role to achieve better performance and entrepreneur-ship; however, competitiveness needs to be supported by internal resources. The purpose of this paper is to examine the support of value creation, distinctive competencies, and market orientation on competitiveness creation by an entrepreneur. The study is based on the competitiveness phenomenon of SMEs in Jakarta, associated with the performance. So, this experimental research is conducted by a survey among 120 entrepreneur SMEs in Jakarta. The data are collected by questionnaire and data analysis is performed through some statistical tools. For research model, the study examined the result through the research hypothesis test. The result found that value creation correlates with competitiveness creation, market orientation and distinctive competencies which yields competitiveness.
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Sustainable development toward sustainable enterprise
, Pages: 657-668 Febrizal Rahmana and Adhi Bawono PDF (288 K) |
The concept of sustainable development is inseparable in the business world. In that term, there are three aspects, namely economic, social, and environmental that must be balanced with each other. It is hoped that this concept is needed to know by entrepreneurs in starting their businesses. After that, this business is expected to become a sustainable business that can survive to face the challenges. Mediation input is given in the form of entrepreneurial orientation which can accelerate the creation of sustainable businesses, thus there is a correlation between sustainable development and entrepreneurs. In addition, the entrepreneur variables correlate to entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial orientation has a relationship with sustainable business. In turn, sustainable development, entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial orientation, and sustainable business also deserve further study. This paper examines the relationship between the four variables to the SMEs in Jakarta. Where we want to know how the relationship between the variables of sustainable development with entrepreneurs that aim to achieve sustainable business by mediating entrepreneurial orientation. It also examines the direct comparison between entrepreneurs and sustainable businesses and the relationship between the two variables mediated by entrepreneurial orientation variables. The research data was taken from business operators in Jakarta totaling 245 out of 49 dimensions of the four variables. Data processing is done by structural equation modeling (SEM) through the Lisrel version 8.7 program. Then the calculation results are analyzed based on statistical provisions in get-ting indications of the relationship between variables. It is found that there is a positive relationship between sustainable development and entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs also have a positive relation-ship with entrepreneurial orientation, and entrepreneurial orientation has a positive relationship with sustainable business. It turns out that the relationship between entrepreneurs who have gained an understanding of the concept of sustainable development and sustainable business is a significant positive compared to mediating entrepreneurial orientation which remains positive but not significant through the Sobel test that has conducted.
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The role of work-life balance in the organization behavior perspective: A case study of female managers of state-owned banks in Indonesia
, Pages: 669-674 Silvy Sondari Gadzali PDF (288 K) |
This research aims to determine the work-life balance of female managers at the group and organizational levels of banks using the explanatory relational method. Data were obtained from 267 low/middle level female managers of SOE banks in Indonesia with the quantitative analysis, and structural equation models (SEM) was used to test the research hypotheses. The results showed that work-life balance had a positive and indirect effect on the relationships, communication skills and leadership styles, of female managers at the organizational and group levels.
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The interplay between empowerment, minimum experience and performance: An empirical study on Saudi context
, Pages: 675-680 Noha N. Aljuraid and Mohammad A. K. Alsmairat PDF (288 K) |
Empowerment and experience help and support organizations in enhancing their profitability, productivity and performance. This research aimed to examine the impact of empowerment and minimum experiences on the organizational performance. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was applied for analysis purpose. 237 questionnaires were collected from the Saudi workers who participated in the research. The research recommended that organizations must start encouraging their managers to implement more participative leadership styles such as providing subordinates with greater opportunities to get involved in decision-making and to adapt their ideas.
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Empirical examination of customer relationship management on the market penetration capabilities and marketing performance in the SME sector
, Pages: 681-688 Suherna Suherna PDF (288 K) |
This study analyzes the effect of customer relationship quality, entrepreneurial social competence and customer sensing on market penetration capabilities in the SME sector. In addition, by taking market penetration capability as a mediating variable, this study examines the effect of the inde-pendent variable on marketing performance in SMEs. The study results highlight several important findings regarding the competitive advantage of SMEs and the formation of networks and highlight the importance of network formation in SMEs, where the development of networks or partnerships is one of the critical success factors for improving SME performance. The originality of this study lies in examining the strategic influence of customer relationship management dimensions in an en-trepreneurial outlook in the small and medium business sector on improving organizational capabilities to penetrate the market for the purpose of improving marketing performance. Practically, this finding is useful to increase the interaction of SMEs with customers during certain stages in the product development process to get positive added value on product success and the formation of competencies that encourage businesses to enter the market based on social familiarity, feature-oriented attractiveness, and interwoven customer emotional loyalty.
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Nexus between idiosyncratic deals and work engagement via psychological empowerment: A PLS-SEM approach
, Pages: 689-698 Muhammad Shahid Shams, Tang Swee Mei and Zurina Adnan PDF (288 K) |
Idiosyncratic deals have been used by many organizations to achieve desirable employees’ behavior and work-related positive outcomes. Drawing upon the social exchange theory, this study aims at investigating the connections between idiosyncratic deals and work engagement. Besides, this study also scrutinizes the mediating role of psychological empowerment in the relationship between idiosyncratic deals and work engagement. This study applied smart PLS-SEM v.3.2 for the data analysis to ascertain the relationship between the study variables. Using an online survey, data are collected from 310 academicians working in the public higher education institutions of Pakistan. The finding of this study shows a significant positive relationship between idiosyncratic deals and work engagement. Furthermore, finding of the study also divulges that psychological empowerment mediates the relationship between idiosyncratic deals and work engagement. Hence the management and the policy makers in the public higher education institutions should focus on the provision of idiosyncratic deals based on the personal and professional needs of academicians to strengthen their feeling of psychological empowerment which subsequently results in fostering their engagement at work.