Editorial member

Marcelo S. Nagano University of São Paulo, Brazil
Email: drnagano@usp.br

Marcelo S. Nagano

Rossi, F.L., Nagano, M.S. Heuristics for the mixed no-idle flowshop with sequence-dependent setup times and total flowtime criterion (2019) Expert Systems with Applications, 125, pp. 40-54.

Miyata, H.H., Nagano, M.S., Gupta, J.N.D. Incorporating preventive maintenance into the m-machine no-wait flow-shop scheduling problem with total flow-time minimization: a computational study (2019) Engineering Optimization, 51 (4), pp. 680-698.

Tavares-Neto, R.F., Nagano, M.S. An Iterated Greedy approach to integrate production by multiple parallel machines and distribution by a single capacitated vehicle (2019) Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 44, pp. 612-621.

Nagano, M.S., Rossi, F.L., Martarelli, N.J. High-performing heuristics to minimize flowtime in no-idle permutation flowshop (2019) Engineering Optimization, 51 (2), pp. 185-198.

Takano, M.I., Nagano, M.S. Evaluating the performance of constructive heuristics for the blocking flow shop scheduling problem with setup times (2019) International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 10 (1), pp. 37-50.

Manoel, A.A.S., Moraes, M.B.C., Nagano, M.S., Sobreiro, V.A. Cash holdings and corporate governance: The effects of premium listing in Brazil (2018) Review of Development Finance, 8 (2), pp. 106-115.

Martarelli, N.J., Nagano, M.S. A constructive evolutionary approach for feature selection in unsupervised learning (2018) Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 42, pp. 125-137.

Ribeiro, S.X., Nagano, M.S. Elements influencing knowledge management in university–business–government collaboration: Case studies in National Institutes of Science and Technology (2018) Knowledge and Process Management, 25 (3), pp. 207-219.

Vick, T.E., Nagano, M.S. Preconditions for Successful Knowledge Creation in the Context of Academic Innovation Projects (2018) Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, 17 (1), art. no. 1850004, .

Pinto, A.R.F., Crepaldi, A.F., Nagano, M.S. A Genetic Algorithm applied to pick sequencing for billing (2018) Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 29 (2), pp. 405-422.

Moccellin, J.V., Nagano, M.S., Pitombeira Neto, A.R., de Athayde Prata, B. Heuristic algorithms for scheduling hybrid flow shops with machine blocking and setup times (2018) Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 40 (2), art. no. 40, .

Nagano, M.S., Rossi, F.L., Tomazella, C.P. A new efficient heuristic method for minimizing the total tardiness in a no-idle permutation flow shop (2017) Production Engineering, 11 (4-5), pp. 523-529.

Nagano, M.S., Komesu, A.S., Miyata, H.H. An evolutionary clustering search for the total tardiness blocking flow shop problem (2017) Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, pp. 1-15. Article in Press.

Iacono, A., Nagano, M.S. Post-incubation of technology-based firms: A case study on the effects of business incubators on growth patterns (2017) Gestao e Producao, 24 (3), pp. 570-581.

Ubeda, C.L., Santos, F.C.A., Nagano, M.S. Analysis of the individual competences contributions to innovation management based on methodological triangulation (2017) Gestao e Producao, 24 (3), pp. 595-609.

Nagano, M.S., Vick, T.E., Madeira, L.M.M. Support of knowledge management in Eco-innovation practices [Suporte da gestão do conhecimento em práticas de Ecoinovação] (2017) RISTI - Revista Iberica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao, (22), pp. 37-56.

Sagawa, J.K., Nagano, M.S., Speranza Neto, M. A closed-loop model of a multi-station and multi-product manufacturing system using bond graphs and hybrid controllers (2017) European Journal of Operational Research, 258 (2), pp. 677-691.

Rossi, F.L., Nagano, M.S., Sagawa, J.K. An effective constructive heuristic for permutation flow shop scheduling problem with total flow time criterion (2017) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 90 (1-4), pp. 93-107.

Takano, M.I., Nagano, M.S. A branch-and-bound method to minimize the makespan in a permutation flow shop with blocking and setup times (2017) Cogent Engineering, 4 (1), art. no. 1389638, .

Rossetti, N., Nagano, M.S., Meirelles, J.L.F. A behavioral analysis of the volatility of interbank interest rates in developed and emerging countries (2017) Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science, 22 (42), pp. 99-128.

Rossi, F.L., Nagano, M.S., Neto, R.F.T. Evaluation of high performance constructive heuristics for the flow shop with makespan minimization (2016) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 87 (1-4), pp. 125-136.

Soares, T.J.C.C., Torkomian, A.L.V., Nagano, M.S., Moreira, F.G.P. The Brazilian innovation system: Critical analysis and considerations [O sistema de inovação Brasileiro: Uma análise crítica e reflexões] (2016) Interciencia, 41 (10), pp. 713-721.

Nagano, M.S., Miyata, H.H. Review and classification of constructive heuristics mechanisms for no-wait flow shop problem (2016) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 86 (5-8), pp. 2161-2174.

Escrivão, G., Nagano, M.S. Linking Knowledge Creation and Environmental Education (2016) Journal of Information and Knowledge Management, 15 (2), art. no. 1650017, .

Nagano, M.S., Stefanovitz, J.P., Guimaraes, T. Assessing some important factors to reduce obstacles in product innovation (2016) International Journal of Innovation Management, 20 (3), art. no. 1650022, .

Martarelli, N.J., Nagano, M.S. Socioeconomic Class of Brazilian Cities for Health, Education and Employment Income IFDM: A Clustering Data Analysis (2016) IEEE Latin America Transactions, 14 (3), art. no. 7459643, pp. 1513-1518.

Nagano, M.S., Miyata, H.H. A high quality solution constructive heuristic for no-wait flow shop scheduling problem (2016) Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 15 (3), pp. 206-214.

Sanches, F.B., Takano, M.I., Nagano, M.S. Evaluation of heuristics for a branch and bound algorithm to minimize the makespan in a flowshop with blocking [Avaliação de heurísticas para um algoritmo branch e bound para minimizar o makespan em um flowshop com bloqueio] (2016) Acta Scientiarum - Technology, 38 (3), pp. 321-326.

Sagawa, J.K., Nagano, M.S. Integration, uncertainty, information quality, and performance: a review of empirical research (2015) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 79 (1-4), pp. 299-306.

Sagawa, J.K., Nagano, M.S. Applying bond graphs for modelling the manufacturing dynamics (2015) IFAC-PapersOnLine, 28 (3), pp. 2047-2052.

Vick, T.E., Nagano, M.S. Academic praxis of innovation from the perspective of information literacy [A práxis acadêmica de inovação sob a ótica das competências em informação] (2015) Informacao e Sociedade, 25 (2), pp. 139-150.

Sagawa, J.K., Nagano, M.S. Modeling the dynamics of a multi-product manufacturing system: A real case application (2015) European Journal of Operational Research, 244 (2), pp. 624-636.

Martins, P.S., Escrivão Filho, E., Nagano, M.S. Environmental management and business strategy in small and medium sized companies: A comparative case study [Gestão ambiental e estratégia empresarial em pequenas e médias empresas: Um estudo comparativo de casos] (2015) Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental, 20 (2), pp. 225-234.

Nagano, M.S., Miyata, H.H., Araújo, D.C. A constructive heuristic for total flowtime minimization in a no-wait flowshop with sequence-dependent setup times (2015) Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 36, art. no. 305, pp. 224-230.

Vick, T.E., Nagano, M.S., Popadiuk, S. Information culture and its influences in knowledge creation: Evidence from university teams engaged in collaborative innovation projects (2015) International Journal of Information Management, 35 (3), pp. 292-298.

de Oliveira, J., Filho, E.E., Nagano, M.S., Ferraudo, A.S. Estilos gerenciais dos dirigentes de pequenas empresas: Estudo baseado no ciclo de vida organizacional e nos conceitos de funções e papéis do administrador (2015) Revista Brasileira de Gestao de Negocios, 17 (57), pp. 1279-1299.

Guarnieri, P., Sobreiro, V.A., Nagano, M.S., Marques Serrano, A.L. The challenge of selecting and evaluating third-party reverse logistics providers in a multicriteria perspective: A Brazilian case (2015) Journal of Cleaner Production, 96, art. no. 4333, pp. 209-219.

Sobreiro, V.A., Mariano, E.B., Nagano, M.S. Product mix: The approach of throughput per day (2014) Production Planning and Control, 25 (12), pp. 1015-1027.

Nagano, M.S., Da Silva, A.A., Nogueira Lorena, L.A. An evolutionary clustering search for the no-wait flow shop problem with sequence dependent setup times (2014) Expert Systems with Applications, 41 (8), pp. 3628-3633.

Moraes, M.B.D.C., Nagano, M.S. Evolutionary models in cash management policies with multiple assets (2014) Economic Modelling, 39, pp. 1-7.

Nagano, M.S., Araújo, D.C. New heuristics for the no-wait flowshop with sequence-dependent setup times problem (2014) Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 36 (1), pp. 139-151.

Stefanovitza, J.P., Nagano, M.S. Product innovation management: An integrated model proposal [Gestão da inovação de produto: Proposição de um modelo integrado] (2014) Producao, 24 (2), pp. 462-476.

Iacono, A., Nagano, M.S. Innova tion management in technology-based enter prises : Evidences in an enter prise incubator in Brazil [Ges tão da inova ção em empresas nascentes de base tec nológica : Ev idências em uma incubadora de empresas no Brasil] (2014) Interciencia, 39 (5), pp. 296-306.

Nagano, M.S., Stefanovitz, J.P., Vick, T.E. Organizational context as a support to innovation: A comparative case study in Brazilian companies [O contexto organizacional como aporte à inovação: Um viés comparativo de casos em empresas Brasileiras] (2014) Gestao e Producao, 21 (3), pp. 477-490.

Nagano, M.S., Stefanovitz, J.P., Vick, T.E. Characterization of brazilian industrial companies’ processes and challenges as to innovation management [Caracterização de processos e desafios de empresas industriais brasileiras na gestão da inovação] (2014) Revista Brasileira de Gestao de Negocios, 16 (51), pp. 163-179.

Nagano, M.S., Stefanovitz, J.P., Vick, T.E. Innovation management processes, their internal organizational elements and contextual factors: An investigation in Brazil (2014) Journal of Engineering and Technology Management - JET-M, 33, pp. 63-92.

Iacono, A., Nagano, M.S., Filho, E.E. Local production systems: An analysis of factors inhibiting cooperation and interaction [Sistemas locais de produção: Uma análise dos fatores inibidores das relações de cooperação e interação] (2014) Innovar, 24 (51), pp. 31-44.

Sagawa, J.K., Nagano, M.S. Dynamic models for production control and scheduling: A brief review (2013) Proceedings - 2013 12th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, MICAI 2013, art. no. 6714645, pp. 38-44.

Sobreiro, V.A., Nagano, M.S. A proposal of a constructive heuristics under the TOC for definition of production mix [Proposta de uma heurística construtiva baseada na TOC para definição de mix de produção] (2013) Producao, 23 (3), pp. 468-477.

Sagawa, J.K., Nagano, M.S. Discussion of some recent empirical research on integration, uncertainty and their influence on performance (2013) IFAC Proceedings Volumes (IFAC-PapersOnline), 6 (PART 1), pp. 608-614.

De Souza, F.B., Sobreiro, V.A., Nagano, M.S., De Souza Manfrinato, J.W. When less is better: Insights from the product mix dilemma from the Theory of Constraints perspective (2013) International Journal of Production Research, 51 (19), pp. 5839-5852.

Vick, T.E., Nagano, M.S., Santos, F.C.A. Identifying the information management process and knowledge creation in technology-based companies: A Brazilian comparative case study (2013) Knowledge Management Research and Practice, 11 (3), pp. 278-287.

Madeira, L.M.M., Vick, T.E., Nagano, M.S. Directions of scientific literature in knowledge management from the perspective of their relationships with innovation, information and technology management (2013) Transinformacao, 25 (2), pp. 167-174.

Nagano, M.S., Januário, J.C.S.S. Evolutionary heuristic for makespan minimization in no-idle flow shop production systems [Heurística evolutiva para a minimização da duração total da programação em sistemas de produção no-idle flow shop] (2013) Acta Scientiarum - Technology, 35 (2), pp. 271-278.

Vick, T.E., Nagano, M.S. Relations between information literacy and knowledge generation in innovation teams a four dimensional perspective (2013) IC3K 2013; KDIR 2013 - 5th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval and KMIS 2013 - 5th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing, Proc., pp. 437-442.

Jabbour, C.J.C., Santos, F.C.A., Fonseca, S.A., Nagano, M.S. Green teams: Understanding their roles in the environmental management of companies located in Brazil (2013) Journal of Cleaner Production, 46, pp. 58-66.

Vick, T.E., Nagano, M.S. Identifying critical factors in knowledge creation: A comparative study in technology-based companies (2012) Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM, 2, pp. 1577-1582.

Sobreiro, V.A., Nagano, M.S. A review and evaluation on constructive heuristics to optimise product mix based on the Theory of Constraints (2012) International Journal of Production Research, 50 (20), pp. 5936-5948.

Moraes, M.B.C., Nagano, M.S. Cash balance management: A comparison between genetic algorithms and particle swarm optimization [Gerenciamento do saldo de caixa: Uma comparação entre algoritmos genéticos e particle swarm optimization] (2012) Acta Scientiarum - Technology, 34 (4), pp. 373-379.

Nagano, M.S., Da Silva, A.A., Lorena, L.A.N. A new evolutionary clustering search for a no-wait flow shop problem with set-up times (2012) Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 25 (6), pp. 1114-1120.

Vick, T.E., Nagano, M.S. Information-dependent processes in incubated and graduated technology-based companies: A comparative case study [Processos dependentes de informação em empresas incubadas e graduadas de base tecnológica: Um estudo comparativo de casos] (2012) Perspectivas em Ciencia da Informacao, 17 (3), pp. 67-81.

Vick, T.E., Nagano, M.S. Driving and restrictive factors in the proces of knowledge creation: A comparative case study in Brazilian technology-based enterprises [Fatores propulsores e restritivos no processo De Criação De Conhecimento: Um Estudo Comparativo De Casos Em empresas Brasileiras De Base tecnológica] (2012) Interciencia, 37 (4), pp. 253-259.

Escrivão, G., Nagano, M.S. Knowledge management in environmental education : A case study in the environmental education program at the university of são paulo , Brazil [Gesti ón del conocimiento en la educación ambiental : Estudio de casoen el programa de educaci ón ambiental de la universidad de sao paulo Brasil] (2012) Interciencia, 37 (1), pp. 29-35.

Iacono, A., de Almeida, C.A.S., Nagano, M.S. Cooperation and interaction of based-technology incubators enterprises: An analysis in light of the new innovation paradigm [Interação e cooperação de empresas incubadas de base tecnológica: Uma análise diante do novo paradigma de inovação] (2011) Revista de Administracao Publica, 45 (5), pp. 1485-1516.

Escrivão, G., Nagano, M.S., Filho, E.E. Knowledge management in environmental education [A gestão do conhecimento na educação ambiental] (2011) Perspectivas em Ciencia da Informacao, 16 (1), pp. 92-110.

Araújo, D.C., Nagano, M.S. A new effective heuristic method for the no-wait flowshop with sequence-dependent setup times problem (2011) International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 2 (1), pp. 155-166.

Moccellin, J.V., Nagano, M.S. Heuristic for flow shop sequencing with separated and sequence independent setup times (2011) Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 33 (1), pp. 74-78.

Jabbour, C.J.C., Santos, F.C.A., Nagano, M.S. Contributions of HRM throughout the stages of environmental management: Methodological triangulation applied to companies in Brazil (2010) International Journal of Human Resource Management, 21 (7), pp. 1049-1089.

Framinan, J.M., Nagano, M.S., Moccellin, J.V. An efficient heuristic for total flowtime minimisation in no-wait flowshops (2010) International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 46 (9-12), pp. 1049-1057.

Vick, T., Nagano, M.S., Santos, F.C.A. Contributions from information management to knowledge creation in innovation teams [Aportes da gestão da informação para a criação de conhecimento em equipes de inovação] (2009) Perspectivas em Ciencia da Informacao, 14 (2), pp. 204-219.

Stefanovitz, J.P., Nagano, M.S. Knowledge creation in high-tech industry: Cases study on projects withdifferent innovation degrees [Criação de conhecimento na indústria de altatecnologia: Estudo de casos em projetos de diferentes graus deinovação] (2009) Gestao e Producao, 16 (2), pp. 245-259.

Iacono, A., Nagano, M.S. Interactions and cooperation in local production systems: An analysis of inhibiting factors related to specificities of small enterprises (2009) Journal of Technology Management and Innovation, 4 (2), pp. 143-153.

Jabbour, C.J.C., Santos, F.C.A., Nagano, M.S. Environmental management system and human resource practices: is there a link between them in four Brazilian companies? (2008) Journal of Cleaner Production, 16 (17), pp. 1922-1925.

Nagano, M.S., Ruiz, R., Lorena, L.A.N. A Constructive Genetic Algorithm for permutation flowshop scheduling (2008) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 55 (1), pp. 195-207.

Nagano, M.S., Moccellin, J.V. Reducing mean flow time in permutation flow shop (2008) Journal of the Operational Research Society, 59 (7), pp. 939-945.

Cruz, C.A., Nagano, M.S. Knowledge management and information systems: An analyzes about knowledge creation theory [Gestão do conhecimento e sistemas de informação: Uma análise sob a ótica da teoria de criação do conhecimento] (2008) Perspectivas em Ciencia da Informacao, 13 (2), pp. 88-106.

Framinan, J.M., Nagano, M.S. Evaluating the performance for makespan minimisation in no-wait flowshop sequencing (2008) Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 197 (1-3), pp. 1-9.

Moccellin, J.V., Nagano, M.S. Uma propriedade estrutural do problema de programação da produção flow shop permutacional com tempos de setup (2007) Pesquisa Operacional, 27 (3), pp. 487-515.

Filho, G.R., Nagano, M.S., Lorena, L.A.N. Evolutionary clustering search for flowtime minimization in permutation flow shop (2007) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 4771 LNCS, pp. 69-81.

Filho, G.R., Nagano, M.S., Lorena, L.A.N. Hybrid evolutionary algorithm for flowtime minimisation in no-wait flowshop scheduling (2007) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 4827 LNAI, pp. 1099-1109.

Nagano, M.S., Moccellin, J.V. A high quality solution constructive heuristic for flow shop sequencing (2002) Journal of the Operational Research Society, 53 (12), pp. 1374-1379.

Moccellin, J.V., Nagano, M.S. Evaluating the performance of tabu search procedures for flow shop sequencing (1998) Journal of the Operational Research Society, 49 (12), pp. 1296-1302.