Conflict of interest

All authors are asked to reveal any potential conflict of interest with other people or organizations within few years of beginning the submitted work that could inappropriately influence their work.

Submission declaration

The submitted work should not have been published previously somewhere else. The authors do not have the permission to submit their work to two or more places, simultaneously. Also, the papers should not have been published in any other languages before.

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Growing Science Policy on Article Withdrawal for more information 


The authors are normally asked to complete an agreement to transfer all the rights to Growing Science when they submite their work.

Language and language services

The paper must be written in formal English language. Please avoid any slang or unethical terms that could offend a second party. The margins for entire document are: Top 1.8, Bottom 2.5; Left 1.5; Right 1.9.


Please prepare your manuscript in Microsoft Word format using CCL-Template.doc and submit it to us through our online submission system. Please declare that the work is original, is not published elsewhere previously and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Also in order to promote the reviewing process, we recommend introducing 2-3 possible referees by yourself, but not from your institution. In addition, note that it is responsibility of authors to check their manuscripts for possible plagiarism issue. It is standard copyright protection procedure and you can use next web based machine , or other suitable. Please prepare your final draft in Microsoft Word format and submit . The text must be in single-column format.

Article structure


Times New Roman 14, bold, Sentence case, centred. Title must be informative and please prevent any abbreviations and formulae where possible.

Author names and affiliations

Where the family name may be vauge (e.g., a double name), please indicate this clearly. Present the authors' affiliation addresses below the names. Indicate who is handling correspondence at all stages of refereeing and publication, also post-publication. Make sure that telephone and fax numbers are provided in addition to the e-mail address and the complete postal address.


Please describe the importance of your work briefly in maximum 150 words (Times New Roman 12, align left).


Please give 5 keywords (Each in Capital, separated with a comma, Times New Roman 12, align left)


In the introduction part, authors must carefully review the literature and provide the reason as to why we need to do this research. Authors must also clearly state the novelty of the paper in this part and specify the differences between this work and previously published works.

Subdivision - numbered sections

Divide your article into clearly defined and numbered sections. Subsections must be numbered 1.1 (then 1.1.1, 1.1.2, ...), 1.2, etc. but note that the abstract is not included in section numbering.

Material and methods

Provide comprehensive details to allow the paper to be reproduced. Methods already published need to be indicated by a reference: only relevant modifications must be described.

Results Discussion

This part must explain the significance of the results of the work. Prevent extensive citations and discussion of published literature. Provide comprehensive details to allow the paper to be reproduced. Methods already published need to be indicated by a reference: only relevant modifications must be described.


Results need to be completely clear. If the author(s) proposes a new method against the other existing method, a fair comparison between the new results and the old ones would be useful. The main conclusions of the work may be presented in a short Conclusions section. section.


Put acknowledgements here if applicable.


We suggest using the corresponding “EndnoteStyle.ens”

Selected Technical details

Math formulae. Please insert all your equations in tables with two columns. On the left hand side of the table, insert the equation and on the right hand side insert the number. Finally, make the whole table invisible.

Artwork, general points. Please use only Times Roman or Helvetica fonts, prepare the images in good quality min 600 dpi, provide captions for all tables, pictures, etc.

Tables Number tables consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text. Please provide the capture for the all Tables.

Figures. All figures and schemes must be prepared according to “ACS document 1996” settings in ChemDraw, and Authors should run the 'clean up structures' feature in ChemDraw before submission. In addition, all images, which are not ChemDraw, should be pasted in TIFF format and have at least 600 dpi resolution.

Citation in text. Please make sure that all references cited in the text are also presented in the reference list. Please use only indexed papers, books, etc. in your paper. In our opinion, a good quality paper must have, at least 15-20 references from indexed journals.

Reference style

Journal publications:

Wang J., Liu G., Engelhard M. H., and Lin Y. (2006) Sensitive immunoassay of a biomarker tumor necrosis factor-α based on poly(guanine)-functionalized silica nanoparticle label. Anal. Chem., 78 (19) 6974-6979.

Padalkar V., Patil V., Gupta V., Phatangare K., and Sekar N. (2011) Synthesis of new ESIPT- fluorescein: Photophysics of pH Sensitivity and Fluorescence. J. Phys. Chem. A, Accepted Manuscript (DOI: 10.1021/jp2073123).

Reference to a book:

Billoski T. V. (1992) Introduction to Paleontology, 6th Ed, Institutional Press, New York.

Reference to a chapter in an edited book:

Mettam G. R., and Adams L. B. (1999) How to prepare an electronic version of your article, in: Jones B. S., and Smith R. Z. (Eds) Introduction to the Electronic Age. E-Publishing Inc., New York, 281-304.


Martinez L. (1997) Fibrous cellulose support containing adhered yeast for converting sucrose to glucose and fructose. US Patent 6,013,491.