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Can orientation towards finance and perceived financial literacy lead to intention towards investment? An examination using structural equation modeling
, Pages: 1-8 Anass Hamadelneel Adow Adow ![]() |
Abstract: Investor behavior is an intriguing affair and has been investigated by many social scientists and scholars. The disciple is still fecund and has scope for further empirical examination. The study aimed to examine the relationship that Orientation toward finance (ORTOFIN) and perceived financial literacy have with Intention toward investment. The study engaged in quantitative research design. Data was collected randomly online from 210 gainfully employed samples in Saudi Arabia. Structural Equation Modelling was used to analyze the data. Results indicated a significant positive relationship between ORTOFIN, perceived financial literacy, and Intention toward investment. The study discusses the findings and presents the limitations. The scope for further research is also presented. It is expected that the present study will act as a trigger for further research in this fascinating area. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.11.001 Keywords: Financial literacy, Intention towards investment, Orientation towards finance, SEM
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Entrepreneurial orientation and digital transformation as drivers of high organizational performance: Evidence from Iraqi private banks
, Pages: 9-18 Ahmad Ali Salih, Lamya Alsalhi and Azzam Abou-Moghli ![]() |
Abstract: This research investigated how digital transformation affects the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and organizational performance among private banks in Baghdad, Iraq. The study population consisted of 5,000 individuals holding various positions, including general manager, deputy general manager, department head, section head, and employee. To obtain a representative sample, the researchers employed the stratified equal random sampling method and randomly selected participants. As a result, a total of 406 questionnaires were distributed. However, only 197 questionnaires were valid and suitable for analysis, representing a percentage of 49% of the distributed questionnaires. The primary means of gathering information was through a questionnaire, and the data obtained were analyzed using inferential statistical techniques. The research findings indicated that the different aspects of entrepreneurial orientation, such as being proactive, taking risks, and flexibility, had a significant and beneficial influence on the organization's overall performance and its ability to operate effectively and engage socially. Nonetheless, the innovation aspect did not have a notable impact on the performance of the organization and its related dimensions. In addition, the research indicated that digitalization has a beneficial impact on the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and the performance of an organization, making it more powerful. The research suggested that private banks operating in Baghdad province ought to promote innovation, foster productive social interactions, enhance their operational efficiency, facilitate digital transformation, and leverage their moderating influence to improve the performance of the organization by boosting entrepreneurial orientation. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.10.022 Keywords: Entrepreneurial Orientation, Organizational Performance, Digital Transformation, Private Banks, Iraq
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Customer relationship management and brand image: Empirical evidence from marine export company in Indonesia
, Pages: 19-28 Lisda Rahmasari, Sofwan Farisyi, Putri Akhsa Nabila, Prasadja Ricardianto, Tri Iriani Eka Wahyuni, Ferdy Trisanto, Moejiono Moejiono, Arief Rahman, Muhammad Taris Hasibuan and Endri Endri ![]() |
Abstract: This research aimed to analyze the direct and indirect influence of customer relationship management and brand image on customer loyalty in the marine export department of DSV Transport Indonesia through customer satisfaction. Customer Relationship Management in goods delivery was one of the essential variables to improve company service to satisfy its customers and impact their loyalty. Research with a quantitative approach uses the Path Analysis statistical tool. This research used quantitative methods with a sample of 199 companies. The key findings of this research stated that customer relationship management has a negative and insignificant effect on the satisfaction and loyalty of marine export customers of DSV Transport Indonesia. Thus, the changes occurring in the application of Customer Relationship Management in marine exports would not affect the satisfaction and loyalty of marine export customers of DSV Transport Indonesia. Based on the results of this research, it was stated that customer satisfaction was indirectly able to function as a mediator or mediate the indirect influence of Customer Relationship Management and brand image on the customer loyalty to marine exports of DSV Transport Indonesia. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.10.021 Keywords: Brand image, Customer relationship management, Customer satisfaction, Customer loyalty, Freight forwarding, Marine export
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Estimating the mediating role of value chain in good corporate governance and asset growth
, Pages:29-36 Firdaus Amyar, Moermahadi Soerja Djanegara, Bambang Pamungkas, Bahrullah Akbar and Suwarno Suwarno ![]() |
Abstract: The primary objective of this research is to examine the relationship between Good Corporate Governance (GCG), value chain, and bank asset growth in Indonesian State-Owned banks. Additionally, this study aims to determine whether value chain mediates the relationship between GCG and bank asset growth. This research employs a quantitative method. Data is collected using a questionnaire with a Likert scale ranging from 1 to 7. The respondents in this study are employees and managers working in state-owned banks in Indonesia. The total sample size used in this research is 239 samples. Data analysis is conducted using SmartPLS 4 software. The results of this study demonstrate that GCG has a significant positive relationship with the value chain of the bank. However, the direct relationship between GCG and bank asset growth is not statistically significant. The results of the mediation analysis show that value chain mediates the relationship between GCG and bank asset growth, emphasizing the critical role of value chain in optimizing the impact of GCG on bank asset growth. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.10.020 Keywords: Good Corporate Governance, Corporate Assets Growth, Value Chain, Bank, State-Owned Enterprises
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Collaborative enhancement of non-MSME credit and optimization of banking idle funds through P2P platforms
, Pages: 37-44 Cliff Kohardinata, Luky Patricia Widianingsih, Nicklaus Stanley, Yopy Junianto, Anastasia Filiana Ismawati and Evi Thelia Sari ![]() |
Abstract: The market share of peer-to-peer (P2P) has shifted from dominating the P2P lending for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) to non-MSME. Meanwhile, non-MSME credit is an incumbent main market share banking which possibly makes it a complementary or substitution in P2P lending in non-MSME bank credit. Furthermore, optimizing and maintaining liquidity is important due to banks utilizing intermediation functions. The strictness of bank liquidity could determine the management’s response and policy in determining the best timing to utilize either the FinTech from the P2P platform or the customer’s existing funds first. This study aims to assess the empirical findings of the effect of P2P lending on banking credit that is divided between provinces with strict, normal, and lax liquidity. This study uses data from 33 provinces in Indonesia between January 2022 to December 2022. The study approach uses a regression data panel for the data analysis. The results of this study show that P2P lending positively and significantly impacts bank credits of non-MSMEs in provinces with lax bank liquidity. The stricter the banking the lower the compliments of P2P loans against the bank credits of non-MSME. To the author’s knowledge, no existing studies investigate the P2P lending of non-MSME banking credit that also consider the level of strictness of banking liquidity. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.10.019 Keywords: P2P lending, Banking, Non-UMKM, Liquidity, Fintech
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Understanding mobile payments through the lens of innovation resistance and planned behavior theories
, Pages: 45-64 Ahmad A. Rabaa'i, Shereef Abu Al Maati, Nooh Bany Muhammad and Enas M. Eljamal ![]() |
Abstract: Despite the numerous advantages that different mobile payments can provide, their acceptance, and adoption rates are still relatively low. This study aims at investigating mobile payments and demonstrates how drivers and barriers that influence behavioral intentions to use mobile payments interact and support one another by combining the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and the innovation resistance theory (IRT). A self-administered online survey was employed to gather data from 341 users of mobile payments in the State of Kuwait. To test the proposed model and its hypotheses, responses were analyzed using a partial least square structural equation modeling approach (PLS-SEM). The results show that usage, value, risk, and tradition resistance-related factors are significant barriers towards behavioral intentions to use mobile payments, while the image barrier is insignificant. The findings also affirmed that perceived behavioral control and attitudes motivate and influence consumers’ behavioral intentions; however, the subjective norm was non-significant. The study’s findings have significant implications for scholars, mobile payments’ service providers, marketers, policymakers, and banks. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.10.018 Keywords: Behavioral intentions, Theory of planned behavior, Innovation resistance theory, Mobile payments, Fintech, TPB, IRT
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The impact of strategic and innovativeness entrepreneurship and social capital on business overall performance through building a sustainable supply chain management at Jordan Private Universities
, Pages: 65-76 Areen Al-Tarawneh, Eva Haddad, Radwan Mo'd Al-Dwairi, Saleh Yahya Al-Freijat, Ayman Mansour and Ghosoon Abdulaziz AL-Obaidly ![]() |
Abstract: The objective of this study was to assess the influence of strategic entrepreneurship, innovative entrepreneurship, and social capital on the overall performance of businesses by establishing a sustainable supply chain management system in private colleges in Jordan. The primary objective of the study was to examine the impact of these elements on the development of sustainable supply chain management and the overall performance of businesses. To assess the assumptions posited in this study, a total of 329 individuals were recruited as participants, and their data were subjected to analysis and discussion. The study demonstrated that the implementation of an entrepreneurship strategy, together with the adoption of creative entrepreneurial practices inside the organization, as well as the support and enhancement of social capital management, all contributed to the development of a sustainable supply chain management system and the enhancement of overall business performance. The significance of strategic entrepreneurship emerged, highlighting its encompassment of key elements such as Market Opportunity Assessment, resource allocation, and firm design. The subsequent concept that emerged was that of creative entrepreneurship, encompassing elements such as creativity and the production of ideas, willingness to take risks and engage in experimentation, as well as the ability to sense market trends and prioritize customer-centric innovation. Social capital emerged as a prominent feature, constituting the third important element. This category encompassed other subcategories, including networking and fostering relationships, trustworthiness and reputation, as well as the exchange of knowledge and facilitation of information dissemination. The results indicated the potential for enhancing overall business performance and developing a sustainable supply chain management by implementing an entrepreneurship strategy, specifically entrepreneurship innovativeness, and fostering social capital. This approach can aid employees in understanding their job responsibilities. The achievement of this objective can be facilitated through the provision of training and development opportunities for personnel. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.10.017 Keywords: Innovativeness Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship Strategy, Social Capital Management, Supply Chain Management, Jordan Private Universities
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The food safety behavior of Jordanian restaurant managers and supervisors: A social cognitive theory-based perspective
, Pages: 77-90 Amany Khalaf Haddad and Abdul Hafaz Ngah ![]() |
Abstract: As foodborne diseases are current major health issues worldwide, food safety is a global health target. The present work has used social cognitive theory as theoretical support for examining the social and cognitive factors [outcome expectations (OE), self-regulation (SR), environmental determinants (ED), and self-efficacy (SE)] of Jordanian restaurant managers’ and supervisors’ food safety behavior (FSB). The moderator was willingness to comply (WC). Data were collected from the participants via Google Forms using purposive sampling methods. A total of 500 questionnaires were distributed, where 250 questionnaires were sent each to the Jordanian Restaurant Association (JRA, representing international and chain food restaurants in Jordan) as well as the Jordanian Union of Restaurants and Confectionary Proprietors (URCP, representing the local Jordanian restaurants). Two hundred and ninety-six completed questionnaires were returned. The hypotheses were analysed with smart partial least squares by structural equation modelling. The analysis determined that OE, SR, ED, and SE had positive impacts on FSB, while WC played a role in moderating the interlinkage among SE, OE, and FSB. To sum up, the current study as a whole also has significant theoretical and practical contributions for the practitioners in the given context. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.10.016 Keywords: Social Cognitive Theory, Jordanian Restaurants, Food Safety Behavior, Willingness to Comply
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The role of service quality, facilities, and prices on customer satisfaction in Indonesia aviation in the COVID-19 pandemic
, Pages: 91-100 Johar Samosir, Okin Purba, Prasadja Ricardianto, Dwi Triani, Erman Noor Adi, Ernanto Wibisono, Chatarina Rusmiyati, Trilaksmi Udiati, Andayani Listyawati and Endri Endri ![]() |
Abstract: Lion Air is an airline that has a low-cost carrier concept, which makes Lion Air an airline that has low prices. With these low prices, does it improve customer fulfillment? This study aims to determine the effects of service quality, amenities, and pricing on purchase choices. Associative quantitative research methodologies are used in this kind of study. The sample comprised 210 individuals who had taken a flight on Lion Air during COVID-19 and were at least 17 years old. The analysis technique uses Amos 24 software and SEM (Structural Equation Modelling) analysis. The results showed that service quality has a favorable and considerable impact on customer satisfaction. Facilities have a significant and positive effect on customer satisfaction. Price has a positive and substantial influence on customer satisfaction. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.10.015 Keywords: Service quality, Facilities, Price, Customer Satisfaction, Indonesia Aviation
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The entrepreneurship of accounting work and its role in reducing information asymmetry: Evidence from insurance companies
, Pages:101-114 Ghaleb Awad Elrefae, Abdul Razzak Alshehadeh, Omar Fayez Ahmad ALbzour, Haneen Al-Khawaja and Nader Mohammad Aljawarneh ![]() |
Abstract: The primary aim of this research is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the role played by entrepreneurial accounting practices in mitigating information disparities, as perceived by employees within the realm of Jordanian financial intermediaries. This role is encapsulated in various components, including accounting systems and policies, international financial reporting standards, international external auditing standards, international internal auditing standards, as well as professional and ethical conduct guidelines. In pursuit of our research objectives, we adopted two distinct methodological approaches. Firstly, a descriptive analytical approach was employed, involving the development of a structured questionnaire to gather primary data pertaining to the assessment of independent variables associated with entrepreneurial accounting practices. The second approach encompassed an applied perspective, seeking to gauge the impact of entrepreneurial accounting practices on reducing information asymmetry. This was achieved by examining the financial statements of insurance companies listed on the Amman Stock Exchange for the period spanning 2016 to 2022, thereby constituting our dependent variable. Rigorous statistical techniques were employed to meticulously analyze the collected data, with the validation of our hypotheses achieved through a comprehensive multiple regression analysis. The findings of this study distinctly underscore the pivotal role played by entrepreneurial accounting practices in ameliorating information asymmetry issues within the corporate economic landscape. A robust and statistically significant correlation emerged between our dependent variable, namely the reduction of information asymmetry, and both the independent variables associated with entrepreneurial accounting practices and their inherent characteristics. This study's significant recommendation extends beyond the mere technical dimensions of accounting, encompassing a call for a holistic reevaluation of the accounting profession. Addressing the enduring phenomenon of information asymmetry among stakeholders is not merely a concern confined to the technical aspects of accounting. Rather, it represents a profound professional and ethical crisis that permeates the entire accounting ecosystem. This crisis emanates from the very foundations and legal frameworks of the profession, extends through accounting standards, and encompasses professional conduct and ethics. Ultimately, it concludes with the supervision and oversight of the quality of professional performance, an obligation shared by accountants, certified auditors, and management alike. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.10.014 Keywords: Entrepreneurial Accounting Work, Information Asymmetry, Insurance Companies
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Analysis of tourism destination centrality and structural properties of tourism system: Complex network perspective
, Pages: 115-124 Maneerat Kanrak, Hooi Hooi Lean and Sakkarin Nonthapot ![]() |
Abstract: Tourism has become a new way of living with the living standard development. This study analyses the tourism destination centrality and spatial patterns of the tourism system using complex network analysis. An analysis of 245 destinations in the South of Thailand has found that the network has a low network density, large average path length and low clustering coefficient. Some a small number of high-degree destinations connect to each other, while most connect to others with a low degree. The network comprises 18 subnetworks that destinations densely connect to others in the same subnetwork but sparsely connect to others in different ones. Destinations play different roles in the network based on which a centrality measure is used, degree, betweenness and closeness centrality. 31 destinations with high hub and authority centrality are the centers playing as hubs of the network. The study’s findings draw implications for the sector. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.10.013 Keywords: Tourism system, Complex network analysis, Tourism destination centrality, Hub and authority centrality
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The role of environmental accounting in enhancing corporate social responsibility of industrial companies listed on the Amman Stock Exchange
, Pages: 125-132 Abdalla Alassuli ![]() |
Abstract: This study aims to examine the impact of environmental accounting on corporate social responsibility in industrial companies listed on the Amman Stock Exchange. A quantitative approach was employed, utilizing a questionnaire to verify this impact. The results indicated a strong and positive relationship between environmental accounting practices and corporate social responsibility. These findings call for serious measures to embrace environmental accounting practices in industrial companies, as they have the potential to enhance professional development and overall corporate performance. Decision-makers in this context are advised to take steps towards integrating environmental accounting concepts, as this move can contribute to increased productivity and success within these organizations, considering the challenges of our rapidly changing and interconnected world. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.10.012 Keywords: Environmental Accounting, Corporate Social Responsibility, Industrial Companies, Amman Stock Exchange
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Assessment of effects in advances of accounting technologies on quality financial reports in Jordanian public sector
, Pages: 133-142 Ahmad Y. A. Bani Ahmad, Hesham Abusaimeh, Abedalqader Rababah, Mohammad Alqsass, Nofan Hamed Al-Olima and Mohammad Naser Hamdan ![]() |
Abstract: The study aimed to examine the effects of accounting technology improvements on the generation of accurate and reliable financial reports in the public sector of Jordan. In order to carry out this inquiry, the researchers set research goals and formulated null hypotheses that were derived from these objectives and afterwards used in the study. The study used an ex-post facto survey methodology as its research technique. The study sample included 250 persons employed at the Ministry of Finance in Jordan. The research included a sample size including 152 people. A questionnaire was used as the primary tool for data collection in this study. The validity of the instrument was established by an evaluation conducted by experts specialising in the field of testing and measurement. The evaluation of the instrument's dependability was performed using the Cronbach Alpha reliability approach, yielding a reliability coefficient ranging from 0.73 to 0.85. The findings of this research demonstrate that the instrument has a significant level of dependability. The data obtained from the surveys underwent analysis using the Pearson Product-Moment Correlation (PPMC) and regression analysis approaches. The present study offers empirical data and affirms the growing significance of financial reporting in the global economic landscape. Ensuring unwavering trust in the financial information pertaining to the public sector has considerable significance for investors. The article proposes that the establishment of a comprehensive framework of guidelines for enterprises' information technology infrastructure would be advantageous for regulatory bodies, such as the Jordan Central Bank. The aim of this method is to reduce the potential danger of the public sector being overwhelmed by outdated technology. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.10.011 Keywords: Accounting, Technologies, Quality, Financial Reports, Public Sector
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The impact of entrepreneurship self-concept, work motivation, and risk taking on human resource department performance and business overall performance at Jordan private universities
, Pages: 143-150 Rami Hanandeh, Malek Alharafsheh, Ahmad Albloush, Salman M. Abu lehyeh, Qais Kilani ![]() |
Abstract: The goal of this study was to find out how entrepreneurship self-concept, work motivation, and risk taking on human resource department performance and business overall performance at Jordan private universities. To test the study's assumptions, 311 samples from the research study were taken, looked at, and argued about. Entrepreneurship, self-concept, work motivation, and risk taking were all found to affect the success of both human resource department performance and business overall performance. The first factor was the self-concept, which can be seen in self-esteem, self-image, and self-identity. The second most important factor is work motivation, which includes intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, goal setting and orientation. Risk taking is the third and final important factor. It includes participants' risk tolerance, their perception of risk, and their outcome expectations. The study found that helping employees to understand their job nature and how they can do it, increasing the motivation on job work, and increasing the employees’ demands for taking risks can improve performance ratio in human resource department, and that having an organizational structure that encourages teamwork and work teams can improve the ability to solve problems and improve work performance, which in turn affects overall productivity. This study adds new information to a new area that needs more research to fully understand how workload, work pay, and organizational structure pressures all affect each other. This study's topic, Jordan private universities, is both new and important because it could help scientific private universities to improve how they run and give better education output. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.10.010 Keywords: Self-Concept, Work Motivation, Risk Taking, HR Performance, Overall Business Performance, Jordan Private Universities
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The performance impact of digital technology adoption in procurement: A case study of the manufacturing industry in the Eastern Economic Corridor, Thailand
, Pages: 151-158 Nonnaphan Jantaro and Yuosre F. M. Badir ![]() |
Abstract: The procurement process is part of Purchase to pay (P2P) that consumes huge company costs. There are many procedures that need to be performed related to data. Without digital technology it might cause human error which will lead to issues in higher cost and will create a lot of delay in the procurement process. To improve procurement performance, selecting the right technologies that will create performance impact is quite a challenging task for the company. This study aims to examine the impact of digital technology adoption on procurement performance and to examine the mechanism through which digital technologies impact procurement performance. Target groups are medium and large manufacturing companies in the Eastern economic corridor, Thailand. In research findings, there is data supporting our hypotheses that digital technology adoption in procurement has a positive impact on procurement performance in cost and cycle time reduction. As a result of the moderation effect, reducing human errors, data availability and responsiveness moderated the positive impact between technology adoption and procurement cost reduction. The effect between technology adoption and procurement cycle time reduction has positively been mediated by reducing human errors and data availability. However, responsiveness rejected the hypothesis that mediates the relationship between technology adoption and procurement cycle time reduction. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.10.009 Keywords: Procurement, e-Procurement, Digital technology adoption, Digital transformation
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Factors affecting financial performance in companies based on big data analytics
, Pages: 159-166 Christian Herdinata, Fransisca Desiana Pranatasari and Wiliam Santoso ![]() |
Abstract: Strategy is a way to be able to find effective and efficient ways to achieve goals. There are three important strategies carried out by companies, namely strategic planning, strategic role, and strategic maneuvering. The interesting thing is that relatively not much research has been conducted regarding the measurement of financial performance which is studied from the perspective of corporate strategy that influences financial performance. This is also supported by technological developments that affect companies, so companies must have the right strategy so that the company's financial performance can improve. This study examines the effect of strategic planning, strategic roles, and strategic maneuvers on financial performance. This study uses resource-based view theory as a study in testing the influence model of strategic planning, strategic role, and strategic maneuvering on financial performance. The study is conducted in Indonesia with a sample consisting of owners, directors and managers who use big data analytics in the companies they run. The sampling technique used is convenient sampling. The analysis technique used in this study is multiple linear regression analysis with the independent variables namely strategic planning, strategic role, and strategic maneuvering and the dependent variable namely financial performance. The results of this study indicate that strategic planning had no significant effect on financial performance, but strategic role had a significant effect on financial performance. Furthermore, strategic maneuvering has a significant effect on financial performance. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.10.008 Keywords: Financial Performance, Strategic planning, Strategic role, Strategic maneuvering, Big data analytics
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The influence of macroeconomic infrastructure on supply chain smoothness and national competitiveness and its implications on a country's economic growth: evidence from BRICS countries
, Pages: 167-180 Rinto Alexandro and Basrowi ![]() |
Abstract: This study investigates the intricate relationships between macroeconomic infrastructure, supply chain smoothness, national competitiveness, and economic growth within the BRICS nations—Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. This study adopts a quantitative approach with cross-sectional data to examine the interrelationships. The research confirms that macroeconomic infrastructure significantly influences supply chain smoothness and a country's economic growth, underscoring the pivotal role of infrastructure development in enhancing supply chain efficiency and fostering economic expansion. However, rejecting hypotheses regarding the direct impact of supply chain smoothness and national competitiveness on economic growth highlights economic growth dynamics' complex and multifaceted nature within the BRICS context. This study emphasizes the need for nuanced, context-specific strategies to address each BRICS nation's unique challenges and opportunities. Theoretical implications call for a more comprehensive theoretical framework considering the contextual factors influencing economic growth within BRICS countries. Practical implications highlight the importance of strategic infrastructure investments and comprehensive policy approaches that extend beyond isolated factors. Despite its contributions, this study has limitations, including simplifying complex economic relationships and needing more country-specific analyses. Future research should explore broader variables, non-linear relationships, and country-specific nuances to understand economic growth in the BRICS group better. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.10.007 Keywords: Macroeconomic Infrastructure, Supply Chain Smoothness, National Competitiveness, Country's Economic Growth, BRICS
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Assessing organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior in ensuring the smoothness of the supply chain for medical hospital needs towards a green hospital: Evidence from Indonesia
, Pages: 181-194 Zia’ul Fatwa Andini Yusuf, Furtasan Ali Yusuf, Uli Wildan Nuryanto and Basrowi ![]() |
Abstract: This research examined the relationships between Organizational Commitment, Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB), the Supply Chain, and Green Hospital practices in a healthcare setting. A cross-sectional study was conducted using self-reported data from healthcare employees. Structural equation modeling was employed to analyze the relationships and mediation effects. The study confirmed that Organizational Commitment positively impacts the Supply Chain and Green Hospital practices. Similarly, Organizational Citizenship Behavior significantly influences the Supply Chain and Green Hospital initiatives. The Supply Chain was found to have a positive impact on Green Hospital practices and served as a mediator in the relationships between Organizational Commitment and Green Hospital and Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Green Hospital. The research provides valuable insights for healthcare organizations seeking to enhance their sustainability efforts. Fostering Organizational Commitment and Organizational Citizenship Behavior among employees can contribute to more efficient supply chain operations and environmentally responsible practices. The study underscores the crucial role of supply chain management in translating commitment and proactive behaviors into tangible sustainability initiatives. The research is context-specific, and using self-reported data and a cross-sectional design may limit generalizability. Future studies should explore these relationships in diverse settings and consider longitudinal or mixed-method approaches. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.10.006 Keywords: Organizational commitment, Organizational citizenship behavior, Supply chain, Green hospital
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Quality of audit and cost stickiness empirical evidence from emerging markets
, Pages: 195-206 Nahla Abdulrahman Mohammed Raweh and Abdulwahid Ahmed Hashed Abdullah ![]() |
Abstract: This study aims to present further evidence of cost stickiness by employing Selling, General, and Administrative (SG&A) costs. It also provides empirical evidence on the effect of audit committee meetings and audit quality on cost stickiness. The study used data from listed companies on the Saudi Arabian stock exchange during 2015–2019. Based on pooled panel data regression, the study proves that the SG&A costs are sticky. The results show the level of SG&A costs increases more with an increase in sales revenue (activity) while it decreases less with an equivalent reduction in sales revenue (activity). Also, this study finds that the frequency of audit committee meetings decreases the magnitude stickiness of SG&A costs, which supports the view that frequent meetings of AC significantly enhance its overseeing function and effectiveness. The study further reveals that audit quality “by BIG4 audit firms” is not related to reduced cost stickiness. This result implies that there is no difference in CS between companies audited by BIG4 or by non-BIG4. In general, the research highlights the importance of AC diligence (i.e., meetings) in improving its effectiveness and controlling management’s discretions affecting the cost structure in the context of sticky cost behavior. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.10.005 Keywords: Cost stickiness, Sales, General, and Administrative costs, Audit committee meetings, Audit quality, Saudi Arabia
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The influence of supplier competency on business performance through supplier integration, vendor-managed inventory, and supply chain collaboration in Fuel Station: An evidence from Timor Leste
, Pages: 207-220 Rosalia Maria da Silva, Zeplin Jiwa Husada Tarigan and Hotlan Siagian ![]() |
Abstract: Fuel availability is essential in supporting the sustainable economic growth of a country. The manufacturing industry, transportation activities, and shipping products between regions are the primary sectors that require a sustainable fuel supply. The fuel station contributes to distributing and delivering fuel in serving the demand for the fuel. This study investigates supplier competency's role in supporting fuel station business performance through supplier integration, vendor-managed inventory, and supply chain collaboration. The research surveyed 71 fuel stations in Timor Leste using a questionnaire designed with a five-point Likert scale. The questionnaires are distributed to supervisors or higher positions at fuel stations by distributing questionnaires by direct delivery and also through Google Forms for areas far away in downtown Timor Leste. Data from respondents were analyzed using smartPLS software version 4.0. The results found that supplier competency positively impacts supplier integration, vendor-managed inventory, and supply chain collaboration. Moreover, supplier integration positively impacts vendor-managed inventory, supply chain collaboration, and business performance. Vendor-managed inventory fuel station sites can have an impact on improving supply chain collaboration and business performance. In addition, supply chain collaboration between vendors and fuel stations in Timor Leste enables continuous business performance improvement. This research paves the way for supervisors, managers, and fuel station top management to collaborate with suppliers in maintaining inventory levels and forecasting the supply and demand for fuel procurement requirements. Finally, this research contributes to the theory of inventory optimization and supply chain performance. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.10.004 Keywords: Business performance, Supplier competency, Supplier integration, Supply chain collaboration, Vendor-managed inventory
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Enhancing sustainable soybean production in Indonesia: evaluating the environmental and economic benefits of MIGO technology for integrated supply chain sustainability
, Pages: 221-234 Akhmad Junaidi, Ali Zum Mashar, Basrowi, Dewi Robiatun Muharomah, Johnny Walker Situmorang, Amos Lukas, Ali Asgar, Leni Herlina, Lamhot Parulian Manalu and Layuk Payung ![]() |
Abstract: Adopting MIGO Bio P 2000 Z in soybean cultivation in Indonesia has yielded significant advancements in sustainable agriculture. This innovative technology has demonstrated substantial potential in enhancing agricultural productivity. Environmental impacts of using MIGO Bio P 2000 Z include reduced reliance on chemical fertilizers, improved soil quality, positive contributions to greenhouse gas emissions reduction, and support for biodiversity conservation. Economically, implementing MIGO Bio P 2000 Z has increased soybean production, reduced fertilizer costs, higher incomes for soybean farmers, export opportunities, and investments in agricultural technology. While the primary focus is on economic impact, reducing chemical fertilizer use also benefits the environment by preventing pollution and soil degradation. Further, integrating MIGO Bio P 2000 Z into the soybean supply chain has bolstered supply sustainability, decreased dependency on soybean imports, and improved food security. Its positive effects include enhanced agricultural productivity, reduced environmental impact, and support for the well-being of farmers. Collaborative efforts, including government support, training, diversified markets, and strict monitoring, are essential for optimizing the technology's potential. Adopting MIGO Bio P 2000 Z in Indonesian soybean cultivation offers a sustainable and environmentally friendly approach to bolstering economic growth, food security, and the agricultural sector. In addressing challenges and enhancing the benefits, investing in training, market diversification, and regulations is vital while supporting farmers, especially small-scale ones. This holistic approach will secure Indonesia's soybean supply chain and strengthen the nation's agricultural resilience. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.10.003 Keywords: Sustainable soybean production, Environmental, Economic, MIGO technology, Supply chain, Sustainability
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The Islamic effect: Exploring the dynamics of Islamic events on sustainable performance of Islamic and conventional stock markets
, Pages: 235-248 Asty Almaida, Ulfat Abbas, Waqas Ahmad Watto, Muhammad Ashar Asdullah, Mochammad Fahlevi and Dany Amrul Ichdan ![]() |
Abstract: This study attempts to investigate the effects of Islamic events on both Islamic and conventional stock markets and analyze which market reacts more pronouncedly to these events. From 2012 to 2022, the research used daily stock return data from eight nations: Kuwait, India, Nigeria, Malaysia, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. The study examines how Islamic holidays such as Ashura, Eid Meelad ul Nabi, Eid ul Azha, and Ramadan affect both Islamic and Western stock markets. The researchers use the Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedastic (GARCH) model to analyze the data. The results of this analysis show that Islamic events in India, Nigeria, Malaysia, Pakistan, and Qatar have a strong and favorable link with Islamic stock returns. However, it was discovered that there is a little correlation between Islamic events and Islamic stock returns in the remaining three nations. The study also reveals a strong and favorable correlation between Islamic events and conventional stock performance in all countries. By offering a comparative analysis of the effect of Islamic events on Islamic stock markets and mainstream stock markets, these findings add to the body of current material. Every religion has its own set of rituals that its adherents observe, and these rituals frequently have an impact on different economic and non-economic activities. This study sheds light on the precise connection between these events and stock market performance by examining the impact of Islamic occasions on both Islamic and conventional stock markets. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.10.002 Keywords: Islamic stock, Stock market return, Islamic anomalies, Islamic stock market return, Conventional market return, Sustainable performance
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The role of GoJek and Grab sharing economy platforms and management accounting systems usage on performance of MSMEs during covid-19 pandemic: Evidence from Indonesia
, Pages: 249-262 Diana Zuhroh, Johnny Jermias, Sri Langgeng Ratnasari, Sriyono, Elok Nurjanah and Mochammad Fahlevi ![]() |
Abstract: This study investigates the influence of MSME actors' characteristics on the use of sharing economy, management accounting system, and financial performance during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Based on a questionnaire survey obtained from 167 respondents, we hypothesize and find that age and non-formal education have a positive effect on the use of the sharing economy. MSMEs that are managed by actors at a young age tend to use the sharing economy to maintain their business. In addition, MSMEs’ leaders that receive non-formal education acquire additional business knowledge encouraging them to use the sharing economy. Furthermore, the use of the sharing economy has a positive effect on Management Accounting Systems usage. Finally, Management Accounting Systems usage has a positive effect on the financial performance. The results of this study provide useful insights into the design of effective MSMEs' mentoring systems and support the Indonesian government program toward empowering MSMEs. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.10.001 Keywords: Characteristics of SMEs, Sharing Economy, Management Accounting System, Financial Performance
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The role of key workplace elements in determining individual and organizational success in Jordan Tourism Board
, Pages: 263-272 Hanandeh Ahmad, Qais Kilani, Zaid M Al-Zrigat, Sakher Alnajdawi, Ayman Mansour, Zahir Khasawneh and Qais Hammouri ![]() |
Abstract: The aim of this research was to investigate the impact of various work-related factors, such as task load, workers’ compensation, and organizational structure community on job success and the overall performance of the Jordan tourism board. The researchers conducted an analysis of 269 randomly selected samples from their study and discussed their findings to validate their hypotheses. The study revealed that factors like compensation levels, organizational structure, community, and task load significantly influence individual and organizational success. The first aspect examined was the task load, which was assessed by considering factors such as job completion rates, daily challenges faced, and the time required for tasks. Work-related compensation, encompassing factors like experience, skill, incentives, and rewards, emerged as the second most crucial factor after working hours. The third and most vital component to consider was the organization structure community, which includes communities of practice, collaborative efforts, and physical infrastructure. According to the research findings, improving employee performance can be achieved by reducing their task load, increasing work income, and developing the organization community that fosters teamwork and the formation of workgroups. These elements collectively impact overall productivity. The study provides valuable insights into an underexplored area, shedding light on how task load, compensation, and organizational structure community interplay. The research's focus on the Jordan tourism board is particularly significant, as it has the potential to help tourism companies enhance their operations and provide superior service to their customers. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.9.023 Keywords: Task load, Workers’ Compensation, Organization structure community, Job Performance, Business Overall performance, Jordan Tourism Board
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Integrated reporting, corporate governance, and financial sustainability in Islamic banking
, Pages: 273-290 Muhammad Yusuf, Elis Sondang Dasawaty, Martha Ayerza Esra, Prima Apriwenni, Carmel Meiden and Mochammad Fahlevi ![]() |
Abstract: This research delves into the intricate nexus between integrated reporting, corporate governance, and financial sustainability in Islamic banking. The study scrutinized a collection of research spanning diverse geographies and periods, emphasizing factors like board dynamics, audit committee proficiency, sustainability disclosures, and the implementation of value-centric strategies. The distillation of insights from an initial pool of 173 studies, which was meticulously narrowed down to 30 through rigorous criteria, indicates a prevalent positive association between these determinants and the financial robustness of Islamic banks. Such findings accentuate the pivotal role of syncing banking operations with the intrinsically sustainable tenets of Islamic finance. This harmony can notably spur sustainable development, potentially drawing more investors and boosting the stature of the Islamic banking domain. Furthermore, this study sheds light on potential avenues for upcoming research, including the analysis of managerial competencies' influence on varying Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) classifications and the examination of the ramifications of sustainability benchmarks, cultural variances, legal structures, and Islamic statutes in diverse nations. This investigation provides critical insights for professionals and decision-makers in Islamic banking, facilitating a deeper understanding of practices that strengthen financial sustainability. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.9.022 Keywords: Islamic Banking, Integrated Reporting, Corporate Governance, Financial Sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility
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Quality in Peruvian service companies in the context of COVID-19
, Pages: 291-306 Jorge Benzaquen, Juan O´Brien, and Eduardo Pardo-Piñashca ![]() |
Abstract: The motivation of this study is to provide empirical evidence of service companies’ performance regarding nine dimensions in a total quality management model during the COVID-19 pandemic. The nine dimensions highlight strategic company activities, and it allows a comparative analysis of the overall effect of having a QMS such as ISO 9001:2015 on Peruvian service companies. A total of 630 Peruvian service companies were surveyed for this study. The questionnaire included 35 Likert-scale items that were further classified into nine (9) dimensions. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to estimate any significant differences between the ISO 9001 certified and non-certified companies. Our findings showed that the performance of ISO 9001:2015 certified companies was significantly higher than that of non-certified companies in all dimensions. Moreover, our findings showed that managers in ISO 9001:2015 certified companies effectively implemented the nine dimensions of the model. The originality of this study lies in proving the positive effect of having a QMS in service companies in a context of slow economic growth and decline of consumer demand such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings might encourage service companies, especially those in developing countries, to allocate the necessary resources to obtain a QMS such as the ISO 9001:2015. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.9.021 Keywords: TQM, QMS, ISO 9001, Service companies, COVID-19
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Corporate environmental responsibility and corporate performance in Jordan
, Pages: 307-314 Mahmoud Zayed Ibrahim Shatnawi, Ali Ahmad Masadeh, Jafer Marouf Alsawalhah and Murad Ali Ahmad Al-Zaqeba ![]() |
Abstract: This research sought to assess how Jordan's corporate environment affected corporate performance. The population is made up of (182) businesses. Using simple random sampling, 384 respondents from companies listed on the Amman Stock Exchange were given questionnaires as part of a quantitative approach. To confirm the correlations between the variables, the data were analyzed using AMOS; the study relied on the descriptive analytical method. The study's most notable findings demonstrated that corporate environmental performance had a favorable and considerable impact on corporate performance. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.9.020 Keywords: Corporate environmental, Corporate performance, Amman stock exchange
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Business performance concept development apparel industry MSMEs in Bali
, Pages: 315-322 I Nyoman Nurcaya, I Ketut Rahyuda, Gusti Ayu Ketut Giantari and Ni Wayan Ekawati ![]() |
Abstract: The apparel industry is one of the business sectors included in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Bali Province. These apparel industry MSMEs contribute to employment and economic growth in Bali, so their business sustainability must be maintained. Measuring the business performance of MSMEs in the apparel industry needs to be carried out on an ongoing basis to ensure that these MSMEs can survive in increasingly fierce competition. The objectives of this study are: first, to explain the role of innovation strategy in mediating the effect of entrepreneurial orientation on MSME business performance, and second, to explain the role of technological resources in moderating the effect of entrepreneurial orientation on MSME business performance. The research was conducted on apparel MSMEs in Bali with 220 respondents taken randomly. Data were analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) technique. The analysis results show that entrepreneurial orientation has a significant positive effect on the performance of MSMEs. Entrepreneurial orientation has a significant positive effect on innovation strategy, and then innovation strategy has a significant positive effect on MSME business performance. Technological resources strengthen the influence of entrepreneurial orientation on MSME business performance. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.9.019 Keywords: Entrepreneurship Strategy, technology, SME business performance
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Supply chain strategy and supplier environment on competitive advantage: The moderating role of environmental uncertainty
, Pages: 323-332 Euis Saribanon, Yuliantini, Arjuna Wiwaha, Mustika Sari, Sarinah Sihombing, Marthaleina Ruminda, Yulianti Keke, Simon Gultom, Irwan Chairuddin, Ika Utami Yulihapsari and Endri Endri ![]() |
Abstract: As one of the garment producers in the world, Indonesia continues to strive to increase its competitive advantage in the current growth and development. Various factors can influence the improvement of competitive advantage in the garment sector. This study investigates the competitive advantage in the garment sector as influenced by supply chain strategy and supplier environment, moderated by environmental uncertainty in garment companies in West Java. The population of this study was 250 garment companies, and the sample was 152 respondents. Data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed using Partial Least Square (PLS). The findings of this study are (1) supply chain strategy is positively influenced by supplier environment; (2) competitive advantage is influenced by supplier environment and supply chain strategy; and (3) environmental uncertainty can moderate supplier environment and supply chain strategy in influencing competitive advantage. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.9.018 Keywords: Competitive Advantage, Supply Chain Strategy, Supplier Environment, PLS
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Water tourism demand in the Mekong River basin
, Pages: 333-344 Sakkarin Nonthapot, Champa Lattanasouvannaphonh, Sangthong Sifongxay, Latsamy Bounpathaph and Cheewanan Wuttipan ![]() |
Abstract: This research aimed to explore the influences of water tourism demand on tourists' revisit intention. The data were collected by a questionnaire from a sample group of Thai and foreign tourists who used a water transportation service on the Mekong River in Luang Prabang, Lao PDR. The random sampling method was used as a convenience sampling technique by quota sampling and classified by ports that served tourists in the Luang Prabang area. Then, the data were analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) using the ADANCO software program to verify the structural validity of the latent variables and analyze the model’s consistency. The study found that factors affecting the demand for water tourism consisted of two components: (1) Tourism factors and (2) water transportation factors on the Mekong River. Considering the factors that affected the demand for water tourism, it was found that the most influential factor was the water transportation of the Mekong River, especially the creation of a service product for tourists with the purpose of leisure and the type of water transportation service. Simultaneously, demand for water tourism was found to be one of the main factors reflecting the influence of tourists' revisit intention, especially water tourism on the Mekong River. According to the study, factors affecting the demand for water tourism in the Luang Prabang area greatly affected the demand for water tourism; in addition, the demand for water tourism affected the tourists' revisit intention as well. Therefore, entrepreneurs in water tourism should pay attention to water transportation, and whether it would be the type or design of the water transportation, standards of the water transportation, security measures, and setting a clear service schedule. etc., so that tourists could make their own travel plans to be more appropriate. Furthermore, the Lao government and the private sector should adopt common and unified policies for developing water tourism and promoting publicity and tourism marketing for the effectiveness of Luang Prabang’s water tourism activities. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.9.017 Keywords: Tourism demand, GMS, Water tourism, Water transportation, Tourism logistics
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The moderating mediating model of green climate and green innovation’s effect on environmental performance
, Pages: 345-358 Megren Altassan ![]() |
Abstract: Implementing green HRM is expected to foster green innovation inside small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The promotion of a sustainable environment and the implementation of organizational procedures contribute to the advancement of green innovation and the cultivation of a culture of responsibility. The implementation of Green Human Resource Management (HRM) practices, the cultivation of eco-friendly behavior among employees, and the adoption of HRM strategies aimed at fostering a sustainable environment within the business. To the extent of our current understanding, previous research has not investigated the potential influence of green climate in enhancing the effects of Green HRM in environmentally friendly behaviors and the development of green innovations. The assessment of the collective impact of these variables on environmental performance within a comprehensive model has not been previously examined. Therefore, this study has added significance by assessing the mediating role of employees’ eco-friendly behavior between Green HRM practices and the organization’s environmental performance. This study has been conducted in the context of SMEs in Saudi Arabia by taking responses on a self-administered questionnaire from 371 respondents from SMEs in Saudi Arabia Selected through cluster sampling technique. Hence, the findings of this study affirm the significance of Green HRM and Green Innovation in driving environmental performance within SMEs in Saudi Arabia. The underpinning theory for the study model is the ability motivation and opportunity (AMO) model, which has been validated in the context of the present study. By taking these practical steps, SMEs in Saudi Arabia can proactively contribute to environmental sustainability while reaping the benefits of improved organizational performance. However, other cultural, demographic, and governmental factors need consideration in future research studies that should include these external factors for further implications. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.9.016 Keywords: Green HRM, Green Innovation, Green Climate, Eco-Friendly Employees, Environmental Performance
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Environmental education using SARITHA-Apps to enhance environmentally friendly supply chain efficiency and foster environmental knowledge towards sustainability
, Pages: 359-372 Saritha Kittie Uda and Basrowi ![]() |
Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the impact of Environmental Education on sustainability and the mediating role of Environmentally Friendly Supply Chain Efficiency (EFSC) and Fostered Environmental Knowledge (FENK). Employing a quantitative approach, data were collected from supply chain professionals who participated in Environmental Education programs. The research findings indicate a positive relationship between Environmental Education and supply chain sustainability. The study revealed that Environmental Education significantly enhances EFSC and FENK and positively influences sustainability practices within supply chains. The implications of this research are twofold. Firstly, it underscores the importance of incorporating Environmental Education as a fundamental component of supply chain management, contributing to more environmentally responsible practices. Secondly, the study highlights the mediating role of EFSC and FENK, indicating that not only does Environmental Education directly impact sustainability but also through the enhancement of these mediating factors. This research offers a novel perspective by establishing the link between Environmental Education, EFSC, FENK, and supply chain sustainability. However, certain limitations should be acknowledged, such as the potential for response bias and the need for further research to explore other potential mediators. Nevertheless, this study provides valuable insights for practitioners and policymakers seeking to promote sustainability in supply chains by emphasizing the role of Environmental Education and its interconnectedness with EFSC and FENK. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.9.015 Keywords: Environmental Education, Environmentally Friendly Supply Chain Efficiency, Foster Environmental Knowledge, Sustainability
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Do community entrepreneurial development shape the sustainability of tourist villages?
, Pages: 373-386 Hamdan and Basrowi ![]() |
Abstract: This study looks at the role of community entrepreneurial development in mediating the linkages between geographical conditions, local wisdom, and traditional culture on the sustainability of tourism villages. In this study, this hypothesis was evaluated quantitatively. Respondents filled out a questionnaire as a research instrument. Village officials, the Tourist Awareness Group (Pokdarwis), and the community in Cikolelet Tourism Village, Banten Province, participated in this research. 140 individuals were selected for this study using purposive sampling, and the data were analyzed using a structural equation model (SEM). According to the conclusions of this study, geographical conditions, local wisdom, and traditional culture have a beneficial and statistically significant influence on community entrepreneurial development but do not directly affect the sustainability of tourism villages. Community entrepreneurial development influences the sustainability of tourist villages. Furthermore, community entrepreneurial development mediates the relationship between geographical conditions, local wisdom, and traditional culture on the sustainability of tourist villages. These findings recommend that tourism stakeholder cooperation between village officials, the Tourist Awareness Group, and the community must collaborate in the sustainability of the tourist village. This paper offers novelty by investigating community entrepreneurial development variables as mediators of the influence of geographical conditions, local wisdom, and traditional culture on the sustainability of tourist villages with exploratory quantitative analysis. In contrast, previous research only used explorative qualitative analysis, at least in the tourism sector, from an Indonesian perspective. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.9.014 Keywords: Geographical conditions, Local wisdom, Traditional culture, Community entrepreneurial development, Sustainability of tourist village
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Customs intelligence and risk management in sustainable supply chain for general customs department logistics
, Pages: 387-398 Omar M. Shubailat, Murad Ali Ahmad Al-Zaqeba, Aziz Madi and Ahmad Moh’D Ababneh ![]() |
Abstract: In this descriptive analytical study conducted within the Jordanian Customs Department, the influence of Customs Intelligence and Risk Management on Sustainable Supply Chain practices and their subsequent effects on Customs Department Logistics were investigated. Data collected through a structured questionnaire distributed to department employees were analyzed using Smart PLS-4. The findings revealed that Customs Intelligence significantly shapes Sustainable Supply Chain practices, emphasizing the importance of data driven decision-making in achieving sustainability goals. Effective Risk Management strategies were found to positively contribute to Sustainable Supply Chain initiatives, highlighting the symbiotic relationship between risk mitigation and sustainability. Sustainable Supply Chain practices, in turn, were demonstrated to enhance the efficiency of Customs Department Logistics. Furthermore, the study unveiled that Sustainable Supply Chain acts as a mediator, enhancing the impact of both Risk Management and Customs Intelligence on Logistics outcomes. These findings collectively underscore the intricate dynamics of these factors in the context of the Jordanian Customs Department, providing valuable insights for optimizing logistics operations, ensuring compliance, and fostering sustainability. This paper contributes valuable insights and empirical evidence to the fields of customs-related logistics, risk management, sustainable supply chain management, and logistics operations within the Jordanian Customs Department. The paper provides recommendations that have the potential to inform and improve logistics practices, benefiting stakeholders in both the public and private sectors and advancing the understanding of these critical dynamics in the broader logistics and supply chain management discipline. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.9.013 Keywords: Customs Intelligence, Risk Management, Sustainable Supply Chain, Jordanian Customs, Data-Driven Decision-Making, Customs Regulations
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Supply chain risks in the age of big data and artificial intelligence: The role of risk alert tools and managerial apprehensions
, Pages: 399-406 Mahmoud Allahham, Abdel-Aziz Ahmad Sharabati, Ma'en Al-Sager, Samar Sabra, Lana Awartani and Ayman Salim Lutfi Khraim ![]() |
Abstract: As supply networks become more complex and international, the task of controlling associated risks becomes more difficult. This article investigates the usefulness of risk alert technologies in supply chain management, with a focus on Big Data Analytics (BDA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). The study investigates the impact of BDA capabilities, solid IT infrastructure, managerial views, and AI-apprehensions on the effectiveness of risk alert tools using a questionnaire-based survey of 420 managerial personnel and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) via SMART PLS. The work proposes the concept of AI-Apprehensions as a moderating variable, which is a relatively unexplored field. According to the findings, while BDA capabilities and IT infrastructure considerably improve the effectiveness of risk alert tools, AI-apprehensions can negate these advantages. The study provides useful insights for policymakers and practitioners, emphasizing the importance of balancing technical and human components for effective risk management. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.9.012 Keywords: Supply Chain Management, Big Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Risk Alert Tools, Managerial Perceptions, AI-Apprehensions, Effectiveness, Risk Management
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Investigating the influence of financial literacy and supply chain management on the financial performance and sustainability of SMEs
, Pages: 407-416 Miswanto Miswanto, Samuel Teguh Tarigan, Sari Wardhani, Hendri Khuan, Erina Rahmadyanti, Jumintono Jumintono, Mirza Maulinarhadi Ranatarisza and Mulyana Machmud ![]() |
Abstract: The aim of this research is to analyze the relationship between financial literacy and financial performance, the relationship between financial literacy and the sustainability of SMEs, the relationship between supply chain management and financial performance, the relationship between supply chain management and the sustainability of SMEs, and financial performance with the sustainability of SMEs. This research method is a quantitative survey, the research data was obtained by distributing online questionnaires to 740 SMEs owners in Indonesia. Data analysis used structural equation modeling (SEM) with SmartPLS 3.0 software tools. The stages of data analysis are validity, reliability and significance tests. The sampling technique used is non-probability sampling. The questionnaire used in this study uses the Google form, distributed to respondents. The measurement method for this questionnaire uses a Likert scale of 5, namely Strongly Disagree (STS), (2) Answers Disagree (TS), (3) Neutral Answers (N), (4) Answers Agree (S), Strongly Agree (SS). The independent variables used in this study are as follows: Financial literacy, supply chain management, the dependent variables used in this study are sustainability and financial performance. The results of this research indicate that financial literacy had a positive and significant effect on financial performance, financial literacy had a positive and significant effect on sustainability, supply chain management had a positive and significant effect on financial performance, supply chain management had a positive and significant effect on sustainability, financial performance had a positive and significant effect on sustainability. The novelty of this research is that it found a correlation model of the relationship between the variables of financial literacy, supply chain management, financial performance and sustainability in SMEs which did not exist in previous research studies. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.9.011 Keywords: Financial literacy, Supply chain management, Financial performance, Sustainability, SMEs
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The effect of green supply chain management practices on performances of herb manufacturers in Thailand
, Pages: 417-424 Wissawa Aunyawong, Phutthiwat Waiyawuththanapoom, Phitphisut Thitart, Chayanan Kerdpitak, Ronnakorn Vaiyavuth, Kasidej Sritapanya and Mohd Rizaimy Shaharudin ![]() |
Abstract: This research aimed to 1) investigate the levels of green supply chain management practices (GSCMP), environmental performance (ENP), operational performance (OPP), and organizational performance (ORP) in the context of Thai herb producers; and 2) investigate the interactions between GSCMP, ENP, OPP, and ORP. Quantitative research methodologies were applied in the research. The sample for the quantitative study consisted of 340 Thai herb producers selected by stratified sampling by region. The instruments employed for research were questionnaires. Statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling were utilized for quantitative data analysis. Results indicated that GSCMP, ENP, OPP, and ORP levels were high. In addition, GSCMP had direct positive effects on ENP and OPP, as well as indirect positive effects on OPP and ORP, respectively, mediated via ENP and OPP. In addition, ENP had a favorable direct impact on OPP and a positive indirect impact on ORP, with OPP serving as a mediator. Herb producers might use these insights as a roadmap to enhance their organizational performance. In addition, government agencies may utilize the study's findings to establish a strategy for assisting entrepreneurs. In addition, academics and interested parties might bring the research findings to examine and perform more research. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.9.010 Keywords: Green Supply Chain Management, Herb Manufacturers, Environmental Performance, Operational Performance, Organizational Performance
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The relationship between information technology, logistics service quality and perceived performances in Vietnam logistics service industry
, Pages: 425-434 Minh Tuan Nguyen and Thi Ngoc Linh Vo ![]() |
Abstract: This study investigated the relationship between information technology, logistics service quality, and perceived performances. Data collected from an online survey through questionnaires was sent to 470 customers who have been using logistics services in Vietnam and 458 valid responses were received. This study discovered that innovation capability has a positive impact on personal contact quality, order fulfillment, information quality and social responsibility. Personal contact quality, order fulfillment, information quality and social responsibility positively affect the customer satisfaction, while customer satisfaction positively affects perceived performances. This study provides insights into the importance of customer satisfaction and perceived performances of customers in the logistics industry and highlights the need for logistics companies to prioritize customer satisfaction and improve their overall performance as well as their competitiveness. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.9.009 Keywords: Information technology, Logistics service quality, Perceived performance
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The impact of SCM integration on business performance through information sharing, quality integration and innovation system
, Pages: 435-448 Sautma Ronni Basana, Mariana Ing Malelak, Widjojo Suprapto, Hotlan Siagian and Zeplin Jiwa Husada Tarigan ![]() |
Abstract: Integration with external supply chain partners can reduce the risk of process and product development disruptions. Hence, the companies should anticipate and prepare for any risk that could emerge in the supply chain network. This study aims to analyze the role of supply chain integration, information sharing, supply chain quality integration, and innovation systems in improving business performance in the manufacturing industry. The study surveyed manufacturing companies located in East Java, as many as 258 companies. Data was collected using questionnaires designed with a five-point Likert scale and distributed through Google Forms and company visits. 222 questionnaires were distributed through Google Forms, and 36 were distributed during company visits. The smartPLS software version 4.0 was used for descriptive analysis and hypothesis testing. The results showed that supply chain integration positively impacts information sharing, quality integration, and innovation systems. Information sharing significantly supports the implementation of quality integration and innovation systems. However, quality integration does not affect the innovation system. Likewise, innovation systems have no impact on improving business performance. Many manufacturing companies in East Java had not done innovation systems appropriately after the COVID-19 disruption as the company still focused on current processes and products to maintain company sustainability. Furthermore, information sharing, and supply chain quality integration significantly improve business performance. The results of this study could contribute to managers building close partnerships with external parties to maintain the quality of processes and products. Business owners must also consider using the latest technology for process and product innovation. These findings enrich the current supply chain management theory, particularly with quality integration and innovation systems. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.9.008 Keywords: Business performance, Innovation systems, SCM integration, SC quality integration, Sharing information
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Utilizing blockchain technology in enhancing supply chain efficiency and export performance, and its implications on the financial performance of SMEs
, Pages: 449-460 Endang Purwaningsih, Muslikh, Suhaeri and Basrowi ![]() |
Abstract: This study examines the intricate relationships among Blockchain Technology utilization, Supply Chain Efficiency, Export Performance, and the Financial Performance of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs). The research aims to elucidate the impact of technology adoption on various operational and financial aspects within the SME context. Employing a quantitative research design, data was collected from a diverse sample of SMEs across industries. The relationships were analyzed using statistical techniques, and the hypotheses were tested to uncover the implications of Blockchain Technology integration on SMEs' performance dimensions. The findings reveal that the adoption of Blockchain Technology significantly enhances Supply Chain Efficiency, underscoring its potential for optimizing operational workflows. However, the direct impact of technology on SME Financial Performance is not established, suggesting the importance of a holistic approach to financial growth. Moreover, the positive association between Blockchain Technology and Export Performance highlights the pivotal role of technology in fostering international trade success. Theoretical implications underscore the intricate interplay between technology adoption, operational efficiencies, and financial outcomes in SMEs. Managerially, the study advocates for SMEs to strategically integrate technology within their supply chain management practices to achieve enhanced efficiency and market competitiveness. Limitations include the potential for contextual variations and measurement biases. Future research can delve deeper into the moderating factors that influence the relationship between technology and financial performance in SMEs. The novelty of this study lies in its comprehensive examination of the interrelationships between these factors within the SME context. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.9.007 Keywords: Blockchain Technology, Export Performance, Supply Chain Efficiency, Financial Performance, SMEs
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Safety risk and operational efficiency on logistic service providers’ sustainable coal supply chain management
, Pages: 461-470 Fausta Ari Barata, Prasadja Ricardianto, Lutfi El Haq, Reni Dian Octaviani, Mohamad Wisanggeni Ariohadi, Purbanuara Parlindungan Sitorus and Endri Endri ![]() |
Abstract: Safety risk and operational efficiency in sustainable coal supply was an issue in the coal distribution supply chain. An online survey evaluating safety hazards, operational effectiveness, logistic service providers, and sustainable supply chain management was completed by 89 consumers of coal logistic service providers. In contrast, this study aimed to evaluate the operational effectiveness and safety concerns of a sustainable coal supply chain managed by the logistic service providers on the Barito River. In addition to using path analysis, quantitative research methods were also applied to calculate and process the questionnaire data, producing a value that determined the weight of each vendor, criterion, and sub-criterion. It showed several positive and significant influences connected to the safety of sustainable supply chain management, the operational efficiency of logistic service providers, supply chain management, and security risks for the providers. Therefore, it was essential to unite the positive influences on the logistic flow to secure the coal supply chain activities on the Barito River. This research would have theoretical and practical applications, adding to the advancement of science through its applications. Such knowledge would affect the safety risk and operational efficiency of sustainable supply chain management through the logistic service providers on the Barito River, Central Kalimantan. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.9.006 Keywords: Safety risk, Operational effectiveness, Operational efficiency, Logistic service providers, Sustainable supply chain management
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The effect of environmentally oriented leadership and public sector management quality on supply chain performance: The moderating role of public sector environmental policy
, Pages: 471-480 Sri Mulyani and Basrowi ![]() |
Abstract: This study examines the complex relationship between environmentally oriented leadership, public sector management quality, environmental policies, and supply chain performance within the public sector context in Indonesia. The research combines quantitative analysis and qualitative insights from key stakeholders to explore these dynamics comprehensively. The findings underscore the multifaceted nature of supply chain performance optimization, where environmentally oriented leadership demonstrates a nuanced connection to performance outcomes. Public sector management quality significantly enhances efficiency and overall supply chain performance. Notably, well-structured environmental policies positively impact supply chain performance and contribute to organizational sustainability. However, a weak policy framework can dilute the positive influence of leadership. The moderating effect of environmental policies on the relationship between management quality and supply chain performance might be less pronounced. The implications of this study offer both theoretical and managerial insights. The findings emphasize the need for holistic supply chain management strategies that integrate leadership styles, management practices, and policy frameworks to achieve sustainable performance outcomes. The study acknowledges limitations related to the specific context and variables studied. Future research can explore broader variables, diverse sectors, and regions by enhancing the understanding of these complex interactions. The novelty of this study lies in its comprehensive examination of the intricate relationship between leadership, management quality, policies, and supply chain performance within the public sector context, contributing to the growing body of knowledge in this vital area. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.9.005 Keywords: Environmentally-Oriented Leadership, Public Sector Management Quality, Public Sector Environmental Policy, Supply Chain Performance,
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Investigating the role of brand image and halal labels on purchase decisions: An empirical study of rice processing firms
, Pages: 481-488 Susi Desmaryani, Novira Kusrini, Weni Lestari, Dwi Septiyarini, Asti Harkeni, Rusli Burhansyah, Juliana C Kilmanun, Dina Omayani Dewi, Gontom Citoro Kifli, Enny Andriani, Dedi Sugandi, Thomas Agoes Soetiarso, Dian Histifarina and Edy Siswanto ![]() |
Abstract: This study aims to examine the effect of halal labels on purchasing decisions with brand image as an intervening variable in rice processing companies. The study investigates the effect of halal labels on purchasing decisions, the effect of the halal label on brand image and the effect of brand image on purchasing decisions. The research method is quantitative and carried out using an online questionnaire distributed through social media. Determination of the research sample used a purposive sampling method, with the criteria of consumers of rice processing companies domiciled in the last year. 345 filled questionnaires were collected and processed using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results show that the halal label and brand image had a significant effect on purchasing decisions, brand image also played a mediating variable between the effect of halal labels and purchasing decisions. The study contributes to the theory that halal labels and brand image had a positive impact on purchase intentions. Company managers apply a halal label and create a brand image to increase purchase intention. Meanwhile for the industry, the research can be an important reference for consumer responses. Moreover, for academics, the results of this study become a reference for knowledge related to factors related to consumer purchasing decisions in consuming rice including the halal label, price, and brand image aspects. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.9.004 Keywords: Halal Labels, Purchase Decision, Brand Image, Rice processing companies, Purchase Intention
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Analysis of the effects of capital expenditure and supply chain on economic growth and their implications on the community welfare of districts and cities in central Kalimantan province
, Pages: 489-504 Miar, Ahmad Rizani, Rusti L. Pardede and Basrowi ![]() |
Abstract: This study aims to examine the relationships between capital expenditure, supply chain activities, economic growth, and community welfare in the districts and cities of Central Kalimantan Province. The study analyzes the original sample data from 2014 to 2022 using a path analysis approach. The findings reveal significant positive relationships between capital expenditure, economic growth, and community welfare. However, the hypothesized positive relationships between supply chain activities and economic growth, supply chain activities and community welfare, and economic growth and community welfare are not supported. Moreover, the mediating roles of economic growth in the relationships between capital expenditure and community welfare and supply chain activities and community welfare are not confirmed. Theoretical implications highlight the importance of strategic capital expenditure in driving economic growth and enhancing community welfare. Practically, the study guides policymakers and development planners to allocate resources effectively for sustainable and balanced economic expansion. The study has limitations, including focusing on direct relationships and the specificity of Central Kalimantan Province. Future research could include external factors, apply cross-regional analyses, and utilize qualitative approaches to gain deeper insights. Additionally, spatial analyses could enhance understanding of geographic impacts. The novelty of this research lies in its comprehensive exploration of the interplay between capital expenditure, supply chain activities, economic growth, and community welfare in the context of Central Kalimantan Province. By shedding light on the intricate dynamics between these variables, this study contributes to the existing literature on regional development and public policy while offering insights for informed decision-making and sustainable development practices. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.9.003 Keywords: Capital Expenditure, Supply Chain, Economic Growth, Community Welfare
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The role of organizational culture on the relationship between employee training and job performance in Jordan
, Pages: 505-512 Manal Ali Almarashdah ![]() |
Abstract: In this investigation, we looked at how employee training affects how well employees perform on the job as well as whether organizational culture influences this connection in any way or not. 166 workers from Yarmouk College and the Jordanian University of Technology and Sciences made up the sample. The hypotheses were investigated using SmartPLS (PLS4). The outcomes of this study demonstrated that staff training significantly affects workers' ability to do their jobs. Moderation analysis revealed that for people with a greater degree of training perspective, there existed a stronger correlation between employee training and affective job performance among workers. In conclusion, this shows that providing advanced instruction to people will motivate them and that organizations will create an environment which is favorable and will result in an improvement in employee work performance. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.9.002 Keywords: Employee training, Organizational culture, Employees’ job performance, Jordan
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Investigating towards the sustainable green marketing environment of readymade apparel industries: A structural equation modelling approach
, Pages: 513-520 Mohammad Zulfeequar Alam, Tameem Ahmad and Salah Abunar ![]() |
Abstract: Green marketing (GM) has frequently been seen as a prevalent phenomenon influencing companies' operations and functions. This article analyses GM techniques in India's ready-made apparel (RMA) industry by presenting a trio of viewpoints on the subject. It offers a systematic framework for the factors impacting the use of green marketing techniques. GM practices are evaluated regarding the impact on the environment, society, and the economy. Partial least square-structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) is used to conduct empirical tests of the framework, focusing on data collected from a survey that evaluates eco-friendly marketing practices. The results show that environmental, social, and economic factors are beneficially interconnected. When assessing GM practice, the PLS-SEM estimation shows that the relationship between economic and environmental sustainability has a significant proportion of values. However, more data on RMA industries' environmental and social effects must be collected. Additionally, according to the results of the PLS-SEM model, there are considerable differences between actual and expected GM adoption developments and perspectives among various industrial firms, particularly for managing waste and pollution of water. Given the nation's rapid socio-economic growth and technical improvement, social-level performance has minimal impact on GM strategy for RMA industries. Moreover, the research makes some recommendations emphasizing the discovered model's component in motivating commercial organizations to get involved in socio-economic activities that promote the environment, changing the focus of prospective GM areas of study. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.9.001 Keywords: Green marketing (GM), Partial least square structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM), Environmental sustainability and pollution
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The impact of ethical leadership on employees' innovative behavior: The mediating role of organizational commitment
, Pages: 521-532 Rokaya Albdareen, Shehadeh AL-Gharaibeh, Rasha Mohammad Rath’an Alraqqad and Sanaa Maswadeh ![]() |
Abstract: This study aimed to explore the relationship between ethical leadership and employees’ innovative behavior. The study relied on the analytical-descriptive approach through a review of the theoretical subjects related to previous studies and the analytical-practical aspect through preparing a questionnaire and distributing it to the targeted population of the study, while relying on the SPSS and Amos programs to test the hypotheses of the study and achieve its objectives. The results showed that there was an impact for ethical leadership on the employees’ innovative behavior and the organizational commitment partially mediates the relationship between ethical leadership and the employee's innovative behavior. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.8.019 Keywords: Ethical Leadership, Employees’ Innovative Behavior, Organizational commitment, Jordanian Banks, Jordan
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The influence of crisis management and management tools on firm performance: Evidence from manufacturing SMEs in Thailand
, Pages:533-540 Phutthichai Amornwattahcharoenchai and Aree Naipinit ![]() |
Abstract: This study aimed to evaluate the impact of variables that affect SME crisis management (CRI), management tools (INT), and contingency leadership (SIT) factors. The data was collected from 405 samples of SMEs in the manufacturing sector in Thailand. According to the results, the variables are related, and the model and hypothesis are aligned. Direct influences that affect SMEs' performance are factors for crisis management and management tools. Contingency leadership was an indirect influence and mediator between crisis management on firm performance. Management tools include the McKinsey 7s, the resource-based view, and value chain management. Crisis management factors include preparation, response, and post-situation rehabilitation. Lastly, the contingency of leadership factors must be considered when evaluating firm performance. It consists of traditional leadership, mindfulness leadership, and resilience leadership. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.8.018 Keywords: Crises management, Value chain management, Resource-based-view management, 7s McKinsey, Contingency of leadership
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The effect of intellectual capital towards sustainability of business performance mediated by eco-product innovation & external learning: The Indonesian bottled drinking water industries
, Pages: 541-556 Max Karel Salangka Daniel Daud Kameo and Harijono ![]() |
Abstract: This study developed and empirically corroborated a structure explicitly propositioning eco-product innovation and external learning, correspondingly bridging the link between intellectual capital and sustainability performance. The theory of dynamic capabilities and knowledge-based view proposed eco-product creation and external education as mediators that developed a new conceptual model. This study utilized the Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM method) to examine one hundred sixty-two Indonesian bottled drinking industries, exposing their attentiveness to cooperate in the study. More essentially, the study unraveled new justifications by scrutinizing external learning's role as more influential than eco-product innovation. Based on the practical viewpoint, intellectual capital helped exchange knowledge and information with distributors, suppliers, and competitors. Thus, the complete assimilation and transformation of their understanding could improve business performance. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.8.017 Keywords: Intellectual capital, eco-product innovation, External learning, Sustainability performance
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The mediating role of sustainable supply chain management on entrepreneurship strategy, social capital and SMEs’ financial and non-financial performance
, Pages: 557-566 Oscarius Yudhi Ari Wijaya and Hamdan Said ![]() |
Abstract: Research related to entrepreneurial strategy variables, financial and non-financial performance, social capital and supply chain management in SMEs has not been widely carried out in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between entrepreneurial strategy on financial and non-financial performance, social capital on financial and non-financial performance and sustainable supply chain management on financial and non-financial performance in SMES. The research method is quantitative with the online survey method. The data collection method is by distributing online questionnaires to 690 SMEs owners in Indonesia determined by simple random sampling. The questionnaire is designed using a Likert scale of 7. Data processing used structural equation modeling with SmartPLS 3.0 software tools. The results of data processing show that entrepreneurship strategy (ES) had a positive and significant effect on sustainable supply chain management (SSCM), social capital (SC) had a positive and significant effect on sustainable supply chain management (SSCM), entrepreneurship strategy (ES) had a positive and significant effect on SMEs financial and non-financial performance (SFNFP), social capital (SC) had a positive and significant effect on financial and non-financial performance (SFNFP) and sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) had a positive and significant effect on financial and non-financial SMEs financial performance ( SNFFP). DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.8.016 Keywords: Entrepreneurial strategy, Financial and non-financial performance, Social capital, Supply chain management, SMEs
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The moderating role of internal control system on the relationship between service quality of accounting information system and customer satisfaction: a study of some selected customers from commercial banks in Jordan
, Pages: 567-572 Mohammad Haider M. Alibraheem, Ibrahim Mahmoud Siam, Khaleel Al-Daoud, Abdel Rahman M. K. Alkhazaali, Bayan Mohammad Mustafa Freihat, Ahmad Y. A. Bani Ahmad, Khaled Adnan Bataineh and Mohammad Al Zoubi ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this empirical study is to determine how Jordan's internal control system affects the efficiency of accounting information systems (AIS) services and client satisfaction. The study's goal is to shed light on how important a robust internal control system is for increasing customer satisfaction with AIS services. A quantitative research methodology is used to collect data from a survey of 265 representative customers of Jordanian enterprises (Commercial BANKS). Data is analyzed using second generation analysis technic (SmartPLS) software. In the context of AIS, the findings emphasize the significance of the internal control system in bolstering the link between service quality and customer satisfaction. The research advances our understanding of AIS and has significant ramifications for companies seeking to improve customer satisfaction and service quality. The researcher also offered suggestions for further research. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.8.015 Keywords: Service Quality, AIS, Commercial Banks, Customer Satisfaction, Internal Control System
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Investigating the effect of financial literacy and financial inclusion on operational and sustainable supply chain performance of SMEs
, Pages: 573-582 Nagian Toni, Bestadrian Prawiro Theng and Calen ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of financial literacy on operational performance, financial inclusion on operational performance and the effect of financial literacy on sustainable supply chains and the impact of financial inclusion on sustainable supply chains in SMEs in Indonesia. The research method is quantitative through online surveys with the Google form, data collection by distributing online questionnaires to 590 SMEs owners in Indonesia who were selected by simple random sampling. The online questionnaire was designed using a Likert scale of 5 and distributed via social media. Data analysis used structural equation modeling of partial least squares (SEM-PLS) with data processing tools using SmartPLS 3.0 software. The stages of data analysis are validity-reliability test and hypothesis, or significance test used in this study using a Google form which will be distributed to respondents. This questionnaire measurement method uses a Likert Scale of 5, namely Strongly Disagree (STS), (2) Answers Disagree (TS), (3) Neutral Answers (N), (4) Answers Agree (S), Strongly Agree (SS). The results of this study indicate that financial literacy had a positive and significant effect on operational performance, financial inclusion had a positive and significant effect on operational performance, financial literacy had a positive and significant effect on sustainable supply chains and financial inclusion had a positive and significant effect on sustainable supply chains in SMEs in Indonesia. The novelty of this research is the model relationship between Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion, Operational Performance, SME Sustainable Supply Chain which has never been explained in previous studies. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.8.014 Keywords: Financial Literacy, Financial Inclusion, Operational Performance, SME Sustainable Supply Chain
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The mediating role of employees’ empowerment in the correlation between strategic decision effectiveness and organization’s excellence
, Pages: 583-594 Ali Mohammad Adaileh, Fahd Mohammed Al-Dehaimi and Abdel-Aziz Ahmad Sharabati ![]() |
Abstract: The paper aims to analyze the influence of the effectiveness of strategic decisions on organizational excellence, through employee empowerment, as an intermediate variable in Qatari commercial banks, where this study is quantitative and uses the descriptive cause-effect approach. The population of this study includes all directors, assistants, deputies, department managers, and branch managers in the six Qatari Commercial Banks, while the field survey method was used for this study. The population number was 336 participants from whom the researchers retrieved 270 questionnaires valid for statistical analysis. The study found that: the level of effectiveness of strategic decisions on organizational excellence and employee empowerment in Qatari commercial banks is high. The findings also showed that there was a significant effect of the effectiveness of strategic decisions on organizational excellence through employee empowerment as an intermediate variable. The study recommended the need for more studies to maintain the approach of the effectiveness of strategic decisions and employee empowerment in Qatari commercial banks, for their important role in organizational excellence, specifically giving freedom of action to employees to solve and encounter work problems. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.8.013 Keywords: Effectiveness, Strategic decisions, Organizational excellence, Employee empowerment, Commercial banks, Qatar
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The relationship between supply chain management and environmental sustainability: The mediating role of eco culinary product
, Pages: 595-600 Dhian Tyas Untari and Budi Satria ![]() |
Abstract: Betawi Ora is an indigenous tribe that lives in Bekasi which is a region of West Java. In terms of cultural distribution, Betawi itself is a tribe originating from Jakarta, but geographically it spreads to the West Java region. The existence of Eco-culinary products cannot be separated from the supply chain management system and environmental sustainability because Eco-culinary is a food that represents the existence of raw materials provided by the environment where the community exists. Based on the background and urgency of this research, the purpose of this research is to find out the relationship between Supply Chain Management, Eco-culinary Product and Environmental Sustainability both directly and indirectly where Eco-culinaru Product mediates the relationship between Supply Chain variables Management and Environmental Sustainability variables. The respondents in this study were 210 managers of Betawi Ora restaurants in Bekasi West Java, Indonesia and employees who maintain supply chain management in that restaurant. Data collection and processing were carried out using the Generalized Structured Component Analysis (GSCA) method. The analytical approach uses the least squares method in the parameter estimation process. The research method is a quantitative survey, analysis of research data is performed using structural equation modeling partial least squares (SEM-PLS) with statistical data processing tools, namely Smart PLS 4.0 software. Results of this research show that supply chain management had a significant effect on environmental sustainability which is mediated by eco-culinary products. Thus, it can be concluded that good quality of supply chain management will be able to produce quality products, and it must be an important consideration that the goal of everything is to create and maintain Environmental Sustainability. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.8.012 Keywords: Supply Chain Management, Environmental Sustainability, Betawi Ora, Eco-culinary Product
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Barriers to invest in NFTs: An innovation resistance theory perspective
, Pages:601-614 Ahmad A. Rabaa'i, Shereef Abu Al Maati, Nooh Bany Muhammad and Enas M. Eljamal ![]() |
Abstract: Investment in non-fungible tokens (NFTs) has decreased dramatically over the past two years, despite the financial value and potential importance of NFTs for the future of the economy and the current decentralized marketplaces. This study investigated the barriers influencing customers' resistance to investing in NFTs using the innovation resistance theory (IRT) components such as usage barriers, value barriers, risk barriers, tradition barriers, and image barriers. The data was gathered from 375 investors via an online questionnaire. To assess and evaluate the suggested model and its hypotheses, responses were investigated using a partial least square structural equation modeling approach (PLS-SEM). The findings indicate that the five resistance-related barriers are all substantial deterrents to investing in NFTs. The usage barrier was the most significant barrier, whereas the value barrier was the least significant. The study's findings have far-reaching implications for academics, NFTs’ marketplaces, policymakers, and investors. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2023.8.011 Keywords: Behavioral Intention, Innovation Resistance Theory, IRT, Non-fungible Tokens, NFTs
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