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A supply chain resilience model for business continuity: The way forward for highly regulated industries
, Pages: 1-12 Osaro Aigbogun, Meng Xing, Olawole Fawehinmi, Chukwuebuka Ibeabuchi, Amauche Ehido, Rohana Binti Ahmad and Mohammed Sani Abdullahi ![]() |
Abstract: The COVID-19 outbreak is a black swan event that has uncovered the delicateness of global supply chains and business architecture. Underpinned by the agency theory and institutional theory, a proposition for business continuity in the highly regulated pharma industry is presented in this paper. A cross-sectional quantitative study was carried out on a sample of 102 pharma supply chain executives in Malaysia. The primary data were gathered by administering a self-administered questionnaire and analyzed using the partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). The result reveals that supply chain orientation directly influences supply chain resilience. Also, introducing collaborative regulation as a mediator in this relationship shows partial mediation. The notion of collaborative regulation as a behavioral governance mechanism is relatively new, thus, presenting interesting opportunities for further exploration of the subject matter. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2021.11.001 Keywords: Business Continuity, Supply Chain Resilience, COVID-19, Collaboration, Regulation, Smart-PLS
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The role of management accounting in the development of supply chain performance in logistics manufacturing companies
, Pages: 13-18 Zeyad Almatarneh, Baker Akram Falah Jarah and Mufleh Amin AL Jarrah ![]() |
Abstract: The supply chain has been a major component of competitive strategy to enhance organizational productivity and profitability, and the supply chain is a relatively new and rapidly expanding discipline that is transforming the way that manufacturing and non-manufacturing operations meet the needs of their customers. This study aims to establish the role of management accounting in the development of supply chain performance in logistics manufacturing companies. The study applies a quantitative research methodology and uses a questionnaire method to collect the data. The study sample consists of 181 respondents. This study analyzes the data using the (SPSS) program. The results reveal a statistically significant relationship at the significance level (α≤0.05) between the management accounting, including the “target cost, value chain costing and quality costing” and supply chain performance in logistics manufacturing companies. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2021.10.015 Keywords: Management Accounting, Target Cost, Value Chain Costing, Quality Costing, Supply Chain Performance
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Critical thinking and creativity of MSMEs in improving business performance during the covid-19 pandemic
, Pages: 19-28 Siti Mujanah, I Dewa Ketut Raka Ardiana, Riyadi Nugroho, Candraningrat, Achmad Yanu Alif Fianto and Donny Arif ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this descriptive-explanatory study is to examine the relationship between critical thinking and creativity and the performance of Micro, Small, and Medium-sized businesses (MSMEs) in Indonesia during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. In this study, a questionnaire instrument was used, which was given online using Online Survey Forms, to collect information from a sample of 108 business managers who were selected at random to participate. Using the SmartPLS software, an analysis was performed once the data had been collected. The results indicate a substantial impact on the performance of MSMEs in Indonesia was found to be associated with critical thinking and innovation, according to the findings. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2021.10.014 Keywords: Critical Thinking, Creativity, Employee Performance, COVID-19
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Does environmental performance leverage the impact of environmental strategy on financial performance? A focus on third-party logistic providers
, Pages: 29-36 Quang-Huy Ngo ![]() |
Abstract: Although prior studies draw upon natural resource-based views, environmental strategy permits competitive advantages, and as such, gains financial performance. However, empirical results are mixed. To shed light on this issue, this study proposes that environmental performance mediates the link between environmental strategy and financial performance. Data were collected from 175 third-party logistic providers currently operating in Vietnam to test the hypotheses. Partial least square structural equation modeling was borrowed to test the data. The results reveal environmental performance partially mediates the link between environmental strategy and financial performance. By considering the mediating effect, this study contributes to the literature by addressing the intervening mechanism of environmental performance on the inconclusive relationship between environmental strategy and financial performance. Besides, this study also extends prior studies by borrowing a concept of environmental strategy, which captures the extent of organizations pursuing this strategy, to explain how and why pursuing this strategy permits environmental and financial performance. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2021.10.013 Keywords: Environmental performance, Environmental strategy, Natural resource-based view, Third-party logistics, Vietnam
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The effects of business environment and supply chain governance on business strategies and company performance
, Pages: 37-42 Bahtiar Arif, Ernie Tisnawati Sule, Aldrin Herwany and Erie Febrian ![]() |
Abstract: This study aims to examine the effects of the business environment and supply chain governance on business strategies and their impact on the performance of state-owned enterprises in Indonesia. Using Partial Least Square (PLS) and quantitative research, this study took state companies management and commissioners as the respondents. The study concludes that the business environment has a positive and significant effect on business strategy, and supply chain governance has a positive and significant effect on business strategy. Moreover, the results show that the business environment influences corporate performance, and supply chain governance has an effect on corporate performance. Business strategy influences corporate performance, and business strategy can mediate the influence of the business environment on corporate performance. Lastly, business strategy can mediate the influence of supply chain governance on corporate performance. The results theoretically confirm the supply chain governance in business practice and practically encouraged the company management to develop risk-management and effective internal controls to create competitive business climate and more agile supply chain management. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2021.10.012 Keywords: Business Environment, Supply Chain Governance, Business Strategy, Business Performance
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Factors affecting Lychee supply chain linkage and business performance
, Pages: 43-48 Pham Thi Dinh, Mai Thi Huyen, Nong Huu Tung, Bui Anh Tu and Pham Van Hung ![]() |
Abstract: The objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between supply chain linkage and business performance in the lychee supply chain in Vietnam. The study collected 395 matched samples after sample screening. Partial least squares (PLS) algorithm is used to process the data. Research results show a link between supply chain linkage and business performance. Furthermore, research shows that risk supply chain, quality management, and business strategy also impact supply chain linkages and business performance. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2021.10.011 Keywords: Supply chain linkages, Quality management, Business performance, Lychee supply chain
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Design, building and validating a measuring scale for the supply chain management practices of industrial organizations by assessing their efficiency on SCM measures
, Pages: 49-68 Wael Hassan El-Garaihy, Usama A. Badawi, Walid A. S. Seddik and M. Sh. Torky ![]() |
Abstract: The aim of this study is to design, build and validate a scale for the measurement of Saudi industrial Organizations' SC Management Practices (SCMP), and also to evaluate its efficiency at various SCM measurements. The analysis identified 20 constructs of (SCMPs) based on a comprehensive literature review; namely Strategic Partnership of Suppliers (SPS), Customer Relationship (CR), Information Sharing (IS), Information Quality (IQ), Postponement (PST), Agreed Vision and Goals (AVG), Sharing of Risks and Rewards (SRR), Lean Manufacturing (LM), Total Quality Management (TQM), Organizational Culture (OC), Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Benchmarking and Performance Measurement (BPM), Agile Manufacturing (AM), Outsourcing (OUT), Just In Time Manufacturing (JIT), Green SC Management (GSCM), Reverse Logistics (RL), Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), and SC Integration (SCI), and four SCM performance structures in particular namely; Flexibility Perspective (FLP), Efficiency Perspective (EFP), Customer’s Perspective (CSP), Product Innovation Perspective (PIP). A survey tool based on the existing literature was developed and relevant data were collected from 351 Industrial Saudi organizations on this tool. In the data analysis the validation of the instrument is mainly carried out with confirmatory factor analysis in terms of unidimensionality, durability, convergent validity, discriminant validity, nomological validity, and the associated validity criteria. A parsimonious instrument that makes an important contribution to the SCM literature is generated by the results of this research. The instrument will allow an enterprise to incorporate various SCMPs, to keep track of the implementation status, and then to evaluate SCM performance to the SCM dimensions. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2021.10.010 Keywords: Supply chain management practices, SC performance measures, Industrial Organizations, Efficiency
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Innovation and supply chain orientation concerns toward job creation law in micro, small, and medium enterprises export-oriented products
, Pages:69-82 Endang Purwaningsih, Muslikh and Suhaeri ![]() |
Abstract: The supply chain of MSME products in the context of export penetration is very important, but MSME actors have not been able to meet all export needs. This study aims to: 1) analyze the supply chain of MSMEs in the context of export penetration in the era of the covid-19 pandemic, and 2) examine the potential of MSMEs to develop in terms of corporate legality, industrial design, and brand registration, as well as the use of digital marketing. This research method was quantitative research with survey approach and normative empirical study. The population of this study was 134 MSMEs, samples from 63 MSMEs in Central Java (Brebes), West Java (Bogor), and the Special Region of Yogyakarta (Bantul). Quantitative data analysis used Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach and analyzed with Smart PLS 3.3 software. The results of the study show: 1) the supply chain needs of MSMEs in penetrating the export market in the era of the covid-19 pandemic are very difficult; 2) MSMEs must be able to meet all export needs to create a balanced supply chain, 3) in order to prepare export-oriented MSMEs, they must first motivate and educate, establish policies that support their legality and export management. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2021.10.009 Keywords: Supply chain orientation, Innovation, IPR, Branding, Job creation law, Export-oriented
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Multiproduct manufacturer-retailer coordinated supply chain with adjustable rate for common parts, delayed differentiation, and multi-shipment
, Pages: 83-94 Hong-Dar Lin, Victoria Chiu, Hua-Yao Wu and Yuan-Shyi Peter Chiu ![]() |
Abstract: Operating in today’s turbulent and competitive world marketplaces, manufacturers must find the best production scheme and delivery policy to meet timely client’s multiproduct requirements and minimize the total manufacturing-shipment expenses. This study proposes a two-stage delayed differentiation model for a multiproduct manufacturer-retailer coordinated supply chain featuring the adjustable-rate for making common parts and a multi-shipment policy for transporting finished goods. The aim is to help present-day manufacturers achieve their operational goals mentioned above. The mathematical techniques help us build a specific model to explicitly represent the problem and derive its overall operating expense. Then, the convexity of the total expense is verified by Hessian matrix equations. The differential calculus helps derive the cost-minimized fabrication-shipment decision. This study offers an example to demonstrate the applicability and capabilities of our proposed model numerically. The following crucial information has been made available to the managers to facilitate their operating decision makings: (1) the problem’s best fabrication-shipment policy; (2) the collective influence of various common part’s completion rates and values on the problem’s total expenses and optimal fabrication-shipment policy; (3) the impact of various adjustable-rates in stage one on utilization and stage one’s uptime; (4) the details of cost contributors to the problem; and (5) the collective impacts of critical features on the problem’s performance. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2021.10.008 Keywords: Manufacturer-retailer system, Multiproduct, Delayed differentiation, Adjustable-rate, Multi-shipment
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Triple-A strategy: For supply chain performance of Indonesian SMEs
, Pages: 95-100 Sri Wilujeng, Endi Sarwoko and Farika Nikmah ![]() |
Abstract: Supply chain management is an activity that effectively integrates suppliers, companies, retailers where goods are produced and distributed at the right quality, location, and time with minimum cost levels to provide the highest quality services for consumers. Supply chain agility, supply chain adaptability, supply chain alignment, which is known as the Triple-A strategy, are elements to form supply chain performance. In this study, we tried to apply it to SMEs in developing countries, such as Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to show whether it is true that the supply chain cannot be applied to SMEs, while for a disruption as it is today, competition is getting tougher not only among SMEs but also against large companies, and SMEs need to develop several strategies that were previously unimaginable. This study uses quantitative techniques to determine the effect of supply chain agility, supply chain adaptability, supply chain alignment on supply chain performance either partially or simultaneously. The results showed that all hypotheses were accepted. This shows that supply chain management can be a strategy to create better SMEs performance and can even be used to achieve competitive advantage. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2021.10.007 Keywords: Supply chain agility, Supply chain adaptability, Supply chain alignment, Supply chain performance
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The role of institutional potential and social entrepreneurship as the main drivers of business opportunity and competitiveness
, Pages: 101-108 P. Eko Prasetyo, Andryan Setyadharma and Nurjannah Rahayu Kistanti ![]() |
Abstract: Institutional potential plays a key role in creating business opportunities. However, past studies did not emphasize on the consistency and the interaction between institutional and entrepreneurial potential-shaping factors. This research aimed to explore the role of these two aspects in spotting market gaps and encouraging competitiveness. Mixed methods were used, with basic concepts focusing on new institutional economic theory. The results showed that standardization, commercialization, technology, productivity, invention, social capital, and human capital strengthened institutional potential and social entrepreneurship. This created more ventures and encouraged competition. However, there is a need to eliminate institutional barriers to improve the efficiency and productivity of the socio-cultural-economic systems. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2021.10.006 Keywords: Institutional Potential, Social Entrepreneurship, Business Opportunities, Competitiveness
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The role of supply chain management on Indonesian small and medium enterprise competitiveness and performance
, Pages: 109-116 Hwihanus, Oscarius Yudhi Ari Wijaya and Diah Rani Nartasari ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of supply chain management on competitive advantage in SMEs, the effect of competitive advantage on company performance in SMEs, and the influence of supply chain management on company performance mediated by competitive advantage in SMEs. This study uses quantitative methods and data analysis techniques based on Structural Equation Modeling using SmartPLS 3.0 software. The sample selection method uses non-probability sampling methods. Online questionnaires were sent to 340 SMEs respondents, the next step is to evaluate the returned 320 questionnaires. The results indicate that supply chain management had a significant influence on company performance and competitive advantage. Competitive Advantage also had a significant influence on company performance and played a mediate influence between supply chain management and company performance. The company's ability had a positive effect on competitive advantage and finally, adequate company capabilities had an impact on competitive advantage.. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2021.10.005 Keywords: Supply Chain Management, Small and Medium Enterprise, Competitiveness, Performance
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Modeling the interrelationships among environmental forces, organizational capabilities and supply chain sustainability
, Pages: 117-124 Mohammad A.K Alsmairat and Abdullah M. Aldakhil ![]() |
Abstract: This research aimed to investigate the interrelationships among environmental forces, organizational capabilities, and supply chain sustainability. The mediation role of organizational capabilities and supplier relationship between environmental forces and Supply chain Sustainability were analyzed. Dataset obtained from 410 managers in the Jordanian food industry were used. PLS-SEM was conducted for analysis purposes. The findings reveal that environmental forces and organizational capabilities directly impact supply chain sustainability. The findings have additionally shown that supplier relationships and organizational capabilities played a mediation role between environmental forces and supply chain sustainability. The results show that companies might derive significant benefits from sustainable practices and consider them to maximize the success level of the supply chain sustainability initiative. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2021.10.004 Keywords: Environmental forces, Organizational capabilities, Supplier relationship, Sustainability
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Railway supply chain excellence through the mediator role of business intelligence: Knowledge management approach towards information system
, Pages: 125-136 Mailasan Jayakrishnan, Abdul Karim Mohamad and Mokhtar Mohd Yusof ![]() |
Abstract: The features of a holistic view in an organization create the data value of the Business Intelligence (BI) and Knowledge Management (KM) in viewing the big picture of organizational performance diagnostics framework. This research focuses on the specific features of railway supply chain performance in viewing the decision-making process and creating better knowledge formation. The intention of the study is to structure supplier performance using BI-KM framework development to determine holistic perspective factors. The outcomes indicate that BI and KM significantly increased the railway supply chain and significantly increased the information system. This BI-KM framework relates the current analytic characteristics in designing the railway supply chain towards information system in determining the strategic theme of the decision-making process of the decision support system together with system features, characteristics of data, the content of the themes, and the effect of the decision-making process and for executive strategic performance diagnostics tool that provides effective strategic decision making in supply chain performance. The quantitative research method uses SmartPLS software version 3.2.8 for empirical analysis through distributing survey questionnaires to 320 railway suppliers in Malaysia. Using a model-driven development framework, to measure the implementation success of the decision support system, the study is conducted in the railway supplier focusing on strategic management that helps to make the decision and facilitate the organizational success. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2021.10.003 Keywords: Business Intelligence, Knowledge Management, Railway Supply Chain, Information System, Supplier Performance
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The effects of laws and regulations on the implementation of food safety practices through supply chain integration and dynamic supply chain capabilities
, Pages: 137-154 Binh An Nguyen ![]() |
Abstract: The objective of the article is to evaluate the role of laws and regulations on food safety in the implementation of food safety laws in Vietnam. Food safety regulations through business orientation, supply chain dynamic capabilities, and supply chain integration aim to ensure food safety and improve firm performance in Vietnam. Research data analysis is based on 389 food firms and the data are analyzed through Smart PLS 3.3.0 software. The results show the important role of food safety law in the implementation of food safety assurance of food enterprises. At the same time, supply chain dynamics and supply chain integration are also factors that have a statistically significant positive impact on the food safety performance of food enterprises in Vietnam. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2021.10.002 Keywords: Food Safety Law, Supply chain integration, Dynamic supply chain capability, Food safety, Vietnam
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Supply chain management, supply chain flexibility and firm performance: an empirical investigation of agriculture companies in Indonesia
, Pages: 155-160 Itang, H.S. Sufyati, Asep Dadan Suganda, Shafenti and Mochammad Fahlevi ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to better understand the impact of supply chain management (SCM) and flexibility on firm performance, as well as the role of competitive advantage in mediating the model in Indonesian agriculture companies. Companies must apply supply chain management and supply chain flexibility (SCF) to boost industrial competitiveness, which impacts firm performance. To ensure that supply chain management supports the company's strategy, companies must evaluate supply chain concerns. From the literature search, researchers have not found any published studies or articles on SCM and SCF in their influence on firm performance through competitive advantage, specifically for corn companies in Indonesia. The population in this study includes agriculture companies in Indonesia. Sampling was carried out using probability sampling technique, the total population of 200 obtained a sample size of 133.333 which can be rounded up to 134 research samples. The inferential statistical method used in the data analysis of this study was the Partial Least Square Version 3 program. The study found that SCM influenced firm performance and SCF had a direct influence on firm performance. However, competitive advantage variable failed in being a mediator in SCM and SCF on firm performance. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2021.10.001 Keywords: Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Flexibility, Competitive Advantage, Firm Performance
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Exploring market orientation, product innovation and competitive advantage to enhance the performance of SMEs under uncertain evens
, Pages: 161-168 Siti Fatonah and Aris Tri Haryanto ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to build an empirical research model and prove the influence of market orientation on product innovation and competitive advantage. The study also proves the intervening role of product innovation and competitive advantage on increasing market performance. In addition, market uncertainty is also tested in moderation in strengthening the relationship between product innovation and competitive advantage in market performance. The study tests 178 samples of Batik SME players in Surakarta. A purposive sampling was used as this research’s sampling method. The result of this study proves empirically that market orientation positively, significantly influences product innovation and competitive advantage. The test of mediation role between product innovation and competitive advantage in market performance also shows positive and significant results. The result of the test on moderation role between Market uncertainty in the relationship between product innovation and competitive advantage on market performance also shows positive and significant influence on market performance. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2021.9.011 Keywords: Market orientation, Product innovation, Competitive advantage, Marketing performance, Market uncertainty
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The impact of supply chain practice on green hotel performance through internal, upstream, and downstream integration
, Pages: 169-180 Sautma Ronni Basana, Widjojo Suprapto, Fransisca Andreani and Zeplin Jiwa Husada Tarigan ![]() |
Abstract: The company builds communication and collaboration with suppliers and customers to increase competitiveness in the supply chain flow. The organization's ability to involve suppliers and customers in business activities to achieve efficiency and effectiveness is one of the objectives of supply chain practice. The distribution of questionnaires directly to hotel practitioners was 25 respondents, and 65 respondents obtained the distribution of google form links. The results showed that supply chain practices with supplier relationship management and quality information sharing activities could increase internal and upstream integration and not directly impact downstream integration. Internal integration with data integration activities accurately and coordination between functions on an ongoing basis can affect upstream and downstream integration and green hotel performance. Upstream integration and downstream integration with joint decision activities and planning synchronization with external parties can directly impact green hotel performance. They were increasing the market share and image of the hotel with the implementation of caring for the environment. This research contributes to hotel practitioners adopting practical supply chains in building internal and external integration to increase competitiveness and theoretical contribution to developing supply chain theory and green performance. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2021.9.010 Keywords: Supply chain practice, Upstream integration, Downstream integration, Internal integration, Green performance
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Collective impact of scrap, random breakdown, overtime and discontinuous issuing on batch production planning in a supply-chain environment
, Pages: 181-196 Yuan-Shyi Peter Chiu, Jia-Ning Lin, Yunsen Wang and Hung-Yi Chen ![]() |
Abstract: This research explores the collective impact of overtime, random breakdown, discontinuous issuing rule, and scrap on batch production planning in a supply-chain environment. In today’s global business environment, manufacturing firms encounter numerous operational challenges. Externally, they must promptly satisfy the customers’ various requests, while internally, they must cautiously manage several inevitable issues in the fabrication process. These issues might be concerned with scrap, random breakdown, etc. Resolving such issues is crucial for meeting the due dates of customers’ orders, adhering to the expected manufacturing schedules, product quality, and minimizing the total fabrication-transportation-inventory costs. The study develops a model to characterize the system’s features mentioned above and assist the manufacturers with batch fabrication planning. The model proposes a solution process with an algorithm seeking an optimal runtime for the system. Additionally, it gives a numerical illustration depicting the collective and individual impacts of these special features on the operating policy and other performance indices. This model and the research findings can facilitate manufacturers’ decision-making for green batch fabrication and enhance competitive advantage. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2021.9.009 Keywords: Production planning, Replenishing runtime, Overtime, Scrap, Random breakdowns, Supply chain
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The mediation role of supply chain agility on supply chain orientation-supply chain performance link
, Pages: 197-204 Moh. Mukhsin, HER Taufik, Asep Ridwan and Tulus Suryanto ![]() |
Abstract: This study aims to analyze the supply chain performance mediation on the relationship between supplier flexibility, supply agility, and company performance. The population in this study were 100 broilers in the districts / cities in Banten Province. The data to be used in this study are primary data, through sending questionnaires. Development of theoretical models with five hypotheses processed in the analysis using SmartPLS Software version 3.0.m3. The results showed that supplier flexibility and supply agility have a positive and significant effect on company performance, supplier flexibility and supply agility have a positive and significant effect on supply chain performance and supply chain performance has a positive and significant effect as an intervening variable to the company performance. Supply chain mediation has an important role in integrating production processes from upstream to downstream, including establishing good relations between businesses involved in supply chain management to improve the company's performance. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2021.9.008 Keywords: Supplier flexibility, Supply agility, Supply chain performance Company performance,
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The effect of risk on supply chain cooperation: Evidence from Vietnam agriculture
, Pages: 205-216 Quang Bach Tran, Thi Bich Thuy Nguyen, Thi Yen Nguyen, Van Hao Tran, Thi Xuan Loc Nguyen and Thi Cam Thuong Hoang ![]() |
Abstract: The study aims to test the impact of risk on supply chain cooperation in the agriculture sector in Vietnam. The research paper used the quantitative research method through analysing structural equation modelling (SEM), with a dataset of 518 observations. The survey subject is the experienced and knowledgeable manager in supply chain management in the agricultural sector. The result found that risk has impacted not only directly and negatively on the supply chain cooperation but also indirectly through intermediary factors, namely commitment and the participant's opportunistic behaviour. In addition, the study has also proved that in some cases, the participant's dependency mentality in work and opportunistic behaviour lead to the opposite impact of commitment on trust and level of supply chain cooperation in agriculture. Based on this result, the study also makes recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of the supply chain cooperation in the agricultural sector in Vietnam. The findings contributed to both theory and practice. It pointed out the impact of risk on the supply chain cooperation in the agricultural sector, as well as the mediating role of commitment and opportunistic behaviour in this relationship. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2021.9.007 Keywords: Risk, Trust, Commitment, Opportunistic Behaviour, Supply Chain Cooperation, The Agricultural Supply Chain
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The role of e-marketing and e-CRM on e-loyalty of Indonesian companies during Covid pandemic and digital era
, Pages: 217-224 Haudi, Erna Retno Rahadjeng, Ruby Santamoko, Riyan Sisiawan Putra, Dwi Purwoko, Dewi Nurjannah, Intan Rachmina Koho, Hadion Wijoyo, Ade Onny Siagian, Yoyok Cahyono and Agus Purwanto ![]() |
Abstract: The aim of this research is to analyze the effects of e-Marketing, e-CRM and e-Marketing on e-Loyalty and company performance. The study is quantitative with a questionnaire approach. Data processing tools use the SmartPLS 3.3.3 software. The primary data collection method was by distributing online questionnaires through online surveys to 286 managers of non-e-commerce companies during covid pandemic and digital era. The regression test results show the e-Marketing has a significant effect on Company Performance, e-CRM has significant effect on Company Performance, e-Marketing has no significant effect on e-Loyalty, e-CRM has no significant effect on e-Loyalty), e-Loyalty has no significant effect on Company Performance, e-CRM has no significant effect on business sustainability through e-Loyalty. Finally, e-Marketing has no significant effect on Company Performance through e-Loyalty. That means e-marketing and e-CRM have a relationship and influence on e-loyalty both individually and simultaneously. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2021.9.006 Keywords: E-Marketing, E-CRM, E-Loyalty, E-Commerce
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The effect of supply chain finance on supply chain risk, supply chain risk resilience, and performance of Vietnam SMEs in global supply chain
, Pages: 225-238 Duy Nhien Nguyen, Thi Thu Hoai Nguyen, Thi Tho Nguyen, Xuan Hung Nguyen, Thi Kim Thu Do and Hoai Nam Ngo ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of the article is to examine the response of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Vietnam to supply chain finance and then have a strategy to use supply chain risk resilience to control supply chain risk and improve supply chain effectiveness and SMEs performance. The analysis results are based on three months of data collected from 890 SMEs in Vietnam. The results show that supply chain finance has a statistically significant positive impact on supply chain effectiveness, SMEs performance and supply chain risk resilience. At the same time, supply chain finance has a negative impact on the supply chain risk of Vietnam SMEs in the global supply chain. Finally, we offer recommendations to help SMEs improve supply chain effectiveness and performance through the supply chain finance tool. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2021.9.005 Keywords: Supply chain finance, Supply chain risk, Supply chain risk resilience, Global supply chain, SMEs
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Contribution of robust optimization on handling agricultural processed products supply chain problem during Covid-19 pandemic
, Pages: 239-254 Diah Chaerani, Athaya Zahrani Irmansyah, Tomy Perdana and Nurul Gusriani ![]() |
Abstract: This research aims to show how decision sciences can make a significant contribution on handling the supply chain problem during Covid-19 Pandemic. The paper discusses how robust optimization handles uncertain demand in agricultural processed products supply chain problems within two scenarios during the pandemic situation, i.e., the large-scale social distancing and partial social distancing. The study assumes that demand and production capacity are uncertain during a pandemic situation. Robust counterpart methodology is employed to obtain the robust optimal solution. To this end, the uncertain data is assumed to lie within a polyhedral uncertainty set. The result shows that the robust counterpart model is a computationally tractable through linear programming problem. Numerical experiment is presented for the Bandung area with a case on sugar and cooking oil that is the most influential agricultural processed products besides the main staple food of the Indonesian people, rice. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2021.9.004 Keywords: Supply Chain, Agricultural Processed Product Distribution, Robust Optimization, Covid-19 Pandemic, Local Food Hubs
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The impact of supply chain financing on SMEs performance in Global supply chain
, Pages: 255-270 Trong Lam Vu, Duy Nhien Nguyen, Tuan Anh Luong, Thi Thanh Xuan Nguyen, Thi Thai Thuy Nguyen and Thi Diep Uyen Doan ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of the article is to evaluate the factors affecting supply chain finance and the influence of supply chain finance on supply chain financing performance and SMEs performance in Vietnam. The study was conducted on 856 small and medium enterprises in Vietnam for 3 consecutive months. The data is processed by Smart PLS 3.3.6 software, the results show that credit quality, supply chain integration, information sharing, and information technology all have a statistically significant impact on supply chain finance. Besides, supply chain finance has a statistically significant impact on supply chain financing performance and SMEs performance. Finally, the innovation capability and the market response capability act as full mediators in the relationship between supply chain finance and supply chain financing performance. Based on the research results, we propose solutions and recommendations to help small and medium enterprises better access capital and improve business performance. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2021.9.003 Keywords: Supply chain finance, Supply chain management, SMEs, Vietnam
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Factors affecting the performance of foreign direct investment in the renewable energy supply chain
, Pages: 271-276 Pham Thu Phuong, Nguyen Duc Duong and Nguyen Thi Thu Ha ![]() |
Abstract: The development of Vietnam's economy in recent years has had positive contributions from the foreign direct investment (FDI) sector to the realization of socio-economic goals. The study found four factors affecting the business performance of FDI enterprises in the renewable energy supply chain: internal environment, user pressure, cooperation with suppliers, and environmental regulations. Synthesized research from 395 survey questionnaires at renewable energy enterprises in Vietnam. High-tech, low-energy businesses and the environmental goods sector can benefit Vietnam's environment and help the country achieve its green growth goals. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2021.9.002 Keywords: Business Performance, Foreign Direct Investment, Renewable Energy Supply Chain
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The effect of supply chain quality perception and country of origin on Smartphones purchase intention of Indonesian consumers
, Pages: 277-284 Wawan Prahiawan, Mochammad Fahlevi, Juliana Juliana, John Tampil Purba, Khamaludind, Syahriani Syam and Sri Lestari ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between Role of Country of Origin and Quality Perception of Smartphones Purchase Intention. The approach in the research used is a quantitative approach using PLS-SEM SmartPLS software as a data processing tool. In this study, data collection technique was carried out using either a questionnaire or online questionnaire which was distributed to 120 respondents of Millennial Smartphone Consumers. Sampling system was a snowball sampling method. Based on the results of hypothesis testing, it was found that there was a positive and significant relationship between Country of origin and perceived quality of the product. There was also a positive and insignificant relationship between Country of origin and purchase intentions. Finally, there was a positive and significant relationship between perceived quality and consumer purchase intentions. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2021.9.001 Keywords: Country of Origin, Supply Chain Quality Perception, Purchase Intention, Indonesian Consumers
Open Access Article | |||
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The role of innovative ideas in business sustainability: Evidence from textile industry
, Pages: 285-294 Sasiwimon Wongwilai, Pongtep Phudetch, Pitiphoj Saelek, Aekachai Khuptawatin, Kitichai Wongcharoensin, Sarawut Chaitongrat, Ronnakorn Vaiyavuth and Kittisak Jermsittiparsert ![]() |
Abstract: The objective of the current study was to examine the role of innovative ideas in business sustainability. The mediating role of innovative process, innovative production and innovative supply chain was also examined. Therefore, the relationship between innovative ideas, innovative process, innovative production, innovative supply chain and business sustainability was examined. Data was collected from the employees of textile companies. As the Indonesian textile companies were under investigation in the current study. Data was collected from Indonesian textile company employees. 300 questionnaires were sent to the textile companies with the help of email. Hence, email surveys were preferred with the help of questionnaires. Results of the study highlights that the innovative ideas had a major role in business sustainability. Introduction of new ideas inside the boundaries of the organization expedites the business sustainability. Additionally, innovative ideas have a positive effect on innovative production and innovative supply chains. Moreover, innovative production and innovative supply chain have a positive effect on business sustainability. Therefore, innovative ideas increase the innovative production and supply chain which further shows a positive effect on business sustainability. DOI: 10.5267/j.uscm.2021.8.011 Keywords: Innovative Ideas, Innovative Process, Innovative Production, Innovative Supply Chain, Business Sustainability, Textile Industry
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