Jully Jeunet
CNRS (French National Research Center), Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences, Economics and Management, LAMSADE, UMR 7243, Université Paris-Dauphine
Email: jully.jeunet@dauphine.fr


Orm, M. B., & Jeunet, J. (2018). Time Cost Quality Trade-off Problems: A survey exploring the assessment of quality. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 118, 319-328.

Dellaert, N., & Jeunet, J. (2017). A variable neighborhood search algorithm for the surgery tactical planning problem. Computers & Operations Research, 84, 216-225.

Dellaert, N., & Jeunet, J. (2016). Dominant strategies to reduce patient waiting time under multiple constrained resources, European Journal of Automation (Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés), 49(1), 7-30.

Dellaert, N., Cayiroglu, E., & Jeunet, J. (2016). Assessing and controlling the impact of hospital capacity planning on the waiting time. International Journal of Production Research, 54(8), 2203-2214.

Adan, I., Bekkers, J., Dellaert, N., Jeunet, J., & Vissers, J. (2011). Improving operational effectiveness of tactical master plans for emergency and elective patients under stochastic demand and capacitated resources. European Journal of Operational Research, 213(1), 290-308.

Dellaert, N., Jeunet, J., & Mincsovics, G. (2011). Budget allocation for permanent and contingent capacity under stochastic demand. International Journal of Production Economics, 131(1), 128-138.

Giard, V., & Jeunet, J. (2010). Optimal sequencing of mixed models with sequence-dependent setups and utility workers on an assembly line. International Journal of Production Economics, 123(2), 290-300.

Jeunet, J. (2006). Demand forecast accuracy and performance of inventory policies under multi-level rolling schedule environments. International Journal of Production Economics, 103(1), 401-419.

Giard, V., & Jeunet, J. (2006). Modélisation du problème général d’ordonnancement de véhicules sur une ligne de production et d’assemblage, European Journal of Automation (Journal Européen des Systèmes Automatisés), 40(4-5), 463-496.

Jeunet, J., & Jonard, N. (2005). Single-point stochastic search algorithms for the multi-level lot-sizing problem. Computers & operations research, 32(4), 985-1006.

Dellaert, N., & Jeunet, J. (2005). An alternative to safety stock policies for multi-level rolling schedule MRP problems. European journal of operational research, 163(3), 751-768.

Dellaert, N., & Jeunet, J. (2003). Controlling multi-level production in a rolling-schedule environment. International Journal of Production Economics, 85(1), 113-121.

Dellaert, N. P., & Jeunet, J. (2003). Randomized multi-level lot-sizing heuristics for general product structures. European Journal of Operational Research, 148(1), 211-228.

Dellaert, N., & Jeunet, J. (2000). Randomized heuristics for multi-level lot-sizing problems. JOURNAL EUROPEEN DES SYSTEMES AUTOMATISES, 34(9), 1137-1152.

Dellaert, N., & Jeunet, J. (2000). Solving large unconstrained multilevel lot-sizing problems using a hybrid genetic algorithm. International Journal of Production Research, 38(5), 1083-1099.

Dellaert, N., Jeunet, J., & Jonard, N. (2000). A genetic algorithm to solve the general multi-level lot-sizing problem with time-varying costs. International Journal of Production Economics, 68(3), 241-257.

Jeunet, J., & Jonard, N. (2000). Measuring the performance of lot-sizing techniques in uncertain environments. International Journal of Production Economics, 64(1), 197-208.

Vissers, J., Adan, I., Dellaert, N., Jeunet, J., & Bekkers, J. (2012). Patient mix optimisation for inpatient planning with multiple resources. In Advanced Decision Making Methods Applied to Health Care (pp. 213-236). Springer Milan.

Klatte, D., Lüthi, H. J., & Schmedders, K. (Eds.). (2012). Operations Research Proceedings 2011: Selected Papers of the International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2011), August 30-September 2, 2011, Zurich, Switzerland. Springer Science & Business Media.