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Quality factors in technology system capability decision interest in transactions using mobile banking
, Pages:1-8 Ida Bagus Raka Suardana, Luh Kadek Budi Martini, Nyoman Sri Subawa and Made Setini ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of ease of use, transaction success rate, and technological system capability on trust and to determine the effect of ease of use, transaction success rate, technology system capability and interest in transaction using mobile banking. This research was conducted at PT Bank NIAGA which is located in Denpasar. The data collection technique used a questionnaire to 160 PT Bank NIAGA customers who were selected as samples. Data were analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with AMOS program. Ease of use, transaction success rate, and technology system capability have a positive and significant influence on trust and interest in transacting using mobile banking. This means that the better the ease of use, the success rate of transactions, and the capability of the technology system, the higher the customer trust and interest in transactions using mobile banking. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.11.003 Keywords: Ease to Use, Success rate, Ability, Trust and Interest
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The influence of social media marketing, product innovation and market orientation on Indonesian SMEs marketing performance
, Pages:9-16 Khamaludin, Syahriani Syam, Febri Rismaningsih, Lusiani, Lily Arlianti, Ahmad Fajar Herlani, Mochammad Fahlevi, Raendhi Rahmadi, Vina Septiana Windyasari and Fita Widiyatun ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of social media marketing, product innovation, market orientation on marketing performance. The study uses quantitative methods and data analysis techniques are based on Structural Equation Modeling using SmartPLS 3.0 software. The sample selection method uses the snowball sampling method. Online questionnaires are sent to 320 SMEs in Banten Province, where 300 responses are used. The results of data analysis show that social media marketing has a significant effect on marketing performance, product innovation has a significant effect on marketing performance and market orientation has a significant effect on marketing performance. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.11.002 Keywords: Social Media Marketing, Product Innovation, Market Orientation, Marketing Performance, SMEs
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What drives millennials and zillennials continuously using instant messaging? Perspective from Indonesia
, Pages:17-26 Putu Laksmita Dewi Rahmayanti, Ida Bagus Agung Dharmanegara, Ni Nyoman Kerti Yasa, I Putu Gde Sukaatmadja, Komang Agus Satria Pramudana, Gede Bayu Rahanata, I Gusti Ayu Ketut Giantari and Martaleni ![]() |
Abstract: This study proposes to explore the relationship between perceived risk, subjective norm, perceived value, and continuous usage intention via trust as a mediating variable. This research applied a survey which involved 320 IM users (160 from millennials and 160 from Zillennial) in Indonesia. The literature’s existing scales were used to operationalize the constructs proposed in this study. The analyses were conducted using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) to test hypotheses. The results of the study show that there are differences in the results of the influence of perceived risk on continuous usage intention in the Millennial and Zillennial generations. The results of the study found that continuous usage intention received negative direct impact from perceived risk, positive direct effect from subjective norm, perceived value, and trust on Millennial. In addition, continuous usage intention received negative and not significant direct impact from perceived risk, positive direct effect from subjective norm, perceived value, and trust on Zillennial. The results are useful for instant messaging management into formulating strategies to retain their users in Indonesia. These findings provided theoretical and managerial contributions as well as future research directions. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.11.001 Keywords: Marketing, Instant Messaging, Millennials Generation, Continuous Usage intention
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Electronic government public value of public institutions in Jordan
, Pages:27-36 Hasan Alhanatleh, Khaled Aboalganam and Hussain Awad ![]() |
Abstract: Substantially, the theory of e-government public value (PV-EGOV) has been treated as a hot topic to be explored insightfully. This research comes to be considered as the launching point to empirically evaluate the creation of PV-EGOV in Jordan. The main aim of this research is to investigate the factors affecting the PV-EGOV in the context of Jordan. Information System Success Model (IS success model) was selected to determine the factors affecting the e-government public value in Jordan through the quality factors (system, information, and service) and their role in citizens' intention in use and satisfaction of the e-government. The structural Equation Model (SEM) approach was harnessed to obtain the results. The results indicated that the most critical determinant factor that affected the PV-EGOV was service quality. The current article has theoretical and practical implications for public institutions in Jordan. The future work trends are established in their specific section of this article. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.10.007 Keywords: Public value, IS success model, e-government, e-government public value, Jordan
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The effect of digital marketing, digital finance and digital payment on finance performance of Indonesian SMEs
, Pages:37-44 Ibrahim Daud, Dewi Nurjannah, Achmad Mohyi, Titiek Ambarwati, Yoyok Cahyono, Andrean Eko Haryoko, Agus Leo Handoko, Riyan Sisiawan Putra, Hadion Wijoyo, Aris Ari-yanto and M. Jihadi ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of digital finance, digital marketing and digital payment variables on finance performance. This study uses quantitative methods and data analysis techniques is performed based on Structural Equation Modeling using SmartPLS 3.0 software. The method of selecting the sample using the snowball sampling methods. Online questionnaires were sent to 190 SMEs respondents in the province of Banten Indonesia and evaluated the returned questionnaires. The results of data analysis show that the digital finance had a positive and significant effect on the finance performance, the digital payment had a positive and significant effect on the finance performance and the digital marketing had a positive and significant effect on the finance performance. The findings of this research can provide benefits for MSME actors in developing their business to improve business performance, by paying attention to aspects of MSME digitization and financial literacy of MSME entrepreneurs. Keep in mind, the important role of information technology in business activities requires entrepreneurs to improve their digital literacy. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.10.006 Keywords: Digital Marketing, Digital Finance and Digital Payment, Indonesian SMEs Finance Performance
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A comprehensive acceptance model for smart home services
, Pages:45-58 Amer Al-Husamiyah and Mahmood Al-Bashayreh ![]() |
Abstract: Smart home services (SHSs) afford users an effective lifestyle management system, which provides human-oriented networking of smart devices and applications that enable users to control their homes from anywhere at any time. Despite the benefits of SHSs, however, their acceptance is very low. There remains a gap in the literature in terms of a comprehensive model that addresses users’ intention to use SHSs. To address this gap, the present study explored the factors that influence SHS acceptance among users based on well-established theoretical frameworks, such as the technology acceptance model, innovation diffusion theory, and the theory of planned behavior. To this end, the study integrated four additional factors, namely, perceived convenience, perceived connectedness, perceived cost, and perceived privacy risk, into the exploration and carried out structural equation modeling to quantitatively determine the effects of these factors. Questionnaires were administered to 750 users. The findings indicated that perceived compatibility, perceived convenience, perceived connectedness, perceived cost, perceived behavioral control with perceived usefulness, and perceived ease of use directly and indirectly exerted a significant influence on users’ intention to use SHSs. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.10.005 Keywords: Smart Home Services, Technology Acceptance Model, Innovation Diffusion Theory, Theory of Planned Behavior
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The effect of digital marketing on the management of relationships with university students in times of Covid-19
, Pages:59-66 Wagner Vicente-Ramos and Luz Mirella Cano-Torres ![]() |
Abstract: The present study's main objective was to analyze and determine the impact of digital marketing on the management of relationships with university students in times of Covid-19. The study was conducted from a quantitative approach, with a non-experimental transactional correlational transactional research design. A questionnaire was applied to 400 students aged 18 to 37 years belonging to the Continental University of the city of Huancayo in Peru. The analysis of the results was developed through a data structure and tabulation model with the SmartPLS3 program and it was obtained that Content Marketing has a significant influence on the operational management of customer relationships (p<0.05), as well as on the analytical and collaborative management of customer relationships. As for Social Media Marketing, it was identified that it has a significant influence on operational customer relationship management (p<0.05), as well as on analytical and collaborative customer relationship management, due to the fact that the digital media used by Continental University are attractive to parents and families. It is concluded that Digital Marketing has a great impact on the management of relationships with students of the Continental University in the city of Huancayo in Peru. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.10.004 Keywords: Digital marketing, Operational management, Analytical management, Collaborative management, Covid-19, Students
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The effects of social media marketing, store environment, sales promotion and perceived value on consumer purchase decisions in small market
, Pages:67-72 Haudi, Ruby Santamoko, Arief Rachman, Yunan Surono, Riko Mappedeceng, Musnaini and Hadion Wijoyo ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of social media marketing on small market purchase decisions and to analyze the influence of the store environment on small market purchase decisions. The study also analyzes the influence of sales promotion on small market purchase decisions as well as the effect of perceived value on small market purchase decisions. The study uses a quantitative method and data collection is performed by distributing questionnaires to 170 respondents who have bought goods in the small market. The research method in this study uses structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis using SmartPLS software. The results of this study reveal that all independent variables have some positive effects on consumer buying decisions. More specifically, the variables of small market environmental conditions, sales promotions, and profit values have significant influences on consumer buying decisions, while social media marketing variables has no significant effect on consumers' buying decisions. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.10.003 Keywords: Social Media Marketing, Store Environment, Sales Promotion, Perceived Value, Purchase Decision, Small market
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The impact of e-commerce drivers on e-customer loyalty: Evidence from KSA
, Pages:73-80 Sura Al-Ayed ![]() |
Abstract: E-commerce and online shopping is the future of global trade, hence the importance of building E-customer loyalty and maintaining it in the electronic markets becomes even more important. This paper attempts to identify factors affecting the value of electronic commerce in the Saudi environment. Likewise, it explores the impact of these factors on E- customer loyalty. Simple random sampling was used for the purposes of the current study, as the first study included 247 electronic customers. Data were collected through electronic questionnaires sent to the study participants. The results show that the factors had a positive impact in building E- customer loyalty Care, Character, Choice, Convenience, Customization, and Cultivation. Basically, e-commerce is considered a pioneer in business organizations today, and this is witnessed by its increasing and growing profits and expanding its market share, through its focus on the E-loyalty customers. Basically, e-commerce is considered a pioneer in business organizations today, and this is witnessed by its increasing and growing profits and expanding its market share, through its focus on the E-loyalty customers. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.10.002 Keywords: E-commerce, E-commerce Drivers, Customer loyalty, E-customer loyalty, E-customer satisfaction
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The effects of perceived ease of use, electronic word of mouth and content marketing on purchase decision
, Pages:81-90 Asnawati, Maryam Nadir, Wirasmi Wardhani and Made Setini ![]() |
Abstract: Purchasing decisions on the Traveloka application has experienced a significant decline since the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak. Ticket returns and refunds that occur due to travel restrictions have resulted in a decline in Traveloka's brand image. This study aims to analyze how brand image mediates the effect of perceived ease of use, electronic word of mouth and content marketing towards ticket purchasing decisions on the Traveloka application which was conducted on 130 respondents using the Traveloka application. The research was conducted in June 2021 with data analysis using SmartPLS 3.2.0 software. The results show that perceived ease of use had a negative impact on purchasing decisions, either directly or indirectly through brand image. Electronic word of mouth had a positive impact on purchasing decisions either directly or indirectly through brand image. Content marketing had a negative and significant impact on purchasing decisions, while indirectly through brand image had a positive and significant impact. The role of brand image was very important in increasing the effect of perceived ease of use, electronic word of mouth and content marketing towards purchasing decisions. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.10.001 Keywords: Brand image, Perceived ease of use, Electronic word of mouth, Content marketing, Purchasing decision
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Determinants of airport train operational performance
, Pages:91-98 Prasadja Ricardianto, Heriyanto Wibowo, Lira Agusinta, Edi Abdurachman, Abdullah Ade Suryobuwono, Peppy Fachrial, Agus Setiawan, Salahudin Rafi, Siti Maemunah and Endri Endri ![]() |
Abstract: This study aims to analyze the improvement of the operational performance of Indonesia’s Soekarno-Hatta Airport train through service quality which is mediated by train passenger loyalty and passenger satisfaction. The main problems in this study are the use of the same railway for long-distance train, airport train, and commuter Line train, the limited use of airport railway with four schedules, the headway which becomes 30 minutes since the number of travels becomes 82 trips, and the tariff being applied now is considered as burdening the passengers. The research method uses a quantitative analysis approach with the technique of Structural Equation Modeling-Lisrel. Data collection is done through observation and questionnaire distribution. The respondents are 306 passengers of trains heading for Soekarno-Hatta Airport. The benefit of this study for the domestic railway company is that by improving service quality, passenger loyalty and satisfaction, it will improve the operational performance of airport trains. The result of this research indicates the significant influence of service quality variable on passenger loyalty through passenger satisfaction, the significant influence of service quality variable on operational performance through passenger satisfaction and passenger loyalty as well as the significant influence of passenger satisfaction variable on operational performance through passenger loyalty. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.9.019 Keywords: Passenger Satisfaction, Airport Train Operational Performance, Service Quality, Passenger Loyalty
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Market entry agility in the process of enhancing firm performance: A dynamic capability perspective
, Pages:99-106 Nilna Muna, Ni Nyoman Kerti Yasa, Ni Wayan Ekawati, I Made Artha Wibawa, Anak Agung Ayu Sriathi and I Nyoman Rasmen Adi ![]() |
Abstract: Social media empowers small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in engaging with their stakeholders economically and effectively. Social media use affects SMEs operation and knowledge sharing which creates innovation opportunities, speeds time to market, satisfies firm's customers, and improves business performance. Current research aims to explore the impact of social media use on the market entry agility, product innovativeness, reducing the market entry time for the SME and improving the firm performance. Cross-sectional survey-based data was collected from the jewelry crafting SMEs in Bali, Indonesia. The data was analyzed with the covariance-based statistical analysis technique with the SPSS based AMOS 23. The study results identify that social media use and market entry agility significantly impact firm performance. However, product innovativeness insignificantly influences firm performance. Furthermore, the market entry agility mediates for the firm performance so, SMEs need to leverage social media use, and market entry agility enables the dynamic capacity to enhance firm performance. Firms’ level innovativeness capability should be considered as a mediating role but should support another variable to leverage firm performance. The study limitation and future research options are reported at the end. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.9.018 Keywords: Social media, Market entry agility, Product innovativeness, Business strategic, Firm performance
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Social media as a bridge to e-commerce adoption in Indonesia: A research framework for repurchase intention
, Pages:107-114 Nihayatul Maskuroh, Mochammad Fahlevi, Dasih Irma, Rita and Arbi Siti Rabiah ![]() |
Abstract: Consumers today are individuals who fulfill life needs such as shopping using e-commerce. In its fulfillment, consumers can change in terms of purchasing decisions from one e-commerce to another e-commerce. This requires the company to always have a good strategy to compete in a healthy manner in terms of business. To learn about the importance of social media marketing activity, this study will find out how much influence the social media marketing activity received by e-commerce companies has on brand equity, customer relationships and repurchase intention. In addition, the study will learn how much influence brand equity and customer relationship have on an e-commerce company's repurchase intention. In this study, the survey is conducted by distributing questionnaires to respondents online where the research sample has several questions related to the habits and behavior of respondents. This research uses a sample of 210 people who are domiciled in Indonesia. In the research model, the study uses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis and the software used for this research is IBM SPSS AMOS. The results of the influence of social media marketing activities have the largest positive influence on customer relationships, brand equity is the main and biggest factor that positively and significantly affects repurchase intention in this research model. The accumulated experience and knowledge of consumers about a brand is a factor that can influence consumers to repurchase the same brand. Brand equity not only provides immediate benefits, but also long-term benefits by retaining consumers to continue to repurchase their products. A strong brand will make consumers always remember the brand. The study explains that customer relationships do not have any significant effect on repurchase intention. The main function of customer relationships at first and now is to try to reach their consumers more broadly, especially related to purchases, but this is not proven in repurchases, especially in this study. Customer relationships in the study did not have any significant effect on repurchase intention. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.9.017 Keywords: Social Media Marketing, Repurchase Intention, Brand Equity, Customer Relationship
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An investigation of e-marketing and its effect on the consumer buying decision during COVID-19 pandemic in Aceh Province, Indonesia: A mediating role of perceived risk
, Pages:115-126 Muhammad Adam, Mahdani Ibrahim, Sofyan Idris, Jumadil Saputra, Teuku Roli Ilhamsyah Putra ![]() |
Abstract: Today, Coronavirus is a pandemic that has spread worldwide and causes many problems, including socio economic problems in society. Therefore, e-marketing has an essential function in acquiring new customers, generating leads, and generating revenue for your business by reaching customers interested in your products and services. A digital platform such as web marketing is online marketing to prospective leads and high-value consumers. Thus, the present study examined the usage of e-marketing as a model for buying decisions moderated by perceived risk during the covid-19 pandemic in Aceh Province, Indonesia. This quantitative study involved 325 respondents and was collected through a survey by filling out the questionnaires. Also, e-marketing is measured by perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use as exogenous variables. Therefore, perceived risk is a mediating variable, and the consumer buying decision is an endogenous variable. The data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modelling – Analysis of Moments Structure (SEM-AMOS). The results showed that e-marketing (perceived usefulness and ease of use) positively and significantly affects consumer buying decisions. This study also applied the Sobel test and indicated that perceived risk mediates perceived usefulness and ease toward consumer buying decisions. In conclusion, this study has successfully examined the relationship between e-marketing via perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. Also, it proves that perceived risk plays a mediating role (partial mediator) in the relationship of perceived usefulness and ease of use on consumer buying decisions. This tested model has become a formulation, especially in marketing science, where it turns out that during the covid-19 pandemic, the buying decision model in the marketplace is a function of the perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of consumers towards the marketplace, as well as the perceived risk of the marketplace as a partial mediator. So that marketplace manufacturers can drive consumer buying decisions by consumers by creating a strengthening of perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use for consumers, thereby affecting consumers' perceived risk and impacting their buying decisions. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.9.016 Keywords: e-marketing, Perceived usefulness, Perceived ease of use, Perceived risk, Consumer buying decision
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Influence of MIS components on efficiency of e-marketing strategies: Evidence from telecommu-nication organizations in Jordan
, Pages:127-136 Fadwa Issa Ahmad Alsalim ![]() |
Abstract: The study aimed to highlight the role of management information system (MIS) and its components in improving the effectiveness and efficiency of e-marketing strategies in telecommunications companies in Jordan. By relying on the quantitative methodology and by dealing with the questionnaire as a research tool, 131 individuals from the marketing departments in the organizations under study responded, and after the analysis, the study demonstrated an impact of MIS and its components on e-marketing strategies by influencing how and the mechanism of data processing and presentation as information that contributes to making the most appropriate marketing decision. The study also proved that all components of MIS have an impact on e-marketing strategies, most of which were “human resources” or people, which proved that the efficiency of individuals and their ability to deal with technology carries significant effect on the effectiveness of MIS in managing and organizing e-marketing strategies. The study recommends the necessity to focus on human resources with STEM skills, namely science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in order to ensure the best outcomes of MIS. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.9.015 Keywords: Management Information Systems, Executive Support Systems, Marketing and Sales Information System, E-Marketing, Market Share, Competitiveness
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Towards a cashless society: Use of electronic payment devices among generation Z
, Pages:137-146 Raden Aswin Rahadi, Yunieta Anny Nainggolan, Kurnia Fajar Afgani, Mohd Yusoff Yusliza, Juhari Noor Faezah, Thurasamy Ramayah, Jumadil Saputra, Zikri Muhammad, Khalid Farooq and Chyntia Angelina ![]() |
Abstract: Nowadays, transactions on e-commerce platforms (e-payment) utilizing a credit card are popular. Using credit cards for electronic purchases over the Internet is much different from offline purchases in traditional stores; only online transactions do not include either physical credit card or a signature. The e-payment has become a common mode of payment for online transactions made. It is an electronic billing system that gives clients the ability to make payments using the Internet. The objective of this paper was to analyze the associations among continuance intention e-payment, effort expectancy, facilitating conditions, performance expectancy, social influence, and actual usage of e-payment. The data was tested empirically on data collected from 667 Generation Z e-payment users in Malaysia. The results found that facilitating conditions, performance expectancy, and social influence impacted the actual usage of e-payment. Surprisingly, effort expectancy was not significantly associated with the actual e-payment usage. The findings of this study have several implications for managers and point the way towards future research. No prior empirical study has investigated the role of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology model on e-payment usage among Generation Z in Malaysia to the best of the authors’ knowledge. These results provide valuable contributions that can help decision-makers formulate or adjust their strategies associated with e-payments. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.9.014 Keywords: Actual usage, Continuance usage intention, Effort expectancy, Electronic payment, Facilitating conditions, Performance expectancy, Social influence
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Repurchase intention behavior in B2C E-commerce
, Pages:147-154 I Made Artana, Hartina Fattah, I Gede Juliana Eka Putra, Ni Luh Putu Sariani, Maryan Nadir, Asnawati and Rismawati ![]() |
Abstract: The intention to buy back is one of the objectives of the business strategy. This study aims to analyze the effect of mediating customer satisfaction on e-service and repurchase intention. This analytical study was conducted on e-commerce that is widely used by Indonesia, namely The rapid growth of e-commerce, both C2C and B2B, has made online retailers compete in the online retail business. The intention to buy back is no longer solely due to the quality of service like an offline business. The purpose of this study is to analyze the role of mediating customer satisfaction from the quality of E-Commerce on repurchase intention in E-Commerce that has implemented a combination of C2B and B2B. Quantitative methods with structural equation analysis (SEM) and path analysis were used to analyze data using LISREL. The questionnaire is distributed to respondents used as samples taken from the population for this research. The researched population is user of in Indonesia, whereas samples of the population are randomly taken. The samples of this research are 279 respondents. The results of this study found that there is no significant direct effect of electronic service quality on repurchases intentions, but when customer satisfaction acts as a mediating variable, it shows that electronic service quality affects repurchase intention significantly through customer satisfaction. This study will help online retailers to find out what factors influence customers to make repeat purchases. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.9.013 Keywords: Repurchases intention, e-commerce quality, Satisfaction
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Short and/or long-term investment choice: Artificial intelligence analysis of the role of both or-ganizational and behavioral determinants
, Pages:155-164 Fadhila Hamza ![]() |
Abstract: This paper shows empirically the impact of organizational and behavioral determinants on the CEO's investment horizon choice, using artificial intelligence explanatory methods. We apply our approach to 100 Saudi firms. We test the effect of three organizational determinants: ownership concentration, board independence, and CEO remuneration system; and three behavioral determinants: myopia, the locus of control and commitment, on the CEO's investment horizon choice. The study’s key finding is that executives' commitment bias is the most important variable in terms of modal value that affects firms' long-term investment choice. We also find a positive and significant relationship between myopia and long-term investment choice, whereas the lowliest determinant of the horizon choice is the locus of control. More generally, these results show that CEOs who are likely to be the most myopic may display long-term behavior with the existence of high cognitive involvement. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.9.012 Keywords: Commitment bias, Investment horizon choice, Bayesian network, Myopia, The locus of control, Governance mechanisms
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E-HRM practices and sustainable competitive advantage from HR practitioner’s perspective: A mediated moderation analysis
, Pages:165-178 Mohamed Dawood Shamout, Malek B. Elayan, Adnan M. Rawashdeh, Barween Al Kurdi and Muhammad Alshurideh ![]() |
Abstract: This paper seeks to investigate the impact of Electronic Human Resource Management (e-HRM) practices on attaining Sustainable Competitive Advantage (SCA) in the context of the Jordanian Industrial Sector (JIS) and identify the mediating role of e-HRM Perceived Usefulness (PU) and e-HRM Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU). Furthermore, it investigates the moderating role of User Satisfaction and e-HRM Continuance Usage Intention. To achieve the paper objectives, a Mediated-Moderation Model was designed. The researchers distributed (750) questionnaires, (615) questionnaires were returned and validated for analysis in HRM and development divisions and based on a Census method with the response rate was about (82%). The ‘Structural Equation Modeling’ (SEM) methodology was used, and for analysis, SPSS and Amos were applied. The results indicated that e-HRM practices had significant influence on SCA. The paper also demonstrated that there was a significant mediate effect of TAM constructs on the relationship between e-HRM practices and SCA. Finally, the findings indicated that the user satisfaction and e-HRM continuance usage intention did not moderate the relationship between e-HRM-PEOU and PU and SCA path. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.9.011 Keywords: E-HRM Practices, Sustainable Competitive Advantage, TAM-PAM Constructs, Mediated-Moderation Model
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The role of e-purchasing in government procurement fraud reduction through expanding market access
, Pages:179-184 Femilia Zahra, Muhammad Ikbal Abdullah, Muhammad Din, Harifuddin Thahir, Harun Harun and Jati Kasuma Ali ![]() |
Abstract: This study aims to analyze the effect of e-purchasing implementation on the reduction of fraud in government procurements in Indonesia. This study also analyzes the role of market access in mediating the effect of e-purchasing implementation on government procurement fraud. The study was conducted in all Procurement Service Units (ULP) of cities and districts in Indonesia. The questionnaires were sent electronically to 520 ULPs, but only 120 respondents could be used in this study. In analyzing data, the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) was used with the support of the program Partial Least Square (WarpPLS 7.0) to examine the relationship between variables studied. The results show that the implementation of e-purchasing directly reduces the level of fraud in government procurements in Indonesia. Other findings of the study also indicate that the implementation of e-purchasing expands market access. The rise of market access in implementing e-purchasing will affect the level of frauds relating to procurement practices in the Indonesian government. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.9.010 Keywords: E-purchasing, Fraud, Government Procurement, Market Access
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The role of social media marketing and brand image on smartphone purchase intention
, Pages:185-192 Citra Savitri, Ratih Hurriyati, Lili Adi Wibowo and Heny Hendrayati ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between Social Media Marketing and Brand Image, Social Media Marketing relationship and Purchase Intention, Brand Image Relationship and Purchase Intention and finally, the relationship between Social Media Marketing and Purchase Intention through Brand Image. The approach in the research used is a quantitative approach using PLS-SEM SmartPLS software as a data processing tool. In this study, the data collection technique was carried out using a questionnaire or online questionnaire which was distributed to 234 respondents of Millennial Smartphone Consumers in Banten Indonesia. Sampling system was accomplished with a snowball sampling method. Based on the results of hypothesis testing, it was found that there was a positive and significant relationship between Brand Image (BRI) and Purchase Intention. There was also a positive and significant relationship between Social Media Marketing and Brand Image. However, there was an insignificant relationship between Social Media Marketing and Brand Image while there was a significant relationship between Social Media Marketing and Purchase Intention through Brand Image as Mediator. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.9.009 Keywords: Social Media Marketing, Brand Image, Purchase Intention, Millennial Smartphone Consumers
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Technology acceptance drivers for AR smart glasses in the middle east: A quantitative study
, Pages: 193-208 Abdulla Alsharhan, Said A. Salloum and Ahmad Aburayya ![]() |
Abstract: This study aims to establish Middle East users' perspectives on the major factors that impact their decision to adopt Augmented Reality AR smart glasses (ARSG). Thus, an online questionnaire was designed and sent directly to the respondents, and 584 valid data points were collected from individuals living in the Middle East. The data were analyzed using Pearson correlations and Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) techniques using SPSS. Eleven hypotheses were tested using Multiple Regression analysis, where seven independent variables out of eleven were confirmed to have a significant impact on the perceived adoption of ARSG. The results indicate that four of the independent variables including Pre-Market Knowledge, Image, Own privacy and Technology innovativeness show the significant impact on ARSG adoption at the 1% significant level. In addition, the results indicate that three of the social and technological factors include Perceived Ease of use, Perceived usefulness and Other's privacy show the significant effect on ARSG adoption at the 5% significant level. Among the 7 social and technological factors, the results suggest that technology innovation expresses the strongest effect on ARSG adoption with the highest coefficient value of 0.413 (b = 0.413, t = 12.881, ρ < 0.01). Moreover, user intention is significantly impacted by gender and place of living but not by education or age. The research also provides pre-market insights on users' personal types that represent who will most likely adopt the new smart glasses and that differentiate them based on their priorities. To the best of our knowledge, this is among the first works to investigate technology acceptance drivers of AR smart glasses in the Middle East. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.9.008 Keywords: Augmented Reality, Smart Glasses, ARSG, Technology Acceptance Model, Technology Adoption, Intention to Use Technology, Wearable, Clustering, Factor Analysis, Persona, Middle East
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Gender and age in the language of social media: An easier way to build credibility
, Pages:209-216 A.A.I.N. Marhaeni, I G W Murjana Yasa and Mochammad Fahlevi ![]() |
Abstract: The use of celebrity endorsements is one of the most popular strategies used by companies today. Celebrities can bring product advantages through advertising and go beyond the complexities of competitive advertising communications. The company invests a large amount of money to get the attention of consumers and gain a competitive position in the market. The purpose of this study is to explore the effect of celebrity trust on the credibility of advertisements, brands, and companies, then the influence between the credibility of advertisements, brands, and companies, and will also explore the role of gender and age as moderating variables. The study used a quantitative method, the sample was taken based on purposive sampling in Jakarta and used the artist with the most followers as the object of research who endorsed food and beverage companies. The results of this study explain that there is a significant influence between celebrity trust on all credibility, gender and age managed to moderate the influence of celebrity trust on credibility. This study provides input to managers and food and beverage companies in using endorsements on Instagram social media as their marketing strategy, especially for companies that have a market share of young people in accordance with the characteristics of the respondents in this study. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.9.007 Keywords: Celebrity Trust, Social Media, Credibility, Gender, Age
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The role of digital marketing in mediating the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic and the intensity of competition on business performance
, Pages:217-232 I Gusti Ayu Ketut Giantari, Ni Nyoman Kerti Yasa, Herkulanus Bambang Suprasto and Putu Laksmita Dewi Rahmayanti ![]() |
Abstract: This study aims to explain the role of digital marketing adoption in mediating the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic and the intensity of competition on business performance, which is seen from the perspective of financial performance and non-financial performance. This research was conducted on the culinary sector SMEs in Bali. The size of the sample used is 210 culinary sector SMEs with a purposive sampling approach, namely the culinary sector SMEs that have adopted digital marketing. The analytical tool used is SEM-PLS. The results of the study show that the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic and the intensity of competition has a negative and significant effect on business performance, both financial and non-financial performance. The adoption of digital marketing was unable to mediate the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic and the intensity of competition on financial performance, but the adoption of digital marketing was capable in mediating the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic and the intensity of competition on non-financial performance. Therefore, the adoption of digital marketing needs to be re-optimized to improve business performance, both financial and non-financial performance. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.9.006 Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic, Intensity of competition, Digital marketing, Business performance, Financial performance, Non-financial performance
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Digital entrepreneurship and its impact on digital supply chains: The mediating role of business intelligence applications
, Pages:233-242 Heba Awawdeh, Hanadi Abulaila, Abdallah Alshanty and Amrou Alzoubi ![]() |
Abstract: This study aimed to test and evaluate the impact of Digital Entrepreneurship and its impact on digital supply chains in Jordanian hotels, and the mediating role of digital supply chains in this relationship. The descriptive analytical method was used, and the study population consisted of (835) male and female employees, and a random sample was used with a simple random sample of (342) participants. To achieve the objectives of the study, a developed questionnaire was used to collect data from the sample members. The study adopted the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS.V.22) and Structural Equations Modeling (SEM) using the AMOS program for path analysis and to perform statistical analysis using: Descriptive and inferential statistics measures, including Multiple linear regression, Pearson correlation coefficient, skew coefficient, multiple linear correlation, variance inflation coefficient and permissible variance. The study reached results, the most important of which were: The most important results of the study were: the presence of an important impact of Digital Entrepreneurship in digital supply chains and the presence of a significant impact of Digital Entrepreneurship through business intelligence applications as an intermediate variable in digital supply chains. The study recommends the need to enhance Digital Entrepreneurship in Jordanian hotels by focusing on the holistic view of these hotels and their environment, whether the internal environment that focuses on strengths and weaknesses in the hotel’s capabilities or their external environment that brings opportunities and challenges. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.9.005 Keywords: Digital Entrepreneurship, Digital supply chains, Business intelligence applications, Jordanian hotels
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The effects of entrepreneurial orientation, social media, managerial ties on firm performance: Evidence from Vietnamese SMEs
, Pages:243-252 An Thi Hong Nguyen, Phuong V. Nguyen and Huynh Thi Sa Do ![]() |
Abstract: This study examines the effects of entrepreneurial orientation, social media, and managerial ties on the business performance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Vietnam. In addition, the mediating effects of social media and managerial ties on the causal relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance is investigated. A total of 180 senior managers of SMEs were collected for data analysis by using partial least squares structural equation modeling. The results reveal that entrepreneurial orientation strongly enhances social media and managerial ties, which are determinants of business performance. Specifically, entrepreneurial orientation has no direct impact on firm performance; but the mediating effects were confirmed. Based on the results, our study highlights some theoretical contributions and suggests practical implications for practitioners in Vietnamese SMEs to improve firm performance effectively and efficiently. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.9.004 Keywords: Entrepreneurial orientation, Social media, Managerial ties, Business ties, Political ties, Firm performance
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The effects of perceived ease of use, usefulness, enjoyment and intention to use online platforms on behavioral intention in online movie watching during the pandemic era
, Pages:253-262 Ribut Basuki, Zeplin Jiwa Husada Tarigan, Hotlan Siagian, Liem Satya Limanta, Dwi Setiawan and Jenny Mochtar ![]() |
Abstract: Pandemic Covid-19 has resulted in disruption in various industry and business sectors. People spend more time at home than they do outside. People who like movies during this time can enjoy the cinema. However, during the covid-19 pandemic, it must be done online to follow strictly regulated restrictions on community activities to avoid the uncontrolled spread of the virus. As a result, streaming platforms with the advancement of internet technology are increasingly playing a role in providing online services for movie fans. This study investigated the effects of perceived ease of use, usefulness, enjoyment, and intention to use online platforms on behavioral intention in online movies during the Covid 19 pandemic. The questionnaires were distributed by sending google form links to respondents who have a streaming platform subscription in Indonesia. As many as 772 questionnaires were filled out completely and could be processed. Data analysis was done by using partial least squares with Smart PLS software. The results have shown that eight proposed hypotheses have been supported in this study. Perceived ease of use positively affects the perceived usefulness, perceived enjoyment, and intention to watch movies online. Furthermore, perceived usefulness affects perceived enjoyment and intention to watch movies online. Perceived enjoyment influences intention to use and behavioral intention. Finally, intention to use online platforms influences behavioral intention. This research contributes in theory to the technology acceptance model and provides film industry practitioners with insight into enhancing customer behavioral intention in the pandemic era. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.9.003 Keywords: Perceived ease of use, Perceived usefulness, Perceived enjoyment, Intention to use, Behavioral intention
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The mediating role of customer relationship management between e-supply chain management and competitive advantage
, Pages:263-272 Abdalrazzaq Aloqool, Malek Alharafsheh, Hadeel Abdellatif, Lana Ahmad Suleiman Alghasawneh and Jassim Ah-mad Al-Gasawneh ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to explore the role of implementing e-supply chain management (E-SCM) on the competitive position of companies and whether implementing customer relationship management (CRM) can affect the relationship between E-SCM and competitive advantage. To achieve this objective, a quantitative approach was utilized. A total of 300 questionnaires were distributed where 243 questionnaires were returned, with 17 incomplete questionnaires being excluded, leaving 226 usable questionnaires. PLS-SEM software was used to analyze the data. The results of this study demonstrate the imperative role of implementing E-SCM and CRM on creating a competitive advantage for firms. It also shows that CRM mediates the relationship between E-SCM and competitive advantage, suggesting that utilizing different technologies can help firms better communicate with their customers and thus better serve them which in turn will enhance customers’ satisfaction and thus boost the competitive position of the firm. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.9.002 Keywords: E-SCM, Competitive advantage, CRM
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Examining student satisfaction with online learning
, Pages:273-280 Le Anh Tuan and Nguyen Thi Huyen Tram ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of the article is to determine the factors affecting the satisfaction of Duy Tan University students for online learning during the acute respiratory infection caused by the new strain of Coronavirus (Covid-19). Based on survey, analysis, processing and evaluation of the obtained results, the article aims to focus the analysis within specific limits with the goal of honestly reflecting and thereby offering solutions for the effective use of online learning in the learning process of students. The results show that there are five factors affecting student satisfaction, in order of influence, as follows: (1) Tuition fees; (2) Teaching staff; (3) Interoperability; (4) Facilities and (5) Training programs. Based on these results, the Board of Directors of Duy Tan University will change several factors in order to improve student satisfaction in online learning in the near future. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.9.001 Keywords: Satisfaction, Students, E-learning, Coronavirus, Covid-19
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The effects of different factors influencing commuterline in Indonesia
, Pages:281-284 Dede Jajang Suyaman, Nelly Martini, Asep Muslihat and Rahmat Jaelani ![]() |
Abstract: Commuterline plays an important role for transportation planning in Indonesia, and it is essential to learn more on how to motivate people to actively use this public transportation facility. This paper presents an empirical investigation to explore different factors influencing the use of this publica transportation facility. The proposed study develops a questionnaire in Likert scale and distributes it among 374 people who had good experience of using commuterline in their daily lives. The questionnaire is designed to learn the effects of environmental, individual, consumer resources and psychological factors. Using some statistical techniques, the study has determined that psychological factors are the most important elements influencing consumer behavior to use this public transportation followed by consumer resources, product knowledge and individual characteristics. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.8.005 Keywords: Costumer Behavior, Electric Rail Train, Transportation
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