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The relationship between Internet of things and search engine optimization in Jordanian Tele-communication Companies: The mediating role of user behavior
, Pages: 163-172 Nawras M. Nusairat, Jassim Ahmad Al-Gasawneh, Abdalrazzaq Aloqool, Khalid N. Alzubi, Abdel Hakim O. Akhorshaideh, Jamal M. Joudeh and Haya Samih Ibrahim ![]() |
Abstract: This research paper aims to investigate the effect of Internet of Things (IoT) on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) by considering the mediating role of user behavior on this effect. A conceptual research model was developed in accordance with the UTAUT and based on a thorough analysis of extant research. A self-handled questionnaire survey was administered to a purposely selected sample of employees working in telecommunications companies in Jordan. A dataset of 131 usable questionnaires were subjected to data analysis using SmartPLS 3.0. The main findings showed that IoT affected SEO and user behavior. User behavior was also found to be significantly predicted by IoT and to mediate its effect on SEO. The results revealed the significance of SEO as an emerging effective electronic marketing tool in encouraging consumers' adoption of new technologies. The paper ends with a discussion of findings, conclusions, and areas for future research. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.6.016 Keywords: Internet of Things, Search Engine Optimization, User Behavior
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The effect of trust on travel agent online use: Application of the technology acceptance model
, Pages: 173-182 Putu Yudi Setiawan and Anak Agung Bagus Putu Widanta ![]() |
Abstract: Nowadays, shopping for travel products through online travel agent has become very popular. This study aims to explain the effects of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and trust on attitudes and intentions to reuse online travel agents. The population of this research is the users of the online travel agent Traveloka application in the city of Denpasar. The sample in this study was taken using a non-probability sampling method with a total of 200 respondents. Data collection was carried out using survey methods. The data obtained were then processed using SEM-PLS analysis tools. This study found that perceived ease of use had a positive and significant effect on perceived usefulness and attitude toward using from the Traveloka website. Perceived usefulness had a positive and significant effect on attitude toward using the website. Trust had a positive and significant effect on perceived usefulness and attitude toward using from the Traveloka website. Attitude toward using had a positive and significant effect on the intention to reuse the website. This research also proves that attitude toward use of online facilities mediates the influence of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and trust on the intention to reuse the website. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.6.015 Keywords: Travel Agent, Technology Acceptance Model, Trust
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Exploring the determinants of Internet continuance intention and the negative impact of Internet addiction on students’ academic performance
, Pages: 183-196 Mahmoud Maqableh, Ahmad Obeidat and Zaid Obeidat ![]() |
Abstract: This study aims to investigate the impact of integrating essential factors on Internet usage continuance intention in students’ context. The proposed model examines the influence of perceived enjoyment, perceived image, satisfaction, information value, and emotional value on Internet continuance intention. Additionally, it investigates the role of Internet addiction, satisfaction, and continuance intention on academic performance among university students. A survey questionnaire method was adopted to collect data from university students in Jordan. Data was collected from 450 voluntary participants, and the analysis was conducted using SPSS and AMOS. The analysis results show that perceived enjoyment, perceived image, information value, and emotional value have a significant positive influence on continuance intention of Internet use. Besides, the results show that continuance intention has a positive impact on satisfaction and Internet addiction. While continuance intention has a significant positive impact on students’ academic performance, and Internet addiction has a significant negative impact on students’ academic performance, the impact of satisfaction on academic performance was not supported. This study is the first to examine integrating of perceived enjoyment, perceived image, information value, and emotional value on Internet continuance usage. Furthermore, this study is also distinguished from other studies by investigating the negative impact of Internet addiction on students’ academic performance gap. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.6.014 Keywords: Emotional value, Perceived image, Satisfaction, Continuance intention, Academic performance, Internet addiction, Internet
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The acceptance of social media video for knowledge acquisition, sharing and application: A com-parative study among YouTube users and TikTok Users’ for medical purposes
, Pages: 197-214 Rana Al-Maroof, Kevin Ayoubi, Khadija Alhumaid, Ahmad Aburayya, Muhammad Alshurideh, Raghad Alfaisal and Said Salloum ![]() |
Abstract: YouTube and TikTok have gained increasing recognition as social network sites to support online knowledge acquisition, sharing, and application via social media platforms in the medical field. This study examines which aspect of TikTok and YouTube stimulates doctors, nurses, and any other YouTube and TikTok in the medical setting, to rely on them as sources of knowledge acquisition and sharing to keep their medical repertoire updated. A hybrid model is designed to investigate users’ acceptance of YouTube and TikTok as social media platforms. The model focuses on four main external factors: content richness, innovativeness, satisfaction, and enjoyment. These factors are connected with two TAM constructs which are perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. The results have shown that both YouTube and TikTok are affected by PEOU, PU, personal innovativeness, flow theory, and content richness. Both social media networks provide up-to-date sources described as useful, enjoyable, and relevant. Nevertheless, the comparative results have shown that YouTube has deeply influenced users’ medical perception and knowledge compared to TikTok. It is created for the very mere purpose of socialization and self-expression. In contrast, YouTube is used for educational and non-educational purposes due to the type of uploaded content and time management. Therefore, TikTok developers and influencers should initiate highly specialized videos and create content that raises awareness of medical field issues. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.6.013 Keywords: YouTube, TikTok, Content Richness, Satisfaction, Innovativeness, TAM
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Developing an educational framework for using mobile learning during the era of COVID-19
, Pages: 215-230 Khadija Alhumaid ![]() |
Abstract: This paper focuses on the impact of fear emotion upon technology adoption by educators and students during Covid-19 pandemic. Mobile learning (m-learning) has been applied as the educational social platform within higher education institutes, public as well as private. The research hypotheses were associated with the Covid-19 influence on m-learning adoption with the rise of the coronavirus increasing types of fear. Such fears include fear caused by the education failure, family lockdown, and loss of social relationships. Teachers and students are mostly fearful of these aspects of the situation. An integrated model was established within the research, using theoretical models; the Planned Behavior theory, the Technology Acceptance Model, and the Expectation-Confirmation Model. The proposed integrated model (using PLS-SEM software) was analyzed using an online survey data, with 420 respondents from Zayed University, UAE. The findings indicated that attitude was the best predictor for using the m-learning system, followed by continuous intention, expectation confirmation, perceived usefulness, ease-of-use, perceived fear, behavioral control, and satisfaction. According to the research, during the coronavirus pandemic, if the m-learning system is adopted for educational reasons, the learning and teaching outcome proves quite promising. Yet there is a fear of the family being stressed, or of loss of friends, and also a fear of the results of future schooling. It is therefore necessary to assess the students efficiently during this pandemic so that the situation can be managed emotionally. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.6.012 Keywords: COVID-19 Expectation-Confirmation Model, Fear, m-Learning, Technology Acceptance Model, Theory of Planned Behavior
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The role of social media marketing, entertainment, customization, trendiness, interaction and word-of-mouth on purchase intention: An empirical study from Indonesian smartphone consumers
, Pages: 231-238 Oscarius Yudhi Ari Wijayaa, Sulistiyanib, Juliani Pudjowatic, Theresia Siwi kartikawatid, Ninik Kurniasih and Agus Purwanto ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of customization purchase intention of Smartphones, entertainment, interaction, social media marketing, trendiness, and Word-of-Mouth on purchase intention of Smartphones. The study uses a quantitative method by distributing online questionnaires to 217 consumers in Banten Indonesia and the method of distributing questionnaires is a snowball sampling system. Data processing and testing of hypotheses and models in this study are based on Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The research has benefits in increasing knowledge and information for companies about the importance of brand awareness through increasing influencing factors such as social media marketing and word of mouth. Based on the results of SmartPLS analysis, Interaction, Word-of-Mouth, Social media marketing, Entertainment and Trendiness have insignificant effects on purchase intentions of Smartphones while Customization has significant effects on purchase intentions of Smartphones during. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.6.011 Keywords: Social media marketing, Entertainment, Customization, Trendiness, Interaction, Word-of-Mouth, Purchase intention
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The analysis of forming dimensions of e-service quality for online travel services
, Pages: 239-244 Muzakir, Syamsul Bachri, Rosida P. Adam and Wahyuningsih ![]() |
Abstract: The development of technology and information has influenced people's lifestyles in making purchases from conventional to online shopping. Research on online marketing has become an interest in academics and practitioners in recent years. Measurement for e-service quality in this study will be reconstructed based on a review on previous conceptual and empirical literature. The purpose of this research is to build customer e-service through the reconstruction of e-service quality dimensions. The research uses cross-section data with geographically dispersed location of users of online travel services in the region of Indonesia. Model testing is performed using structural equation modeling with a sample count of 262 respondents. The analysis results show that the efficiency and incentive dimensions meet the creation of the e-service quality construct. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.6.010 Keywords: Customer service, e-service quality, Efficiency, Fulfillment, Incentive, Security/privacy, Website design
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The effect of Facebook users’ satisfaction and trust on stickiness: The role of perceived values
, Pages: 245-256 Mahmoud Maqableh, Mohammad Abuhashesh, Laila Dahabiyeh, Mohammad K. Al Nawayseh and Ra'ed Masa'deh ![]() |
Abstract: This study aims to explore the impact of satisfaction and trust on stickiness to Facebook. Also, it proposed that hedonic value, emotional value, and social value act as critical antecedents to Facebook stickiness. A quantitative methodology is used to examine the research questions. The research model was tested with data from 511 university students and five academic professors using an online survey. The proposed hypotheses were tested using regression analysis. Furthermore, Data were collected from targeted participants with Facebook experience, among the 511 participants, 353 were females (69.1%), and 158 were males (30.9%). The SEM analysis showed that satisfaction positively and significantly did affect stickiness, where trust did not. Also, results showed while hedonic value affected satisfaction, it did not impact trust. Hence, the results confirmed that hedonic value served as important value concerns for Facebook users. Nevertheless, the study found that both emotional value and social value impacted satisfaction and trust. The current research has enriched the existing study in the fields of customers’ satisfaction and trust on stickiness to Facebook. Moreover, this research is one of the earliest studies that proved that customer value creation serves as an important driving factor for customer satisfaction to generate stickiness to SNS. This study’s results help policymakers and designers of SNS to understand what value factors affect users’ stickiness to Facebook. Their marketing plans and decisions can be accordingly adjusted. This study suggests that marketers need to pay full attention to social value by adding more interactive features such as comments, likes, and shares in order to build social image and increase one’s social influence. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.6.009 Keywords: Facebook, Stickiness, Satisfaction, Trust, Perceived values, Social media
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The effects of knowledge sharing, social capital and innovation on marketing performance
, Pages: 257-266 Made Setini, Ni Nyoman Kerti Yasa, I Wayan Gede Supartha and I Gusti Ayu Ketut Giantari ![]() |
Abstract: Women entrepreneurs and the informal sector are looking for footholds in the COVID-19 pandemic, which will lead women to develop creative businesses. This study examines the role of sharing knowledge and innovation in addressing gaps in social capital and marketing performance. Purposive sampling is used in the technique sample with 229 samples and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM-PLS) analysis techniques with SmartPLS is used for processing applications. The results show that social capital has a positive effect on the business performance of women entrepreneurs in Bali, Indonesia. The knowledge-sharing variable can be a mediator in the relationship between social capital and performance, and social capital has a significant positive effect on innovation, but innovation does not have a positive effect on marketing performance and knowledge sharing. In the end, women entrepreneurs will use knowledge sharing to create various innovations to meet market demand. However, opportunities for women entrepreneurs are very limited on capital due to the lack of guaranteed capital, and a lack of entrepreneurial skills in the era of technology, market access, bureaucracy, and legal matters. In addition, managerial skills, access to information technology, and the perspective that men should excel in Balinese culture and customs, limit business for women entrepreneurs. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.6.008 Keywords: Social Capital, Knowledge Sharing, Innovation, Marketing Performance, Women Entrepreneurs
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Factors affecting the adoption of blended learning strategy
, Pages:267-274 Sura I. Al-Ayed and Ahmad Adnan Al-Tit ![]() |
Abstract: The aim of this study is to explore factors affecting the adoption of blended learning strategy. Data was collected using a questionnaire consisting of 42 items, distributed to a random sample of 174 faculty members of Saudi Electronic University and Qassim University. IBM SPSS was used to conduct data analysis. Supporting research hypothesis indicates that student, institutional and learning variables had significant influences on the adoption of blended learning strategy. Considering the findings, it was concluded that the adoption of a blended learning strategy depends not only on the technological aspect of the learning process but also on people, i.e., students who are engaged in the process and motivated teachers who possess the required knowledge and skills. The most important implication of this research is that policy and decision makers in business educational schools are requested to consider factors that had a significant effect on the adoption of blended learning. In doing that, the research contributes to the blended learning knowledge via highlighting the key variables that encourage or hinder the adoption of blended learning strategy. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.6.007 Keywords: E-Learning, Humans, Institutional, Blended Learning Strategy, Adoption, Business Education
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The effect of digital marketing and e-commerce on financial performance and business sustaina-bility of MSMEs during COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia
, Pages:275-282 Mas Intan Purba, Demak Claudia Yosephine Simanjutak, Yois Nelsari Malau, Walmi Sholihat and Edy Anas Ahmadi ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of digital marketing (DM), e-commerce (EC), business sustainability (BS) and financial performance (FP) of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) during Pandemic Covid19 in Indonesia. The relationships between digital marketing and business sustainability, e-commerce and business sustainability, digital marketing and financial performance, e-commerce and financial performance, financial performance and business sustainability are investigated. This research is quantitative research with a questionnaire approach. Data processing tools use the SmartPLS 3.3.3 software. The primary data collection method was accomplished by distributing online questionnaires to 120 MSMEs in Banten Indonesia who had experienced the pandemic. The results show that digital marketing had significant effect on business sustainability, e-commerce had significant effect on business sustainability, digital marketing had significant effect on financial performance. However, e-commerce had no significant effect on financial performance, financial performance had no significant effect on business sustainability, digital marketing had no significant effect on business sustainability through financial performance, e-commerce had no significant effect on business sustainability through financial performance. The use of digital marketing has been carried out to increase customer awareness. Marketplace as a manifestation of e-commerce is used as an innovation or change in sales methods. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.6.006 Keywords: Digital Marketing, E-Commerce, Business Sustainability, Financial Performance, MSMEs
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Key user ERP capability maintaining ERP sustainability through effective design of business process and integration data management
, Pages: 283-294 Zeplin Jiwa Husada Tarigan, Adrie Oktavio, Widjojo Soeprapto, Dhyah Harjanti, Mariana Ing Malelak and Sautma Ronni Basana ![]() |
Abstract: Business competition is increasingly complex, and there are no clear boundaries between products, so company operational processes are needed efficiently and effectively. The performance achieved is obtained through the implementation of an integrated information technology known as ERP. ERP implementation requires a person in charge of a business function called a key user who understands business processes and collaborates with ERP system vendors. The study obtained data that can further process from 77 manufacturing companies in East Java by purchasing an ERP or self-development package. Data processing uses PLS to answer all research hypotheses. The results show that key user capability was able to have a direct effect on the effective design of business processes of 0.643 and integration data management of 0.373. In contrast, it had no direct impact on ERP suitability. Effective Design of Business Processes has an immediate effect on Integration Data Management of 0.338 and ERP suitability of 0.395. The results also show that Integration Data Management has a direct effect on ERP suitability of 0.462. The data processing results for the indirect effect showed that key user capability influenced ERP suitability through the effective design of business processes of 0.507. Key user capability affects ERP suitability through Integration Data Management, and it is obtained as much as 0.254. The last hypothesis, key user capability, influences ERP suitability through effective Design of Business Processes and Integration Data Management of 0.182. The study results provide theoretical contributions to ERP implementation success factors, while practical gifts give key users a good understanding of the company's business processes and ERP systems. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.6.005 Keywords: Effective design of business processes, ERP Suitability, Integration Data Management, Key user ERP Capability
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Investigating e-wallet adoption of COVID19 intra-period among Malaysian youths': Integrated task-technology fit and technology acceptance model framework
, Pages: 295-302 Azizul Yadi Yaakop, Yee Pei Shi, Bob Foster and Jumadil Saputra ![]() |
Abstract: As embodied in Malaysia's Vision 2020, Malaysia aims to become a cashless country. Therefore, the existing statistical data indicated that the e-wallet adoption rate remains at a low percentage. It has been a barrier for Malaysia in achieving the aims to become a cashless country. The use of e-wallet was also expected to rise amidst the Covid-19 pandemic; to optimize an intervention for the Covid-19 outbreak. Thus, the current study investigates the factors that correlate with the intention to use e-wallet during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study is designed using a quantitative approach through cross-sectional data. A total of 160 Malaysian youths participated and collected by using an online survey. Further, the Task-Technology Fit (TTF) model and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) were integrated into this study with an extended variable, namely, perceived credibility. The analysis results showed that Individual-Technology Fit, Task-Technology Fit, Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use and Perceived Credibility were significantly correlated to Covid19 intra-period e-wallet adoption. In conclusion, a considerable theoretical contribution was demonstrated by integrating TTF-TAM and Perceived Credibility in a single integrated model. The constructs in the TTF model (i.e., Individual-technology fit and task-technology fit) has positively related to the constructs in the TAM model (i.e., perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use). This study is useful to stakeholders and provides enhanced directions to meet market needs by understanding and predicting e-wallet user's post-pandemic behavior, thereby helping service providers attract new users and retain their existing users. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.6.004 Keywords: Task-Technology Fit (TTF), Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), E-Wallet, COVID19, Malaysian Youth's
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Empirical study of Indonesian SMEs sales performance in digital era: The role of quality service and digital marketing
, Pages: 303-310 Arifin Djakasaputra, Oscarius Yudhi Ari Wijaya, Andrew Shandy Utama, Corry Yohana, Buyung Romadhoni and Mochammad Fahlevi ![]() |
Abstract: This research aims to analyze the relationship between digital marketing on quality service, digital marketing on sales performance, quality service on sales performance, and digital marketing on Sales performance through quality service. The research methodology is a quantitative method and divided into research design and research subjects, data collection methods, and analysis methods. The study is conducted on 125 small and medium (SMEs) in Banten, Indonesia in the digital region. The study uses primary data based on the results of distributing online questionnaires to 125 managers of SMEs in Banten who were selected by simple random sampling. The questionnaire was designed online, and each question/statement item was given five answer options, namely: strongly agree (SS) score 5, agree (S) score 4, neutral / doubt (N) score 3, disagree (TS) score 2, and strongly disagree (STS) score 1. The method for processing data is by using PLS and using SmartPLS version 3.0 software. Based on data analysis by SmartPLS, digital marketing has a significant effect on quality service, digital marketing has a significant effect on sales performance, quality service has a significant effect on sales performance, and digital marketing significantly affects sales performance through quality service in the digital era. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.6.003 Keywords: Digital marketing, Quality service, Sales performance, SMEs
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Predicting the intention to use google glass: A comparative approach using machine learning models and PLS-SEM
, Pages:311-320 MAhmad Qasim Mohammad AlHamad, Iman Akour, Muhammad Alshurideh, Asma Qassem Al-Hamad, Barween Al Kurdi and Haitham Alzoubi ![]() |
Abstract: Technology-based education is the modern-day medium that is widely being used by teachers and their students to exchange information over applications based on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) such as Google Glass. There is still resistance shown by a few universities around the globe when it comes to shifting to the online mode of education. While few have shifted to Google Glass, others are yet to do so. We base this study to explore Google Glass Adoption in the Gulf area. We thought that introducing the teachers and students to all the pros that Google Glass presents on the table might get their attention in considering using it as the medium to exchange information in their respective institutes. This paper presents the structure of a framework depicting the association between TAM and other Influential factors. All in all, this investigation analyzes the incorporation of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) with the major features associated with the method such as instructing and learning facilitator, functionality, and trust and information privacy to improve correspondence among facilitators and students during the learning process. A total of 420 questionnaires were collected from various universities. The data that was gathered through the surveys was employed for the analysis of the research model using the Partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) and machine learning models. The outcome showed that the factor of functionality and trust and privacy goes hand in hand with perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use associated with Google Glass. Both the Factors, Perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use have a significant impact on Google Glass adoption. This implies the significant impact of Perceived ease of use and Trust and privacy on the adoption of Google Glass The study also offers practical implications of outcomes for future research. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.6.002 Keywords: Google Glass, Gulf area, Technology Acceptance Model, PLS-SEM, Machine Learning Models
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Investigating students' behavioral intention to use mobile learning in higher education in UAE during Coronavirus-19 pandemic
, Pages: 321-330 Mohammad Qasem Al-Hamad, Hisham Othman Mbaidin, Ahmad Qasim Mohammad AlHamad, Muhammad Turki Alshurideh, Barween Hikmat Al Kurdi and Nazek Qasim Al-Hamad ![]() |
Abstract: The study explores the impacts of fear emotions on technology adoption by teachers and students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Mobile learning (ML) has been considered an educational, social platform in private and public higher education institutes. Since several fears are connected with COVID-19, this study's key hypotheses are related to how COVID-19 influences Mobile Learning (ML) adoption. Educators, teachers, and students may face some common types of fear in the course of the coronavirus pandemic, such as fear of losing social relationships, fear of educational loss and failure, and fear because of the lockdown of the family in the prevailing circumstances. Different theoretical models, named Expectation-Confirmation Model (ECM) and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), are combined to develop an integrated model for this study. The proposed model was analyzed with the development of a questionnaire survey. The survey served as a data collection instrument to collect data from students of the University of Sharjah in Sharjah city in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Three hundred twenty undergraduate students participated in the study. The collected data was evaluated using the partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The significant predictors revealed by experimental results included perceived fear, perceived ease of use, expectation confirmation, satisfaction, and perceived usefulness, explaining the intention to use the mobile learning platform. According to our study, teaching and learning can be benefitted to a great extent by the adoption of mobile learning (ML) during this pandemic for educational purposes; however, this process may be negatively affected by the fear of future educational results, fear of losing social relations and fear of stressful family situations. Therefore, appropriate student evaluation may be conducted to overcome the emotional distress caused by the pandemic effectively. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.6.001 Keywords: Fear emotions, COVID-19 pandemic, Mobile learning, Technology Acceptance Model, Expectation-Confirmation Model
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Application of theory of planned behavior to study online booking behavior
, Pages: 331-340 Yuli Christina and Ni Nyoman Kerti Yasa ![]() |
Abstract: The development of the internet has influenced the development of the world economy. Various buying and selling transactions that previously could only be done face-to-face, have now developed into transactions via the internet known as e-business or e-commerce. The hotel room online booking system was created to make it easier for consumers to book rooms 24 hours a day. With the availability of the online booking feature, consumers can access hotel information in detail and more transparently, besides that, consumers can also see reviews which can be used as their consideration in choosing hotels and planning holidays. Traveloka's significant development as an Indonesian online travel agent unicorn plays an important role in accelerating the growth rate of the online travel ecosystem, especially for the domestic market. There are many factors that must be examined in finding information, placing orders, and purchasing online. Therefore, this research is focused on online booking behavior. This study aims to determine the influence between variables based on Theory of Planned Behavior, which consists of attitude toward the online booking behavior, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, online booking intention and online booking behavior at Traveloka. Data was collected from 133 respondents of domestic tourists who have made online bookings at Traveloka. Data were analyzed using Partial Least Square (PLS) statistics with the Smart PLS 3.0 M3 program to determine the complexity of the relationship between latent variables and their indicators. The results of this study indicate that attitude toward the behavior and subjective norms have a positive and significant effect on online booking intention. Meanwhile, perceived behavioral control has no significant effect on online booking intention. Another finding is that online booking intention and perceived behavioral control are known to have a positive and significant effect on online booking behavior. Traveloka management and marketers are also expected to be able to use the results of this research to evaluate and take corrective action on aspects that are deemed inadequate and manage the ease of use of the application to increase online booking intentions through the Traveloka application. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.5.010 Keywords: Customer behavior, Post purchase behavior, Online booking, Theory of planned behavior, Online travel agencies
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Volatility Spillovers of Sharia Index during the Covid-19 Pandemic in ASEAN
, Pages: 341-350 Suripto ![]() |
Abstract: This study aims to the rise in global economic integration is due to an expansion in volatility spillovers. Therefore, it is extraordinarily necessary to analyze the volatility spillovers for growing and developed international locations through the use of portfolio funding and danger management. This lookup investigates the Volatility Spillovers of Sharia Index on 6 ASEAN international locations all through the Covid-19 Pandemic the usage of the EGARCH model. Data have been received from 5 international locations with enormous volatility spillovers, particularly Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam, to decide the reciprocal relationship of the inventory index in ASEAN as properly as the route of volatility movements. The result confirmed that this lookup is necessary for ASEAN traders besides for the Philippines. Furthermore, this lookup has sturdy sensible significance due to the fact the correct prediction of the volatility spillovers in worldwide fairness markets is quintessential for decreasing portfolio risk. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.5.009 Keywords: Volatility spillovers, Covid-19, EGARCH, ASEAN
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Analysis of factors influencing consumer’s purchase intention in social commerce: The mediator role of trust
, Pages: 351-360 Necip Karakurt and Pelin Bayram ![]() |
Abstract: It is considered that determining the factors influencing the purchase intentions of customers in the field of social commerce by taking into account the cultural structures specific to each region can give highly valuable feedback to companies in the commercial field where competition has considerably increased. To this end, in the present study, it was aimed to propose and test out a structural model for the factors of social commerce constructs, social influence, habit and trust, which affect the purchase intentions of consumers. The study group of the research consisted of 447 Facebook users who live in North Cyprus. The scale form used as the data collection tool in the study consisted of 6 parts. In the first part of the scale, closed-ended questions were asked to determine the socio-demographic characteristics of the participants. The other parts of the scale consisted of 4 items about social commerce constructs, 4 items about habit, 3 items about social influence, 4 items about trust and 3 items about purchase intention. The reliability coefficients for the scales ranged between 0.79 and 0.92. These results indicated that the reliability coefficients were at the desired level. Socio-demographic variables were summarized using descriptive statistics, frequency and percentage distribution. First, normality test analyses were performed on the scales, and it was concluded that the data showed a normal distribution (kurtosis and skewness values varied between +2 / -2). Following the normality test, the measurement model was tested. Within the framework of a structural model proposed regarding the factors influencing the purchase intention of customers who shop through social commerce, it was concluded that habit, social influence and social commerce constructs had a significant effect on purchase intention. It was also concluded that habit and social commerce constructs significantly influenced purchase intention through trust. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.5.008 Keywords: Social commerce, Purchase intention, Habit, Trust, Social influence
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Digital transformation in the Indonesia manufacturing industry: The effect of e-learning, e-task and leadership style on employee engagement
, Pages: 361-368 Charles Bohlen Purba ![]() |
Abstract: In facing business competition in the manufacturing industry, it continues to adapt. Demands start from employees who are expected to continue to grow and leaders who are also changing. This is aimed at staying in business and also retaining the best employees by planning some changes in how to train and assign employees electronically as well as changing leadership styles to adapt to today's digital era. This study aims to determine the influence of E-learning, e-task and leadership style in the manufacturing industry in Indonesia. The data collection method in this study uses a questionnaire with 130 respondents. in this study using four variables, namely thirteen dimensions and twenty-six indicators. The analytical method used is descriptive analysis, and the test instrument uses SEM AMOS. The results showed that e-learning organization and e-task as well as leadership style had a significant and significant effect on Employee Engagement. the most factor great influence is the leadership style; This means that employees expect to get a new style in accordance with this digital era since there has been a change in the concept of employee engagement, where employees will feel they do not have a sense of engagement with the company if the attitude of the leader who is not sensitive to all aspects of changes in the effects of the digital era is caused by changes in employee behavior in this era where information is very easy to obtain for employees to know the conditions anywhere else that offers an advantage. compared to where they work now. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.5.007 Keywords: E-Learning, E-Task, Leadership Style, Employee Engagement
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Determinants of the use of e-services in the hospitality industry in Kosovo
, Pages: 369-382 Adelina Zeqiri, Mounir Dahmani and Adel Ben Youssef ![]() |
Abstract: The aim of this research is to identify the main determinants of Kosovo outbound tourists influencing the use of e-services in the hospitality industry. To test hypotheses, we used Partial Least Squares Path Modeling (PLS-PM). Findings suggest that the intention of Kosovo outbound tourists to use e-services in the hospitality industry is influenced positively by performance expectancy, facilitating conditions, perceived value, and satisfaction with information quality. We found that expected effort and social influence have no impact on the intention to use e-services. The relationship between users’ behavioral intentions and satisfaction with the information provided and real use behavior is confirmed. The perceived value depends on cost-savings, enjoyment and convenience from the use of e-services in hospitality. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.5.006 Keywords: Hospitality, ICT, Determinants, e-services, Kosovo, Kosovo outbound tourists
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Determinants of customer satisfaction in online grocery shopping
, Pages: 383-390 Imran Ali and Mohammad Naushad ![]() |
Abstract: This study aims to investigate the factors that influence consumer satisfaction with e-grocery shopping. Moreover, it also delves into factors that motivate shoppers to buy groceries from online retailers rather than conventional stores. A primary survey was administered to collect data. Initially, 500 questionnaires were circulated to respondents. People who have ordered groceries from online sites were the expected respondents. In this study, convenience sampling was used, and data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). The findings affirmed the relationship between consumer satisfaction and perceived convenience, risk factors, perceived product quality, and time value. However, perceived value and value for the time have a little significant effect on consumer satisfaction. There have been relatively few academic studies that look at the variables that influence customer satisfaction when shopping for groceries online. Most of the studies look at the variables that influence consumer satisfaction in the life insurance and financial services industries. By analyzing the data from Delhi and the Nation Capital Region (NCR) of Delhi, this research aims to bridge this gap available in the literature. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.5.005 Keywords: Convenience, Value, Risk, Product Quality, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction
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The role of financial technology to increase financial inclusion in Indonesia
, Pages: 391-400 Florentina Kurniasari, Ardi Gunardi, Farica Perdana Putri and Andy Firmansyah ![]() |
Abstract: The growth of digital technologies has changed the way of doing financial transactions. Even though the transaction value for financial technology in 2018 grew by 24%, the financial inclusion rate in Indonesia is still low, with 64% unbanked. The aim of the study was to analyze the factors of the growing digital technology that influence customer decisions in choosing financial technology services using customer knowledge as the intervening variable. The growing digital technology is measured using social networking, regulatory services, and financial service facilities variables. The sample of this research focused on the microsegment customers located in Java Island. Statistical data are analyzed using Algorithm PLS. Results show that customer decision in choosing financial technology services was strongly influenced by customer knowledge. Customer knowledge was formed from information gathered from the social network, the formal assurance by the government, the financial service facilities, and financial inclusivity. The study recommends a need to educate, promote, and provide adequate information to increase familiarity and literacy rate with regard to financial technology. The study also recommends an urgent clear government regulation to protect the interests of customers and industries. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.5.004 Keywords: Financial Inclusivity, Financial Service Facilities, Regulatory Services, Social Networking, Customer Knowledge, Customer Decision
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Ranking DMUs using a novel combination method for integrating the results of relative closeness benevolent and relative closeness aggressive models
, Pages:401-416 Narong Wichapa, Amin Lawong and Manop Donmuen ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, a novel combination method is offered to integrate the results of two new relative closeness models, called relative closeness benevolent (RCB) and relative closeness aggressive (RCA) models, for ranking all DMUs. To prove the applicability of the proposed method, it is examined in three numerical examples, performance assessment problem, six nursing homes and fourteen international passenger airlines. Firstly, RCB and RCA models were formulated in order to generate the cross-efficiency intervals matrix (CEIM). After obtaining CEIM, the RC index was utilized to generate a combined cross-efficiency matrix (combined CEM). In combined CEM, target DMUs were viewed as criteria and DMUs were viewed as alternatives. After that, the weights of each criterion were generated using a new weighting method based on standard deviation technique (MSDT). Finally, all DMUs were evaluated and ranked. Comparison with existing cross-efficiency models indicates the more reliable results through the use of the proposed method. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.5.003 Keywords: Weighting method, Data envelopment analysis, Cross-efficiency evaluation, Relative closeness
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The role of organizational capabilities on e-business successful implementation
, Pages: 417-432 Rima Kabrilyants, Bader Yousef Obeidat, Muhammad Alshurideh and Ra'ed Masa'deh ![]() |
Abstract: This study sought to investigate the role of organizational capabilities on e-business successful implementation. The proposed conceptual framework was tested on a sample of 16 Jordanian companies with an online involvement, and a total of 263 valid returns were obtained in a questionnaire based survey. The results provide quite a strong support for the hypothesized relations: organizational capabilities, namely learning organizational capabilities and IT capabilities have significant impact on e-business implementation success. However, no statistical support was found for the significant impact of the knowledge management capabilities on e-business successful implementation. This study implies that the policy-makers should focus on formulating policies and targeting appropriate organizational capabilities to ensure effective e-business implementation, which will eventually yield positive results for the company as a whole. An organization needs a well-designed IT infrastructure to create and maintain the organizational knowledge deriving from organizational learning capabilities and enabling IT assimilation. In light of these results, the research presented many recommendations for future research and a set of limitations. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.5.002 Keywords: Capabilities, Organizational learning, IT, Knowledge management, e-business
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Self-awareness and social self-supervision in online transportation industry
, Pages: 433-438 Olfebri, Agus Suroso, Refius Pradipta Setyanto and M. Elfan Kaukab ![]() |
Abstract: Online transportation has widely spread across the globe in the past three years. It provokes changes in transportation management. Driver’s quality improvement is crucial to prevent problems related to accidents and driver-passenger relationships. This paper employs regression analysis to identify the effect of driving attitude, self-awareness, and social self-supervision on aberrant driving behavior in online taxi drivers in Indonesia. One hundred Grab and Go-Jek drivers are selected from the DKI Jakarta area. Data are collected via questionnaires. Data analysis, as well as statistical calculation, reveals the negative effects of social self-supervision on aberrant driving behavior. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.5.001 Keywords: Online transportation, Self-awareness, Self-supervision
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How to purchase an order from brick and mortar retailers during COVID-19 pandemic? A rise of crowdshipping
, Pages: 439-450 Giang Thi Thuy Huynh, Nhu Tu Bao Chung and Thanh Tuan Phung ![]() |
Abstract: This paper aims to determine factors that affect consumers’ intention to re-purchase by combining consumers’ attitudes and satisfaction in mobile shopping via sharing economy platforms. The research sample consists of 367 valid participants in the metropolitan area of Ho Chi Minh City who experienced buying products from brick and mortar retailers by using crowdshipping service, using PLS-SEM. The results confirm that Personal Innovativeness significantly affected Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU) and trust. Consumers' attitudes toward buying products via crowdshipping services in sharing economy platforms are determined by PEOU and trust, and their satisfaction of an purchasement is impacted by Check out attributes and Delivery attributes, leading to re-purchase an order via this platform. Brick and mortar retailers need to create a corporation with crowdshipping service platforms to increase sales during COVID-19 pandemic. Besides, shipping quality should be ensured to satisfy consumers which leads to long-term usage. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.4.004 Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic, Crowdshipping, Innovation Diffusion Theory, Sharing Economy, Technology Acceptance Model
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Antecedent behaviour and its implication on the intention to reuse the internet banking and mobile services
, Pages: 451-464 Jeffry Z.C. Nelwan, Ni Nyoman Kerti Yasa, I Putu Gde Sukaatmadja and Ni Wayan Ekawati ![]() |
Abstract: The Covid-19 pandemic has forced people to maintain physical distance during everyday contact, known in popular terms as physical distancing, which triggers the banking industry to accelerate its digital transformation to maximize service to customers. It aims to make business processes to work more efficiently and to drive force that will create various business opportunities. This study aims to explain the main factors that contribute and influence the adoption of internet and mobile banking services, which are antecedents of customer attitudes towards the intention to use these services. This study uses primary data and the unit of analysis is 200 respondents of Bank Bukopin customers who are users of its internet and mobile banking services with a replication of the technology acceptance model (TAM) in the context of internet service adoption and mobile banking. This study uses non-probability sampling with purposive sampling technique, and to analyze the research model, the Partial Least Square (PLS) method is used with the SmartPLS 3.0 M3 program as a tool. The research findings indicate that the intention to reuse is directly affected significantly by perceived ease of use, trustworthiness, and attitude to use. Perceived benefits do not have a significant effect on directly affecting intention to use, but have a positive and significant effect if they get a mediating role from the attitude of using. This study proves the existence of a mediating role for perceived benefits and beliefs on attitudes to use. This study also strengthens the evidence that attitudes have a strong and positive and significant effect on intention to reuse, and are able to fully mediate the effect of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and trust on intention to reuse. Bank Bukopin management and bankers are also expected to use the results of this study to evaluate and take corrective action on aspects that are deemed incapable of encouraging the adoption of their internet and mobile banking services and creating customer loyalty to continually use the services they provide. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.4.003 Keywords: Perceived ease of use, Perceived usefulness, Trust, Attitude to use, Intention to reuse, Technology acceptance model (TAM)
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Exploring the relationship between trust, ease of use after purchase and switching re-purchase intention
, Pages: 465-470 Dede Suleman, Sabil sabil, Sri Rusiyati, Imelda Sari, Susan Rachmawati, Ety Nurhayaty and Rd Bily Parancika ![]() |
Abstract: The research conducted by this researcher intends to analyze the effect of trust and ease of use on purchase decisions and repurchase intention. The data collection method in this study uses a questionnaire with 130 consumers who have purchased at an online store. The analytical method used is descriptive analysis, and the test instrument uses SEM AMOS. in this study using four variables, thirteen dimensions and twenty-six indicators. The results show that trust and ease of use have a significant effect on buying decisions and also have a significant effect on repurchase intention, and purchase decisions have a significant and significant effect on repurchase intention. so it can be said that trust and ease of use are the entry points that make consumers start to move to the next stage, therefore online store marketers need to pay attention. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.4.002 Keywords: Trust, Ease Of use, Purchase Decision, Repurchase intention
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The effect of e-service quality, consumer trust and social media marketing on intention to use online transportation services
, Pages: 471-478 Zakiyah Zahara, Elimawaty Rombe, Ngatimun Ngatimun and Judi Suharsono ![]() |
Abstract: The aim of this study is to analyze the effect of e-service quality, consumer trust and social media marketing on intention to use online transportation services. The method used in this research is quantitative methods, data collection is executed by distributing questionnaires to consumers of Online Transportation Services. The population of this study is the Jabodetabek Online Transportation Services consumers whose numbers have not been identified with certainty. The questionnaire was distributed electronically using a simple random sampling technique. The results of the questionnaire returned were 180 respondents. Based on the results of data analysis, it is concluded that E-Service Quality has a significant effect on Intention to Use Online Transportation Services. Consumer Trust has no effect on Intention to Use Online Transportation Services. Social Media Marketing has a significant effect on Intention to Use Online Transportation Services. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.4.001 Keywords: E-Service Quality, Consumer Trust, Social Media Marketing, Online Transportation Services
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The effect of the presence of e-commerce on consumer purchasing decisions
, Pages: 479-484 Ida Zuniarti, Idah Yuniasih, I Ketut Martana, Eka Dyah Setyaningsih, Isnurrini Hidayat Susilowati, Eigis Yani Pramularso and Dewi Astuti ![]() |
Abstract: In this study, researchers examined how consumer decisions on purchases in e-commerce are particularly influenced by trust, attitudes and the ease of new shopping places. The data collection research was conducted using a questionnaire with 130 consumer respondents who had bought at ecommerce which would later be processed by Amos' Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The study used four variables, thirteen dimensions and twenty-six indicators. The results showed that trust, convenience and attitudes influenced consumer decisions in buying e-commerce. The results also showed that trust had the greatest and most significant influence on consumer decisions to buy in e-commerce. So, it can be said that consumers buy because it is based on a sense of already trusting an e-commerce to make e-commerce crowded and buyers need to pay attention to improving their taste. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.3.005 Keywords: Trust, Easy Of use, Attitude, Decision, E-commerce, TAM
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Online sales system and organization outcome
, Pages: 485-494 Nader Mohammad Aljawarneh, Khalid talal alhindawi, Ahmed Ghazi Mahafzah, Shadi Mohammad Altahaa, Ebtehal Alzboun and Ibrahim Mohammad Harafsheh ![]() |
Abstract: The aim of this study is to identify the link between online sales systems, infrastructure, ease of use & information accuracy in improving Jordanian restaurants’ call centers' performance effectiveness (JRCCPE). In order to achieve the study's objectives, a questionnaire was conducted for measuring the link between online sales systems (OSS), infrastructure, ease of use & information accuracy in improving JRCCPE. The study sample was selected by distributing 220 questionnaires to all employees of Jordanian restaurants’ call centers (JRCC) from the set of employees working in an online sales system where 173 were retrieved. Aiming to answer the study questions and test hypotheses, the researcher extracted the means and standard deviations to apply the multiple regression equation. Accordingly, the study reached many results, showing a statistically significant effect for using the OSS, infrastructure, ease of use & information accuracy in improving JRCCPE. The study suggested that JRCC seeks adding various characteristics of editing, deleting, copying, and setting the time on the basis of text messaging through such networks as well as the need to conduct marketing studies in order to enable companies to achieve the customers' wishes in a method matching their expectations. DOI: 10.5267/j.ijdns.2021.3.004 Keywords: Online sales systems, Infrastructure, Ease of use, Information accuracy
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