S. Hossain, Editorial member
Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of Bristol, UK
Email: S.Hossain@bristol.ac.uk
Tel: +44(0)117 331 5941


Hossain, S., Truman, C.E., & Smith, D.J. (2012). Finite element validation of the deep hole drilling method for measuring residual stresses. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 93-94, 29-41.

Hossain, S., Truman, C.E., & Smith, D.J. (2011). Generation of residual stress and plastic strain in a fracture mechanics specimen to study the formation of creep damage in type 316 stainless steel, Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, Article in Press.

Lewis, S.J., Hossain, S., Smith, D.J., & Truman, C.E. (2011). Hofmann, Determination of remnant residual stresses in fracture toughness specimens extracted from large components, Strain, 47(1), pe333-e343.

Hossain, S., Goudar, D. M., Truman, C. E., & Smith, D. J. (2011). Simulation and Measurement of Residual Stresses in a Type 316H Stainless Steel Offset Repair in a Pipe Girth Weld, Materials Science Forum, 681, 492-497.

Hossain, S., Kingston, E., Truman, C.E., Smith, D. (2011). Finite element validation of the over-coring deep-hole drilling technique, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 70, 291-296.

Goudar, D.M., Kingston, E.J., Smith, M., & Hossain, S. (2011). Measurement of Residual Stresses within a PWR Swaged Heater Tube. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 70, 279-284.

Goudar, D.M., Hossain, S., Truman, C.E., Kingston, E.J., & Smith, D.J. (2011). Uncertainties in Triaxial Residual Stress Measurements. Materials Science Forum, 681, 498-503.

Maleque, M.A., Hossain, M.S., Dyuti, S. (2011). Material Properties and Design Aspects of Folding Bicycle Frame. Advanced Materials Research, 264-265, 777-782.

Maleque, M.A., Rahman, M.M. & Hossain, S. (2011). Conceptual Design of Aluminium Metal Matrix Composite Brake Rotor System. Advanced Materials Research, 264-265, 1648-1653.

Maleque, M.A., Rahman, M.M., Hossain, S. (2011). Reverse engineering of motorcycle chain, Advanced Materials Research, 264-265, 1678-1683.

Robinson, J.S., Hossain, S., Truman, C.E., Paradowska, A.M., Hughes, D.J., Wimpory, R.C., Fox, M.E. (2010). Residual stress in 7449 aluminium alloy forgings, Materials Science and Engineering A, 527(10-11), 2603-2612.

Mahmoudi, A.H., Hossain, S., Truman, C.E., Smith, D.J., & Pavier, M.J. (2009). A New Procedure to Measure Near Yield Residual Stresses Using the Deep Hole Drilling Technique, Experimental Mechanics, 49(4), 595-604.

Lewis, S.L., Hossain, S., Booker, J.D., Truman, C.E., & Stuhr, U. (2009). Measurement of torsionally induced shear stresses in shrink-fit assemblies. Experimental Mechanics, 49(5), 637-651.

Robinson, J.S., Truman, C.E., Hossain, S., & Wimpory, R. (2008). Residual stress and microstructural variations in thick aluminium alloy forgings. Materials Science Forum, 571-572, 45-50.

Hossain, S., Truman, C.E., Smith, D.J., Peng, R.L., & Stuhr, U. (2007). A study of the generation and creep relaxation of triaxial residual stresses in stainless steel. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 44, 3004–3020.

Mahmoudi, A.H., Stefanescu, D., Hossain, S., Truman, C.E., Smith, D.J., & Withers, P.J. (2006). Measurement and prediction of the residual stress field generated by side-punching, Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology. Transactions of the ASME, 128(3), 451-459.

Hossain, S., Truman, C.E., Smith, D.J., Daymond, M.R. (2006). Application of quenching to create highly triaxial residual stresses in type 316H stainless steels. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 48, 235–243.

Hossain, S., Truman, C. E., Smith, D. J., & Bouchard, P. J. (2006). Measurement of Residual Stresses in a Type 316H Stainless Steel Offset Repair in a Pipe Girth Weld, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 128(3), 420-426.

Hossain, S., Truman, C.E., Smith, D.J., & Daymond, M. (2004). Creating highly triaxial residual stresses and relaxation of the stress field due to thermal ageing, Journal of Neutron Research, 12(3), 111-117.

Hossain, S., Daymond, M.R., Truman, C.E., & Smith, D.J. (2004). Prediction and measurement of residual stresses in quenched stainless- steel spheres, Materials Science and Engineering A, 373(1-2), 339-349, 2004.