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Saleh, T., Kanaan, R., Alzubaidi, R., Kanaan, G & Nino, M. (2025). Factors affecting cybersecurity awareness: A qualitative study in Saudi Arabia.Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 13(4), 751-762.
Abu-Alhaija, M. (2020). Cyber security: Between challenges and prospects. ICIC Express Letters Part B: Applications 11(11), cha 1019–1028.
Addae, J. H., Sun, X., Towey, D., & Radenkovic, M. (2019). Exploring user behavioral data for adaptive cybersecurity. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, 29(3), 701–750.
Ahmad, S., Wasim, S., Irfan, S., Gogoi, S., Srivastava, A., & Farheen, Z. (2019). Qualitative v/s. quantitative research—a summarized review. Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine and Healthcare, 6(43), 2828–2832.
Ali, N. (2023). Influence of Data-Driven Digital Marketing Strategies on Organizational Marketing Performance: Mediating Role of IT Infrastructure. In: Yaseen, S.G. (eds) Cutting-Edge Business Technologies in the Big Data Era. SICB 2023. Studies in Big Data, vol 135. Springer, Cham.
Almansoori, A., Al-Emran, M., & Shaalan, K. (2023). Exploring the frontiers of cybersecurity behavior: A systematic review of studies and theories. Applied Sciences, 13(9), 5700.
Alsmadi, D., Maqousi, A., & Abuhussein, T. (2022). Engaging in cybersecurity proactive behavior: Awareness in COVID-19 age. Kybernetes.
Al-Soud, A., Al Dweri, K., & Al Dweri, K. (2024). Exploring the landscape of cyber crimes targeting women: A literature review on cyber security laws. Al-Balqa Journal for Research and Studies, 27(2), 272–290 .
Alzighaibi, A. R. (2021). Cybersecurity attacks on academic data and personal information and the mediating role of education and employment. Journal of Computer and Communications, 9(11), 77–90.
Alzubaidi, A. (2021). Measuring the level of cyber-security awareness for cybercrime in Saudi Arabia. Heliyon, 7(1), e06016.
An, Q., Hong, W. C. H., Xu, X., Zhang, Y., & Kolletar-Zhu, K. (2022). How education level influences internet security knowledge, behaviour, and attitude: A comparison among undergraduates, postgraduates and working graduates. Research Square.
Archibald, M. M., Ambagtsheer, R. C., Casey, M., & Lawless, M. (2019). Using Zoom videoconferencing for qualitative data collection: Perceptions and experiences of researchers and participants. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 18, 160940691987459.
Cai, L., Yuen, K. F., & Wang, X. (2023). Explore public acceptance of autonomous buses: An integrated model of UTAUT, TTF and trust. Travel Behaviour and Society, 31, 120–130.
Castillo-Vergara, M., Alvarez-Marin, A., Pinto, E. C., & Valdez-Juárez, L. E. (2022). Technological acceptance of Industry 4.0 by students from rural areas. Electronics, 11(14).
Chaveesuk, S., Khalid, B., Bsoul-Kopowska, M., Rostańska, E., & Chaiyasoonthorn, W. (2022). Comparative analysis of variables that influence behavioral intention to use MOOCs. PLOS ONE, 17(4), e0262037.
Dwivedi, Y. K., Rana, N. P., Jeyaraj, A., Clement, M., & Williams, M. D. (2017). Re-examining the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT): Towards a revised theoretical model. Information Systems Frontiers, 21(3), 719–734.
Eneizan, B., Mohammed, A. G., Alnoor, A., Alabboodi, A. S., & Enaizan, O. (2019). Customer acceptance of mobile marketing in Jordan: An extended UTAUT2 model with trust and risk factors. International Journal of Engineering Business Management, 11.
Eyisi, D. (2016). The usefulness of qualitative and quantitative approaches and methods in researching problem-solving ability in science education curriculum. Journal of Education and Practice, 7(15), 91–100. (EJ1103224). ERIC.
Fidler, C. S., Kanaan, R. K., & Rogerson, S. (2011). Barriers to e-Government Implementation in Jordan: The Role of Wasta. International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction (IJTHI), 7(2), 9-20.
Guest, G., Namey, E., & McKenna, K. (2016). How many focus groups are enough? Building an evidence base for nonprobability sample sizes. Field Methods, 29(1), 3–22.
Hanna, M. (2020). Exploring cybersecurity awareness and training strategies to protect information systems and data [Doctoral dissertation, Walden University]. Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies Collection.
Hooda, A., Gupta, P., Jeyaraj, A., Giannakis, M., & Dwivedi, Y. K. (2022). The effects of trust on behavioral intention and use behavior within e-government contexts. International Journal of Information Management, 67, 102553.
Jamil, H. (2022). Factors affecting users cybersecurity practices: A study of Australian microbusinesses [Doctoral dissertation, Charles Sturt University]. Charles Sturt University Research Output.
Juozapavičius, A., Brilingaitė, A., Bukauskas, L., & Lugo, R. G. (2022). Age and gender impact on password hygiene. Applied Sciences, 12(2), 894.
Kannelønning, K., & Katsikas, S. K. (2023). A systematic literature review of how cybersecurity-related behavior has been assessed. Information & Computer Security.
Kotliar, D. M., & Carmi, E. (2023). Keeping Pegasus on the wing: Legitimizing cyber espionage. Information, Communication & Society.
Krueger, R., & Casey, M. A. (2015). Focus groups: A practical guide for applied research (5th ed.). SAGE.
Lee, C. C., Ruane, S., Lim, H. S., Zhang, R., & Shin, H. (2021). Exploring the behavioral intention to use collaborative commerce: A case of Uber. Journal of International Technology and Information Management, 30(5), 97–119.
Li, Y., & Siponen, M. T. (2011). A call for research on home users’ information security behaviour. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, 112.
Morgan, D. L., & Hoffman, K. (2018). Focus groups. In U. Flick (Ed.), The SAGE handbook of qualitative data collection (pp. 250–263). SAGE.
Mou, J., Cohen, J. B., Bhattacherjee, A., & Kim, J. (2022). A test of protection motivation theory in the information security literature: A meta-analytic structural equation modeling approach in search advertising. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 23(1), 196–236.
Ng, K. C., Zhang, X., Thong, J. Y., & Tam, K. Y. (2021). Protecting against threats to information security: An attitudinal ambivalence perspective. Journal of Management Information Systems, 38(3), 732–764.
Nguyen, T. N. M., Whitehead, L., Dermody, G., & Saunders, R. (2021). The use of theory in qualitative research: Challenges, development of a framework and exemplar. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 78(1).
Nowell, L. S., Norris, J. M., White, D. E., & Moules, N. J. (2017). Thematic analysis: Striving to meet the trustworthiness criteria. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 16(1), 1–13.
QSR International. (2022). Best transcription software for audio & video for research | NVivo.
Quayyum, F., Cruzes, D. S., & Jaccheri, L. (2021). Cybersecurity awareness for children: A systematic literature review. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, 30, 100343.
Saldana, J. (2013). The coding manual for qualitative researchers (2nd ed.). SAGE.
Singh, S., Sahni, M. M., & Kovid, R. K. (2020). What drives FinTech adoption? A multi-method evaluation using an adapted technology acceptance model. Management Decision, 58(8), 1675–1697.
Sulaiman, N. S., Fauzi, M. A., Wider, W., Rajadurai, J., Hussain, S., & Harun, S. A. (2022). Cyber–Information security compliance and violation behaviour in organisations: A systematic review. Social Sciences, 11(9), 386.
Veale, M., & Brown, I. (2020). Cybersecurity. Internet Policy Review, 9(4).
Westcott, R., Ronan, K., Bambrick, H., & Taylor, M. (2017). Expanding protection motivation theory: Investigating an application to animal owners and emergency responders in bushfire emergencies. BMC Psychology, 5(13), 1–14.
Williams, M., & Moser, T. (2019). The art of coding and thematic exploration in qualitative research. International Management Review, 15(1), 45–55.
Yaseen, S.G. & El Qirem, I.A. (2018). Intention to use e-banking services in the Jordanian commercial banks. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 36(3), 557-571.
Addae, J. H., Sun, X., Towey, D., & Radenkovic, M. (2019). Exploring user behavioral data for adaptive cybersecurity. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction, 29(3), 701–750.
Ahmad, S., Wasim, S., Irfan, S., Gogoi, S., Srivastava, A., & Farheen, Z. (2019). Qualitative v/s. quantitative research—a summarized review. Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine and Healthcare, 6(43), 2828–2832.
Ali, N. (2023). Influence of Data-Driven Digital Marketing Strategies on Organizational Marketing Performance: Mediating Role of IT Infrastructure. In: Yaseen, S.G. (eds) Cutting-Edge Business Technologies in the Big Data Era. SICB 2023. Studies in Big Data, vol 135. Springer, Cham.
Almansoori, A., Al-Emran, M., & Shaalan, K. (2023). Exploring the frontiers of cybersecurity behavior: A systematic review of studies and theories. Applied Sciences, 13(9), 5700.
Alsmadi, D., Maqousi, A., & Abuhussein, T. (2022). Engaging in cybersecurity proactive behavior: Awareness in COVID-19 age. Kybernetes.
Al-Soud, A., Al Dweri, K., & Al Dweri, K. (2024). Exploring the landscape of cyber crimes targeting women: A literature review on cyber security laws. Al-Balqa Journal for Research and Studies, 27(2), 272–290 .
Alzighaibi, A. R. (2021). Cybersecurity attacks on academic data and personal information and the mediating role of education and employment. Journal of Computer and Communications, 9(11), 77–90.
Alzubaidi, A. (2021). Measuring the level of cyber-security awareness for cybercrime in Saudi Arabia. Heliyon, 7(1), e06016.
An, Q., Hong, W. C. H., Xu, X., Zhang, Y., & Kolletar-Zhu, K. (2022). How education level influences internet security knowledge, behaviour, and attitude: A comparison among undergraduates, postgraduates and working graduates. Research Square.
Archibald, M. M., Ambagtsheer, R. C., Casey, M., & Lawless, M. (2019). Using Zoom videoconferencing for qualitative data collection: Perceptions and experiences of researchers and participants. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 18, 160940691987459.
Cai, L., Yuen, K. F., & Wang, X. (2023). Explore public acceptance of autonomous buses: An integrated model of UTAUT, TTF and trust. Travel Behaviour and Society, 31, 120–130.
Castillo-Vergara, M., Alvarez-Marin, A., Pinto, E. C., & Valdez-Juárez, L. E. (2022). Technological acceptance of Industry 4.0 by students from rural areas. Electronics, 11(14).
Chaveesuk, S., Khalid, B., Bsoul-Kopowska, M., Rostańska, E., & Chaiyasoonthorn, W. (2022). Comparative analysis of variables that influence behavioral intention to use MOOCs. PLOS ONE, 17(4), e0262037.
Dwivedi, Y. K., Rana, N. P., Jeyaraj, A., Clement, M., & Williams, M. D. (2017). Re-examining the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT): Towards a revised theoretical model. Information Systems Frontiers, 21(3), 719–734.
Eneizan, B., Mohammed, A. G., Alnoor, A., Alabboodi, A. S., & Enaizan, O. (2019). Customer acceptance of mobile marketing in Jordan: An extended UTAUT2 model with trust and risk factors. International Journal of Engineering Business Management, 11.
Eyisi, D. (2016). The usefulness of qualitative and quantitative approaches and methods in researching problem-solving ability in science education curriculum. Journal of Education and Practice, 7(15), 91–100. (EJ1103224). ERIC.
Fidler, C. S., Kanaan, R. K., & Rogerson, S. (2011). Barriers to e-Government Implementation in Jordan: The Role of Wasta. International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction (IJTHI), 7(2), 9-20.
Guest, G., Namey, E., & McKenna, K. (2016). How many focus groups are enough? Building an evidence base for nonprobability sample sizes. Field Methods, 29(1), 3–22.
Hanna, M. (2020). Exploring cybersecurity awareness and training strategies to protect information systems and data [Doctoral dissertation, Walden University]. Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies Collection.
Hooda, A., Gupta, P., Jeyaraj, A., Giannakis, M., & Dwivedi, Y. K. (2022). The effects of trust on behavioral intention and use behavior within e-government contexts. International Journal of Information Management, 67, 102553.
Jamil, H. (2022). Factors affecting users cybersecurity practices: A study of Australian microbusinesses [Doctoral dissertation, Charles Sturt University]. Charles Sturt University Research Output.
Juozapavičius, A., Brilingaitė, A., Bukauskas, L., & Lugo, R. G. (2022). Age and gender impact on password hygiene. Applied Sciences, 12(2), 894.
Kannelønning, K., & Katsikas, S. K. (2023). A systematic literature review of how cybersecurity-related behavior has been assessed. Information & Computer Security.
Kotliar, D. M., & Carmi, E. (2023). Keeping Pegasus on the wing: Legitimizing cyber espionage. Information, Communication & Society.
Krueger, R., & Casey, M. A. (2015). Focus groups: A practical guide for applied research (5th ed.). SAGE.
Lee, C. C., Ruane, S., Lim, H. S., Zhang, R., & Shin, H. (2021). Exploring the behavioral intention to use collaborative commerce: A case of Uber. Journal of International Technology and Information Management, 30(5), 97–119.
Li, Y., & Siponen, M. T. (2011). A call for research on home users’ information security behaviour. Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, 112.
Morgan, D. L., & Hoffman, K. (2018). Focus groups. In U. Flick (Ed.), The SAGE handbook of qualitative data collection (pp. 250–263). SAGE.
Mou, J., Cohen, J. B., Bhattacherjee, A., & Kim, J. (2022). A test of protection motivation theory in the information security literature: A meta-analytic structural equation modeling approach in search advertising. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 23(1), 196–236.
Ng, K. C., Zhang, X., Thong, J. Y., & Tam, K. Y. (2021). Protecting against threats to information security: An attitudinal ambivalence perspective. Journal of Management Information Systems, 38(3), 732–764.
Nguyen, T. N. M., Whitehead, L., Dermody, G., & Saunders, R. (2021). The use of theory in qualitative research: Challenges, development of a framework and exemplar. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 78(1).
Nowell, L. S., Norris, J. M., White, D. E., & Moules, N. J. (2017). Thematic analysis: Striving to meet the trustworthiness criteria. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 16(1), 1–13.
QSR International. (2022). Best transcription software for audio & video for research | NVivo.
Quayyum, F., Cruzes, D. S., & Jaccheri, L. (2021). Cybersecurity awareness for children: A systematic literature review. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction, 30, 100343.
Saldana, J. (2013). The coding manual for qualitative researchers (2nd ed.). SAGE.
Singh, S., Sahni, M. M., & Kovid, R. K. (2020). What drives FinTech adoption? A multi-method evaluation using an adapted technology acceptance model. Management Decision, 58(8), 1675–1697.
Sulaiman, N. S., Fauzi, M. A., Wider, W., Rajadurai, J., Hussain, S., & Harun, S. A. (2022). Cyber–Information security compliance and violation behaviour in organisations: A systematic review. Social Sciences, 11(9), 386.
Veale, M., & Brown, I. (2020). Cybersecurity. Internet Policy Review, 9(4).
Westcott, R., Ronan, K., Bambrick, H., & Taylor, M. (2017). Expanding protection motivation theory: Investigating an application to animal owners and emergency responders in bushfire emergencies. BMC Psychology, 5(13), 1–14.
Williams, M., & Moser, T. (2019). The art of coding and thematic exploration in qualitative research. International Management Review, 15(1), 45–55.
Yaseen, S.G. & El Qirem, I.A. (2018). Intention to use e-banking services in the Jordanian commercial banks. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 36(3), 557-571.