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Saewanee, C., Napalai, J & Jaroenwanit, P. (2024). Factors affecting customer retention of e-marketplace industries through Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) model and mediating effect.Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 12(3), 1537-1548.
Aaker, D.A. (1996). Measuring brand equity across products and markets. California Management Review, 38(3), 102-120.
Abdullah, O., Sufi, T., & Kumar, S. (2023). Impact of Food and Beverage Quality and Service Quality Towards Customer Satisfaction and Customer Retention, A Study of Five-Star Hotels. International Journal of Professional Business Review: Int. J. Prof. Bus. Rev., 8(5), 98.
Abror, A., Patrisia, D., Engriani, Y., Evanita, S., Yasri, Y., & Dastgir, S. (2020). Service quality, religiosity, customer satisfaction, customer engagement and Islamic bank’s customer loyalty. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 11(6), 1691-1705.
Adhikari, K., & Panda, R. K. (2019). The role of consumer-brand engagement towards driving brand loyalty: Mediating effect of relationship quality. Journal of Modelling in Management, 14(4), 987-1005.
Aityassine, F. (2022). Customer satisfaction, customer delight, customer retention and customer loyalty: Borderlines and insights. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 10(3), 895-904.
Alam, M.M.D. and Noor, N.A.M. (2020). The relationship between service quality, corporate image, and customer loyalty of Generation Y: An application of SOR paradigm in the context of superstores in Bangladesh. Sage Open, 10(2), 2158244020924405.
Al-Gharaibah, O. (2020). Customer retention in five-star hotels in Jordan: The mediating role of hotel perceived value. Management Science Letters, 10(16), 3949-3956.
Ali, F., Terrah, A., Wu, C., Ali, L., & Wu, H. (2021). Antecedents and consequences of user engagement in smartphone travel apps. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 12(2), 355-371.
Aljuhmani, H. Y., Elrehail, H., Bayram, P., & Samarah, T. (2023). Linking social media marketing efforts with customer brand engagement in driving brand loyalty. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 35(7), 1719-1738.
Al-Tit, A. A. (2015). The effect of service and food quality on customer satisfaction and hence customer retention. Asian social science, 11(23), 129.
Anderson, E.W., & Sullivan, M.W. (1990). Customer satisfaction and retention across firms”, Presentation at TIME College of Marketing Special Interest Conference on Service Marketing, Nashville, TN, September.
Ang, L., & Buttle, F. (2006). Customer retention management processes: a quantitative study. European Journal of Marketing, 40(1/2), 83-99.
Aspinall, E., Nancarrow, C., & Stone, M. (2001). The meaning and measurement of customer retention. Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, 10(1), 79-87.
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Bitner, M.J. (1992). Service scapes: the impact of physical surroundings on customers and employees. Journal of Marketing, 56(2), 57-71.
Brodie, R. J., Hollebeek, L. D., Jurić, B., & Ilić, A. (2011). Customer engagement: Conceptual domain, fundamental propositions, and implications for research. Journal of service research, 14(3), 252-271.
Brodie, R. J., Ilic, A., Juric, B., & Hollebeek, L. (2013). Consumer engagement in a virtual brand community: An exploratory analysis. Journal of business research, 66(1), 105-114.
Buttle, F. (2004). Customer Relationship Management: Concepts and Tools. Elsevier, Oxford University Press.
Cachero-Martínez, S., & Vázquez-Casielles, R. (2017). Living positive experiences in store: how it influences shopping experience value and satisfaction?. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 18(3), 537-55.
Cambra-Fierro, J., Gao, L. X., Melero-Polo, I., & Trifu, A. (2021). How do firms handle variability in customer experience? A dynamic approach to better understanding customer retention. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 61, 102578.
Celyn, J., & Hasan, G. (2023). Pengaruh Brand Experience, Perceived Value, Brand Personality, Brand Image, Product Quality Dan Service Quality Terhadap Brand Loyalty Dengan Brand Trust Sebagai Variabel Mediasi Pada Pengguna Brand Handphone Di Kota Batam. SEIKO: Journal of Management & Business, 6(1), 168-177.
Chakraborty, U. (2019). The impact of source credible online reviews on purchase intention: The mediating roles of brand equity dimensions. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 13(2), 142-161.
Chang, C. W., & Zhang, J. Z. (2016). The effects of channel experiences and direct marketing on customer retention in multichannel settings. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 36(1), 77-90.
Chen, K. H., Huang, L., & Ye, Y. (2023). Research on the relationship between wellness tourism experience escape and revisit intention: A chain mediation model. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 35(3), 893-918.
Chen, Y. S. (2013). Towards green loyalty: driving from green perceived value, green satisfaction, and green trust. Sustainable Development, 21(5), 294-308.
Choi, H., & Kandampully, J. (2019). The effect of atmosphere on customer engagement in upscale hotels: An application of SOR paradigm. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 77, 40-50.
Coelho, A., Bairrada, C., & Peres, F. (2019). Brand communities’ relational outcomes, through brand love. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 28(2), 154-165
Coviello, N., Milley, R., & Marcolin, B. (2001). Understanding IT-enabled interactivity in contemporary marketing. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 15(4), 18-33.
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Djohan, S. A., Handhana, D., Castafiore, V. B., & Hendriana, E. (2022). Can gamification stimulate customers to repurchase in the E-Marketplace? The mediation effect of customer experience and engagement. Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal), 5(1), 4781-4796.
Dubé, L., & Renaghan, L. M. (2000). Creating visible customer value: How customers view best-practice champions. Cornell hotel and restaurant administration quarterly, 41(1), 62-72.
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Elgarhy, S. D. (2022). Effects of service quality, loyalty programs, pricing strategies, and customer engagement on firms’ performance in Egyptian travel agencies: Mediating effects of customer retention. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 1-29.
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Hsu, F.C., Agyeiwaah, E., Lynn, I., and Chen, L. (2021). Examining food festival attendees’ existential authenticity and experiential value on affective factors and loyalty: An application of stimulus-organism-response paradigm. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 48, 264-274.
Ilijevski, L. (2016). The Effects of Hotel Website Stimuli on Customer's Cognition, Emotion and Intention: Based on Extended SOR Model. In Sinteza 2016-International Scientific Conference on ICT and E-Business Related Research (pp. 492-496). [n.p.]: Singidunum University.
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Abror, A., Patrisia, D., Engriani, Y., Evanita, S., Yasri, Y., & Dastgir, S. (2020). Service quality, religiosity, customer satisfaction, customer engagement and Islamic bank’s customer loyalty. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 11(6), 1691-1705.
Adhikari, K., & Panda, R. K. (2019). The role of consumer-brand engagement towards driving brand loyalty: Mediating effect of relationship quality. Journal of Modelling in Management, 14(4), 987-1005.
Aityassine, F. (2022). Customer satisfaction, customer delight, customer retention and customer loyalty: Borderlines and insights. Uncertain Supply Chain Management, 10(3), 895-904.
Alam, M.M.D. and Noor, N.A.M. (2020). The relationship between service quality, corporate image, and customer loyalty of Generation Y: An application of SOR paradigm in the context of superstores in Bangladesh. Sage Open, 10(2), 2158244020924405.
Al-Gharaibah, O. (2020). Customer retention in five-star hotels in Jordan: The mediating role of hotel perceived value. Management Science Letters, 10(16), 3949-3956.
Ali, F., Terrah, A., Wu, C., Ali, L., & Wu, H. (2021). Antecedents and consequences of user engagement in smartphone travel apps. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 12(2), 355-371.
Aljuhmani, H. Y., Elrehail, H., Bayram, P., & Samarah, T. (2023). Linking social media marketing efforts with customer brand engagement in driving brand loyalty. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 35(7), 1719-1738.
Al-Tit, A. A. (2015). The effect of service and food quality on customer satisfaction and hence customer retention. Asian social science, 11(23), 129.
Anderson, E.W., & Sullivan, M.W. (1990). Customer satisfaction and retention across firms”, Presentation at TIME College of Marketing Special Interest Conference on Service Marketing, Nashville, TN, September.
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Brodie, R. J., Ilic, A., Juric, B., & Hollebeek, L. (2013). Consumer engagement in a virtual brand community: An exploratory analysis. Journal of business research, 66(1), 105-114.
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Cachero-Martínez, S., & Vázquez-Casielles, R. (2017). Living positive experiences in store: how it influences shopping experience value and satisfaction?. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 18(3), 537-55.
Cambra-Fierro, J., Gao, L. X., Melero-Polo, I., & Trifu, A. (2021). How do firms handle variability in customer experience? A dynamic approach to better understanding customer retention. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 61, 102578.
Celyn, J., & Hasan, G. (2023). Pengaruh Brand Experience, Perceived Value, Brand Personality, Brand Image, Product Quality Dan Service Quality Terhadap Brand Loyalty Dengan Brand Trust Sebagai Variabel Mediasi Pada Pengguna Brand Handphone Di Kota Batam. SEIKO: Journal of Management & Business, 6(1), 168-177.
Chakraborty, U. (2019). The impact of source credible online reviews on purchase intention: The mediating roles of brand equity dimensions. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 13(2), 142-161.
Chang, C. W., & Zhang, J. Z. (2016). The effects of channel experiences and direct marketing on customer retention in multichannel settings. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 36(1), 77-90.
Chen, K. H., Huang, L., & Ye, Y. (2023). Research on the relationship between wellness tourism experience escape and revisit intention: A chain mediation model. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 35(3), 893-918.
Chen, Y. S. (2013). Towards green loyalty: driving from green perceived value, green satisfaction, and green trust. Sustainable Development, 21(5), 294-308.
Choi, H., & Kandampully, J. (2019). The effect of atmosphere on customer engagement in upscale hotels: An application of SOR paradigm. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 77, 40-50.
Coelho, A., Bairrada, C., & Peres, F. (2019). Brand communities’ relational outcomes, through brand love. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 28(2), 154-165
Coviello, N., Milley, R., & Marcolin, B. (2001). Understanding IT-enabled interactivity in contemporary marketing. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 15(4), 18-33.
Danesh, S. N., Nasab, S. A., & Ling, K. C. (2012). The study of customer satisfaction, customer trust and switching barriers on customer retention in Malaysia hypermarkets. International Journal of business and Management, 7(7), 141-150.
Das, K., Tamhane, T., Vatterott, B., Wibowo, P., & Wintels, S. (2018). The Digital Archipelago: How Online Commerce is Driving Indonesia’s Economic Development. McKinsey & Company, August, 1–72.
Day, E. (2002). The role of value in consumer satisfaction. Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, 15, 22-32.
Dessart, L., Veloutsou, C., & Morgan-Thomas, A. (2015). Consumer engagement in online brand communities: a social media perspective. Journal of Product & Brand Management, 24(1), 28-42.
Djohan, S. A., Handhana, D., Castafiore, V. B., & Hendriana, E. (2022). Can gamification stimulate customers to repurchase in the E-Marketplace? The mediation effect of customer experience and engagement. Budapest International Research and Critics Institute-Journal (BIRCI-Journal), 5(1), 4781-4796.
Dubé, L., & Renaghan, L. M. (2000). Creating visible customer value: How customers view best-practice champions. Cornell hotel and restaurant administration quarterly, 41(1), 62-72.
Edward, M., & Sahadev, S. (2011). Role of switching costs in the service quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction and customer retention linkage. Asia pacific journal of marketing and logistics, 23(3), 327-345.
Eid, R. (2015). Integrating Muslim customer perceived value, satisfaction, loyalty and retention in the tourism industry: An empirical study. International journal of tourism research, 17(3), 249-260.
Elgarhy, S. D. (2022). Effects of service quality, loyalty programs, pricing strategies, and customer engagement on firms’ performance in Egyptian travel agencies: Mediating effects of customer retention. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism, 1-29.
Fournier, S. (1998). Consumers and their brands: Developing relationship theory in consumer research. Journal of consumer research, 24(4), 343-373.
Hanaysha, J. R. (2018). Customer retention and the mediating role of perceived value in retail industry. World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 14(1), 2-24.
Hansen, H., Samuelsen, B. M., & Silseth, P. R. (2008). Customer perceived value in BtB service relationships: Investigating the importance of corporate reputation. Industrial Marketing Management, 37(2), 206-217.
Harmeling, C. M., Moffett, J. W., Arnold, M. J., & Carlson, B. D. (2017). Toward a theory of customer engagement marketing. Journal of the Academy of marketing science, 45, 312-335.
Hollebeek, L. (2011). Exploring customer brand engagement: definition and themes. Journal of strategic Marketing, 19(7), 555-573.
Hollebeek, L. D., Glynn, M. S., & Brodie, R. J. (2014). Consumer brand engagement in social media: Conceptualization, scale development and validation. Journal of interactive marketing, 28(2), 149-165.
Hsu, F.C., Agyeiwaah, E., Lynn, I., and Chen, L. (2021). Examining food festival attendees’ existential authenticity and experiential value on affective factors and loyalty: An application of stimulus-organism-response paradigm. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 48, 264-274.
Ilijevski, L. (2016). The Effects of Hotel Website Stimuli on Customer's Cognition, Emotion and Intention: Based on Extended SOR Model. In Sinteza 2016-International Scientific Conference on ICT and E-Business Related Research (pp. 492-496). [n.p.]: Singidunum University.
Islam, J. U., & Rahman, Z. (2016). The transpiring journey of customer engagement research in marketing: A systematic review of the past decade. Management Decision, 54(8), 2008-2034.
Itani, O. S., Kassar, A. N., & Loureiro, S. M. C. (2019). Value get, value give: The relationships among perceived value, relationship quality, customer engagement, and value consciousness. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 80, 78-90.
Jacoby, J. (2002). Stimulus-organism-response reconsidered: an evolutionary step in modeling (consumer) behavior. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 12(1), 51-57.
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